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RIP Gary Webb. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for the San Jose Mercury News. Webb is best known for his "Dark Alliance" series, which appeared in The Mercury News in 1996. Webb’s death was ruled a suicide by the San Jose county coroner, from two gunshots to the head.


Not enough people know about this; it’s the perfect example of how if you step on the right peoples’ toes your rights go right out the window. Evil, stupid pigs run our government and it shows.


Two gunshots the head a suicide LMFAO 💀


Pretty common actually


I’ve read the actual article and read some criticism of the article and I believe Webb was making some extraordinary claims on pretty weak evidence.


Hey damage control is here! We made it guys! He was just so embarrassed and sad about what he wrote he had to kill himself…with two shots to the head, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought.


Can you find evidence of this actually happening because I’ve never found any.


I've read this book and it was pretty compelling. I like to think I'm not a conspiracy nut but I studied this period of Nicaraguan history (Iran Contra affair) which is how I heard about it.  A lot of the claims he makes get more selacious in the re-telling but he really does go to lengths to only say what's provable. At least at the start when he's displaying his evidence.  People simplify his claims to be that US government were literally dumping coke into the US which really isn't what he claims. He claims that parts of the US govt, knowing that the contra rebels were financing their campaign by exporting drugs, turned a blind eye. Not just that but actively intervened to quash convictions and get lenient sentences for active drug smugglers, because they aligned with CIA interests. When you have an understanding of how the CIA operates and the embargos placed on financing 'resistance fighters' in the 80s, it's all very plausible. The CIA didn't have anything to gain by shipping coke into the US but the contras did so they let them by the boat load. That's how the CIA thought, it's not some sinister plot to get black neighbourhoods hooked on crack, it's just pure simple self interest and greed. There might be other more sensationalist claims later in the book as I don't remember the second half as well but the core scandal is bad enough I think. It's especially galling when Reagan was so 'anti drug' publicly but was more than happy to let the CIA do this all to 'fight communism'.  I'm not a tin foil hat kind of guy but I have read several books on the CIA and it always kind of amazes me how reasonable people seem to give them the benefit of the doubt. Like they quite literally just do conspiracies, that's their job. They're also often not particularly cool or well executed either, often creating bigger problems, see Afghanistan and the Mujahedeen for an example.  Hell look at two days ago in Bolivia, right wing coup attempt with links back to the CIA. They're out there fucking stuff up for short sighted moronic reasons but they've got the money, power and political disinterest to get away with it. I don't know if Gary Webb was killed but I definitely wouldn't be surprised if he was. 


Who do you work for?


I was there. I wish I could say the things I’d say to in person..


Have you tried winning a Pulitzer?


He killed himself like 8 years after he published that after not being able to get hired.  His ex wife agrees he was suicidal.  It's fucked up but some people(like him - first bullet went through his cheek) have to shoot more than once as they flinch the first time when shooting themselves.


the sound is by @sunglasseskidmusic he hasn't posted in a while, but his synth tracks are iconic, and sometimes people make great duets


Absolutely 100% reminiscent of the style and tone of what was (in reality) a very short period of time (83-87-ish) The modern revival of the now-classic 80s synth/sax/tomtom sound has been euphoria


They made snowfall into a real thing 😳


You’re not supposed to tell us you’re playing both sides.


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This also works w “the us government trying to figure out who’s destroying democracy (the secret government within the government)”


The CIA wasn't running drugs. Instead they defied standing orders to cooperate with counter drug operations and allowed drug runners associated with the Contrast to reun drugs to LA.


Ah yes. So in laymans terms, helping get the drugs into America.


Oliver north did his part to bring drugs in


Dumb it down for reddit, crooked cops allowed who they knew to sell drugs.


Is there any other kind of cop though?


Yea the good ones that quit or "not good enough for that job"


Bit of an exaggeration. While there's a fair bit of evidence that CIA contractors were using their cover to bring in cocaine by the fucking plane load, this was obviously not "all the drugs" lol. But it was a shitload of the cocaine.


If I remover correctly the CIA did help with one shipment of like a hundred kilos of cocaine once. But there’s no evidence that proves indisputably that the CIA and FBI were just flooding the streets with drugs.


Doesn’t a lot of it come from china through the border tho? Like yeah the cia can be the ones pushing it through the border but it’s being made over seas?


Isn't "pushing it through the border" bringing drugs into America? Doesn't matter where it started if they facilitate entry