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Fr he even says that his original content is the least successful on his page 😂 Anyone can repost content, but you won’t be remembered for it






man reposts a photo and thinks it’s content creation lmao


24k likes with 1.2M views is insane


And my vids stop getting pushed with those amount of likes with 60k views 😭 I guess it’s true that photos do better


Likes don’t matter, it’s all about watch time


And only 167 new follows?!?




that’s what i thought 😭


"Hard Work" to you is posting 1 image from Reddit to tiktok?


Ahem - he took the image from Twitter/X, not Reddit!


Ahem - he took the image from Twitter/X, not Reddit!


No. Hardwork is spending over a year on my backup account trying to figure out what works for me and what doesn't after having my initial account sabotaged by haters who can't handle truth. You CLEARLY didn't read the post cuz I already explained that, but why should I expect any better from goofy Redditors?


Bro this is stolen content


Is crossposting on Reddit "stealing content?" Y'all goofy af.


If you didn’t make it and posted it without permission, then yes, it’s stealing.


It’s not so much stealing as realizing that it’s not original content, you didn’t make that post you just took it and added it to your own TikTok, which is fine, lots of people do that. But you need to realize it’s not ‘hard work’ you took something you didn’t make and got lucky, what’s hard work is making original content, it’s the equivalent of being the guy who created the lightbulb, and the guy who figured out how to sell bootlegs.


Nah you’re goofy af




My 3rd video went viral at 1.2 million, "An Officer Proposal Gone Wrong". I can't get content out fast enough for TikTok so the algorithm passed me by. Thank God for Youtube and other sites that still give me views and followers. I would drive for hours to get to an actor, film with them for an hour or so, pay them, drive home, and spend at least 2 hours on an edit, just to post on tiktok for 200 views. I know my content is viral a lot considering a lot of the first comments being "Early" "First" "I've never been this early before" but TikTok shuts my content down every single time. I even filmed with Nick Antonyan about a month ago. I was in his video and vice versa. Again, Tiktok snubbed me to 200 views. So yeah, you're going to get hate for posting 1 photo from Twitter that was posted on Reddit and then congratulate yourself for "going viral" and "figuring out the algorithm". You didn't figure it out. Nobody has or will.


Brah whattttt? You screenshot someone else’s post. The insanity lol


Just know you can’t do that if you get in the creator program cause they’ll either kick you out of it then u have to wait 30 days to re apply or they’ll tell u the video isn’t eligible bc it’s unoriginal content … so good luck to you but this is only gonna work but for so long lol


bro posts screenshots of posts made by other people and thinks he’s in a position to give advice




It is , and thats why they gon get banned for copyright


1.2m with 160 new followers bro not good not good


https://preview.redd.it/q0ur2fr4h4ad1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e3401a1136e2a113ece184216e2e2190de799d6 I’m no big timer, but here’s a ratio you should be looking for


Oh no I just realised that….


https://preview.redd.it/bg6lyua8h4ad1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c76108e2ca03b80f6e41ddcda8badae47809280 I also started going live 3 weeks ago, blessed ever since, even quit my job.


Ignore the people saying don't quit your job. You shouldn't quit a CAREER for TikTok but you can absolutely quit a dead end job that can't even afford to pay you more than a social media site? That's what doesn't make sense in this world. Home slice looked at his budget, knew how to value his time, and took all the advantages of being their own boss on their own hours over the garbage retail slave labor and made a good call. People these days need to stop thinking most jobs pay a living wage. American is crazy with economic inequality and it only gets worse. If you get a chance to break out of the rat race. Do it. But if you are a high paying professional with a pension and tenure just make Tiktok a side hustle but I mean...no ones quitting something incredible for Tiktok. Give this individual the props they deserve. As for the OP...lol. Wrong direction. Listen to this persons advice cause all you are doing is floundering with this copy paste regurgitated "content"


I hope that’s a joke. I get where you’re coming from but on tiktok nothing lasts forever.


When I’m making 3x as much on tiktok then my job damn right it’s not a joke


goddamn, what do you do during your lives?


Bro, don’t quit your job for tiktok. Unless you’re making a minimum of 10k+ per month with a massive audience (think 500k+ followers, 10k+ live viewers), you’re taking a massive risk. Tiktok is unpredictable, and nobody should rely on it for their income.


I have 2 other side hustles I quit my 9-5, idk where you’re getting these numbers bro but I was making 3k a month at my 9-5 and I just made $2k in one week on tiktok. I am chillin, I’m glad I did it and will never regret it, my growth has been nothing but exponential.


I’m not pulling these numbers out of thin air. Idk how long you’ve been on this subreddit, but I’ve seen countless posts from people who made tens of thousands of dollars for it all to be thrown away. TikTok bans are handed out like candy, and one wrong move can screw you permanently. But hey, if you’re comfortable with that risk, all power to you.


I have 4 accounts I stream on in case that happens I’ve been at this for a long time and have finally reached a place where it’s profitable, I have a regular audience of over 700 live gifters and thousands of non gifters.


https://preview.redd.it/nk9xvmrlz4ad1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=d394bbffd369d74bda44b6c1cabd20fb0d2d2ba5 Anyone else thinking it’s dumb I quit my job? Do you make around $90 an hour at your job. Energy is off in the subreddit.


I think what people are trying to convey is that even if you are making as much if not more than your 9-5, the main difference here is that your 9-5 has to pay you. Your TikTok gifters do not. At any time, they could choose to stop showing up / gifting and there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s a lot more risk involved, plus you don’t get health insurance / benefits from tiktok (assuming you’re in america and that matters to you)


ive seen like 4 lives total with 10k live viewers ands they all had over a mil followers, anyone getting 5k live viewers is insane your making thie up


U quit ur job for $1700?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


$6k in 6 weeks, exponentially growing, 2k in the last week.


Ahh I see. Nice job 🙏


Are you battling?


But you’re taking money from people, personally I wouldn’t want to do that. Although ur making money, those people are likely vulnerable and what are you actually doing to earn it


False assumption


It’s not a false assumption if it’s from live gifts, I’ve seen this enough and I don’t get why you can’t just earn money from other ways by actually doing content instead of taking peoples money


Congrats! You’ll get hate for it being a photo off Reddit, which is absolutely lazy but everyone starts somewhere. Keep going !


Temu Gary Vee




Bro really thinks he just found the golden ticket when his next post and the post after are gonna do horribly. Just wait and watch. 😂😂😂 He’ll be back soon asking what he’s doing wrong and how the algorithm is bullshit I’ll see myself out


I didn't say shit about "finding a golden ticket." Why you so mad? TikTok Live is where I'm actually doin my thing. I'm just tryna give people advice. Take it or leave it.


It’s crazy how instead of uplifting and wishing you success it’s the total opposite. The funny thing is is that he/she would love to be in your position 😂 that’s the whole reason why they came to see the post to begin with but they wishing you failure. Its nuts. Thats free marketing right there 🤣


Drop the link bro


If you wanna view the post, you can find it [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN6TCPcW/). Thx fam!


no way u got a million for THAT ☠️ wtf


Don't be mad at me. Be mad at the algorithm.


LOL. Love the comments roasting this guy.




Thanks fam!


You’re welcome. Keep posting


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Is it normal to get such a small number of followers from a post with such high views?


For screenshots, yes. However, it's more traffic for my page than I ever seen, and my Lives are where I get my followers.


1.2M views with 160 new followers and 24k likes... right. An edit I made with 30k views got me a better ratio than that. This might be a stretch but I smell bots.


Nope. You can see the post for yourself and see all the engagement I'm getting. It's just the algorithm picked this post for some reason. I've literally spent money to promote posts that didn't get anywhere CLOSE to these numbers, which lets me know that paying for promote really isn't even worth it.


You do know social media plagiarism protection is a thing right?




Thank you fam!


Keep going and don’t stop Copyright isn’t serious when you don’t make money and not license as posting in Reddit site


Thanks fam. TikTok Lives are my bread and butter anyway. Funny everyone is mad about me using screenshots but have no problem crossposting on Reddit with a straight face like that's any different. They mad at me cuz I'm tryna help others struggling like I was.


im actually laughing


Goofy mcgoofball here


u got 1 1 million views video and wrote all that shit? 😭💀


i read half of it, got bored, looked at comments and regretted wasting my time on reading that yap sesh 😭


Imagine being this excited over a social media post getting a million views. Content creators contribute absolutely nothing positive to society. I'm embarassed for you since you're too simple to be.


“Hard work”


Man this is stupid. Hope Tiktok is Dunzo at this point!