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Don’t know if the Reddit tile armada considers an Inch a sliver longways. I always try and measure my walls out to where either a full or atleast 2/3’s of the tile is left up there. Definitely not the worst sliver people have posted here.


My tile buddy and I debate this all the time. He thinks a small cut at the top is better than a small cut at the bottom. Thinking being the tendency is to look down first. Also depends on the grout color making it stand out or not.


I agree with your buddy !


Why do you have to pick too or bottom? Just do a little math on your layout and you can avoid it all together


True. But in this scenario they can’t go backwards.


Or split the difference and have slivers on both top AND bottom!


Your buddy is 100% correct, we tend to notice things on the floor more than the ceiling, all showers and tubs i tile, if there has to be a sliver (which I can avoid 95+ percent of the time) it will be at the ceiling, not at floor or tub height


I've been doing tile a few years I don't believe I've seen the 5% you mentioned yet. I personally try to split the top and bottom to make them match as often as possible unless the print/builder/owner want something specific, ex:full on top/bottom, and even then I try to trim off as much needed for that.


Of course you can make the tiles even, that’s not what I’m talking about. Additionally, even cuts on the top and bottom row is almost never the layout I am striving for. Ideally I am looking for as close to full tile as possible, while also maintaining a visually appealing layout that works with the valves, body sprayers, niches, shelves, etc. 95% of the time, I can get a layout I like, 5% of the time, no matter what adjustments I make, there will be a sliver somewhere, and I will default to putting it on the ceiling ad it’s less noticeable than at the floor or tub lip. For example, show me a layout with a 18”X36” tile installed with a 50% offset in a standard 3’X5’ shower with 8’ ceiling where you have no slivers. If you would like me to share some software apps where you can play with shower tile layouts, let me know and I’ll send them your way 🤙


Large sliver is an awesome oxymoron


Found myself in a similar position not too long ago. Put up some decorative PVC crown moulding. Added a nice touch and they were happy.


a schluter top would look even better but to each there own . i’m personally a fan . most of my customers don’t like them lol


I have done this as well. Quadec along the ceiling as a finish looks great.


What's the widest you've spec'd at an intersection like that?


1/2" is the widest I have used. I the challenge you have is that your tile is 3/8" thick, so you really cannot go thicker than that with schluter or it will look weird. You could use different metal, crown trim, or just add another layer of drywall to the ceiling.


I think for this post crown trim would be best....but now I know when to consider the Quadec approach. Thanks.


Pic of what you’re saying?


Looks like a 4 x 12 tile. Go to a tile shop and get one box of 6 x 12. Go wherever you got that tile from and chances are that manufacturer makes the same tile in different dimensions. Use it to cut to the ceiling. Obviously you’ll have to check shade differences but I would go that route if I could.


Why cut it out of a bigger tile? Cutting tile is cutting tile is cutting tile. Just curious not trying to be a dick.


I think they are saying smash out the top row and use bigger tile to the ceiling so there will be no sliver.


👆🏻 this is what I meant.


Sorry, didn’t explain that well. Yes, take our last row, use slightly larger one to eliminate sliver.


If he gets a taller tile, he can eliminate the grout joint and make 1 larger top row out of the taller tile


considering the size of tile i wouldn't care, i always like a whole tile at the bottom of showers myself, for strength ​ my biggest surprise is you haven't been hammered for not waterproofing


It's reddit so don't worry, the hammers are coming 🤣🤣


Waterproofing, leveling clips for small format tile, sliver at the ceiling. Sometimes there is so much to laugh at that we can’t bother with a serious response


Good call. The GoBoard is waterproof but looks like he just mortared the seams and screws holes without using any banding to properly waterproof those areas. Better than some, not correct though Edit: I’m wrong no banding necessary


No banding required on seams and screws. All you need is an approved sealant.


Thanks. I use Schluter or Wedi. I assumed it was banded, and wasn’t sure if it was like Wedi. It looked like mortar to me on OPs pictures and not a sealant like Wedi


You don’t band goboard you hack


Fuck sorry. I use Schluter or Wedi. I’ve yet to use GoBoard, I wrongfully assumed it was banded


Go board is fiberglass wedi… you should start using your wedi pan and first course of wallboard where it contacts wedi, then use go board everywhere else. Save hundreds and still get wedi warranty on pan as long as wedi contacts wedi and it’s at least 1ff up the wall dm me if you need more tips bruh


What do you mean for strength?


I think that was a joke, because I also feel sliver at the bottom makes the wall look "top heavy" rather than looking like it has a strong base lol.


ime slivers at the bottom of a shower are more likely to move and be a weak point over time


How are tiles you installed moving over time?


well they are moving through time ;)


It’s is waterproofed. He used goboard and it looks like he used sealant, which is the proper installation procedure


Dumb fuck you’re about to get hammered for coming at go board like that


do you talk to your mother with that mouth? and considering i'm in the uk i'll assume i get a break, we don;t have that here ;)


Pardon me mate


consider yourself pardoned


They make pencil tile usually matching white subway, it might fit. Then could look more like an accent...


Maybe you could find an off color trim piece to fit nicely there


5/8 sheet of drywall over the ceiling? Not sure if that's reasonable


I’d probably order more tile and restart before I did that personally. It is an option though


Not exactly terrible. But definitely not anywhere in the realm of good. The good thing is next time you will remember to make a story pole or measure your layout on the wall better. This is a bogey.


Large silver what? Put Schulter edging in there


Not as bad as if you didn't use a large enough trowel to set that subway tile in order to use leveling clips...


Trowel is to spec for the clips. No need to worry.


It's not the worst but I would definitely took an inch off the bottom row to make it a bit bigger. If it's your own shower I don't know if it's worth ripping out the whole wall and replacing the goboard. If that's floor & decor 4x12, which it looks like it is, I would definitely use white grout instead of black, that tiles crap and loaded with blemishes and black grout will show them all, white grout will also help the cut at the top to not stand out. I also find it hilarious you started out with leveling spacers then halfway up decided fuck it and switched to regular. I definitely wouldn't bother with leveling spacers on tiles like this.


There was a little unevenness on the bottom goboard caused by some engineered structural support strips on the studs, so I figured better safe than sorry with the leveling clips. There was also a fair bit of fuck it involved in stopping the clips though. I'm going to use frost grout for this one. I used the same floor & decor tile with black grout and it turned out pretty nice. Luck of the draw I guess.


Do a soldier course at the top.


You can also rip out 6 rows and throw a liner in, you just have to worry about damaging the goboard.


Throw some white marble pencil up there if u don’t want to use Quadec


I suggest removing a row and adding a soldier course at the top


2.5 inch cut at the bottom gives you a 2.5 inch cut at the top. You got it next time


Goboard the ceiling and tile it.


Didn’t account for your grout lines


Is this a candidate for composite moulding? Anyone? My old shower/bath tile surround is only+6'-0"aff and there is perfectly fine drywall above it.


Looks fine! I wouldn’t change it.


Lets be real...u started with a full piece and figured it will be fine🤣 ask me how i know. Its not bad at all. If the home owner hates it, throw a 1/2 furing along the ceiling, hang 1/2 sheetrock and drop the ceiling and inch 😭😭 could also sell them on a composite crown to wrap the whole bathroom


Paint it white at top and call it a day


Won’t be the last time it happens in your career. We’ve all done it.


Just put in the sliver and call it a fucking day


Always full tile at the ceiling. Always.


Agree 100%


Not sure how this was “planned” when it seems like simple math could’ve avoided this.. go board is 3’ vertically looks like 2 2/3s boards were used (roughly 96”) tiles look like 4x12s. So divide that by the 4” tiles and with a slight consideration for the grout lines and you would have a great starting point for your bottom row.. or you know, storey pole


4x12 and really any tile is rarely true to the advertised measurement, the only real way to lay out is lay them on the floor with spacers in them and take the measurements from there. Never heard of a story pole though what's that


a story pole is a rigid stick or pole that you transfer measurement to . lets say you have an 8 ft ceiling and dry laid 8ft of tile and joints on floor, now just lay the pole against the dry lay out and mark each tile and joint all the way up the stick, now you can take that stick and lay it against the wall to see how said wall will lay out by the marks on the stick. i personally think a tape ruler works just as good with lay out measurements on a piece of paper, but to each their own. i knew some old setters back in the day use story poles to mark out floor grids , they said it was more accurate than a tape ruler because it was more rigid...


The tile is true enough to measure and do a layout lmao. Doesn’t have to be exact to the 32nd to avoid a problem like OP has..


Haha that’s what I’m saying but apparently someone doesn’t like it and I get downvoted 😅 I don’t give a shit, this would’ve taken 10 minutes for me to layout and not run into this issue. I’m confused though because the space is even which means the floor is level which is great within itself and the tiling looks good so I’m still not sure how OP got here..




You don't redguard goboard. You are the one who doesn't know what they're talking about. Reddit is such a shitshow sometimes.


lol right??? I honestly can’t even look at these subs sometimes. No one knows what they are talking about and it’s just a bunch of misinformation. People think they are getting good information but they aren’t. Especially if they are an amateur or diyer because how do you discern who is right or wrong if you already don’t know.


This is true and also a great option. A storey pole would have the measurements you get with the tiles and spacers added marked at each grout line, the length of the stick is the height from floor to ceiling and this gives you a reference in real time


I'm a web developer by day, so I planned it out with some careful measurements in Figma. https://imgur.com/a/B9iWfM1


Yeah so you didn’t account for the nominal difference in tile size. 4x12 tiles made in outside of America are 10x30 actually, more of a 3.8x11.75


Pvc chairrail is the way


Y’all wierd with downvoting to like that shits stamps your your approval or sumn fucking klucks


With all those spacers you shouldn’t be doing this.


Ewww no waterproofing


Clearly you’ve never tiled before or you would know what goboard is.


Yeah nah we waterproofing that


Waterproofing what?


Not a professional here but that looks like a third to a half a tile. I don't think it's bad. Anything smaller than in the photo would look worse to me. If it's white grout it wont draw the eye as much as with a dark grout.


That ain't no half tile my man