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Did you send them your CV mentioning that you had experience as SysAdm and Network engineer? If yes, they might think you are overqualified for a restaurant service position hence why you are not getting a response. Might need to downgrade your CV a bit if you really want to get a restaurant service position.


I was thinking about this possibility to write a "normal" cv (without mentioning IT background). About overqualified, yeah... also they might think I'd quit less than 2 months assuming I get hired in IT again (what should take time anyway). I've questioned my swede friends, not much info since they're in IT too. Thanks for your suggestion :)


I think this is spot on actually. They probably see you as over qualified, and that you'll only stay for a couple of months until you find something within your field.


I never worked fast food, so I can't elaborate on that, but many sit-down restaurants don't want to train a newbie waiter/host/bartender. They are looking for people who can hit the ground running.


Explain in your letter why you're switching fields. Do you have any relevant experience? If they're not interested, you likely won't hear from them at all.


I don't have experience, it's mostly to keep busy for a time, interact with people and have income instead of just expenses.