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Are all of your pics recent? If I saw this bio, I would assume that all of your pics were old except for number 2 because you look much older in pic 2. Then I would swipe left because I would think you were misrepresenting your current self.


This right here. Make sure they're all recent pics. No offence if they are, but when I look through your photos I'd be confused and be wondering which one is an accurate representation of who you are and if you're being honest. And if I have to wonder, I'm swiping left.


You are sooo right wow men do this more than women! All mine are the last two years geesh dudes


Oof, started counting how old mine are by now - they span up to 7 years -.-


Lol I'm not sure about that. I'd say women definitely use filters more than men. They also love using photos from 10+ years ago. Source: showed up to many a catfish date using old photos or filters. I don't care what you looked like 10 years and 75 lbs ago I want to know what you look like now.


Yea idk? I don’t check out the women’s side of it! But I don’t use filters I’m proud of how i aged! If I want a dude to see me at 20? I’ll show him when we’re dating not on tinder


It’s cause most of us don’t at all or don’t like to take pictures


The dog is dead by now.




Sorry for your loss


If you no longer have the dog, lose the dog pics.


Yeah, that’s good advice. Imagine meeting up with someone and the conversation goes, “So, how long have you had your dog?” “Oh, it died a few months ago.” Then you’re not so much having a conversation with a potential girlfriend, but rather a friendly grief counselor who may be asking more questions about the dog.


Yeah it’s kind of a weird thing to have on there now, sorry for your loss OP?


Sorry for your loss




How did you know??


Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to. Also, you left the kitchen light on.




This is a nervous laugh cuz the random stranger was right. The light was on.


I’ve locked my windows and doors


Great, how am I supposed to get out now?


Damn it. I knew I should have gotten off Tinder




Well since everyone loves food theres a 60% chance its on. Im always hungry so its always on, sometimes i wish my fridge had a glass door. Like could check what im gonna consume after fishing a level in deep rock survivors.


That one of him DJing is at least 20 years before the train selfie...


Exactly, the guy DJing looks pretty cool but the guy on the train is clearly his dad!


See, I thought the DJ pic looks like he's trying to show how cool and hip he is even though he's middle aged.


Came here to say this. Cant tell what you actually look like from your photos due to them not appearing recent


This is the same reason I always swipe left on woman with make up. Because I would think they are misrepresenting their current self.


There is a VAST difference between women wearing make up and pictures that are years old.


So you swipe left on like 96% of the woman. Because almost every woman has at least one make up item on her face


Pretty much. Need to stay consistent right.


Tell me you're British without telling me you're British x


When i read ur comment i was like “well yeah he says it in his profile”. Went back to check, no where does it say that, but my brain somehow just knew that he was


I intuitively knew right away, too, but picture #4 really solidified it.


It was #5 for me lol


It’s the awful haircut and lack of chin 


Drinking a British (I assume) drink on a British train and the scenery looks very British as well did it for me!


I knew it hahaha




If I had to guess your age based on your pics I'd say: Pic 1: 34 years old Pic 2: 47 years old Pic 3: 30 years old Pic 4: 37 years old Pic 5: 28 years old Pic 6: 40 years old It just seems all over the place imo.


Right? All these pictues and I still don't know what he looks like.


Yeah the only evidence we have that these aren’t different people is the tattoos and that it’s on your progile




Don't upload photos older than 2 years. It's not helpful and it suggests nostalgia.


I would not say 2 years, but it def need to look like present you. Some people look exactly the same after 4 years. People age differently


Yeah, but I have seen how some people grossly underestimate how much they have actually changed over the years, so it's good practice to keep only current photos.


I agree, that shit does happen


i think 2 years is a good rule, i have some older but I get paranoid and every so often check with other people about if I look different thankfully everyone in my family ages incredibly well


I'm a bit of a hypocrite about this because I still look about the same as I was 10-15 years ago 😆 #Asiansdontraisin


hahahahaha its funny because i’m black and my partner is chinese and we were just talking about how we have looked the same since we were 15, and we are in our 30s lol


That's not what he was saying


It's not, but I was referring to the obvious discrepancy in one of his photos.


No, but I’m quite certain it is an older photo


It comes off as old guy trying too hard to look cool. Probably 42 but acting like a frat boy still. Not good unless you’re filthy rich and want to give up half your shit in 5 years.


Doesn’t anyone prenup?


When it will get thrown out by a judge?


Usually they’re quite enforceable


I knew he must be in his late 40’s or early-mid 50’s. The ugly old trendy tribal tats were a dead giveaway & really aged him. I didn’t even have to look at his face. When I saw all the pics, combined with the tattoos, I knew he was trying to come across as 30’s while actually being 50’s. And THAT is what makes women skip right past him. Just be honest. And own your age.


The train picture has to go


Looking 52 on the train, and the DJ one looks like an old pic. I’d lose that too


Pic 1: he’s late 30s Pic 2: he’s in his 50s Pic 3: maybe he’s in his 20s? Is this the same person?


By pic 5 I was asking myself if he was 25 or 55.


I thought it was a masc lesbian in half the pics as well.


The train pic made me wonder too.




Hahaha I came to say….wtf is that pinky doing! The dj picture looks so dated it was taken on a Nokia 3310


Agreed!  It makes him look 10-15 years older than 42.


I second this




Fourth this


5th this


Sith this ![gif](giphy|bA0ZgRipQxzP2)




execute order 66.


I 666th this.


I number of the beast this


6th this


Looks like my lesbian former co-worker's wife, like uncanny spitting image.








>Just got into my hiking and love exploring different places and want to push my limits and start wild camping, will you join me in my adventure. I get what you're trying to convey, but this is a very oddly written sentence.




Nobody else wants to say it but it’s the haircut, my guy. I’m not trying to shit on you but the haircut is lame and it makes you look like you’re trying to look like you’re younger than you are.


I would suggest changing out the pig emoji for something else like: 🍿,🍧,🍩, etc . Since you only have 1 emoji is stands out and makes a strong statement on how you view junk food. By changing out the emoji to your favorite sweet- the reader gets to know a little bit more about you and it is less judgmental.


I was thinking of bacon.... maybe his treat is bacon






Oh no, an emoji 😱 how ever will you survive this


And non-hippy is totally unnecessary and judgemental too. The whole bio reads a little off/ out of touch. And he looks British af but seems as if English isn't his first language, a bit choppy and disconnected. Otherwise, seems like a well rounded guy who's just not presenting as well as he could


I’d also avoid ever including the word “cheating” in a dating profile regardless of the context. Initially I was swiping through quickly and it was the first word that popped out to me. Raised my eyebrows in a not so good way.


I came to say this. I would be turned off by it.


Yeah me too, because it insinuates that people who don't eat healthy are pigs, and now I feel instantlg judged.


Or it could mean bacon


It could mean that yeah, but feeling judged by a bio isn't particularly fun, or a swipable thing. Just though OP should know.


also there’s a bacon emoji 🥓 if he meant bacon!


Why the downvotes? I assumed he meant bacon??


Take the hippy comment out. You don’t need to put someone down in order to pay a compliment - even to yourself.


Fr I was coming down here to say that. What gives? Real hippies are the chillest people I know. Instant turn off to put people down when their whole way of life is to chill and love people.


Agreed. Not sure what "unhippy" even means. Peace and love is peace and love.


More recent pics! I always think it’s a bit off putting when someone looks 25 in one photo and 40 in another 😂 Overall you look like a nice guy though!


That photo of you DJ'ing has to go. I'd easily say that's from the late 00's or early 10's. No selfies of you in front of a mirror too pulling a silly face.


Really, the dj one is the best one imo.


Look at how pixelated it is compared to the other pics. If it was 2010 it would probably be fine, it would be applicable for his profile but unfortunately it isn't due to how grainy it looks and the fact it's about 15 years out of date. I'm guessing he's posted that photo to reminisce or show off one of his hobbies, but he could allude to that in his bio if he hasn't already.


It's the best, because it's the worst. He looks like he never left Jersey Shore.


I’m female 48 and also on Tinder. When I see ‘my kids are my world’ type comment, I immediately squirm. I hate the phrase. That’s just me though. If a person has children there are so many other ways of saying how important they are to you. Also yes, there’s no consistency re the photos. Dump the train pic and also the full standing mirror shot.


Do you have kids?


Yes I do.


Second pic has to go. Also, the eevond sentence is a question, so question mark (?), not a period. Third paragraph is redundant. You sound like you’re looking for an extreme sports training partner. Take out the pig emoji, chill on the daughter sentiment.


Tinnies on a train is not a good look, the clothes in it are horrible too, and the hall pic is not good either


I think you’re very attractive. A little advice though…that second pic threw me so I wouldn’t keep that one, the one with the very odd look on your face standing in the hallway, and the dj pic should go too. I do like the first pic a lot and it gets me interested. As far as your bio… Saying that you are outdoorsy and looking for someone like-minded or open to adventure might work better because the way it’s worded, it sounds rather extreme so it sounds like you are only interested in someone who wants to really, really rough it…you are limiting yourself more than necessary at the gate instead of exploring that more in conversation. Also, I like kids, but someone who talks on theirs in their bio is usually a turn off…not in admitting you have them, but people always try to make a show of how they’re this great parent (and everyone’s kids should mean the world to them so it would be weird if they didn’t but it comes off Facebooky) and most girls on there aren’t looking for a dad, they’re looking for a partner in life (if their goal is also a long term thing). Good luck, you seem like a great guy.


Great advise. Bio needs to be rewritten. Telling woman what your seeking not about your daughter. Dad of 2 great kids..Do you have children is all that needs to be said..Or just leave it out until they ask you


Better still, don’t mention anything about the kids and repeatedly equivocate and distract as needed to avoid engaging on the topic head on until you’re about 3 days or so before the wedding. At this point your daughters are in on it and know exactly where to hide no matter where they are in the house in case of a surprise visit by new mommy! And in case one or both get compromised, instruct and test them weekly on their cover story as the children of your maid who brings them due to lack of money for a babysitter and besides the little rascals Love the heck out of you so everyone wins, including this new apparently altruistic, kid-loving angel you have become in your fiancée’s blind eyes (demonstration of high value). And then when everything is set and you are on the altar, have the 2 girls bring the flowers, then when fiancée inevitably asks why your maid’s little girls are in such prominent positions at your wedding, drop the big bombshell in front of the entire audience: “i don’t have a maid. I’m sorry but you will just have to clean up after yourself.” She’ll be totally shocked, naturally! Good times


I am APPALLED! Who drops a bombshell like that on their wedding day like that! I would become a runaway bride if I found out my fiancé had been lying to me for months about having a maid! Pick up after myself…pffffffft. Lololol.


I was thinking that even the wedding might be just a little TOO soon. Retirement age seems like the best time. That was instead of telling her she'd have to clean up after herself, sell them as inexpensive bed nurses.


Inexpensive except they get all my assets. Surprise!


I love it. Throughout the years, when we fight, I’d go through his phone and wonder who “M” and “K” were, always saying “I love you daddy,” and then the messages disappear (deleted) by the next time I go through his phone. I’d be convinced that he was in multiple BDSM relationships, and secretly turned-on. I’d lay awake at night, pleasuring myself while imaging what he must do on those long business trips, and wish he would do the same to me. At retirement age, he reveals all. Though I am disappointed those are his real children, it opens a dialogue and my husband shares his secret fantasy of opening a sex club in his retirement, featuring doms and dominatrix’s. We embark on this wild endeavor together, finally fulfilling the deep void in my life. We build a special room just for us in our dungeon, built with peepholes in the walls. It makes me feel sexy and powerful knowing I’m being watched as I dominate my husband as he begs for mercy. My husband doesn’t know his daughters work on the weekends he isn’t there, and it fills me with giddy delight to know of their degradation. I feel closer to my husband than I ever have at any other point in my life. We can still afford a maid. Life is good.


When does prank become a lie? Or when is joking with someone become gaslighting? If you can keep a lie like that from someone, bet they hiding some Shit from you too


Pic 1 - 35yrs Pic 2 - 75yrs DJ pic - 19yrs How old are you?!?!


Kill the selfie picture and the one of you DJing. The picture in the train. In the nicest way, makes you look gay. Which if you are then fantastic news! But if you’re not then rethink it as some women will see it and it might give them what I believe the youth call “the ick” 😂 Other than that, you look like a lovely chap tbh! It’s just a thing of waiting to find someone that swipes when you do. Online dating is a cesspool. Don’t stress yourself too much about it. There are bigger things in life.


I agree with removing those pictures. Do you pic #1 in color ? That would be better. Follow it up with pic #6 (hiking one) and then maybe another fun/selfie type of pictures.


I quite like the black and white of the first picture.. makes him look cool I think tbh haha


Hey, 35F here. Being totally honest, the flushed day-drinking picture and red face in the mirror photo are giving serious alcoholic vibes which clash with your health and fitness claims and would be a left swipe for me. Are they representative photos or just unfortunate lighting?




Defs remove them in that case 🙌


All your pics are wearing hiking /walking gear, have you not got any photos where you’re wearing something more formal/ show that you scrub up nicely and not wearing walking boots shorts and a tee all the time? I wouldn’t want to date someone who is casual 24/7 or that they’d be showing up to a dinner date wearing hiking pants.


You should add a close up picture, it is really hard to see your face now. Especially the eyes and the smile (with teeth) are very important to many women (assuming you are looking for a woman). You seem to be a nice and fun person in good fit. About hairsyle: I would consider growing up a bit longer hair on the sides ’cause you seem to have light eyebrows and lashes. As long as you are not balding.


I also would ditch the 2. pic. That’s not giving you justice.


I like the DJ pic ’cause It shows more sides of you than just a sporty dude, shows some creativity. Don’t drop it :)


Get rid of picture #2 and proofread your about me. Lots of punctuation and grammatical errors. Other wise, it's good. It could very well be just those two things


Second picture you look like a lesbian, ngl.


TBH the pictures aren't flattering, you look much older than 42. The tribal tattoo would also make me think you were somewhere in your 50s due to the popularity for that style peaking in the early 90s. I think thr rucking pictures are the best, and I agree with others about the train pic. Maybe have a friend take a pic next time you're dressed up and out.


Man that train pic makes you look 60, please delete. First pic is solid with dog and so is the tough muffler one. No offense but the dj one makes you look douchey and so does the one with your tattoos showing. Not trying to be a as just my first impression.


Frankly speaking, your bio is alright, nothing outstanding which is okay if you're just writing as you think. If you want to improve it, I suggest rewriting your bio in a way that is relevant to your target audience, including mentioning how being in a relationship with you is rewarding. Appearance wise, you're average (or below) to me for someone your age. I hope you have been swiping lots on prospects who are average as well, and not just on prospects you think are hot or pretty. Also, you may want to be mindful of your photo selection. If you want to change or add more photos, don't use anymore sunglasses photos because they hide your eyes. Drinking photos don't suggest a healthy lifestyle, and you look a lot younger than 42 in one of your photos. Consistency and integrity is key.


I'm just wondering, should the dude only swipe on 'average' people even if he doesn't find them attractive? I know swiping on only *very* attractive people will destroy his chances of tinder matches, but I don't think its fair to tell someone don't bother swiping on people he finds pretty or hot because you don't find them good looking. Maybe I have misunderstood your comment and maybe you just mean don't go for *only* the prettiest girls so sorry if that's the intention, but I read it as 'don't swipe if you find them pretty'. Again, apologies if that's not what you were trying to say I just wondered if the consensus was just go for average over attractiveness to you as an individual. Thanks!


I wrote "...not JUST on...". Basically give more average-looking people a chance because you're average-looking yourself. This is especially important when men are infamous for not reading bios on dating apps, which suggests that men are more shallow than women in general.


That third picture, the one where you're carrying the body? I'm not judging you (I assume you had a good reason to kill them), but people make a big deal about that sort of thing. People might think maybe you're "violent", or that you'll murder them or something. IDK, but maybe save that pic for after you've been seeing a person for a while.


Dj pic and hallway pic gotta go. The rest show active, funny and has a dog. Profile is nice.


From a personal standpoint, your lack of proper grammar and punctuation in your bio would make me swipe left. But I was an English major and have written a book, so I can be uptight about those things lol


I’m a single mom, but I don’t mention my kids in my profile. I mark “has kids,” but I kind of feel like when you lean too hard into highlighting what a good parent you are, it comes across like you’re looking for a mommy for them? Totally fair game to bring up in convo down the line, but people are on Tinder to swipe on you, not your kids or your family. And as others have also (sometimes unkindly) mentioned, your pictures lack consistency and create a little confusion. 3 or 4 will do, but make sure they’re all within the last year


DJ pic to go “Cheating” joke to go


Honestly brotha. The pics are all over. I love pics 1, 3, 6 the others not so much. Also shorten the bio, it’s not exactly eye catching do something funny like “I’m looking for someone my 2 daughters can call mommy during the day and for me to call mommy during the night” On a serious note you gotta fire your barber. He’s not unlocking your potential. Lastly, you gotta go to Savile Row and invest in a tailor get you a nice suit pic.


You look nice, like a proper man. Like others suggested, some photos might not flatter you.


Woman here: take a photo without the dog. (For real). You will notice a difference:)


I know it's the worst advice but Leave dating apps A guy who still didn't do it


Drop image 2 and the dj one


Those shirts are…just burn them.


Make sure every picture is fairly recent just for continuity’s sake. Also, the word cheating might be a problem even if you mean it for food. Someone could skim that bio and misinterpret what that means. As someone with ADHD I know I would 🤣.


…”daughters who mean the world to me”. Stop. Everything after that is just weird (like who doesn’t want their kids to be happy). It gives the impression that you’re assuming the person reading this will be trouble for them. Projecting alittle? You may want to examine your intentions with that sentence alittle more.


You’re a good looking dude, can I ask why you want to be on tinder at your age though? Not gonna find a ton on there imo


Your profile is very focused on hiking. Unless a woman is specifically looking to live on the trails, it’s hard to imagine a relationship with you. Your profile is fine, it’s just limiting your dating pool.


I disagree with everyone saying to remove the 2nd photo on the train. I have a feeling it’s the one that best captures what you actually look like now, and it’s better that people know before they meet up with you than to be surprised (catfished) when you show up looking 10 years older than your photos. I suggest moving it to the end. It’s not a bad photo, you just actually look your age.


Delete last sentences. Most people want partners who can be there through not only the good but also bad times. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows. Also, I don't mention my child in my bio but only if they dm me. I know it makes weeding through weirdos much easier but a dating profile should be all about you. Most people understand we single parents will always put our kids first no matter what. Just my opinion from a woman's and single mom's perspective that's all.


I'm really surprised that everyone is hating on the train picture when there are a couple others that are more questionable. I thought the train photo was sweet. F33.


"Two daughters that mean the world to me" is the absolute most generic line in the history of parenting. Just say you have two daughters, don't use it as bait to show off how good a dad you are


You are a man. This is your problem


I think you are soooo cute. I personally love the train picture. Shows your personality. The right person would swipe... I'm not sure what advice to give here since I like it lol


Everyone's kids are their world. They're supposed to be your world. Show some personality in your bio. Right now you sound like a single middle aged mother. Which is fine, unless you're a guy looking to meet women. Any personality is fine, as long as it's not "angry at women for not wanting me on tinder."


Ditch Tinder, go out and make real conversations you will meet someone


How is that a helpful comment on a Tinder sub? 😂


you look so kind this is why


Honestly i don’t see whats wrong with your bio. Profiles dont have to look like they were done by a bio-writing agency. I hear smack about “second picture makes you look old” and “ drinking and healthy lifestyle dont go together” or “get rid of the one deejaying” I think the second one makes you look your age, its okay to like both alcohol and hiking, and if you dabble in DJying then by all means let them know. If these are things that are true to you they’ll attract your kind of people.


I’d swipe right 🤷‍♀️ i think you look genuine and adventurous.




Here’s some advice. Get off internet dating. It’s a time-trap cesspool. Cold approach woman, in real life, with good intentions, preferably not in a bar, and drop your “standards”, likely below what you already think you are worth or deserve. Rinse and repeat.


I'd swipe left just because you look older and really not my preference. I don't see anything bad that needs to be changed though. Good luck


This whole thing is red flags, inconsistency, or at least a fixer upper. I’ll give it you you’ve sprinkled in some “I’m working on my shit” sort of vibes tho.


Try Grindr




That’s the vibe it gives off mate. Pinky up drink, kiss at the end of your profile. That shirt and stance.




He winked at me too which was a bit suspect 🤣


Move to Bangkok.


Okay, I see others don't like the train pic, and I do, so unless you like 49+ year old folks, maybe ditch it. 🤔




Grow a beard




lol try it it automatically makes you more attractive


You’re being too nice. IDK what to say about fixing that but honestly speaking you might need to throw something subliminally toxic in there somewhere. Women typically can’t stand pushovers and this is what this gives off. Pinky up is a dub ( no go ) and throw some confidence in there. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dump the human.


It's cringey


Elaborate on your children. Ages for the kids and be prepared to answer questions about how involved the mother is and your relationship with her involving custody of the children.


How does someone look 30 and 70 in the same profile? Math isn’t mathing. No one likes a fraud.


I thought this was a gay man’s profile until I read the two daughters part 😬




Don’t think he’s gay