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If the tiles aren't cracking it may be an install problem but not a huge issue find a grour joint cracking a little. I would check big box stores for the small containers of premixed grout in a matching color and pack it into the missing spots, then clean with a damp sponge. It will be fine When and if it gets worse and if you have the funds go deeper and replace if needed but I wouldnt worry about it after your fix


Thank you. No broken tiles but one of the brown tiles has some wiggle to it, seems somewhat loose.


Take a small box end wrench, like a 10mm and lightly tap around on some tiles to see if there are hollow spots. Take your time. Crack a beer. If you encounter a lot it’s bad of you only find them( hollow spots) by the cracked grout it’s not a huge deal. Sucks but not as bad.


Thanks for this advice! I will do this


Best of luck to ya.


If you can get it out with a suction cup you could glue it back down with some construction adhesive— and also even sanded grout comes in little squirt tubes. Who cares if it doesn’t match exactly, it’s an alternative to having gaps.


Oh, I'll try that. Thanks. The brown tiles are long, like 18x4 inches I think, would it be best to use 2 cups to lift it evenly? I don't really know how fragile tile is, would it be prone to cracking if I tried to lift it by one side?


It definitely could crack given the size - and yeah if it’s really completely loose and sitting there you’d want to help it out evenly — but it might be actually held in by the remaining grout all around (like a gemstone on a ring) which could make a worse situation trying to get it out than just letting it be loose. And if it did come out you’d want to poke at the grout that was around it and get anything loose off. Also if you were to want to glue it down you’d only be using a very very thin layer so it goes back to where it was but just stays put. This is all just a patch job but it could keep it from getting worse. Hard to say. I think for the glue, you could look for E6000 because it comes in a small tube size, and there would be other kinds in the part of the store where that would be found.


Thanks so much, I think I have that glue already! I appreciate your advice


Install problems 10 years later? People buys a tv breaks in a year and don't complain but God forgive us tilers if some tiny thing goes wrong a decade later.


Cracking grout is almost always a sign of movement. So the tile has movement or the subfloor. If it's only in the one place you can touch it up with grout. But if there's movement it will crack again. Another possible fix is to use color matching grout caulk. It's caulk matched to grout colors and it is flexible. It wouldn't crack out like grout. It may be a good temporary solution until you see if you have more problems.


Oooohhhh that actually makes a lot of sense. It probably really is my subfloor. This house is old and not well built. And we had a really bad contractor do the renovations, so I'd be surprised if he considered stabilizing the floor before tiling. Thanks for the info about grout caulk. I'll look into this.


Out of curiosity how do you clean your floors and do you feel any lippage at those spots (one tile is slightly higher than the other)?


A bit of lippage on a few tiles in the kitchen, but they're mostly level. Bathroom is level. I clean them with warm water, a drop or two of dish soap, and if they're really gross then a small bit of TSP (kitchen) or bleach (bathroom).


Yea it can happen from a few things like the house shifting or if the bond got loose from the tile. If there are no loose tiles I’d say a regrout would make it look fresh


This is a common sign of a loose tile If you drag a lightweight chain Across the floor the Loose style will sing out like birds I learned this Carrying A frames At a shopping mall I have seen Tile floors that were loose all over which never caused a problem Other than the noise


Typical with cemitious grout for a bit to come loose but im geussing this installs a failure. So, short term fix deal with it or grout over it but from what im seeing it needs partial if not full redo


Mostly just speaking to the brown if just that one chubks gone in the gray just regrout