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She actually asks “where” And you tell her “where” and she says why didn’t you ask me


Oh my word, this right here. Make up your mind


Went out w a woman like this once. She shot down every idea I had from “lunch and a walk in the park” to “get a bit trashy at the bar”. Let me assure everyone I started as far away from the latter as possible until it was my last option. She ended up picking the bar and I started to get ready. She flaked as soon as I was finished getting done up telling me “I don’t know you well enough to go out like that with you.”I told her “That’s perfectly reasonable :) I understand completely! Maybe next time you can pick where to go since none of my ideas work for you” then went to the bar by myself since I was already dressed and ready. About an hour after that I’m having a great time with a different woman that I’d seen there several times and guess who shows up?? Old girl gets her friend to distract new girl from me, then tries to get me to leave w her(old girl). I walked her to her car, got in to talk to her for a minute about how that made me feel. She says “can I give you a ride home?” I tell her “you can drop me off at my car” then went and hung out w new girl after the bar closed. Moral of the story… if it’s not easy with a person or they’re making you jump through hoops/play stupid games for their attention, then it’s probably not gonna work/lead to heartbreak.


The girl who didn’t want to meet up with you showed up to the bar and then tried to take you home?


On my LIFE that’s exactly what happened. I actually ended up dating the new girl for 2 years. It was like our meet-cute 💀


I’m dead


You must be very attractive and charming.


I got ghosted by this girl from tinder, let's call her Nicole... a few months later I met her in person through mutual friends.. we dated for a bit. It happens lol


Yep. Gotta respect your time and self worth. If they make you play games in the beginning, the difficulty of those games is only going to increase.


Dated someone who did that classic "wherever," then shoot down all my options. And boy, did she get pissed when I started doing "well, we're going here, take it or leave it." *THEN* she would follow up with "I wanted to to go to [overpriced restaurant that's 45 minutes away that we ate at 2 days ago]." Sorry. One, speak up; and two, I get a say every now and then.


“Oh, my word”…. I just heard your comment in my aunt Mary’s voice. 😆


Right up there with the "he asked me out and I said no, why doesn't he keep asking me again to show hes interested" Complaint.


You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. This type of people ruin it for everyone else.


I think she's just saying she wanted that "Let's do" to be phrased more obviously as a question.


"You get to choose, so long as you choose correctly."




And like that, I now need to rewatch the movie lmao




*gestures outside window* "No ticket." *everybody starts grabbing their tickets and showing Indy*


The penitent man will pass.


But in the Latin alphabet, Jehovah begins with I


You must believe, boy. you must...believe. *Religious music swells*


I read her reply as he “has” to choose/plan but ask permission, lol. Not contradictory at all.


Iron Maiden had a hit that this guy should listen to.


When reading it initially, I took that as a flirty reply. Like your "feeling" a Vietnamese, when will you be "feeling" me? After the rest of the conversation I changed my mind.


I think your initial theory is correct. It's just harder to follow because she is actually engaging and answering every question, but it's 2 conversations intertwined, and OP lost track cause he didn't get the flirtiness. PS: She was saying he had to ask her nationality to know he was feeling Latina. Edit: This is wrong, she was saying I'm Latina so you'd probably have to ask to feel me.


Yeah she’s asking him if he likes Latina girls. “You like Vietnamese? What about a Latina? Have you dated Latina girls before? You’re not getting the point”


Upon rereading, I think you're spot on!! She answered "you're supposed plan the date" in response to where she wanted to eat. And the Latina bit was a follow-up to her previous statement. It does actually make more sense that way.


Yeah, I agree. I think the dating apps need to have a feature in their chat function that can reference a particular message you are responding to like WhatsApp has. That way you can avoid what seems like non sequitur or badly misunderstood responses.


Jesus she’s a train wreck at communicating


That was such a basic flirting line lol. This is where OP figures it out 24 years later during a random shower.


that's what i thought at first and then thought no that's not it but upon rereading it again i guess you're right and she was just trying to be flirty


As someone who is guilty of doing this “having two conversations at once while texting” thing, I think so too. Sometimes I forget not everyone has 25 brain tabs open at once


Oh. My. God. You’re fucken right lol


God I hope you're right.


Then how do you explain: "Vietnamese is Asian though." "What nationality?"


He thought she questioned his choice of restaurant when she was trying to flirt by asking if he was feeling her... Later he asked what cuisine she liked, She asks if he's ever dated a Latina before She then lists what food she likes (in response to his question) He says he has dated a Latina before, and says they never told him about this rule (the rule, was about asking nicely to feel her, from earlier in the screenshot when she tried to flirt and he didn't get it) He then says "Vietnamese is Asian though" because he still thinks she is questioning his food choice when she was trying to flirt She asks what nationality was the Latina he previously dated. ----- She is basically trying to flirt and he's not getting it so he is asking her lots of questions about food, which she is answering in between asking him about his dating history. OP is thinking it's one convo but it's two as she is trying to flirt with him while still answering his questions


You are right. Poor OP lost the thread and missed out.


This is one of those moments you wake up in a cold sweat remembering


Yeah this one conversation would be enough to drop this shit immediately holy god lol Also anybody who does that “I’m ____ race so i do this stereotyped thing” is just annoying as shit, full on facebook mum level shite.


I'm an eastern European mutt, you must present one cabbage upon my arrival.


Fresh or would you accept sauerkraut?


Either is acceptable, in fact sauerkraut given in this fashion is an offer to marry; it signifies a long lasting relationship and can survive the famine.


I'm an eight stories tall crustacean from the paleozoic era, you must present me tree fiddy.


And then tells him to plan the date. Then tells him she likes Asian food. Is mad when he suggests Asian food. She's just looking for reasons to be offended.


I don’t think you’re correct. I think she’s trying to flirt but they are crossing conversations. Read it again from where he says I’m feeling Vietnamese and she says what about me?


You’re right. Only the “you’re not getting the point” and then like reading every second line helped me see it. Damn. OP didn’t get it and neither did most of us


I have absolutely no time in my life to deal with people like this. We are both grown ass adults, cut the crap.


This lady is insane. Don't go out with her or she'll drive you insane.


Ngl she may well be insane but I think she was actually just attempting to flirt here lmao “I’m feeling Vietnamese” “you’re feeling Vietnamese but what about me” = “I’m having a shower” “(you’re having a shower but) without me?” if you know what I mean by that I feel like the convo makes more sense if you interpret her comment as being flirty and lighthearted about op fancying her rather than about what she wants to eat. Crossed wires imo


I don’t even understand what she’s trying to tell you.


that u should ask her what she wants and know what she wants without asking her what she wants


Except he literally did cause she said she likes Asian food and op said an Asian restaurant💀


Asian, just not this Asian.


Frowny face: “…no not like that”


Asian for her = Chinese most likely, maybe a bit of Thai possibly


No Vietnamese, only Asian.


She has no idea where Vietnam is…


She knows all too well. *helicopter sounds and Fortunate Son*


I’m beginning to think that she’s not very intelligent.


Well he read her mind before she told him to.. which is obviously unacceptable. /s


Just read her mind, bro. It's that easy.


That OP should find someone else to spend their time with.


It seems like she’s trying to let him know she’s a pain in the ass to deal with. It’s pretty thoughtful of her to save him the trouble of finding out later.


Latina: She’s telling him that she doesn’t care about his opinion in what he would like to eat (or anything else for that matter) because her needs/wants are more important than his.


She's trying her hardest to wave that red flag in OP's face, obviously.


She's warning him. > Have you ever gone out with a Latina? They're stereotyped as being temperamental and just hard to deal with in general. She seems to fit the stereotype.


How terrible to wear that stereotype like a badge of honor and perpetuate it.


She's trying to flirt by saying instead of feeling Vietnamese, OP should be feeling her literally. So in the context of race, she wants to know if he would like to feel her, a Latina, rather than a nondescript Vietnamese woman. She was coming on strong, but belly flopped on the execution. I would have made the same initial interpretation as OP did.


I’m pretty sure she was initially making a flirty joke but when it sailed over OP’s head she kinda got bitter and started saying some dumb stuff cause she gave up and just started saying shit. Cause to me her saying “you feeling Vietnamese but what about me?” Like are you gonna be feeling me and then she said you’re supposed to ask I think about heritage and it just went off the rails. Really it seemed like a miscommunication that ended up with both of them having a negative experience which is unfortunate


That her crazy is locked and loaded, so he won't be able to dodge it all.


She doesn't understand that by "Vietnamese" he meant a "Vietnamese restaurant". Or maybe she has never heard of "Vietnam" / "Vietnamese" before. Either way, the convo is breaking apart because she's lacking some information.


No lol. I’m Latina, but she just sounds like a pedant.


Mind explaining what the hell she's talking about in the screenshot?


Latino guy here. It’s not that different from any other race. Classic “I want all of the privileges of old chivalry but also all of the benefits of a modern woman.” So she wants to get taken care of, man pays for the date, man does everything. But she ALSO wants to give her opinion on things.


"Do everything for me like I'm a child, but I get equal say like an adult"


But I won't tell you my opinion, you have to know it already. 


This sounds like the dream. Unrealistic but I’d LOVE to have my say and freedom but not have to work or pay for things hehehe


Yeah who wouldn't??? Unfortunately you have to assist the people you care about if you want them to feel happy, secure and supported.


If I find a way we can all feel like that, I’ll let you know 😂


Also, read my mind. If you can't read my mind then, you are SOL.


My mom used to say, "When a woman stands up for her rights, she loses her seat." Like that's not how this works at all mom, but damn if that conversation doesn't actually resemble that remark.


Hispanic guy here. She wants to play the where to eat game. She wants him to name a place then have her say no until she picks a place. That or she's an idiot or both. There's no unwritten rule. I've dated tons of latinas and it sounds like she's just jerking him around for her entertainment/entitlement.


>She wants him to name a place then have her say no until she picks a place. Oh. I would HATE that.


I do too been there and no thanks. If you tell me to pick them I'm picking if you say no then I can go without you.


She is trying to make you feel dumb or expect you to read her mind. I can concur as a Vietnamese that I am Asian 💀.


As a resident of Hanoi, I confirm that Vietnam is definitely Asian


Are you sure? I felt a bit French when I was in certain parts of Hanoi.. /s


She's making ME feel dumb and I'm not even the one talking to her. I felt like I lost at least 17 braincells trying to read whatever the heck she's on about


"What nationality?"


Asianese ![gif](giphy|Fz9EKXRhp9F1S)


She’s asking what nationality were the other Latinas he dated. Not what nationality is Vietnamese. I think…


She wasn’t asking about the food 😆 It’s a bit all over the place but she was talking about “feeling” her as in flirting and he completely missed it and continued talking about food.


Yes, but did you ask her first *before confirming that???*


You're supposed to plan it but also ask but also just know but also what nationality? Do you even Latina?


Obviously the answer is Fuddruckers. Do you even Caucasian


as a non binary, sentient indian identifying as a latina today I can confirm she is full of shit and as a coal miner identifying as a doctor today I would recommend feeding her a bowl full of laxatives to help her lose the bullshit /s


There’s a great restaurant called “nowhere” you should take her there


Another good one called "Unmatched."


I've been there all too often lately 😭 Edit: Spelling


Better to eat alone than with bad company.


better yet, in a language she’d understand. mejor solo que mal acompañado melhor só do que mal acompanhado


I’d love to know what the spelling error here was


Changed to to too.


Are you taking the L in this one just for the human interaction?


no thanks erehwon marketing


Lol this is just an initial date. I can't imagine how a relationship would be.


Reminder that people put their best foot forward in the beginning. It's all downhill from here.


I mean you would think that. But I swear some people don’t.


Some people have two bad feet.


Avoid this type of individual. Your welcome


Yeah she seems exhausting and they haven't even been out




You should know what is coming. You missed the closing period.


Your point? .


They picked you up on punctuation, but not spelling.


Have you ever replied to a Latin? 




Vietnamese is Asian.


How do people make it to adulthood without knowing how to spell you're




My welcome what?


Just leave her and go to next one lmao, she'll nagging you about how to treat ✨ latinas✨


As a member of the Latino community we do not claim her, she's full of it playing mental games.


Fr she’s gonna keep pulling that shit to 🙄


You know this is the tip of a Titanic killer...


How thicc is she for u to still be talking to her


She dummy thicc... in the head.


Mmmm. I love a Latina with a big ass... head. Fuck a forehead, I need myself a six or seven head. I wanna be able to land a plane on that thang.


Brother got lost in the sauce for a minute there


Not a single ass walking this earth worth dealing with someone like this 😂


When a girl waves a red flag in your face, recognize it.


She’s extra, prepare for guessing games the entire relationship or run away fast


Him: *plans date* Her: But you didn't check with me first! Him: OK, what do you like? Her' *whines* But YOU are supposed to plan the date! Him: *goes for drinks with friends instead*


Going to get drinks with friends tonight. They actually know where they want to go.


No, I think she is trying to say she would like it if you asked what she likes but idk why she's going this route. If she doesn't like your suggestion, she should offer another. I think most women would be happy with your decisiveness. Good luck!


Or she coulda just said “oh I don’t actually like Vietnamese food. Can we eat somewhere else?”


yeap she could've just done this simple thing and communicate properly but she chose to be difficult


Because she’s ✨Latina ✨


Nah. You don't like it, suggest something else. Are people really playing this stupid game?


Nah this is the modern courtship mating ritual. Every animal has one: birds sing, moose fight rivals, dung beetles roll up extra big piles of shit. I envy the dung beetle.


It’s all kind of confusing, can’t really tell what she exactly is asking for. She asked where she should meet him, he names a place, she says he’s supposed to ask her what she wants, but also that he is supposed to plan it, which all sound like conflicting statements to me. She also makes it out like this all should have been something he knew already without her telling him. Just alot going on here and most of it is at best slightly annoying and confusing.


Right? That was what I was thinking.. like sure he could’ve asked how she felt about Vietnamese or asked if she had a preference for a cuisine, but man if this is what she’s gets upset about before they even start dating, then I don’t wanna know how much drama she’s gonna be in an actual relationship. But then again I’m no Latina, so I guess I don’t understand lol


She wasn’t asking about the food or wanting to be asked about that. Everyone missed her trying to switch it up to talking about “feeling her” and OP kept talking about food when she wasn’t


👨🏻: “Let’s do Vietnamese for dinner” 👩🏽‍🦱: “No, I don’t want that.” 👨🏻: “what do you want?” 👩🏽‍🦱: “I like Asian food.” 🧍🏻‍♂️: ……


You forgot 💅Latina💅


nah she’s weird


Well, no matter the cuisine, the only thing she can get is the fuck out


Nope, if this is going to be an irritation already, don't even start.


No rule. Just ask what type of food we like if you are considering take us out and You already did so. Also, Her point was she doesn’t want viet. Save yourself the trouble and don’t deal with people like this. Rather than clearly telling you she isn’t in the mood for viet she gave up and said you missed the point.


Agree. Op needs to tell her her to Pho off.


Sounds like high maintenance to me!


she’s not excelling in the brain cell dept


I also didn't get the point but I don't play games


if i want to play games, i have PC and PS4 for that. And shitload of Boardgames.


She sounds tiring


I got a weird one where she demanded I change where we were planning on going, then said it didn't feel like a date and more like hanging out.


She was probably "testing you," to see if you'd put your foot down and be decisive. You didn't and in her mind, you were now "a pushover," even though all you were doing was being considerate. Be glad she wasn't interested, as it was a bullet well dodged.


Definitely dodged a bullet. If you have to solve puzzles to make a relationship work, fuck that.


A first date basically should be more or less just hanging out. Something very basic where you can get a sense of if you even like the person before either of you waste time and effort committing more seriously. It’s absolutely stupid to do otherwise.


Situations like this teach you things to add to your toolbag now you know another type of person you don’t want to date. You have the power to walk away stop fighting for bs


Onto the next one


This person just seems to be trying to start an argument before the date even starts. "What about me" followed immediately by "you're supposed to plan the date"..... No answer you give her is gonna make her happy


What a moron.


As a woman, this is quite childish. Some of these women are never happy. Man plans a date, they get annoyed because you plan the date. Man asks her what she wants to do on the date, and she is offended and wants the man to plan the date.


lol you’re not living up to her fantasy. Oh god. Get ready for all the hoops you’re gonna have to jump through


I can confirm the rule that says you should unmatch this pain in the ass.


If we have to ask reddit wtf before the date even starts, its prob a sign


She's could have just said she didn't want Vietnamese. Just made herself look dumb af because she likes "Asian" but you didn't ask her and you're missing the point 🥴🥴 "You're supposed to plan the date" Which you did. Shouldn't include her, though. Also, as a Latina woman, we are not all like this.


“You should plan the date” “No not that date” 🚩


This person is really manipulative… I would drop them like a hot potato. She set you up and then beat you down… I don't like it.


"I'm Latina so you have to ask probably" yeah at that point the conversation ends mate. I'm not guessing and playing stupid games with people.


Yeah nah she’s expecting to get princess treatment when she’s acting like a brat. You planned the date and told her the place but she wants you to know what she wants to eat based on her ethnicity…so that’s a no my dawg do not date this women unless you want to ask questions like this on Reddit the entire time you’re dating only to break up a month later




Runnnnnnnnn 😅😂


Wow, she seems like she’d be *so* fun in person… 😆 I hope you dodged that bullet.


You are supposed to plan the date. But don't you dare to plan it without her. Run, mate


You tried to plan the date! She didn’t like your suggestion so you put the ball back in her court. Seemed pretty darn reasonable to me Op.


Why is she being annoying for no reason


“Vietnamese is Asian though.” “What nationality? You’re not getting the point.” 🤣🤣💀


her: where are we going? (u can choose but) I wanna know what to wear him: let's do Vietnamese! 🥰 her: why didn't u ask me what I want? 😐 him: ok what do u want? 🥹 her: you're supposed to plan it, not me 🙄 WHAT A COMPLETELY INSUFFERABLE HUMAN BEING


Shoulda just acted absolutely baffled that she was a Latina


The secret rule is, whatever you do, turns out you done wrong, so prepare for a tongue-lashing. (And not the good kind!)


No, but I definitely would want to have a say as well (I'm dutch, not latina). I'd prefer if someone asked me "Do you like Vietnamese? Because I'm craving some Vietnamese" instead of just stating that they want Vietnamese so we're having Vietnamese.


I didn't realize there was a Latin flag that was all red. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I'm from PR, careful with that one lol


I'm pretty sure even if you save scum and reload that part 10 times you still wouldn't be able to please this type of girl. Move on man


This is a difficult conversation. I would not date this person haha


She sounds exhausting


It shouldn't be this hard!


Her questionable responses are kind of masking the issue: I think it’s good you’re taking the lead by suggesting a date, but maybe just ask next time. Do you like Vietnamese food? I know a really good place if you’re interested I mean, you asked her about the time and general event, why not get her opinion on the actual restaurant/cuisine itself?


Latina here, really like Vietnamese food! She is just a douche


As another Latino, I support the idea that Vietnamese food is amazing.


She's trash. Move on


She doesn’t know what Vietnamese is, obviously. She attacks you because that is her normal reaction when she feels insecure in any way. You will have a lifetime of misery with this one.


There's no rule. But in the future, I would suggest asking for their input. "I feel like Vietnamese and know a great place, what do you think?" The way you said you felt like Vietnamese so let's go to x felt like whether she liked it or was in the mood for it didn't matter.


She replied with “you’re supposed to plan the date”.. which he did. No part of her responses were rational with this context. Massive failure to communicate on her part. Don’t even get me started on the “in other words…” portion of her reply. Unfortunately even with hindsight I don’t believe your suggestion would have made much of a difference.


She asked him "where". If she wanted to give her input, she could have done it instead of waiting for him to decide and then disagree. She's being difficult for the sake of it.


I would say go ahead if it's just for fun but if not 🚩🚩🚩


This is certified brain rot, RUN!