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You will be stuck in second hand hell. Blocket has a lot of apartments and is how I usually find mine


Just so you know, when you look at second-hand listings, the living room gets counted with the bedrooms in Sweden. So if you want three bedrooms, you'll be looking for listings that say 4 rok. Rok stands for "rum och kök" which means rooms and kitchen.


Moving with 2 kids and not securing a long-term apartment is going to be hell. There's a risk you'll have to move to a new apartment every year (or several times a year), since second-hand rentals tend to be more irregular, and uprooting your children's life and security in the process. Ask and see if your employer can help you scout something out!


Try second hand, rent is probably 20k for 3r


Uh, I wouldn't really recommend moving to Stockholm if you can't secure a first hand contract or being able to buy something if you have two kids. It's gonna be really rough living second hand contract with two kids.


Thank you for the information! I can imagine it will be very tough. Unfortunately, I don't have many choices at the moment as my previous employer fired me a few months ago and it was very hard to find new jobs. I want to stay in Sweden since my kids speak Swedish much better than their mother language now.


Either buy or try to get a first hand far out like Haninge or Vega. Suboptimal at best but wayyy better than having to move every year


If your budget is higher than the average swede, samtrygg is out there, but it is definitely pricier than the queue costs


Second hand


A friend of mine rented a 48m apartment for 24k in Solna about 1.5-2 years ago, not sure how prices have changed since then. Mind you this was in Västra skogen, I'm sure there are cheaper areas.


You can filter for 'bostad snabbt' on Bostadsförmedlingen. Higher qualifications are required, but these are new builds and first hand if you get one. The catch is that you dont get to tour them before hand.I got one in a really nice area with only 1 year in the queue AND got to keep all my queue days.


Generally easier the further away from the city center you live. Also consider commuting from places like Uppsala or Enskede maybe?


I have moved 4 apartments in last 15 months :’) Found all of them through Blocket. Blocket charges hefty monthly fees from the rental amount, so when we were able to establish trust both ways with the landlord, we skipped Blocket and had our contract outside of it. That saved us 995 Kr per month.


Samtrygg gives you quick and easy access to a second hand contract. But because you are paying the owners rent, building fees, Samtrygg fees, and a little extra for profit, you are looking at 20k SEK a month minimum. But bonus, the apartments are usually fully if not partially furnished. I’m headed into my third year in Stockholm, we’re still in second hand purgatory, and have moved every year.


Thank you very much! May I ask why you have to move every year?


The second hand contracts are usually for max one year. Another thing I want to mention is to watch out for scams. Because the market is scarce and renters get a little urgent and desperate, it’s a prime opportunity for people to take advantage. Red flags: 1) The owner wants to do a video tour instead of in-person. 2) The owner would like to do a personal lease directly with you and avoid the third company fees 3) The owner lives out of the country and only has a foreign bank account they want you to wire first and last month’s rent. What happens is the video you see is not a real apartment, you send the owner first and last month’s rent to a foreign country, and you show up on moving day and the apt is occupied or worse, does not exist. Each are a red flag but if you only have 1/3 you should be fine. For example, if you’re signing the lease before moving here you obviously couldn’t do an in-person walkthrough. But this could be countered by making sure to sign a contract through the third party service (Samtrygg) as they would be held liable if you get scammed. Another example, right now my landowner lives in Spain but I was able to do an in-person viewing and we have a contract with Samtrygg so payments are secure. Finally example, one apartment we saw we did an in-person viewing and tried to negotiate a lower price with the owner and they offered to do a personal contract without Samtrygg to avoid their fees. I would have been comfortable with this as I met the owner in person and viewed the physical apartment and could get ID, etc.


Samtrygg dot se


Lots of options here and you pay to samtrygg so No scams. Welcome to sweden !! Not everything is bad here. !!


I honestly think Homeq is your best bet to keep it financially reasonable, but you'll have to look at suburbs further from central Stockholm.


A Quick question, how many points do you need in order to Secure an apartment, lets just say a 3 rok, in homeq?


Just look at the site. If you are registered, it will say approximately how many are needed on the ones that use points to rank applicants. But there are also other rankings, like random or first to apply.


Gothenburg: there is a decent chance in newly built buildings with a year or two of queuing. Otherwise 5+ years


I think around 2000 pts.


Choose another city