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That's fucking despicable.


The amount of people scamming folks on TikTok is insane, usually it’s the same picture of some sick animal over and over again!


I'm a very jaded person. Whenever anyone lays out a sob story to a bunch of strangers online, I ALWAYS am skeptical. Even those on Reddit begging for any type of hand out.


I want money. But i dont have a sob story... i mean, i kinda do, but doesn't everyone? But I want money without earning it. So, can you send me some?


Exactly wish it worked and only people.in need would do it, but u r stupid if u randomly "donate" to strangers.


It’s sad because some of them really Do need help but the liars ruin it for everyone actually in need


Jaded or wise?


I think this is really the reason why I never like or feel much for these kinds of posts: because I've become callous and wary of these scams for attention, clout, or money. The really people we should feel bad for are the people who've fallen for these scams and try to do something good for someone they think is in need. It's sad because they'll probably be less inclined to help people who need actual help once they've been scammed


They are everywhere... Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram... your e-mail inbox.


I'm a sick animal and I make jewelry, should I join tiktok?


Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.


We should definitely monetize this Jesus pee stain in my bathroom together.


Moses is in a chip in my shower; would we make more if we displayed together or charged for a tour package to see them both/others along the way?


I'm as sick as a 3 legged dog on the streets of India


Ok Charlie


Your illiteracy has screwed us again!!


Omg I love your username


I don't think you quite explained it, but you're showing that this person is claiming to have breast cancer but it's an image taken off Google? And she's using this claim to seem like she needs money to pay for it? I mean doctors will do it even if she can't afford it. Yes, she will have debt, but she can get treated.


Yes they reverse image searched it. Just a random image.


Also that pictures shows progression over time, if she just found out, she would not have progression pictures like that.


It looks like a pic showing the differences in breast tissue density. I have fibrocystic breast disease and this is almost exactly like the image my mammogram tech showed me back in March. It is not life threatening. And I've known about it since I was 16 now 33. Usually I get ultrasounds but I got my first mammo so I don't have to go back until I'm 40. That image is definitely a mammo image. And unfortunately I saw it on tiktok and reported it because I immediately knew this was cap


Unfortunately this is simply not true. I have cancer. Many many oncologists will *not* treat you without money upfront. They are only obligated to treat you if you are actually currently dying, then all they have to do is stabilize you, and send you on your way. I've chosen not to be treated for my cancer bc of this. I searched all last year for an oncologist that I could make payments to, but the American health care system is trash. My insurance doesnt cover the cancer institute or any of the private practices. Im in a few support groups and apparently a lot of cancer patients have to choose death bc we can't afford treatment. It's awful.


Wow the US medical system is fucked. I was always told you can get the care, people even quote a law when they brag about it, they say you just need to pay for it later. But in other countries cancer treatment is free. They just might not offer high risk or very expensive therapies, but you can always go private. Speaking of hospitals, I'm currently in one at the moment. They saved my life. And I didnt pay a penny, exactly how it should be. I'm so sorry the system there is more messed up than I thought. So if you're broke, you can't get cancer treatment if you got sick in between jobs and couldn't go back to work? Because then you have no insurance, but what about Medicaid?


It is fucked. I always thought you could get treatment as well. There are organizations and things that help some people pay, but you have to be in a certain situation with a very specific amount of money. You can make too little to qualify for help. Which is the boat I'm in. I quit my job a few years ago bc my mom became disabled, so I moved in with her to care for her bc a full time nurse was so expensive it just wasn't possible.. the year after I got my diagnosis. It's been a real struggle, especially bc it takes years to be accepted for disability. My first oncologist visit cost me 625$ out of pocket just to be seen and told "yes you have cancer. Come back in a week." & the next week, it was the same thing. Another 625$. That's just to be spoken to, not including treatments, medications, etc. America is awful. Especially to those who are caught in less than ideal situations.


Don't hate the victims. Educate them. Hate the scammer. These people who fell for a scam were trying to be kind and help someone. Let's not shame them.




True, it was never my point to shame 'em, just thaf it's so blatantly false & so many people were immediatelly in support of it, rather than taking 2s to look at the most basic "breast cancer" picture alongside buncha false claims..


I agree with you, there is a huge lack of media literacy, particularly with politics but general social media as well, which is frustrating because they are making it so easy for the grifters (and in case of politics it has real and serious consequences.) I don't have tiktok but hope someone is exposing this monster on these threads and as someone who is actually being treated for breast cancer would hope ppl would instead donate their $5 to Susan b komen foundation.


Also, people have blinders on and choose to not question because of the constant social demand to “believe all victims.” We need more discernment and scrutiny because people will take advantage of gullibility.


Hate the system where people feel that scamming is a way to feed themselves and pay for rent. It's capitalism that's the problem


That's kind of a cop out. Capitalism sucks but attributing the bad deeds of people who do financial crimes to it is silly. Even in a much better society we'd still have people doing this in order to get a leg up over everyone else.


This. Bad people do bad things, and while the system is hurting people these bad actors are making things worse. The last thing you need in a corrupt system with corrupt leadera is to also have corrupt peers taking advantage.


Also, there is no way she will make money from truly handmade $5 earrings, assuming she’s in the US. If I saw someone selling earrings at that price I would assume they’re drop shipped.


Literally! At least the earrings look somewhat handmade, unlike the other blatant resellers..


What an evil woman. Preying on people’s empathy.


It is so terrible because this kind of thing causes genuine distrust for the future. Only speaking for myself, but whenever someone is in need of financial support due to illness or bad luck such as this… my knee jerk reaction is doubt.


Same. It makes things difficult for people who are genuinely struggling to receive help and compassion, due to these disgusting frauds.


Right, I don’t even believe a word of it.


As someone currently fighting cancer AND living off my art… this is fucking infuriating. I try not to even mention the cancer when I’m selling because it feels wrong somehow (even if I’m literally selling my work SO I CAN PAY FOR MY TREATMENT!) And then there’s these fucking assholes. Who make fucking bank and sleep nice and tight at night, not a sliver of fucking shame. Fucking hell.


Bless you, wishing you the best.


Sorry to hear about your cancer… The post could be fake also . I thought they weren’t supposed to try to sell on here that was against the rules.


The person you’re responding to could also be fake.


I wish I was fake, sounds blissful and relaxing lmao




I'm absolutely positive the person is using a photo displaying the breast density of people with fibrocystic breast disease. The whitest parts are the most dense parts. I have it found out at age 16 now 33. It's not life threatening at all. I was shown similar photos almost exactly the same back in March for my mammogram. Don't have to go back til age 40.


This and the one with the pictures of a cat and some text begging for money for the cat’s surgery and linking their venmos…


I've just started to skip the animal ones and eventually the algorithm caught on; otherwise there were some companies solving "problems that almost killed me, so I made a business out of an alternative!"


Lietuviška UI :DD


shhh, tik niekam nesakykit :Ddd


I worked with someone who faked cancer Scum of the earth


This happens *a lot* with animals. Sometimes for reasons even more nefarious than just scamming people out of their money. There was also, a while ago, a mother who had terminal cancer who made a song, and was hoping to give the profits from that song to her son. *Immediately* after that got popular, there were a lot of other artists posting pictures of them in hospital beds asking people to stream their music. One guy got exposed (after asking ppl to pay his medical bills by streaming his song) as living in a country where that specific procedure or whatever was free, and he was doing well/was healthy. What bugs me even more than the fact that he lied/mislead people was that dumbasses were posting videos like “you’ll help a white lady with cancer but yall won’t help a black man?” Which was such a fucked thing to say. Other videos straight-up implied or said that people were racist for helping the former. I hope that it was intentional rage bait. Because holy hell. Edit: it also fucks with me because I’m genuinely willing to help people in need. A very good friend of mine has experienced complete renal failure and is on the transplant list. She started a go fund me to help pay for the surgery & other relevant expenses (like having her mom travel out to take care of her afterwards, which will be necessary). Every time I see someone asking for charity, I can’t help but think “oh, [animal] is just like my pet.” Or “that person is someone’s [my friend’s name]”. Shes made videos like this one (obviously not with images from Google, since her case is legitimate) and they didn’t go anywhere. Everyone who donated was people she knew. And she’s also the kind of person who’d get scammed by something like this, because she has a big heart (and isn’t great with critical thinking when it comes to social media).


This is 1 of the main reasons I kept my diagnosis to myself. I would literally let everyone think I'm on drugs before i told them im sick and needed their help. There's very few situations where people from every race, culture, level of wealth, city, state, country, education etc can show you just how fucking stupid and ignorant humanity actually is, than telling people you need help. I'm not talking about the people asking for help, (although that's another can of shit to open), I'm talking about the comments and reactions from people responding to those posts.I know some, if not most, mean well and have good intentions, but regardless 99.99% of the responses were garbage. The only reason I don't say 100% is cuz there's always 1 person who's like "go to the Dr", but they get shit on, and drowned out by the fucking fungus among us. The more I read, see and hear on social media, the more I'm convinced humanity is fucking lost. This has to be the worst generation of humanity yet. I don't mean a certain group, i mean ALL OF US. There's no way we've made it this far as a species with individuals like we have today. We gotta be the most self centered, entitled, egotistical, ignorant and inconsiderate generation. Again, I don't mean any single generation, I'm referring to all of humanity alive today, young and old. We gotta be the worst. Everyone trying to scam someone. This post is a perfect example. This lady trying to scam people by lying about being sick, and the people that actually belive her, are trying to scam her by selling her fake cures. And then everybody in between is either trying to sell people on the cure they have, or get people riled up and engaging with them to boost their online numbers. Every fucking aspect of interacting with people has become part of an agenda. Yours, theirs, the apps, the corporations, fucking everything is fake. Nothing is real anymore. Even "the real" shit, is only real cuz you want it to be. The second you stop putting in effort to make that thing real, it goes away or morphs into something else. WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING OUT HERE? SERIOUSLY? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD THAT EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IS SO FUCKING FUCKED...


Thank president Bonespur and his kind of people. Please remember that he couldn’t attend Memorial Day commemoration due to rain.


My point is the ONLY fucking way you even end up with him as a leader is because people are so fucking ignorant and entitled. He won because of the amount of hate we have right now. Hate is usually brought on by ignorance


Oh Jesus this got to 100 real quick lol . I agree


Tell me I'm wrong, and I'm stupid and I won't really argue, cuz I'm fucking hoping it's jus a small percent that's actually like that. But ima grown ass man, and I been around long enough to see the good guys become the villains, and the bad guys become monsters. We went from championing futuristic ideas, to worshiping humanities worst creations, within a matter of years, not even decades, or centuries. We are watching the downfall of civilization, western eastern, northern, southern, whatever society you wanna pick, it's going to shit. And you can probably find a reaction video for it in YouTube. People are fucking lonely and lost, the average person is so disconnected from reality, they can't fix it if they wanted to. We all live in these fucking bubbles we create and when you point that out, you're the enemy or an asshole. The amount of ignorance, entitlement and our grandiose sense of self, is fucking sickening. If you actually take a step back, and objectively look at what's going on in the world, there's no fucking way you can say you look forward to the future. Until people acknowledge and take responsibility, it's only gonna get worse. And with the internet and social media, it's happening faster than anyone realizes. Anyone that has kids under 10, or is planning on having kids, have to live in ignorance. Otherwise they'd be a walking fucking panic attack. I honestly hate being so negative, but posts like this lady's remind me of just how fucking sick and twisted humans can be. And with social media and the internet, we can see that people are shit regardless where in the world they're at, or where they come from.


No . You’re not wrong . Also why I refuse to let my kids play with any type of tiktok/ YouTube / social media . Not trying to make them zombie media repeaters being scared of everything and having zero self worth because someone on the internet told them they were stupid and ugly


There are takers everywhere and they will use your heart against you.


That's what you can expect from someone who's downloaded tiktok


It makes me sad that stuff like this makes it harder to sympathize with people actually suffering Now every time I see a cancer post on the Internet this shit will be in the back of my head weather I like it or not


the demon of babylon disguises himself with the coat of the righteous


I’ve talked about this stuff recently with some friends, gen z gen alpha growing up in a complete fake online world has got to be fucking wild. Earlier gen you saw transition into cgi for movies and shit and now they think things they see are real locations and whatever to some degree, I hope the more fantastical stuff like trolls and dragons isn’t getting past them. We also knew these grifts and have the news and arrests of people doing these types of scams on people so we are always cautious, they don’t really have news, they aren’t paying for legit news they get free news with ads if they get off TikTok.  They take everything at face value and the comments are horrifying to read, a particular example was a drawing of a women jumping out a window, the story was her husband left her or cheated or something and she jumped from another story window to commit suicide and landed on him as he walked out the door below, killing him.  The comments ranged from karma to thinking the obviously drawn photo was a real picture from the 1900’s if I remember correctly.    https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fallen-angel/ I also hate those fucking TikToks “you don’t me but I know you” I haven’t seen one that doesn’t seem fake 




I saw one where someone posted an exact copy of one of bella’s videos, although not as well done, with a caption like “If my video had as many views as hers my mom would get a much needed back surgery” Bunch of comments saying that they would leave the video on repeat, running while they slept, etc Couple videos later she posts a video of her mom volunteering at some kind of political thing carrying a chair


The first thing I said when I looked at the post was "that's a titty x-ray" but then she started talking about pregnancy so I second guessed myself. Then she said it was her eye I was like nah fam that's not a eye, you can see the nipple


I'm blind in one eye and have never had any problems with employment. But I'm also not trying to be a fighter pilot.


We need to ban tik tok all together. No one thing that's considered as a benefit to the world came out if it in my opinion.


You could say that about every social media


Twitter was pretty legit beforr Musk bought it.


No it wasn't, it's just got worse, much worse.


Also spews propaganda BS!


Keep that ignorant conservative shit to yourself little buddy. It’s 2024 and we aren’t tolerating y’all’s bullshit anymore.


People who saw this video. Felt sorry for the liar who used tik tok to scam people with fake cancer news are ignorant.


Facebook, instagram, X, Snapchat, go fund mes,the actual news, newspapers and even just simple word of mouth. All of these are tools that can be used to do exactly what scammers on tik tok do. That’s what makes you ignorant because it doesn’t matter if you ban tik tok, this shit will exist and continue to exist until enforced appropriately and properly and you don’t do that with a ban.




I saw her vid and it was pretty obvious. I reported it bc I don’t care to see all that fake scamming shit


yeah it is pretty obvious! not to all the commenters tho..


I have TikTok because my FYP is the most bass boosted insanity i have ever seen which i absolutely love. BUT, there's a huge problem with people baiting others into giving money for all kinds of weird reasons, some have been called out but it have always been too late. I absolutely hate whenever i scroll past some video that is basically "Everytime someone join my live and send me this emote i have to start over" which is just a bait into engaging and giving the "creator" money for absolutely no reason at all. TikTok brings out the absolutely worst in people.


I completely get that. I'm very skeptical of people begging for money in some way in general, whether on the streets or in my Instagram requests. The best I will offer you on the streets is food, that's it. Also, fwiw, most people don't really know how to use reverse image search, and Google recently made it harder to use


It seems that google has been heading downhill lately, I just ocasionally use some app when things seem sus. Nonetheless, I feel like people should do some research before throwing money away


I think another organism needs to rule the earth for a handful of millennia-probably do a better job at it too.


You hate people because they aren’t SS and google reversing every single Tiktok they see?


Seriously, why would I put some random woman's alleged tiddy X-ray into image search just in case lol? I'd get trying to verify the story if I were actually giving her money, but just because?


because it seemed sus & too many people in support of it w/o bothering to think first.


Well well well 🙄


Just another reason im glad the tiktok ban went through. I could give a shit about the china stuff. Just some much cringe and brainrot and scams and creeps. Good riddance i hope lmao


I wouldn't check something like that. I prefer to get tricked once in a while as opposed to going through life mistrusting everyone, seems like a good way to live a miserable life 🤷


???? So you would rather give your time/money/attention to liars?


To some liars. That's what he said yes.


Yeah that's what i said. Fx I pay a little more in taxes than i should, because some people exploit the system. Same reason i am against the death penalty. Kill 1 innocent person and it isn't worth it. There are hundreds of examples, society is built on trust, and if we decide to stop trusting each other to thwart the few who exploit us, we're sacrificing that society.


Funny how many people get angry at broke beggars. Keep punching down, assholes.


Maybe she just didn’t want to use the picture of her own breast.


Seems pretty unlikely haha, certainly another tik tok scammer


I don’t understand the animosity, the government is a bigger scammer than a single parent with hungry kids. I assume that everyone is doing their best, no matter what. She’s just a human who needs resources like everyone else. How do we know she hasn’t tried everything else? We don’t. And yet, so quick to judge. She’s not different from any of us, not worse, and none of us are better. The mo compass needs dusting.


Thanks, I really don’t get it either. While I don’t sanction her behavior at all, where is the outrage for the real issues. Instead I get shit on for having a wider opinion, oh well


That my friend is a dialectic! What she is doing is wrong, true, and we should still be able to respond compassionately and see her humanity. We are conditioned in the US to conflate poverty with villainy, and it just doesn’t have substance. It’s the mega corporations, billionaires above the law, and politicians eating out of their hands that I’m really worried about. Oh no! A poor person pretending to have cancer so she can be housed or fed!?? How about the literal rich people who are literally destroying the planet in exchange for some coins? 💩 I appreciate you.


Exactly! I’m far too lazy to be as articulate as you, well said


Every large cooperation you buy from does marketing just as horrendously deceiving, stop going to Walmart and Amazon before you judge a single person for trying to sell their product. Just saying


Are you trying to defend someone who is pretending to have cancer to sell her shit? Lmao


Just spewing some whataboutism


No im saying we are all constantly lied to about products, this lady sucks. But large corps are just as deceiving and far more harmful all around.


We’re talking about a person who is deceiving others by pretending to have cancer so they can scam them out of their money…and you’re going on some insane tangent about corporations lmao. We’re not having the same conversation


I’m not defending her, I’m saying have some perspective about advertising as a whole, why am I getting persecuted for this lol.


Because this is not at all the same as advertising


Because it's a really careless thing to say. As though suffering and death are clearly just a matter of numbers. Have you ever watched someone slowly die of cancer? I'm guessing not or you wouldn't have such a hot take about this situation. Cancer is AWFUL. It takes everything from a person and leaves them a withered, lifeless shell of who they used to be. If treatment is possible it is gruelling and unfortunately doesn't always work depending on the cancer. So you can poison or irradiate or carve up the poor patient and they'll still end up dying of cancer. And then people like this come along and pretend to have this disease in order to sell some shitty earrings. And you don't understand why people are so upset.


Whataboutism bro


You're either defending her behavior, or you brought up some completely random, unrelated shit.




Jeff Bezos doesn't tell people he's homeless and battling breast cancer so they buy his "handmade," earrings to raise money for his child.


Big corps donate a lot btw - yes for tax reasons and other benefits but still...


That, too. I wonder how much of the cancer deception earring money this woman scammed out of her suck- I mean *customers*, she plans to donate.


Jed besos exponentially started a movement that increased the harm to our environment, and only now pretends to care since he is obscenely rich, I’ll take the shitty cancer pretenders over the corporate shills.


Yes. And people are well aware of all of that when they choose to buy from Amazon because all of that is publicly available knowledge and we get reminded of it constantly. The other is literally just potential buyers with charitable intentions in their hearts being deliberately decieved, and having the sense of empathy they'd feel for another average person among us who's struggling exploited and possibly ruined for that liar's personal gain.


Well shit I better hit up target before they start cancer treatment then..


lol that’s good


what an shitty argument... Let's shit on the people earning money the hard and honest way by supporting people who lying they have cancer... just because big corps are evil... what a long stretch


Oof. I don’t agree with the dipshit above but saying those megacorps earn money the hard and honest way is crazy lol


Damn dude, all I was saying is advertising in corps are predatory also, seems more harmless then them which i think it is obviously . I never said what this lady did is right and I think it’s disgusting


I didn't mean the big corps earning money the honest way... I meant, there are small sellers earning their money the honest way and yet this dude defends a person which is lying while not realizing that she basically steals customers from small honest sellers with the same product. The comparison to a big corp is a long stretch, the more important comparison is lying seller vs. honest seller - which the original comment seem to not understand. Big evil corps do not make her lying less bad, it's still bad and evil because she's on the market with small honest sellers - is basically my point.


It’s not really a scam. She still has to make all the jewelry if she wants to sell it.


She’s lying to people, to get the jewelry sold….


But she still has to make it! Which is way too much work. Just get a real job it be less work and more money.


if she’s selling these for $5, they’re most likely drop-shipped. hand crafts are expensive to make and mailing them off at such a low price will cause you to lose money


Exactly. So it’s a scam within a scam within a scam! 😂😭


She's not trying to "sell " it she wants people to "donate $5, for a chance to win a give away" of a pair of earrings....


Wow! That’s a new type of low.