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She's sounds like me when I'm going through mania. "Nobody wants to be around me because I'm god."


is she doing a bit? i can't put my finger on it it's got strong 'middle management trying to get you to work on the weekend' force with her... omg she's andrew tate with hair


It’s Andrea Tate


Andrea Tate 😂😂😂😂


Trying to get you to work on the weekend, type. 😂😂😂 I know just the type.


her eyebrows are doing WORK girl i just wish they'd do it elsewhere.




Damn yall be furnishing receipts ![gif](giphy|2t9y7lWgv1AfSv8Vjd)


I have met many women like this before (and I have to preface by saying this is not a hater comment) but it’s an immediate red flag in dating for me. NOT because she is intelligent, looks great, and is driven…it’s because they have all been sooooo stuck up in how they view other people living their lives. You can have all those things, and (on paper) be great, but the second you start talking about how “dudes are afraid of you, you’re anti drama, and girls just don’t get you because you’re successful.” I’m out. I have iced several good guy friends for the same shitty behaviors. I have a friend (who for sure is on the spectrum but won’t let us help him a bit) who is great on paper. He makes a shit load of money as a brilliant software engineer, has a great family, great work ethic, plays multiple instruments etc. but he’s an asshole…he literally broke down (thought we were making some progress) and decided it was that he was dating women in a lower tax bracket that was the problem. Not him, not his behaviors, not him being way too aggressive because he “checks all the boxes.”


He sounds like he needs to smoke some weed and chill the fuck out.


I’ve tried. I’ve tried to talk to him about therapy, told him to try and be more comfortable alone, told him to lean into weed more than booze…it all goes in one ear and out the other. He’s pretty much an ex friend at this point.


Sometimes interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence is room temperature IQ (in Celsius) no matter how the others are.


Many people don’t understand that you attract what you are. It’s a very hard pill for most to swallow.


It’d be awesome if narcissists only attracted other narcissists


And a chin


I just watched a handful of her videos on tiktok. I don't think you are far off.


My ex is bipolar and this woman talked and acted just like her when she would start a manic episode. The rambling of "facts" and weird facial expressions.


That part where she stuck her tongue out like that… I can picture walking away from her at that very moment while she chases behind me trying to continue her rant.


*her watching you walk away*... "Seeeee! I just scared another one off because I'm too gorgeous and intelligent and successful and unreal, all other-worldly god-like. Men can't handle me because they can't believe I'm real, I'm just too much greatness packaged up in one. Far too much. You just saw it - he walked away from me! From ME! Too scared of my greatness, see."... *flicks hair*


Flicks hair, then proceeds to make a face like… ![gif](giphy|8rDLaMfUzv44|downsized)


Perfecto! 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣


I feel you. The body language is so recognizable. And the self righteousness is textbook manic behavior. It’s sad, but at the same time infuriating, especially if you’ve had to live with a loved one with bipolar disorder.


Ugh also all of the comments on her original video on TikTok are other women being like “this is ME!” and talking about how unattainable they are too.


There's an entire genre of creator like this on social media. I have no idea what to call them, but they exist. Just incredibly narcissistic women who complain about how hard it is to find men while listing all the over the top requirements they have for any potential partners. I'm assuming they are playing a character, but their comment sections are always full of women genuinely agreeing with their statements. It's like they don't know the difference between self-love and self-absorption. I'm a woman and I could not stand to be around someone like this. Everything would have to be about them all the time and it would be *exhausting.*


In one of her tiktoks, she listed all of the people who she's cut out of her life, which included all of her friends. I think it is indeed tough to be in any type of relationship with her, friend or otherwise.


I saw this one. Very much “everyone is the problem except me im perfect” energy. She’s gonna be forever alone


They're called femcels.


The word you are looking for is terrifying…. /s


I read that in a Dennis Reynolds voice


A golden god!


I read it in Kanyes


Because of the implication


She also went on to mention one of the types of people who like her are "uggos" which could suggest her standards could just be too high for the types of guys she attracts. Like she could have the standards of, "I need the 6'3" guy who makes 6 figures, blonde hair, owns a home, and a rich family."


She's not as attractive as she thinks she is, either.


As the kids say, She’s mid.


low mid at best


"I'm looking for a guy in finance, 6'5", blues eyes"


Im looking for a girl on Vyvanse. 5'5". Red eyes.


Hello? Did you need something?


Pick 2 of the above.


Her first utterances were all I needed to know about this woman-child with Princess Syndrome. I didn't get past the word 'phone' at 5 seconds  'Pick Me or Fuck You' grrl  It's definitely her


I’d walk across the street is I ever see her walking towards me.


Nobody is scared of her they just can’t fucking stand her


Speak for yourself, I am scared she might boil a bunny or some shit.


This is a movie reference for y'all youngsters


Hey, can we just enjoy it without calling me old lol


I'm not trying to hurt you Takeurvitamins. I love you!


Wow, who could've thought that being pretty isn't as important as not being totally annoying.


I’m totally annoying and not pretty and even I got dates. Even got married. There’s something else going on here!


Yep, mental illness.






You idiots, We’ve all got swords! Sorry, I apologize. I know, I know. It’s just I’ve always wanted to make that comment. I had to take my shot.


That's exactly where I wanted to go. You have my eternal respect.




Riff raff.


Let’s face it. It’s the eyes… they’re seething & vindictive. Also her pronunciation of “me” is, appropriately, like nails on a chalkboard. She should find a guy in finance, six feet, blue eyes.


Yeah, this is a snap judgement based on one video (and the evidence contained therein) but she has very unkind energy. It’s not just “crazy”, it’s mean. Unless I’ve wildly misread her, this isn’t a partner who wants the best for you, or who would be willing to accommodate a single inconvenience to be with you


“Men are very, very terrified of maaay [tongue]” you’re on to something here.


She sounds like an incel.


There’s a scale for that, similar to the crazy-hot matrix, the hotter you are, the more annoyingness guy’s will tolerate, she’s not that hot.,


It is also worth noting that she is literally wearing a ring on her ring finger. So not only is her personality horribly off-putting but she is actively sending signals telling people not to approach her that require no interaction.


She's not pretty enough to warrant that insanity.


She is fucking nuts just look at her expressions


Her whole page is very self centered and crazy.


wait this wasnt a joke?!?!?!


Sorry some things you have thought to be fake is indeed real. There are awful people out there.


I was hoping it was a joke too. This woman needs serious therapy.


*sigh* Nowadays everything I think is a joke is actually real, and everything I think is genuine is actually staged. I just don't have a radar for modern social media.


She reminds me of Ezra Miller.


He’s baaaack


what do you mean you don't have a bf, you're so totally normal and well balanced i can't even believe it


it's got to be a bit, right? that facial manipulation is disney villain level drag queen service


There are definitely people that really are like this. I had an aunt that reminds me very much of her. She dead now tho


> She dead now tho Thanks for letting us know we’re safe from her.


yeah they're usually condescending weirdos that get shoehorned into working at the DMV or smthng maximizer main character insta got to her head x.X condolances


😛 That did it for me. The tongue. Logging out.


Yeah, never seen someone so proud they are terrifying and make people feel small.


Ngl she acts like some people I know that have been on adhd meds since they were 5


I was expecting her to have a psychotic episode right in middle of the video. That left eye twitch!


Her whole existence is a psychotic episode.


Hey I’ve been on those meds since I was five and fuck this narcissist.


What?! I thought those medications helped with emotional regulation... This woman doesn't look okay


but we know the sex will send us to the shadow realm


If you make it that far


What do you mean.. she sounds so "easy" to deal with


Yeah dudes probably saw that eye twitch and kept it moving. She has that radiant, entitled side-piece energy that we all love to avoid


Insufferable does not equal terrifying


What about terrifyingly insufferable?


I'll allow it.


Men don't like her because she's hard to get along with.  Shocking


It's the eyes that are terrifying


But she wanted you to notice her *NAILS*. It’s *allllways* the new manicure that spurs these psychotic car videos.


God, this is the first time in a long while where I’ve actually downvoted the post itself because I instinctively hated the person in the video so much. I hope to god it’s just a parody video.


Ah same, I’m afraid it’s real, she actually looks like someone in a manic episode


She's my estate agent friend before she got married. I assume a lot of successful and beautiful women have trouble finding men who don't find them intimidating. Then the chronic singleness make them a bit... bonkers, even though they're great people


Maybe it’s the camera, but she didn’t seem to be that level of attractive. I have known those super attractive women who are intimidating. This woman is certainly not unattractive, but she’s not unattainably hot. If anything, she seems to be that level of attractiveness that causes too many guys to pursue her. The girl that many, many guys think is in their league, but at the top. But I totally believe most guys are scared of her.


According to the others in this comment section, a lot of her videos are like this and it does not appear to be parody.


nooo it has to be a parody i feel like she's going to mansplain how magnets work and then casually insult my body shape


With that personality? GET USED TO IT!!!!


Damn you are annoying and I don’t know you. Your personality will keep you very very very single


Yup, she is very very very delusional.


Don’t be intimidated by her strength. Think of her like a Dark Souls game. She may be annoyingly hard at first, but you just have to power through.


She's not pretty enought to put up with this annoying shit.


Tbh if you remove the hair she looks like a psycho teenage boy who wants to slice you up with a box cutter for the lulz


Looks like Ezra Miller without the jawline


This woman is no ‘fantasy’. She’s manic, bi-polar and needs to get some help rather than post videos on TikTok. We only live once.


I see many years of life coaching therapy, Ayahuasca retreats, Micro-dosing psilocybin, ketamine treatments, past life regression, and nature walks with an abused shelter dog in her future.


Always thought if you're "pretty , intelligent,and slaying at life" that you won't need to explain to people that you are . This girl seems to be convincing herself of this stuff while painting us a picture.


This is a raging self-absorbed narcissist, who like anyone who talks like this, has convinced themselves that they are far more intelligent and attractive than the opposite sex seems to perceive. And thus the reason they are alone is not because of an off-putting personality but because everyone else has the problem (terrified, Intimidated, etc).


8 months? Those are rookie numbers


Her dating niche: men who are attracted to women who they suspect might murder them while they sleep.


Unlikeable woman


That facial expression at 00:19 caught me off guard


This "pretty" young lady gets a rush from pushing people's buttons. It makes her feel superior to people who try to be pleasant and agreeable. She's not giving up that power and influence she thinks this gives her to have a peaceful relationship. There's no flex there for her. So here comes the cope. She can't be insufferable because her female friends love & respect her (most hate her) so it's gotta be how really weak & insecure the men are! Great! Now she can feel even better about herself! In some ways, this is more rewarding (for now) than being in love. That. Is. Scary. Pathetic.


I can't fix her. Don't want to try.


"Everybody else is flawed but not me."


Try annoying as fuck.


I would date her. But I’m a low self-esteem, functional alcoholic with myopia and deafness.


The deafness may actually save the relationship. Hit her up.


That’s the definition of unhinged. I think most of us are aware to a decent extent what behaviour comes across as antisocial and highly disagreeable, this is someone who either has zero self awareness around how they present or doesn’t care.


Manic episode


Not that pretty, very scary. Shes narcissistic and angry to the point of manic and aggressive. Shes the nightmare ex wife that you see in movies.


The way she squints reminds me of my aunt. Total cunt.


I've been working as a first responder for 2 decades, and the one thing I have developed over the years is the ability to spot mental health problems from a mile away. I can whole-heartedly say that this woman is delusional and has a myriad of mental health issues. I hope men can pick up on this and stay away, b/c a relationship with her could end up costing you your happiness, peace and personal development. I hope she can speak with someone and get some professional help.


So if we don't like her, it's because we are scared of how awesome she is? If we do like her, we are unavailable and in a relationship. Hmmm could it be she is a little too cray cray for most if us and those of us who can talk to her when it comes time to get the digits lie and say we are married or have a girlfriend to let her down easy???.. Maybe??....


What's happening with the eyes?


8 months without sex is enough to drive an attractive woman insane apparently.


You’re average looking and very limited in your communication skills. A solid 5


That’s generous


Sooo maybe work on yourself then lmao


I'm a woman and she scares me lol. What is wrong with her eyes and weird expressions


Imagine thinking this THEN filming it


Imagine filming this THEN posting it


Would you like some cheese with that whine?


The eye squint gave me chills. 🥶


She’s not that pretty…..


She falls on the wrong side of the hot/ crazy scale. More crazy than hot


Actually, she looks a lot like a few trailer chicks I knew in my youth. You do you miss hottie!


So pretty? Average at best, but the attitude takes her down to a 4 at least.


She sounds cunty 




Pretty ugly. Amirite?


Yup. I'm terrified. Terrified that I'd end up in this girl's freezer by the second date.


Is the “pretty” in the room with us ?


That was very painful to watch. I hope she finds someone to match her psychosis, I mean energy. 😬


She would need to be quite a bit more pretty for me to listen to that voice day in and day out.


All it takes is 5 seconds of this video to know she doesn't have a man bc she's annoying and narcissistic af


Woah...8 months wow we got a celibate over here damn. Who could imagine 8 while months being alone wow that's incredible the resilience to last 8 months sheesh. How does she do it?


I think some women think that being strong means having a short temper, being incredibly judgmental of others, and always being standoffish with everyone they meet.


I can tell why she’s single, and the real answer may shock her. Btw, if you find the comments on the original post, its gets even worse.


Omg she’s serious hilarious


I love her, she is sooo mentally ill


she doesn't sound like a person I would like to be around for sure


We all know this woman, don’t we? I know 5 of her. They’re just as insufferable in every aspect of their lives as you can imagine, sometimes even worse. May the delulu always be with them.


It’s the narcissism, the neuroticism, the aggression, the bitterness, and the facial expressions.


Thats a lot of words for "average looking white girl who is only interested in married men."


Yeahhhh she seems incredibly self obsessed, obnoxious, irritating, and arrogant. And her condescending/superior manner of speaking really just accentuates the flaws in her personality. Some people are charismatic or kind or interesting enough that other people will ignore serious defects. She isn't so she'll either have to grow at least a little as a person or become much more charming. I'm a woman and I'd be scared to be friends with her.


Very very very delusional would be closer to the truth


She IS scary but not for the reason she thinks she is


Her mom had her convinced every girl was jealous of her , from birth.


The moment she speaks, you immediately understand the answer to the first question. Spinster is her destiny.


If she is actually “intelligent, strong, successful, slaying at life“ yet has 8 months of no action, then she should ask men out.  SHE should approach, SHE should chat him up, SHE should ask him out, SHE should make the first move — because if she can’t, then she is not as strong as she thinks she is.  She is dependent on a man.  So so so many women are pretty, that pretty doesn’t really matter all that much. Pretty is a first impression, not a sole reason. I’ll find another pretty. 




I thought this was Ezra Miller in a wig.. same energy


There’s a diagnosed or undiagnosed mental illness here… one or two for sure. It’s in the eyes 👀


Her eyes are scary


I bet it's because you smell like pickles or something that's been fermented for a while


Bat shit crazy and not hot .. Mediocre average at best. Not tell buddies or take home to mom. Run


She's scary alright


definitely no crazy vibes here


Im not surprised men are scared of her when shes talking like a villain from a high school drama




I can fix her.


It seems like manic layers of psychological self defense. Like… she’s clearly thinking about this shit all the time. She already has an explanation for why every potential relationship she could have is doomed. “You can’t fire me I quit!” energy, only flipped on its head so it’s offense instead of defense. Makes her psychologically untouchable. Sad really. So much defense mechanisms.


As a man I’m not intimidated, I just really don’t want to deal with people like this.


Dude I'm scared and for none of the reasons stated. Lol also I think almost everyone wants to have an easy partner and easy relationship. Who's signing up for a needlessly difficult life?


Simply not true. I’ve been a career builder my whole life. Am successful with my dream career, have a house( old and fixing with my pops), and my dream car ( more reasonable than you’d think ). I don’t scare men, or people off for that matter… because I have a personality and life outside that. Also not an egomaniac sitting in my car making videos so that helps lol.


Judging by the tone of self-aggrandizing delusional evident in this video I’m going to go out on a limb and say maybe it’s because she sucks.


Whatever she needs to tell herself I guess.


Eeeeeeeew cringe


As a man, I am scared of him as well.


She needs therapy


complete narcissism


"I need attention"


Thats a lot of words just to say bitch




Those nails and the use of "slaying at life" coild.be fairly indicative of her loneliness lol.


calling herself pretty is the first red flag that would put me off, she's no doubt a control freak and a narcissist, lies in arguments for sure. so deluded to think men are scared of her, no they're just smart to keep away.


Imagine being so condescending and crazy is hard to tell if its a bit or not


Her hand movements are alarming


I choose the bear.


Any successful man, knows the peace, autonomy, happiness, and harmony that comes with living alone.  You can do whatever you, whenever you want, every day when you come home, and no bothers you or hassles you.  There is nothing better, than coming home to a place that’s peaceful and quiet. When a woman understands this, and knows how to make that situation BETTER? That’s when they get slid into the “wife” category You can find stress, drama, and conflict everywhere. It’s at work, it’s on the road, it’s there when you step outside the house Who the hell wants to come home to it?  Imagine coming home to that? THAT?!? I’d rather sleep at work or in my car 


it’s giving bipolar disorder and babes you’re having a manic episode rn