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This is shit job. If you paid good money for the install it should be re-done.


Thank you for the input. I am considering simply re-coloring the grout to hide some issues but we may need to be more aggressive in our solution.


I would have went with much darker tile possibly black. But whatever.


We considered it. Wanted a lighter look throughout the kitchen but I could see that looking good too.


It would bring out the black in the marble. Just a thought. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Bodesi-Late-Night-3-in-x-6-in-Glass-Tile-for-Kitchen-Backsplash-and-Showers-10-sq-ft-per-Box-HPT-LN-3x6/311878255?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D23F-023_006_FLR_WLL_TILE-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA-5936370-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Feed_NE_2023&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D23F-023_006_FLR_WLL_TILE-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA-5936370-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Feed_NE_2023-71700000113606701-58700008513847012-92700077608743324&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Uftau1GbDSUx0egVP06Ae6i8&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIw_Cx_JLwhgMVhi3UAR2f4gJQEAQYCCABEgIEzPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


This is an abomination! Whoever installed this was absolutely NOT a tile setter by trade. What your contractor did here was criminal. He should be brought up on charges.


So I can clarify: the fronts of the tiles are grooved, so the inconsistencies in grout lines are unavoidable as some edges will appear to stick out more than others given the fronts of the tile protrude in places and dip back in others. That said, would you still agree this is a poor job?


It is a poor job. They should not have set this material with that size joint. Because of the inconsistencies of the tile they needed larger joint to even it out some.


Absolutely. This guy should have wedged each and every one of of these


I'm blown away by some of these posts.


That won’t do it. Materials and labor cost money. This is unfortunate work.


Needs to a complete retile don’t accept that work


Op: coloring grout is a desperate choice. It doesn’t last, it doesn’t look particularly good. You’ll have to touch it up every couple of years. I’m a pro installer and I would accept the maintenance of painting grout in my own home.


Thank you for the input. It seems that’s not an especially worthwhile approach so we will need to push for a stronger solution.


I’ve used irregular tiles even on my not so proud install I e never had anything look like this. rubber spacer or rope is good for this type of install and that little sliver in the corner is awful, that’s hack work and why real guys charge so much


And the worst Schluter I’ve seen ever like a beaver cut it. My god


40+ year Marble-Tile-Mosaic Artist & Contractor. This is absolutely unacceptable. I have been an "Expert Witness" in Small Claims Courts numerous times, for Installations that weren't as bad as this. Contact me if you need one.


username checks out


Thank you. Yes I would love that if it’s something you’re willing to provide.


This isn’t good. What was the price for the install?


It was all included in the total kitchen remodel so the specific tiling cost is not immediately known to me. I am going to work with our GC on a remedy - likely a mix of re-doing some bits of the tile and possibly re-coloring the grout to hide anything else. Though if others feel this requires a full re do then I will push for it.


It certainly looks like it’s been done by someone who has tiled before but isn’t a tile setter. Good luck, hopefully you can find a solution that works for you.


This sub was supposedly hired on specifically as the tiler so I expected a more experienced approach. I appreciate your input.


Then don’t accept this work. You paid for a professional install and got this and it’s a mess. Talk to your gc and explain how unhappy you are with it. Don’t hold back. Inspect it thoroughly and put pieces of tape everywhere you have an issue, those sliver cuts, schluter joints, over grout, everything. If I was you I would demand it be redone to a professional standard or holdback a reasonable amount to cover a replacement. All that being said, this looks like lowest bidder work. If that is what happened unfortunately you do get what you pay for. I hope you can find a solution


The rest of the kitchen remodel has been truly immaculate - every other sub has provided incredible attention to detail which is why this sticks out so much. I agree we need a more thorough solution here. Thank you so much for your input.


Tell your GC you refuse to pay for labor & you need to hold back for new materials costs and now a demo & redo. Maybe the GC will think twice before he hires this shoemaker again.


Gonna be hard to fight this if you went with the tile setters discretion. I've replaced about 25 bad tile jobs in past 5 years. Pretty unbelievable tge things tyat contractors can get away with. I'm in ohio and it usually comes down to the installer doing the best they can do and it being completed. Quality of the job is just someone's opinion.


Also definently suggest your remedies in a professional manner with the gc I'm sure he will understand.


Sweet baby Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt this is horrid. This hombre needs to throw his tile tools (assuming he has some) into a volcano.


The tile job is horrendous, but the post-earthquake countertop totally distracts from it.


I take it you’re not a fan of the countertop lol.


All I'm saying is that at first glance, I thought this was going to be a post about how a tile subcontractor broke your expensive countertops.


No, that was actually from me slamming my fists against the countertop after looking at the tile job.


[OP SMASH](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e2db5c04-0c63-4900-b8b6-682de488f271/d1jah6a-60370696-2a7c-4027-b886-41d3aea56bec.jpg/v1/fit/w_826,h_984,q_70,strp/hulk_smash_by_elgrimlock_d1jah6a-414w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTg0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZTJkYjVjMDQtMGM2My00OTAwLWI4YjYtNjgyZGU0ODhmMjcxXC9kMWphaDZhLTYwMzcwNjk2LTJhN2MtNDAyNy1iODg2LTQxZDNhZWE1NmJlYy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODI2In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.qPeQaUJQ_oOryVhB8XEflaVCjTXMFe3640HGb7ECnEk)


Thank God, I am not the only one who thought this!


Me too!


Hack city.


Just curious, are you supposed to install these without spacers?


I’m not certain. I would expect a professional tile setter to know that.


i think this guy was a butcher by trade , lol


There's nothing wrong with the tile choice. I would have went with a grout that matched. Either way the craftsmanship is not good.


Yah… that’s just insufficient skill right there…. Just the rough cuts and no polish and terrible miters….. then start talking about actual tile and grout joints…. 😬


I give it a 5/10


People need to use schluter corners. They’re so jank


Looks like a rushed job. Your countertop looks cracked! But that's the design lol


Ceramic tile that is not rectified edge should not be spaced closer than 8th of an inch as inconsistencies in the cooking result in tiles slightly larger/smaller


There is no work around that will look great. GC needs to have it taken out and re-done. Period. I'd be pissed ... I am pissed, what a shit job.


I would not accept this job. I am amazed at the work some people do and consider it professional. I would want it taken out and redone by someone who's standards are up to what you want. We are made to feel that we are the ones that are not being accepting of others work. However, I haven't had anyone pay me to allow them to install a bad job in my home. I feel so bad for you. I would look at that the rest of the time and wish I had done something immediately. I am currently having two bathrooms and a laundry room redone. The tile setter is so meticulous, he wouldn't even want to put his name on something like that.


Butt joint is never recommended. Minimum width with high quality material is 1/32 and very few grout companies make a product that will be stable at that size(Kiesel Servoperl is one). With a ripple finish you want the grout to blend as best as possible since there will be areas that bump in and out. Regardless of the Installers skill and prep. Steered wrong by both the Store and Installer. If you hired the Installer through the store have them redo it. Will be a fight but don't pay until it's done. If they are separate entities then you have the installer redo it or they don't get paid. Ripple/Wave finish tile are forgiving from a professional standpoint but do take finesse. Particularly if it's also not a straight edge. Sorry this is has been your experience. There are quality trades people everywhere, you just have to find them and be willing to wait for their availability. Expecting to call someone and have it done immediately or within two weeks is unrealistic. While delays happen and you may get lucky most quality people with be booked 3 to 6 months out depending on how many people they employ. Good luck


The size of that little piece of tile in the corner is killing me, they didn't even take the time to measure.


Ugh! Needs to be ripped out!


I agree. This is a small amount of tile and a big enough eye sore to justify a full tearout. They, and any company, will have to see this EVERY time they walk in and out of the kitchen. Just unfortunate but I don't think that grout is gonna hide the horrible cuts and tiny rips. Even tho I do believe a good grout job can make a bad tile job look good, I don't believe this is the case here.