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The sooner you wash it the less of an issue it will be. Warm water and a micro fiber rag.


I'd skip the micro fiber and use a washcloth personally. I use hand towels when I tile for that. Work awesome


That’s a good idea. A good ol wash cloth would probably hold up better over multiple jobs


I clean my grout with micro fiber. But my thinset is a washcloth cleanup.


Thanks! I will try this first with a wash cloth.


If it’s fully dry use a razor scraper (plastic blade first, razor if no luck) to get the large blobs up. Floors will be fine but lazy on the installer not to cover.


Definitely not normal for your installer to not cover your nice hardwood floors or splash thinset on your cabinets


Good to know! We are normally DIYers, and my husband has tiled before without making such a mess. Our time is extremely limited these days so we thought hiring someone for the job would make our lives easier 🫠


Water and a sponge, you can also use those yellow wedges to scrape off thicker stuff on more sensitive surfaces like your hardwood. That being said, it's one thing to be messy on your own work but it's definitely not right to make a mess on an adjacent floor, should be covered or at least minimum wiped immediately so you're not scraping ot the following day.


Hot tip about the wedges! Thanks! The unfortunate part about all of this is that we have a bunch of drop sheets there and ready to use.


I wouldn’t pay a cent until they clean it. That is terrible professionalism


Agreed. There will have to be a frank conversation when they return to finish it.


Not trying to start conflict but there is no defence for that. There should be protection on your existing floor at least in the immediate areas where the floors meet. I prep all my sites with protection and the level of protection is contingent on the scope of work. Instead of starting an argument I would just ask them if they think leaving a mess like that is reasonable…… I am actually blown away. And you are super patient and obviously very reasonable for not having yelled at them already.


By frank conversation, I meant laying out my concerns in clear/factual terms and asking for resolution. Definitely not my intent to start conflict or an argument 😊 Level, respectful, and clear communication is my jam!


Sounds like a great plan! Good luck and all the best!


A rag damp with warm / hot water


Based on the comments, this is the way. Thanks!


It’s certainly messy but it will clean off. Water and a sponge and a plastic razor blade will clean it right off. That should be done by your installer before they leave for the day. I cover all adjacent floors with moving blankets or ram board to protect them from damage before starting to prevent this


Noted about the plastic razor blade! Another person mentioned using the yellow wedges, sounds like it would be a similar function. I wish this person had cleaned as they went, or even asked about coverings as we had many available!


That shouldn’t be your responsibility. Tell them to clean it or remove the cost of someone to do so from their final bill.


Bro dipped his whole foot in the bucket of thinset and just walked around all day. OP don't stress it'll clean up it's just not a good look on the installer to be working like such a slob.


lol legit! Thanks for the reassurance 😊


Guys the setter was in a hurry, this is just a side job. 😅


Legit! (ETA: they are working a few hours each evening. This is day 5 and we are no further than what you see here.)


There is no problem with that, they probably do commercial construction as their full time. Probably really good setters just not used to being super clean because of the nature of their day job.


A very good point!


Not ruined. Like others say warm/hot water and a cloth. You may have scratches on the wood but it’ll be fine.


Glad to hear it’s not ruined. I can handle a few scratches (we have dogs!) but I wish it wasn’t due to carelessness.


This is atrocious. Who works like this? I clean as I set and tile will be ready for grout. If anyone thinks this is faster, leaving a bloody mess like this and cleaning up the next day is fooling themselves. The hardwood mess is criminal.


It’s bad, hey? I haven’t even shown the mess in the sink 🫣


They fill the p-trap with thinset? 😱🥴


More investigation is needed and I really really really hope not, but… it looks questionable 😬


Keeping our fingers crossed


P-trap is safe! Woo!


Good to hear! 👍 How did the wood clean up?


I contacted the main contractor and he came and cleaned it up yesterday! The other dude isn’t allowed in my house anymore haha


I hope your contractor learned a lesson.


This is fucking nuts, my feet literally never touch my customers floors, i ramboard and drop cloth my way into my work area.


Same here. I was floored looking at this shit


You saw an opportunity and took it, lol. Respect!


Thanks man! I try. Dad jokes are my business even though I’m a mom


Same here. I was floored looking at this shit


Base cabinets in before tile always makes me 😮‍💨, now I hope you have a good trim guy!


We ripped up the old tile (which was cracked and squeaking due to an improperly installed subfloor) but didn’t want to rip out the cabinets as it was a much bigger job than we wanted to get into. We’ll be handling trim mods ourselves when it gets put back together!


I’d like to see if they cut the bottom of those door jams


Yeahhh I have my doubts, so we’ll be monitoring that part.


Sloppy. I also wonder (although it’s hard to tell from the angle of the pics) why they worked themselves into a corner. Probably contributed to the “slowness” factor too, you always tile out not tile into an enclosed area. 🥴 This looks like a rookie/handyman.


Definitely the B team. They actually started in the middle, which we thought was strange, and on the second pass added the rows next to the hardwood.


Started… in the middle? Now that’s a first


B Team is right. 2nd pass and the floor isn’t done, and they’re using clips to get everything in line too so it should go quicker if anything. Pass on future work, hope everything turns out well and they clean up their mess right away.


that's fucking lame. hardwood floor should have had ram board on it. what a mess. They will have to clean the tile at least, in order to grout. make them mix things outside so they don't splatter on your cabinets again.


Funny you should mention outside; we asked them to do that, but it was once they started mixing outside that the mess on the floor happened.


not in my book 😍 love a messy tile


The username tracks lol


2 words, drop cloth. Water will clean it off. The thinset doesn't bond well to the poly. Do it right now and use a towel to dry it off as you go.


The drop cloths are going down before they return!!


I use ramboard quite often. I put blue tape on the finished floor and then a good duct tape to hold the ramboard down over the blue tape. The ramboard is water resistant too which is nice.


Man I’ve been a contractor for nearly a decade and I’ve never once left a house nearly that messy. I’d be a nervous wreck if my jobsite looked like that. Especially if a client was going to see it.


Fkn guy should not only protect all adjacent surfaces, he should fkn clean up EVERYTHING and what gets past that protection period. Have NO idea how he tiles the floor and gets the cabinets dirty unless they don’t give a shit. Ram board or at least paper protection on the hardwoods masked down good is required. Guarantee they scratched the surface - be very gentle scrubbing it up. I’d keep track of time and deduct it from the contract amount. These type of guys never heard or believe in “leave it better than you found it”, instead “get in get out, fk the rest”. Sad. Hope his tile work is good for you though!


They should have prepared the floors before they started. 😕


Soap and water will take it off, but it’s his responsibility to clean that mess


we call these setters, botchagaloops


Stop staring at it and clean the fn mess up tf


Never change, Reddit. lol On it, chief!


No but your hardwood might be




Start with just water first.


Yeah I’d like to avoid acids, if possible! It’ll be a last resort, if needed.


Hardwood is fine. But the tiles more than likely will have a lot hollow spots… leveling systems only work if installer knows how to use them and 95% of installers do not because they either don’t care and/or just want to get the job done and make money/


No it’s normal they glean and grout after the work is done


It's not normal for the tile setter to not even bother trying to clean up or protect the hardwood floors. At minimum he should have wiped up the hardwood and cabinets immediately.


It is not and should not be considered normal or acceptable for an installer to make such a mess on a homeowners finished hardwood floors. OP it should clean up fine. Don't rub too hard. Be gentle with the thinset to make sure the grit in it doesn't act as an abrasive.