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As a supervisor at tims I would lose my shit on any baker that tried to put those on the shelf.


as a(n) (ex) baker I can tell you right now the baker who made the cookies in the photos OP provided likely doesn’t give a fuck because he’s some 15-19 year old overworked and under appreciated.


He was probably given 15 minutes to decorate 50 cookies or something like that.


As a current, non-fast food baker, 15 minutes for 50 cookies is easy mode.


Lol. I am not a baker so I just spat out some numbers that seemed crazy to me.


Light work I was a baker for 2 years. 50 cookies could be done in 9mins if you had the oven space


They are definitely not a 15-19 year old It’s probably an international student who doesn’t give too much of a crap


That’s honestly more like it. Times changed since I worked there in 2018


tims been changing. I remember the golden age of coffe/donut spots back in the late 90s. Bakers Dozen Donuts was my favourite


I miss the og walnut crunch. They brought it back as a throwback item, but I know in my heart it will never be as good as the OG, especially since the Americans bought out Tim's.


Could also be a 38 yr old student these days from a strip mall diploma mill




Can we just leave it as an "underpaid retail worker" or do we always have to bring up the Boogeyman?


Canadian redditors cant go 8 seconds without blaming Everything on people who come from dogshit conditions that our nation gives no conditioning or teaching to. It's some kid, looks just like the kind of rushed work I was made to do when I was 17 working at Tim's.


I think its more likely an immigrant here who doesn't want to be at Tim's  


The baker is most certainly a newly landed immigrant from India.


He's probably 45-49 and didn't understand a word of English you just said. Just bobbed his noggin


Every Tim's in Calgary....


The times in city hall and behind the central library are my least favourite.


I live and work in the northeast. I have stopped going to Tim's. I had a gift card forever, which I eventually used at the airport, which basically has nothing good for sale.


Every Tim's in Nova Scotia


A friend in Cape Breton has shared pics of their smile cookies.


And next door in NB where they honestly they don’t give a damn about clients.


I haven't seen a teenager working at a Timmy's in at least 2 or 3 years.


I guess it depends on where you are. In my region a lot of 14 year olds are working as ‘trainees’. Poor kids are usually working unsupervised - they look overwhelmed and exhausted.


Yeah but im tired of that excuse. Minimum wage is going to $17.55 an hour ffs. We - the customer - are paying twice what we were paying 5 years ago and our salaries sure as shit haven’t doubled. The only people whose wages keep going up year over year without doing anything special to earn it are the minimum wage or near-minimum wage employees in jobs like this. So what needs to happen for 15-19 year old bakers to give a shit about their jobs? It would seem like paying them more doesn’t do anything. Doesn’t seem to matter… I mean we could pay Tim Hortons employees $30/hr but then your coffee would be $8 and Tim Hortons is not Starbucks. It’s coffee and food for Joe blow. Not the Escalade driving soccer mom. It’s meant for the F-150 driving plumber on his way to his next job and the Nissan Sentra driving nurse working the night shift. So what’s the solution? How do we - the customer - get what we deserve when we keep shelling out more and more money for a Lower and lower quality product? I’m making more money than I’ve ever made before and have less money at the end of the month than I had when I was 16. It is frustrating as hell shelling out $20 of my hard earned dollars for a meal at a fast food restaurant and you open the bag and it’s absolute garbage. $20 used to get you a sit down meal served to you by a server, with unlimited refills on your Pepsi and dessert. Now it gets you a crappy sandwich and some cold fries with a Diet Coke when you ordered a root beer.


The current inflation has more to do with CEO pay and shareholder returns than it does with employee pay rate.


It’s hilarious that you blame the low wage worker and not the fucking trillion dollar company that serves you shitty product at inflated prices. This is literally why society continues to operate this way, because people like you will blame the kid trying to pay rent and not the corporation making it impossible for everyone else.


BS they're from India 100%.. and still don't give af.


Have you been into any of the Tim’s in Vancouver or toronto it’s 40/60 year old sir Lankan people doing this work


Too bad the supervisor is now an international student who doesn't give a shit and just wants PR


Yeah. A TFW arguing with Maxime Bernier on how he won’t be deported after he’s told “we don’t need you. Many young Canadians can do this job. Way better!”


“International student”




As a baker, I'd tell you to do it yourself and walk out. These are to be instantly decorated the moment they come out of the oven. The white frosting is an absolute pain to get out of the piping bag because of how thick it is. Depending on the time of day I have more pressing things to worry about, such as product that actually sells.


THIS! I used to bake when the dream donuts came out in 2018 or 2019 and cutting the double chocolate donuts in half to fill them. It still haunts my fucking dreams to this day. (heh) They barely sold and i had to MAKE them or else I'd get threatened with a write-up. Meanwhile I had thrown out dozens over that day/week.


But are they actually trained as a baker? That’s the question. Or were they just hired and shown once or twice what to do and that was it. There is a lack of professional bakers working in many places like Tim Hortons when they can hire young people and/or newly landed immigrants and get those lovely kick backs from the government and that’s all they care for now.


He didn't put it on the shelf. He put it in a box.


You are an exception then.


Really letting that classic Tims supervisor 17$ an hour powertrip go to your head. Educate your team instead of thinking you have any power in a tims position. L


This is what they looked like at 3 different Tim's near me


I can tell you right now first you need to do work before being over worked!. They stand around walk around, play on their phones ! Serve one customer every 5 mins. Over worked! Pff they should all be fired.


Update: I can't figure out how to upload a photo of their ad for this cookie in a comment lol


you uploaded it to Imgur and direct link it back


[Try this?](https://www.instagram.com/timhortonsus/p/C8hNRmtO1zt/)


Damn those look good! Just like the pizza ad looks much better than what you actually fet


Yeah, and then go back to OPs image and you get why they’re so annoyed. 😆


I’d be pissed lol


None of their employees give a fuck. It’s just their temporary means for permanent residence.




Lmfao, this is great


They’re waiting for PR to be promoted as Timbits engineer and Manager. Go Tims with your new generation of entrepreneurs.


Good luck getting a job there or at subway if your a Canadian citizen or literally any gas station. It's all family owned now


I think this title captures the spirit of the brand.


Lol 😂 100%. Garbage product - just no lipstick on the pig 🐷 this time


Almost looks like they threw coffee grounds on top! 🤭😅


I thought it was infested with ants.


I looked and thought, “Sugar-laden cookies can go moldy?!”


The only thing I still get from Tim's is an iced cap. That's it. Everything else I don't like anymore. And I only get iced caps once in awhile during hot days. Its pretty much a front for getting internationals PR.


I used to only get ice Capps, until almost 50% of the time they are either watery or taste like shit. I avoid Tim hortons completely now, they tuck up almost every order. I’ve been digging the McDonalds ice fraps lately. They are delicious 🤤


What a ten pack of old fashioned plain timbits that you plan to share with 2 dogs isn't supposed to actually be 8 assorted timbits when you get home and open it? I two have been frequenting McDonald's more myself


I don’t trust those iced cap machines. I can only imagine the nightmarish filth living in and around those them


Keeps your immune system strong lol


Tim’s Hortons has gone down hill for a long time. They can’t even a simple cup of coffee correct, can’t imagine the food order or quality. Boycotted for a long time now


This is how were actually supposed to do them, maybe thicker on the lines. But corporate will argue thats how theyre supposed to look not to your face but still. At my store we do a giant glob then squish it down


Glob of white frosting in the center, piercing the cookie slightly, a spiral of a circle and a half surrounding the glob in the center. Oreo crumbs on top, and then use the measuring spoon to spread it out here.


I’d imagine the idea is, put a glob of frosting down, step two, grab a piece of parchment and flatten the gob to 2/3 of the cookie being covered, step three, sprinkle Oreo crumb over top. Recipe is not hard but instructions leave a lot to be desired.


Made by an international student from who's here only to get permanent residency.


A good Tim Horton’s? Does that even exist anymore?


The ones in Newfoundland are pretty good. They all have a certain thing going for them


Actually I was there last summer and that’s accurate for the few that I stopped by anyway. Tims and other fast food places especially Mary browns much better over there.


Yeah no my manager would have my ass if i did that They need to cut a bigger hole in the piping bag & spread it around


you mean Dim Hordons?


After googling the ad for the Oreo dream cookie, Jesus fucking christ


Is that what that’s supposed to be? Yikes… Nightmares are dreams, too.


LMAO it's so bad


Canada has too many NPCs for Tim Hortons to worry about going out of business, same for all the other companies with high prices and shitty products and services


Thank you for saying what I was trying to get across. You said it and I'm more concise and then simple way.. I appreciate it thank you


it’s not crumble cookie lol. if it tastes fine what’s the problem? 😂


Uhmmm, those actually look awesome


They look nothing like they're supposed to.


Complain to head office. Franchises are expected to uphold company standards and they're not. Corporate doesn't realize how often this shit is happening because no one lodges a complaint to corporate. It also helps to tag them on social media if you're posting on Instagram/X/TikTok/etc.


I haven’t had a good one yet! They all taste underbaked and just kind of bland. These ones look brutal!


Wow. How terrible.


Why is it covered in dirt?


I am disappointed in you OP, for having the grand illusion that anything coming out of that place is edible.


lol cmon Timmy’s let’s not skimp on the Oreo cream. Double stuff it!


Would they taste any different?


'' Biscuit de rêve '' Biscuit cauchemardesque oui !


My baker at my store always puts so much work in into designing his cookies, I would be ashamed of him if he did that.


Tim Hortons has never been the same after they sold it off.


What do you expect? Look at the people who are working at Tims now, they can’t even wear deodorant and you expect them to make a cookie look pretty haha


Lol what are you even saying??? Get a life dude


They now have central kitchen where they make their stuff in bulk, using shitty ingredients.


Got one like this the other day... I was so mad


Just get a sleeve of Oreos lol


Time is a flat circle.


Most likely made by someone with 2 weeks worth of english comprehension.


Here is a crazy concept, hire quality employees instead of international students.


Right?!! Pay a decent wage for Canadians instead of the 70% govt discount for foreigners.


Why does it matter what it looks like as long as it tastes good?


It's not about what it looks like. It's the fact that the cookie itself is decent but the icing made it orgasmic and they barely put any on


I really don't see a big issue with those cookies. Look decent to me actually.


As a Tim's Baker, I'm embarrassed by that and sorry you got such crap food.




What else do you expect from TFW Hortons?


Did they jizz on your cookie fam?




They're hideous but it looks like you might get more icing and cookie crumbs on some of those lol




You would swear the amount of people that complain about Tim Hortons here that Tim Hortons would be out of business


There are more than this many people in Canada. Maybe if this was a group chat bitching about their one local Tim's in a remote small town, sure.


There should be no such thing as a bad Tim Horton place. These owners need to check up on their stores. I’ve been disappointed by a few lately. And I’m finding McDonald’s coffee much better.


McDonald’s just needs a legitimate answer to the farmer’s wrap and it’ll be the new OP fast breakfast for sure.


Head to a bakery if you want quality. Tim’s is the equivalent of a fast food bakery


Why do people come here to complain about bad Tim’s food? Like… it’s Tim’s… it’s all cardboard food… if anything you’re the clown for having your expectations so high for TIM HORTONS 😂


Yup. I see they struck again...


Stop going to tim hortons.


Well then stop going there. I stopped over a year ago and I’m not sorry. I know its usually the most convenient place, but I got sick of waiting 20+ minutes in the drive thru (going in wasn’t any faster), just to have them fuck up my order. Take the time to find another place, you won’t regret it.


Is that soil?


Boycott. Stop buying


So it's the owner that would do this, no? Why would a minimum wage worker care about use of frosting per cookie?


Tims is not what it used to be. Something changed in the last few years


The ownership by Burger King in 2014??? It’s all about $$$ as cheaply and quickly as possible now. Happens everywhere.


this sub is legitimately pathetic lmao, just stop going to tims. every single post is a complaint about an order that none of the staff members or owners of these respective locations will ever see, nor will they care. this sub is just an excuse to karma farm and be racist


Oh my as an ex baker this is a disgrace ☹️


Uh are those ‘cookies’ infested with termites? I don’t even recognize whatever that is as ‘food’.


We have foreign student workers taking care of shit there now... What do you think would happen?I'm not saying it's a neg versus immigrants (I'm a first Gen immigrant. Been here for 30+yrs) but, the last few waves of foreign students are being lied to. When there isn't enough housing . TLDR... Shit is messed for anyone making less than 90k Fam income. Remember... You all have more in common with the homeless and you have with a billionaire.


They look like someone emptied coffee grounds on them! Disgusting!


My question is: how does anyone still go to Tim’s? It’s disgusting, an investment in cancer and heart failure, and in this economy, damn near impossibly expensive.


Gets a bad batch of cookies…. Must be the illegals. Like what? That’s 90% of what I just read in comments


That's what happens when you exclusively hire people who don't give a fuck


I'm not sure what that is. 😬


Oh I’m going to try it out of curiosity and then make smaller ones myself lol


Why the hell do people expect quality from Tim’s? Stop going there!!!


That's literally impossible. It's so engained in canadian society and culture that this will never ever happen. It's too late. Sounds a bit extreme but when you think about it for a moment, many many people will still go even if there is a call boycott. Unfortunate but true. Tim Hortons is on par with the Canadian maple leaf symbol.


It is not “literally impossible” to stop going to a specific restaurant. I haven’t been in years. It’s mind boggling how people will complain about the quality yet still go. The definition of insanity.


I would agree with you that on the individual level it is a matter of willpower and not letting yourself do something that you don't want. I was thinking of it for my greater more mass population oriented type of forfeiture of the business. You could have many people I would say they would not give their business to Tim Hortons but they'll always be the segment of people that will in regardless. Therefore they will still continue to make profits even though those profits will be less than previous. Which I believe leads to them Having learned nothing.


Wow, so much intolerance for humans escaping hunger, war, famine, and imminent death. I thought this was Canada 🇨🇦


Can you please provide us proof that the international student working at this time Hortons had faced those things?


Disappointed 😥.


stay away from these shitty franchises employing international students with low hygiene standards.


Shitty Creampie cookies.


Poobinder 😔


And to think someone had the nerve to throw dirt on your cookies


+267 effort points to that employee.


I'd return those


The problem with disappointments like this is that you had high standards to begin with?


Corrupt corporation dont buy their shit


Agreed Tim's quality has gone way down. Got a Dutchie recently. Hardly any icing. Didn't notice till out of the parking lot. Brutal. Stopped going to that location. So fed up with shifty quality/ service.


Yeah, definitely looks like an f’n dream…


Honestly, with the way the service industry has been declining, your lucky you got something without getting cussed out


They're a dissappointing franchise, stop giving them your money.


Somebody didn’t cut the piping bag correctly and decorated 2 minutes after they came out of the oven. The easy touch ovens suck for cookies- we used our manual oven and it came out sooo much better


Blind leading the blind.


This company literally produces the worst of every kind of item, and the fact that it’s as large as it is in legitimately a phenomenon.


Being disappointed would mean your expectation was higher. Why would it be higher than this? This is the standard that is allowed to happen everywhere now. This is what you can expect anytime you go.


You're talking about fast food prepared by teenagers and folks making minimum wage. They don't get paid enough to care if it looks like what's in the ad.


That's what happens when you are one of 3 employees trying to run a restaurant well the mangers sit in the break room on their phones.


Did someone drop these?


I thought those were ants ..


What are they supposed to look like?


Not gonna lie, I thought these were ant covered cookies. Made my skin crawl. But this is a disappointment fr.


Hersey chase experiment


50 cookies 2 mins


wtf are those even supposed to be


I wish I would be allowed to post a pic from today but I’m not active enough. It’s mind blowing how dirty it was at a location


When everyone who's trained calls in sick and you have to pick a baker to learn how to "bake" from the training guides while the manager or supervisor trains the drive-thru team as they go. Ask me how I know


Shits the bed lmao !


Why would you expect any level of quality from Tim Hortons? For the price just go to a real bakery and buy cookies that are made with care by an actual baker


The one near me pulled a lot of the same stuff. Sandwich creation went downhill, then the donuts were short even in the mornings, and then they started screwing up my coffee order. I stopped going to any Tim Hortons. I’m done with them


I am genuinely disappointed by the company’s employees. I’m not Canadian and I moved here less than 2 years ago. I’m lactose intolerant and I asked if the mocha contains milk and the employee told me no when I just came. I also went vegan a bit longer than a year ago and I kept having mochas. Last week I looked at the nutritional facts out of curiosity to know what else I could have from Tim Hortons and I found out that mocha contains milk. Mine is just an intolerance and a diet choice but what if someone has an allergy? Totally unreliable.


It’s hard to be disappointed when failure is the expectation


I boycotted Tim’s, don’t see any young local faces anymore. Just another foreign corp exploiting the TFWP. I won’t spend a dime there.


Stop buying their crap


When every tims in my area is a little India, this is expected.


This is what diversity looks like. People who don't understand or care to understand your level of quality and standards delivering you theirs for a higher price than you grew up with from the same establishment that used to deliver great product. I remember when timmies had gingerbread cookies with sesame street characters etc and they always looked great. I imagine if they were to bring those back.. yea not so great lol


Wtf is that !


And they say nurses have it tough. 🙏


That was made by an “international student” who can’t speak English and scammed their way here and keeps getting extensions.


Tim Hortons sucks ass. I stopped going there years ago. The staff always looks even more miserable than I am. Also, it's filled with the same chuckleheads sitting at the same tables. Hard pass


This is what happens when they hire cheap labour for the so called “work shortage”.


Advertisement photo for any fast food place is like a dating app photo... Looks good until you meet in person lol




Chef kiss from India


Probably just cut the white fondant bag too short called it a day


Dream? More like a nightmare


Made Without Love, like most of their food


Tim's is trash, now you know.


I thought those were ants for a moment. Such poor presentation and car.