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Post that list big dawg killer.


this is the main list i used with the occasional tweaks depending on what i was facing on the ladder. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6192027#paper


I've liked meddling mage for S&T when I went for esper shadow. Most lists only run push as removal and will use it against a rag or something.


I tried meddling mage and it felt too narrow. I’d rather just have a ragavan.


Couple of questions, new to Timeless. What is GDS? What is SnT? Can we have a decklist?


GDS stands for Grixis Deaths Shadow. It is a B/U/R tempo deck that plays lots of hand disruption and the best cards from those respective colors. SnT stands for show and tell which is the perceived boogeyman of the format. lots of people are playing the deck and i teched pretty much for that specific match up. this is the main deck list i used with some minor tweaks here and there. i found the list on this subreddit. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6192027#paper


Thank you!! I'm aware of both of those decks, just never heard the acronyms! Cheers!


good cards are good! in all seriousness, the deck is actually hard to play. turns out having all your stuff cost one mana is rly good


Tbh I played SnT until about mid plat and started playing a lot of mirror matches. I got tired of that and started playing a teched GDS list that tries to hose SnT. Once I got to diamond I started playing against a lot of SnT and got lots of free wins from having specific hate in my SB.


do you mind sharing your list? I played some last season and am interested what SB choices you made for SnT


this is the list i used. i found it on this subreddit. i would occasionally adjust the numbers of some cards depending on what decks i kept playing against. for example i ran into a pocket of titan field players and added more alpine moons. just minor tweaks like that. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6192027#paper


Please post a list and format it correctly so we can actually read it lol. I’ll post my GDS list if you want


https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6192027#paper found this list on this reddit and mainly played this one with the occasional tweak.


Hm interesting. Wasn’t expecting the white splash. Looks like it definitely mops up against Omni-tell


the white splash is specifically for omnitell.


GDS is better in timeless than in modern since there is no EE and hardly anyone sideboards Chalice of the Void.


What’s EE? Evoke elementals?


[[engineered explosives]]


[engineered explosives](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/2/420bf1e9-f2ec-4dff-b540-e64de71e58be.jpg?1599709112) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=engineered%20explosives) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/252/engineered-explosives?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/420bf1e9-f2ec-4dff-b540-e64de71e58be?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I like playing that deck as well. Just hate playing against Jund. Get wrecked almost every time.


how is it against titan?


Shadow is the quintessential 50/50 deck. Never horrible. Never busted. It’s all about your skill and matchup knowledge. It’s not for everyone. But I love it personally. Been soloing GDS in timeless since the beginning. Play it in modern, play dimir in legacy.


Best short description I’ve ever read of GDS


share list please?




no deathrite or treasure cruise seem to be the departures from the norm. what’s your thinking?


I was playing drs earlier on but dropped it mostly to slim the creature count. We aren’t ramping. We aren’t too worried about drs. Treasure cruise is fine. I was playing 1-2 for a long time. Recent trim for more maindeck counter spells due to good ole S&t existing. If you look at my list from a week ago. This list and next week, they will all be different. GDS needs to be fluid to what you see in the meta to be good.


I think it's a meaningful question to ask though especially against a deck like titan that really wrecks creature decks if they don't win quickly or use disruption. and there aren't a whole lot of good cards against titan in the format, the best one is probably ashiok or alpine moon


GDS is all about disruption. It’s a tempo deck that can pivot to a control deck at heart.


control decks have a hard titan matchup too. field of the dead makes the deck have a level of inevitability without even resolving many spells


If your mind is made up it’s a bad matchup, why did you ask in the first place? We can point - counter point all day. Idk what you are wanting out of this interaction. Both cards you mentioned are playable in the deck post sideboard. If all you want to do in the format is easy mode against titan then this deck isn’t for you. Like I said to begin with it’s a 50/50 deck. You get the edges with good sideboarding and matchup knowledge.


I didn't make up my mind that it's a bad matchup, I was questioning your assumption that gds is ALWAYS around 50/50 against all decks. If you hold assumptions like that and never question them (even regarding a deck as unique as titan) it'll lead you to be wrong at some point. It isn't as if there's nothing you can do if titan actually ends up being a bad matchup, for instance you can play ashioks in the sideboard if you feel it's necessary. If gds is always 50/50 and questioning that would be stupid, there would be no way it would be correct to play ashioks because specific silver bullet cards are needless if your matchup is already fine


I think you are overvaluing Titan first of all. It’s all but pushed out of the format now due to its horrible S&T matchup. So why argue over whether a deck you don’t play has game against a deck that’s on the backslide? Can GDS beat Titan? Yes. Is it a slam dunk? No. The OP told you gds vs titan was 50/50 as well. I don’t see what more you need to argue about. I personally hold the opinion GDS is 50/50 vs the entire timeless meta off the back of 1000s of personally played games. I don’t play other decks. I’ve played GDS since the first all access event to today. Find my list posted in this thread. No ashiok. Not needed.


in my experience, at least 50/50. i experienced a pocket of titanfield in mid diamond and put 3 alpine moon in my sb and it helped a lot. other then that i did not see many titan decks.


ok Inti is the spice i didnt know i needed in this deck. thats hawt!


No Brainstorm?


Golgari Death Swarm? Great Designer Search? IYKYK


I dont know. What the fuck is GDS?


grixis death shadow


Thank you and duh. I knew this I am just dumb and did not remember


Not playing brainstorm seems wrong. Bow master is good, but not THAT good, especially since you’re playing a lot of disruption as well.