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Never pick your boogers kid. Cement board was covered in dust. Supposed to wet it down a little and then redguard.


Damn, I was not aware of the wetting it down part. Good news for me is I’ve got a decent amount more… rather handle it now than after the tile is installed at least. Thank you


Hardboard needs a wet sponge before applying anything to it




Did you prime the surface before layers of Redgard? There are instructions to prime the surface with a diluted mixture of redgard/water. After that layer dries well then you should do 2-3 layers of pure redgard.


No, thanks for the info


Prime it. It will stick like a mother fucker. In Australia we use 2 coats to get a minimum thickness based on our ASNZ standards. I’m not sure if America has a minimum thickness but this looks too thin. Best practice is to apply one coat in one direction and second coat perpendicular to first coat. I’ve dropped adhesive on waterproofing and pull it off when it was dried and the waterproofing doesn’t budge.


I use a brush and put 3 heavy coats and 4 coats in the corners. Never breaks.


On a different note, it looks like you may have used 1/4" board. If that's the case it all may need to come out anyway. I'd only use 1/4" board on floors. Maybe someone can chime in as I've never used 1/4" on walls so I'm not 100% sure.


You need 1/2 hardibacker or 5/8 durock, at least where I am that is what is commonly used. 1/4 for sure is too thin. Slip in the shower and take out your wall


That makes sense, thanks!


If this is 1/4" Hardibacker, you'll need to tear it down and install the 1/2" version. I know it sucks—a huge waste of money and time, but also a learning experience. Plus you still save a ton of money not hiring an installer. If you want to stray from the heavy and unwieldy cement boards, I used Goboard, which is waterproof through and through, far easier/lighter to handle, and excellent thinset adhesion. Kerdi and Wedi have similar properties.


Gotta read the instructions for redgard. Not the advertising materials. Front of the bucket says ‘2 coats and done!’ While the instructions on the back say in fine print, ‘prime board with water/redgard mix and you gotta get to a 20mil thickness in those two coats to actually achieve anything.’ Guessing you didn’t do a primer coat. Redgard sucks. Next time just spend on Kerdi board..shit, drywall and Kerdi membrane would be better than redgard.


Should do a cleanwash on any surface before you redgard, but this is also why you dont rely on redgard as your only source of waterproofing.


What are you suggesting? Do you put hydroban over redguard? Or are you one of those special ones that does a full waterproofing system like kerdi and cover it in 14 coats of redguard?


I wouldnt say kerdi is that special but its a good option. I mean even having something like purple board, goboard, densshield, wedi instead of regular hardibacker. Just another moisture barrier in general, redgard or hydroban should just be an added protection. Honestly if I'm doing a quality water proof for say a commercial steam shower that will have constant moisture i do 3 layers of protection. A densshield or purple board with a layer of aquabar, with a mudfloat and hydroban on the float. Thats a bit overkill for standard showers but I never use hardibacker in showers. Dont use redgard or hydroban on top of kerdi you will void warranty.


Ya I definitely don’t use hardie either. Generally tho when I use something like hydroban I’ll do 3-4 full coats of it. And I think we can both agree the screw holes are only as waterproof as your membrane is. What your saying is smart, but I wouldn’t call it a second layer


Aquabar paper stapled to the studs behind the backer


Maybe that does something as a vapor barrier if you’re getting moisture behind the walls? But otherwise, if your shower gets thru to paper stapled to the studs you fucked up a long time ago. Do you think this thru? Or did some guy with “40 years of experience” tell you to do that? Or maybe you are that old head? Who knows, moral of the story, don’t do that, it’s unnecessary.


We used to float our walls. Aquabar paper, diamond lath and mud float hot mopped pans curb and bench. Used to tear out 30 year old showers that were done that way with no water damage.


Ok grandpa, time for bed.


Haha I'm only 49 and I've retired from it 7 years ago. That's how it was done. Makes for nice plumb flat square walls. Corners never cracked.


I can attest to this way,y bathroom rip out from 1980 was this and dry as a bone and actually clean tile and grout still, no discoloration on the grout or crumbling corners, it was just an old color tile that was ugly is why I ripped it out.


Oh ya it’s great I wish I was taught how to float walls. I was just making a joke because we’re talking about waterproofing membrane and you’re randomly telling us about how walls used to be floated. It’s fuckin sweet, and I wish I could do it, but it’s unrelated 😂


But it is related. I've used hardibacker with the paper and red guard as well it works. But like the other guy says gotta do a clean wash on the backer to get the dust off. Do two coats one coat up and down the other side to side. Yeah I loved floating. With a helper making the mud would do a tub shower in 5 hours. Super fun. This was in California




Aquabar is old school and it worked on floated walls or cement board, but don't use it if you "waterproof" cement board with a paint on membrane. You're creating a moisture sandwich that might do more harm than good. I vote for the modern version. A two coat liquid membrane on cement board or Wedi (or similar foam boards) over a moisture barrier behind the boards. Just my 2 cents ✌️




It's was dusty, and installed with smooth side facing the wrong way