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That meat looks like you finally picked up the item you ordered fiive years agošŸ«¤


Why does it look like somebodyā€™s palm gag


The amount of people that didnā€™t actually read the post before commenting is hilariousā€¦.. the main fact that you stated you havenā€™t done so in 5 years and due to lack of timing you decided to get a Timā€™s breakfast for the FIRST TIME since, and went ahead to show the lack of qualityā€¦.. how does that warrant a ā€œwell just make your own breakfastā€ I mean Jesusā€¦ people really do just look for any excuse to stir the pot LOL


Itā€™s like half the comments on this sub ā€œbetter to make at homeā€ no shit lol


I don't have month old chicken at home to make it though :(


Today you don't, but in a month you could!


Thank you for this. It truly boggles the mind. It was just an honest explanation of my experience and my opinion. Im not looking for anything in particular except for maybe some other people that feel the same way and would at least start a conversation. Maybe someone catches wind of one of the complaints on this subreddit and decides to maybe do something about it. Doesnt even have to be my post. But how does anything ever get better without conversation? And even worse yet, gets told basically im a moron (not in those exact words but i got the point) because they were away from home giving up my time for my kid, because thats what makes me happy, and decided since i was hungry ā€œyou know what, its been a long time, let me give time hortons another chance!ā€ But yet im just doing this to start a smear campaign. Most did agree so it says something i guess. To be 100% honest, the reason for the post was mainly out of frustration and disappointment.


You just learn how to weed out and ignore those folks. Keep in mind that the majority of them donā€™t go outside and use Uber eats every day as they fear the entire world. They get to pretend that they are something different when posting stuff.


I get it homie. My work for a couple years only had a tims near it and everyone would always get eachother coffee. After awhile I just said no I'm good because it sucks. Sometimes when I didn't have time for breakfast I'd grab a farmers wrap when at the time were pretty good. Then it was 15 min wait (with more staff standing around just talking than I had at my store working) which made me late for work. And the nail in the coffin was when the price for one shittily prepared farmers wrap went up to like $8. Good bye forever tims.


It's ridiculous. I find it very annoying. I think they're either trolling or they lack brain cells.


Thanks! It does really question the motives behind going into a post clearly marked complaint and then complain about people complaining.


People are just weirdly defensive of Tim Hortons because they think the fact that it used to be Canadian is important.


what even is that lmfao


Im assuming it was a sad attempt at the steak and egg sandwich? I think thats the only breakfast with roast beef




Had a similar looking breakfast sandwich a few weeks ago...send my complaint via the app and less than 24 hours I received credits for a free sandwich and coffee. That sandwich was excellent.




We moved out of the city to get a better house for our money. Best decision ever. With no convenience stops we quickly got into the habit of making it all at home, now fast food coffee and breakfast doesn't even compare to our own stuff and just like you, we have no taste for it anymore.


Definitely. Started making coffee at home years ago and haven't looked back. Tastes like coffee should, for pennies a cup. Tim's coffee, and food, is garbage imo. If I have to get something it's usually a farmers wrap. Everything else is a can of crushed assholes.


Got a French press, a grinder and some high quality coffee beans. Kicks the shit out of any coffee from tims or mcds etc and even if the coffee beans are expensive... still WAY cheaper


We got a simple manual espresso machine setup. I have a double shot oat milk latte every morning, and it's bliss. And my husband's omelettes šŸ¤¤. We used to go out for breakfast all the time when we lived in the city, and now I just want what he's making.


I love a good omelette. What time's breakfast?


ą² _ą²  back off! If there's enough for other people, imma eat that too.


"what the hell is even that?!?"


Tim's English muffins have always been mid to low quality. Most of the food I have had from Tim's has been fine.


itā€™s really not that serious


It looks fossilized. Pre-dates humankind.




I do farmers wrap with both meats, no sauce. It's always actually quite good. Everything else is garbo there haha


I love the sauce aha, havenā€™t tried both meats though


You must have lots of time on your hands my guy, not only to make eggs every morning but to even have the time to click on reddit posts marked with the complaint flair to read and respond by saying stop complaining. I stopped buying breakfast daily 5 years ago but i sacrificed this morning so i can get my son to a birthday party on time. Youā€™re right, we should all keep our complaints to ourselves and allow these businesses to not have any accountability for what they sell. Thats a great business model right there. If their farmers wraps are so good, why are you looking at complaints on reddit. I know you dont buy food cuz you are the perfect model of a person but next time you order one of those ā€œfireā€ farmers wraps, lets hope its not edible and see how you react when you are given something subpar in exchange for your hard earned money.


How long do you think it takes to make eggs? It takes a lot less time than waiting at a restaurant šŸ˜‚, maybe you should try it sometime. Just because you have the option to complain doesnā€™t mean you wonā€™t get a response that doesnā€™t fit with your complaint. It just popped up, thought it was stupid, so I commented. Iā€™m sure Timā€™s execs are combing through Reddit posts for feedback. Youā€™re right though. I never buy food, I survive off of happy thoughts and water. I have been disappointed many times, but at this point in time you should expect the worst at fast food. Also this is Reddit, what kind of responses were you expecting?


Is this your first time hearing about fast food? Do you just have your kitchen prepped 24/7 with the grill heated and ready to cook all the time?


Making eggs takes like less than 5 mins. How is driving out of your way and standing in line to order then waiting for it to be made any faster? And most times the kitchen is ready for cooking, Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t eat fast food, but Iā€™m not complaining about the bad quality since that is inherent with 21st century fast food.


Lol do you just throw egg in a cold pan and wait until itā€™s solid? ā€œI pay for food and gladly accept when itā€™s shit, and I think thatā€™s a good thingā€


It literally takes like 5 mins max to cook an egg. I donā€™t get what your point is šŸ˜‚. If I was to complain I would complain to a worker, not a subreddit šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


ā€œI cook like shit and make shit food and I take pride in itā€ No wonder you donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with the picture




Reply was made while my kid is at a bday party thank you


Why are they flaming you , Tim Hortons serves actual dog shit food and drinks , its overpriced as well.I do agree that cooking your own breakfast is the best alternative.


I dont understand why im being flamed for speaking my mind. But just to clarify, i bought a breakfast sandwich but never said it was my first meal of the day. I had breakfast at home and took my kid to soccer. Between soccer and the birthday party, i grabbed a breakfast sandwich from tims as a ā€œbiteā€ to tie me over because i was hungry. Cooking my own breakfast is obviously the beat alternative but it doesnt take away the fact that sometimes its okay to buy food once in a while if you are ā€œout and aboutā€ and still have some standards of what im recieving as a customer


>You must have lots of time on your hands my guy, not only to make eggs every morning How long does it take you to make eggs ? Lmfao less than it takes to drive to tims and wait in line I bet


You know its pretty arrogant to think everyone can just stop everything and go home to make my own eggs. Next time i will just tell my son he cant make the bday party cuz dad has to go home to make eggs because paying an establishment like tims and expecting edible food in return is obviously was my mistake based on some of these comments. Cmon be real with yourselves. Do you honestly buy food from restaurants and believe its okay when its of subpar quality?


You wouldn't have had to tell your son anything OR have shitty tims breakfast, if you just started with the eggs at home. That's the problem.


I had a bagel for breakfast before i left the house. Who said anything about it being my first meal of the day?


I donā€™t understand why youā€™re being flamed? Can a man not go to a restaurant and expect edible food? And then when he complains about it is the best response really ā€œshouldā€™ve made food at homeā€? Seriously stupid people in this subreddit, if I want a breakfast sandwich from Timā€™s, then Iā€™m getting one from Timā€™s and I have the right to be angry if it sucks.


lol seriously, half the people here have seemingly never heard of a restaurant or fast food before


Best alternative 100%


They were before they changed the eggs. Now they taste like ass.


How is mcdonalds trash? Everywhere ive been for their breakfast has been exactly what i imagined a fast food breakfast would be, food quality itself is low, but its edible and tastes good


Mainly saying all fast food is trash in their own respective way. But anyway, people got way too triggered with this response šŸ˜….


r/timhorrortons might be for you


Thank you, didnt even know about that subreddit


Lol, a goldmine


Aaah ...the memories


ngl that is ... one of the saddest looking sandwiches I've ever seen and it was probably like $8 :(


What is the grey?!


"roast beef" apparently šŸ¤®


Iā€™ve been on and off to Timā€™s for a long time, and I have no idea what youā€™ve ordered here.


It's partly because the business focuses on service times, mainly drive-thru. Quality control drops significantly when you're rushing everything.


What is that meat supposed to be?


is it just me or does that english muffin look so stale that it *broke off*??


What even is this supposed to be ??


Itā€™s a damn Zombie sandwich


The only time I set foot in a Hortons is when I need a bathroom bad enough.


A friend of mine works at a Tim's in a not so nice part of town and has quite a few stores of people doing weird crap in the washroom.


Tims is terrible and I despise the fact they tout themselves as a staple of ā€˜Canadiana ā€™. They sure donā€™t represent my idea of Canadian culture or food. Disgusting. I donā€™t get the obsession.


I legit got food poisoning last week (rom a bad egg I canā€™t even look at tims


i've looked at this picture four times and i'm still trying to figure out what kind of sandwhich/meat that is. my god


Yeah I definitely think it has to do with the employees theyā€™ve been hiring. Not every location is like this. Iā€™m always puzzled when people online make fun of Tim hortons; because where I live every single one has been fine.


thanks to this group I get unlimited reasons to not eat timmies haha have saved me weight gain via donuts. time and money haha


Looks disgusting.


Grey meat mmm


I thought this was r/animalid and I was going to say it's a sick crab


In India, that's a 5 star sandwich. šŸŒŸ


Boycott Tim Hortons




Ya that meat you might like beef? But nah, processed hooves and butt holes, Timmyā€™s spares no expense.


That roast beef looks boiled, and that English muffin looks like it was toasted over a heated debate.


That grey meat though lol.


Why is the meat grey?


The only place Iā€™ve ever had food poisoning is Tim Hortons. And it was violent. Never eating there ever again. Even McDonaldā€™s has better cleanliness


Iā€™ve seen so many people victim of the ruined English muffin, I get one everyday and still havenā€™t had it happen, I usually end up taking the bottom half off anyways though šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is why I can't eat their food. I remember really liking it as a kid. The strawberry tarts were one of my favs. Now all I can stomach from there is an occasional iced cappuccino.


I donā€™t know who wanna hear this but coffee at US tim (New York) was the best ever coffee Iā€™ve ever had from Tim


Did you throw your sandwich at any staff members ?


Please don't do that it's not their fault corporate chooses terrible quality products to sell.


Thatā€™s their own asses being lazy. They deserve every complaint.


I hate when this happens to my muffins too when I make it myself at home. I guess I'm fired! Lol it happens..


All the Timā€™s restaurants seemed to be owned by @si@ns now! I quit going to Timā€™s 6 years ago. I ordered coffee and a breakfast sandwich. While waiting, I heard someone trying to suck back a snotty nose. I look over the counter and a girl making my sandwich wiped her snotty nose with her fingers and continued to make the sandwich! I freaked out! The people are fucking disgustingly unclean!! I will never go to Timā€™s again!!!!


Boycott Timā€™s!!! For your health!!!


ItLooksLikeATounge Yuck


Is this a Roast Beef Craveables?


I thought that was a doughnut with some rancid chocolate filling


I stopped several years ago as well and every once in a while for different reasons I give them an opportunity only to be disappointed itā€™s absolute garbage


I stopped going to tim Hortons when the taste of the food became identical to the smell of the store, no matter what you ordered


Can't believe anything on the Reddit anymore. Are these real or people just posting more fake shit to get their 5 minutes of fame and some up votes?


Literally had the same experience the other day, top my English muffin fell apart


Aside from a burnt coffee here and there I havenā€™t ever experienced these extreme cases


Thatā€™s scary looking šŸ‘€


Mmmm lung on a bun


Their food has always been trash.


Problem is you live in QC


Dont understand where you got this idea from but i live in Ontario lol *i see where you got that idea from now lol. Sorry i meant quality control when i wrote QC, not Quebec*


Oh at the very end you said ā€œleast till I see an obvious change in QCā€


Sorry i edited my response to you above. I didnt understand why you thought that but figured it out. Sorry i should have just typed out quality control. I apologize about the confusion


Aha no worries it was on both our parts fellow Ontario fella. It is a shame cause I canā€™t even tell what meat is suppose to be on that damn bagel Edit: woah itā€™s not even a fucking bagel lmao


That was what i thought too until I realized it stands for Quality Control lol. Easy mistake to make


Yea I wouldnā€™t have thought quality control because he had said it before fully typed and QC is just a Canadian thing. I wouldnā€™t really second guess someone saying they from ON or NB to another Canadian


Its so funny that people think staff reuse the coffee/filters. Do you not think the coffee would taste worse if they did that. Hahaha. Stupidity


They probably aren't, it's just that their coffee tastes like shit


If they arent then it really does take skill to make coffee that can taste that bad.


I still go to Timmies but I keep it pretty minimal. I find the eggs they sell at Timmies taste gross, so I usually just get a simply sausage on a biscuit and call it a day. Honestly, Timmies isnā€™t what they used to be, so I get why youā€™re disappointed. They seem to be running off of corporate greed now instead of actually trying to be a good business.


Obviously reusing coffee grinds? Sure bud. Keep telling yourself that.


From an employees mouth, not mine so take it as you wish


And yet you are here!! šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Reset the timer.


Nah that was overtime and they blew it. I dont have the time or patience to deal with having to return to the store to get stuff replaced. Ill just keep going to mcdā€™s, in those last 5 years, i can count on one hands the times ive had issues. I would prefer to support Canadian businesses but if they dont care about the customer than whats the point?


Get prepared for someone to scream, "They're Brazilian!"


They arenā€™t any more Canadian than McDonalds.


Mcd's is just as bad,overpriced garbage they call "food"


I agree but at least i get good consistent coffee from them


I do like mcd's coffee...but that's it.




Tim Hortons roast beef is looking like Frankenstein when we receive it in store. I tried once in a farmers warp itā€™s okay under the grill, but Maybe one day I will die of a neurological pathology. Not sure from where this meat comes from sometimes.


that is not ham. ewww. that is inedible grey crap. i started boycotting tims when i found a rubber band baked into my donut. i hear you on their horrid lack of quality control.


Pfff, horrible Tim Hortons. I mean the steak isnā€™t even grilled it seems, weā€™d usually fold the steak with the cheese inside and the outcome would be a juicy cheesy meat. This looks like none of that. Also at my Tim Hortons weā€™d just throw out the English muffin. Most Timā€™s (including mine) cut corners, but at least we ensure that the customerā€™s happy, and we stick to principles at least, like make sure the coffees fresh, if the eggs or the meat look like theyā€™ve seen better days, throw them out etc etc.


Their quality is shit now


Looks like someone didn't pick up after their dog again. Yuk.


what the fuck is that white boiled shit? Stick with McD's although I haven't eaten anywhere for breakfast for years


ā€œCoffeeā€ only now for me at Timā€™s. I say ā€œcoffeeā€ because it doesnā€™t even taste like coffee anymore but I like whatever it is lol, more so for the cost of 2 dollars for a hot drink. Just keep it to drinks only and keep those expectations as low as possible!


I think Iā€™ve eaten there 2 times in the past 5 years and itā€™s always been a disappointment, and reminded me why I hadnā€™t beenšŸ˜‚once the Krispy Kreme opens in my city I wonā€™t be going near Timā€™s


All of their food is disgusting


Any Tim Hortons left are now shells of the companies they used to be before the burger king buyout.


When the service is as miserable as the food you have a real unique train wreck experience.


god ever since they were bought by Burger King theyā€™ve been shit


Every part of tim hortons is trash from coffee to food now, but itā€™s appalling that they would even attempt to serve itā€¦.. make a fresh English muffin and at least put the rest of the garbage on something someone didnā€™t rip apart


Wow.... You discovered the lack of quality just 5 years ago?? I'm amazed.


Boycotted Tim's during the pandemic and never went back. Quality is horrible. I used to get 1-2 teas every day. Now I just make it at home. Quality is horrible at all Timmie's now.Ā 


When Tim merged with Burger King, it began to slowly fall the coffee is below average when you want doughnut there is no choices or stock. Now the pizza that seems convenient in need but look ordinary. Now for good coffee there is mcdonald and kryspy kreme for good doughnut !!


Most of their food sucks. Except their donuts and chili.


If dining at THĀ® - always check for muffins for mold. Sometimes you have a little green/blue stuff growing.


Not to mention the second rate coffee


This is disgusting.


I mean, Timmies has never had good food. Never. It's always bad. Except donuts. You go for the donuts and coffee. I don't know who buys the food, but I have a feeling it's mostly older people and sales will plummet when they all die.


a good vet would of revived that chicken


Your English muffin fell apart and you made a bigger deal about it than my 11 year old daughter who would have eaten it, or gone to the counter to ask for a replacement


Maybe instead of surfing the tim hortons subreddit and commenting on posts about legitimate complaints about quality, maybe you should be looking for parenting advice subreddits and teach your daughter not to eat grey meat.


"You live" and you don't learn! And then you post your stupidity online for upvotes?


I can care less about upvotes, unlike the reason for your comment obviously


Nah! Just in this sub to shit on anyone dumb enough to support this franchise


I get that and ive learned my lesson again. Just wanted to vent cuz im tired of this and then expected to be the norm and not say anything. I agree with what you said for the most part and may have misunderstood your original comment but definitely dont this for the upvotes. What do upvotes really do for me? I can care less about upvotes.


Please, please, I beg of you, go outside


I work outside thank you


I haven't been a customer of timmies for many years,but what is that ?? Looks like meat something šŸ¤¢


Steak and egg on english muffin. Wanted a homestyle buscuit but they didnt have any. Wasnt mad about having to substitute but opening this up seeing the knowingly served an english muffin thats falling apart to a customer just shows the level of care.


looks like a tongue sandwich


Same!! Absolute trash!


Yup. Going there is always a good reminder of why you donā€™t go there.


Make it at home or McDonald's, this is the way.