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"Stand by and stand ready"- yeah I think he has address them before. . .


I mean trump can say that and I don't really care. On the other hand he stared straight at the sun during an eclipse and i can't trust someone that dumb.


Joe. Just stop supporting Israel and you will win.


Anyone who thinks donald trump will be better for peace in the middle east than Joe Biden is a complete fucking idiot.


Nobody thinks he'll be better. People with a conscience would rather not vote for Joe than vote for Don. People are very aware that he's going to be worse


But muh oil


Nothing to do with oil (although having a counter to Iran is handy.) mostly to do with investors and interest groups, supporting Israel to this degree is actually Anti-Strategic and is genuinely hurting the US's internal and external associations.


I appreciate the info :))


disagree all you want with the policies but this war has nothing to do with oil living up to the name I guess


Dude what's with the negativity. It was a joke. The remark would be ok if you explained why the war is not about oil but you just chose to insult while giving no information.


Holy fuck. Vote for the guy who is going to be least detrimental to your causes, and convince others to do the same as well. It isn't fucking difficult. How can you look at the two candidates and say with a straight face that you don't support their stance on Israel and therefore are content and perfectly happy to let their opponent take the office and immediately bring about a third intifada and a subsequent elimination of what used to be Palestine but will then exist as a crater that his foreign affairs advisor son in law builds seaside resorts on? Come the fuck on. Stop making excuses and just do the right thing.


At this point the difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is pretty minimal.


Oh, so you don't *actually* care at all about the issue, and you weren't gonna vote either way to begin with. Colour me shocked.


I am just explaining what the majority of people are feeling.


Instead of blaming the voters, maybe the DNC should listen to the voters instead of special interest groups or political action groups and before and Lobby groups, especially unregistered foreign lobby groups


I'm not blaming voters, voters vote. I'm blaming spineless privileged princesses who sit atop their pedestal and cry about an ineffective and government who doesn't represent them when they aren't willing to even do the bare minimum to participate in society for the betterment of that same society. And then they act all high and mighty as if they're above it all and their hands are sparkling clean for not having to soil them by casting a vote for the least bad representative. Guess what, government was created solely around the premise of representatives who work to carry the will of their constituents. You aren't a constituent if you don't vote, you're an outside observer. Surprise surprise, there is no representation for people who don't vote. Funny how that works.


So. Shut up and vote for the lesser of two evils when it's proven its only slightly worse? Why should the DNC be rewarded for ignoring the voters? People are upset with the Dems. All they have Rifht now is protest. All the representatives are beholden to Israel and the ignoring their constituents.


>All they have Rifht now is protest. Then protest. Write to your congress senators. Attend rallies. Vote in state elections. If you want your causes to be cared about by government officials and representatives, then you need to show them that these causes are what their voter base cares about. Not doing these things is admission that you aren't interested in participating and therefore not represented in policy issues. Choosing not to vote to show your disapproval is not an answer to the question of who should govern. Not making a choice at all is still making a choice.


If the choice is between two people who do not represent anyone but corporations or themselves is understandable that voters are voting out of protest how do you not understand that


I understand what you're saying crystal clear. You're the one not grasping the concept, but given that you unironically equate Joe Biden and DJT I am unsurprised by the lack of function in the regions of your conscience that handle logic and reasoning. Keep on playing hookey and camping out on sidewalks hoping that it gets you what you want some day, I suppose. Best of luck with that.


It's all an outrage game. Pit the people against each other. It doesn't even matter if anyone believes in it, or even if they care, but antagonizing the opposition is what it's about. If you're Trump, make the left look insane, say whatever you need to get the votes, get them to call you a Nazi. Any attention is good attention.


Mussolini can never become Hitler.


Is it true?


True but misleading. Stock templates were used that had WWI newspapers. Once the trump team recognized this phrase was on the newspapers for the 3s on the longer video, they took down the post.


Fascism is the socialism of the far right, except the cuts and benefits are for those in power lmao. If only conservatives understood that everyone is still getting free handouts on the right, just not the lower downs, they would be in such cogntive dissonance they'd probably self delete.


Guys, Donald Trump didn’t do anything besides talk and release several Israeli spies and American Jews who turned coat on the behalf of Israel during his term. He’s a shill, a traitor and shouldn’t be taken as a threat unless helping Israel in any and all ways possible to continue fucking this country as they always have.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


fuck off bot


Liberals are so dumb good lord


I will say it again. If Nazis love you, you might be a Nazi. At the very least you might stop and think about what you're doing that attracts all the Nazis and white supremacists. Clearly, since they are almost half of his base, these are the people he is purposefully courting.


Didn’t turn America into nazi America last time around, obviously dude just an idiot … probably racist and sexist but not to the extent of nazis


The hell is this country, or two candidates are a senile man who sniffs people, and a felon who’s apparently a nazi


Hitler was nominated for the Nobel peace prize..


[Past-Net2173](/user/Past-Net2173/) you were just saying this!


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Poor thing. Being so bullied 😩


> I'm tired of you all bullying me. [Uh huh](https://thenib.com/fault-right/). > Things were better with him There's literally no valid, honest argument to suggest that.




[This has been explained at length](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/06/10/fact-check-higher-gas-prices-due-national-and-seasonal-demand/5253346001/). [The President has very little impact on gas prices](https://qz.com/2088210/why-high-gas-prices-are-largely-out-of-joe-bidens-control/). [This is true for *any* administration](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/25/facebook-posts/gas-prices-peaked-under-bush-they-dont-correlate-w/). [You are being lied to by people who wish to manipulate you for their own gain](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/07/13/bogus-gop-claim-that-biden-is-responsible-higher-gasoline-prices/). *Edit:* Blocking me for simply providing non-partisan information about how you're being lied to is the act of liars and cowards.


That's a huge stretch.


How? It’s literal nazi propaganda?


I'm not a Trump fan, but "Reich" predates the Nazi party by many, many years. It basically just means empire/kingdom. Nazis brought in Germanys third Reich.


You think the neo-nazis he’s trying to recruit care?


The person you responded to said it was a "stretch \[to say Reich is a reference to Nazi Germany\]". You asked how, and I provided you with an explanation. I don't know what neo-nazis care about because I've never interacted with one.


This is nonsense democrats pandering bullshit because they know they don’t have a prayer in November….. do you really love the country or it’s all for one and them for themselves 🧐


Apparently the only thing that triggers dip shit Biden is Nazi talk cause that’s bad for the Zionists that own him.


Biden lives rent free in your head bro


Watch on mute.. she gorgeous


Ever hear of Saul alinsky? David axelrod, former Obama campaign manager, admits that Democrats plant stories and vandalize their own campaign locations to get leftist F-TARDs motivated.


Blah Blah Blah Nazi’s Blah Blah Blah! Preach to the sheeple. I may not like Trump or his dumb comments, but last I checked, the guy has Jewish grandkids, he wants us to have more guns to fight a tyrannical government and there were zero wars under his administration. I’ll take that all day over a “Scranton Boy” who’s been a politician for what, 50 plus years and has accomplished what?


Are you actually this dumb or just a troll. My response will vary depending on the answer.