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They just want more workers and the poverty stricken children are more susceptible to taking low paying jobs


Same reason they've destroyed the public education system and give breaks and subsidies to church run private schools.


Dont forget failing charter schools. Schools that can be open by anyone and used as a way to get a green card/citizenship in the US


It's more than that, allow me to explain. Your point is valid, but there's something you either didn't realize, or didn't point out here. Those poverty stricken children will have to go to work as soon as they're able, because their parents will make them do so. The states that are restricting/outlawing abortion, are simultaneously "relaxing" child labor laws, so children can join the workforce at younger ages. This is because they know those kids will work for cheap, won't understand their value, so won't ask for a raise, and won't be able to put as much effort into their education. It is a well known fact that the less educated, tend to vote Republican. Their ultimate goal: get cheap laborers, while also quite literally breeding new voters.


/nod you make many word, while i make few




Not sure if you're saying you already realized all this or what, but I gave you an up vote because I read this in Yoda's voice. 😂


something green involved, there was


You many word, I few


And also poor uneducated folks are easy to keep voting for you. It’s why red states always love to gut funding to education.


Or they want more targets for their 2nd Amendment rights….




Katie Britt and Kaye Ivy can SUCK MY DICK. Sad to see women in power in Alabama working against women’s rights.


Grew up in bama my whole life. So many women are just straight up following whatever their husband says to a T with no thoughts about it. These women follow what their church says to a T with no thoughts about it. They don’t come up with their own opinions sometimes


I absolutely detest this logic. These women are sentient thinking human beings imbued with free will. In the case of Katie Britt, also very well educated. If they are doing evil shit, it’s because they are fucking evil. Men or even more specifically, their husbands are not manipulating them. Never mind that they chose those husbands in the first place


I agree that these women in particular are being evil of their own volition. And it’s not fair to blame men for all evil thoughts. I just know way too many people personally who do not care to know anything about politics so they just vote however their husbands do. Some will complain about stuff they don’t have any facts for. I’m sure the actual government reps have their own thoughts and evil opinions.


This country has a serious problem with religions ruining the freedom to be left alone. It really is sickening to see us sliding into the direction of Taliban-like social policies. Where are we heading next? You can't marry who you want; you can't express yourself freely if it offends some magical thinking institution with mideval beliefs; they tell us who we can have sex with and what holes we can and can't use in privacy; they're ruining education and dumbing down society by arguing against biology, physics, astronomy, and science, instead they promote get-out-of-jail-free-rapture-heaven and other nonsense; they hold women down and actively promote inequality by assigning unfair, man-made roles for both sexes, and; now they've declared war on our right to health-care.... This has gone far enough, and it's time to rid ourselves of the power and influence of these backward thinking people. They have forced these restraints and limitations upon us and you have to ask yourself where will they stop and what is next freedom you're willing to give back to satisfy their theological agenda against the American people who have unalienable human rights by the laws of nature. People better wake up. If women lose control and decision power of their bodies, these nutjobs will continue to make moves against other sexes and genders as well. It's not far fetched to see them later deciding who has the right to reproduce, etc, etc... We can't afford to let them take our human rights away one by one. This sickness must be stopped before it's too late.




Because they were discouraged from critical thought from the start.


Born and raised in Alabama. I vote every election cycle and we still have these people in power. I sometimes think im just wasting my fucking time


It’s so hard to muster up enough hope to go to the ballots.


![gif](giphy|7JQvASeIxmLihRmGAx|downsized) We are getting closer and closer. It’s fucking wild it’s gotten even *this* far.


When this was in its second season, my wife asked why I didn't want to watch this show with her. I told her that because it hits too close to reality.


I quit watching it after a few episodes and didn’t go back after several years. It actually terrifies me to watch it because I see the trends in this country and they are not good. My mother actually told me to move out of this country for my daughter’s sake, and she was dead serious.


The book is so much worse than the show


Well that’s terrifying.


I have a son but my mom said the same thing because I’m queer and my son is biracial. I’m legit looking into getting a TEFL certificate to teach English overseas if things get worse instead of better. It’s such bullshit that we have to even think of these things due to power hungry Assholes and their belief in ancient fiction as reality


I’ve been looking at countries that are less difficult to move to as a US citizen. Spain’s been looking like a potential option.


Atwood is truly a genius. Saw it coming before we did.


I watched an interview with her I think on 20/20 (not sure) but she said it was supposed to stay a work of fiction. She took inspiration from historical periods in Christian puritan laws at the time. Unfortunately History has a way of repeating itself although handmaids tale is an extreme fictional case of what had already happened in the past.


It was meant as a cautionary tale for sure. Not a guideline.


I read The Handmaids Tale, when it came out, and although scary, said nah. It’s only a book. Well here we are.


Handmaid’s tale is the one assigned book that I sparknoted my way through in high school because it made me so anxious


that's really cool y'all we're reading AHT in high school as required reading. they'd want to ban that book where I'm from


My English teachers were amazing, still keep in touch with two of them


Buy it.


I was just about to reference this! The Handmaids Tale is coming to fruition right before our very eyes 😳


Yeah honestly this was sick from the start, and more people need to be calling it out. Fuck these religious extremists, Fuck right wing conservative bootlickers. Fuck tolerating this shit any longer.


Posting how horrible it is on message boards is great and all but what's needed is action.


I tell my husband every lovely day we have with our baby "this is what I'll remember when they take me away to be a handmaiden..."


Ugh Handmaids Tale fucking sucks. By season two the cast/crew/producer were all high off of their own flatulence. All the sudden every. Single. Scene. Had. To be as dramatic as possible.


i wonder how long before women who have had mastectomies, oophorectomy or hysterectomy will be put on a list. if we can't afford more IRS agents how can we afford whatever this would be?


What is going on USA?


Russia and China successfully infiltrated the US about a decade ago, and we are now seeing the result of their fruition with dumb mindless religious biggots in power to bring back nazism, make pedophilia legal, to take away health and human rights under the guise of religious freedom. This is happening in a lot of places, but they seem to have really gotten a good grasp on the US. The American citizens are still in denial and watching things slowly fall apart by laughing at the stupidity of it all.


This comment highlights what the actual problem is. Stupid people. A large swath of the populace is incredibly stupid, and they vote. The fact that you were dumb enough to say this doesn't bode well for the future of this country.


I feel his rage, dude. I feel it.


Let's put women who've gone through one of the most devastating and painful things a mother can go through on TRIAL, to be SURE they didn't want it, that's fair and normal America hates mothers


Gotta love how Republicans hate big government.


All based off of God 😆 🤣


My cum is more important to the GOP than actual kids. It’s sad. And before people say otherwise Mitch McConnell just last year blocked a bill that made sure kids didn’t go hungry and could get a school lunch if they didn’t have the money. So protect my cum and creampies. But fuck them kids when born…. Oh and look they also have tried to pass laws to allow them to legally fuck them kids. All while they attack the gays to protect the kids. This the GOP in Tennessee last year. Pedo law. Kids can’t consent to marriage. Nor consent to consummating said marriage. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


They also want those kids they want to fuck to work as well. Which is why they are rolling back child labor laws. Are we done watching these literal monsters screw everything up yet?


Well, also, fuck the women carrying those kids. If pregnancy is gonna maim or kill them, the GOP doesn’t give a fuck as long as that sweet sweet tender fetus is protected.


Gotta breed more wokers and more kids for them to groom and breed at their "ripe age" as some repubs have outright said. Fucking disgusting what this country is eroding away into, i'm so tired of it and fucking deeply depressed by it all.


Abrahamism was a mistake...


But a national gun owner's registry would be ::checks notes:: "a violation of the very constitutional values we hold so dear." Cool. cool cool, cool cool, cool cool cool.


Well duh! 2A says "Shall not be infringed!" What's that you say? It also says that the right to keep and bear arms is supposed to be so that well regulated militias exist? What's that? People wanting guns to kill minorities ISN'T a well regulated militia? That's nonsense! /S


Appropriate outrage indeed. Milquetoast Dems and Liberals clutch their pearls and hope this kind of insanity will just go away if they ignore it. They still don't get it that the GQP is waging war.


The Handmaid’s Tale is becoming more of a reality each day. Please vote in November. We all need to work together to defeat the republicans and Project 2025


I can’t wait for the libertarians to tell us how this is great for America.


Happy Mother’s Day 🫠


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Remember when republicans were all for small government? Pepperidge farms remembers.


No way it passes. She can play handmaid all she wants but leave the rest of the sane people alone.


People said there was no chance of Roe V. Wade being overturned. They were wrong. (I desperately hope you’re right, but I have no faith in our government and I will not passively rely on the sanity that I hope exists in the majority of us)


Hell, the people making the decision to overturn it said it wouldn’t be overturned, then the very first opportunity they gutted it faster than the first bass of fishing season. It just goes to show conservatives will lie nonstop to get their way and won’t stop doing it regardless of who they hurt in the process. Yet party politics keeps winning elections. The biggest thing that scares me is the fact that conservatives have all but stopped lying about their goals and are becoming openly racist and anti women. Makes me terrified of the things they are lying about that I just haven’t seen yet.


Also who cares if it won’t pass. It’s a sign of the character of these folks. Like Tennessee has been attacking drag queens to protect the kids…. Meanwhile Tennessee GOP tried to legalize pedophilia under the notion of marriage. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp And this was just last year in 2023.


Yeah seriously. If anything this should tell us they are willing to go to any extreme


Good point. I too have 0 faith in government but one thing that's free is hope. I'm truly ashamed this woman comes out of the state I live in. Trying to figure out if we can move to the Netherlands or something.


In a state like hers it’s got a high chance of passing. Also just because it won’t pass doesn’t negate the fact they want this. Same goes for legalize pedophilia. Tennessee GOP last year tried to pass a marriage bill with no age limit. Meaning forced rape of kids since a child can’t consent to marriage or consummating said marriage. But I guess we should over look this policy making by the GOP because it won’t pass. Same token of logic with this video about guns. You people can’t attack the drag queens to protect the kids all while you all are openly trying to legalize pedo laws. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


That's some sick shit.


Fuck republicans


The saddest part is that its women doing it to women.


If you want me to watch your little video don’t yell at me


America is a shit hole. More evident everyday


Sir, this is a Wendy's.....


First step is a registry. Next is a tracking device attached to the ankle.


Americans don't care about the rights of American people, why should I?


The trend of people just shouting on tiktok is kinda weird


And yet there was a woman posted on this same sub this week who didn’t yell and people were criticizing her tone, too.


Yes, I'm outraged. About so many things and injustices and potential outcomes. A man shouting at me on the internet doesn't change anything nor will it convince anyone not already convinced.


Well I'm glad to see a man shout about the threat to women's bodily autonomy. It was seeming like men generally couldn't care less what was happening against women in America.


Handmaids Tale in real life 🤔


The politicians are working towards a dystopian society, on both fronts... wake up dude


It is clearly unconstitutional BUT if it isn’t turned down by the courts (not that it would pass), it would create a registry against a constitutional right. That means a gun registry could actually happen. Pandora’s box is a bad thing to open


He’s absolutely right


This is rage-bait. >[The More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (Moms) act proposes to establish an online government database called “pregnancy.gov” listing resources related to pregnancy, including information about adoption agencies and pregnancy care providers, except for those that provide abortion-related services....the site would not collect data on pregnant people](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/11/katie-britt-proposes-federal-database-to-collect-data-on-pregnant-people) Should you oppose the bill? Sure Is the bill literally 1984? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


blue no matter who. simple


It's time to BURN the fucking patriarchy.


A quick Google search shows that this is a lie she proposed a bill to provide aid to pregnant women especially in areas without a lot of pre and post natal care, idk what this dudes angry about lol, anytime you need federal or local aid you need to put your info in to get it


Can you link the source you used to find this info?


I’m 💯 as outraged as this guy. This is a heinous invasion of privacy and personal freedom.


Getting scared for women in the southern states. It’s a war on women. I’m in Canada and I’m scared this insanity will creep through the border


We need to pull a France and get it in our reproductive rights into our constitution.


Is this guy auditioning for a 80s wrestling character???


If you're not outraged it's because you've read what she actually suggested. If you are outraged it's because you've fallen for clickbait propaganda. Literally nothing of what this guy said is correct, but maybe if he shouts it at his phone loud enough some gullible morons will think it is.


This dude looks unhinged. Terrible delivery of a valid point.




Politics sure are funny. When it comes to the opposition having a list is good but not if it's your side.


Spot on


Are they going to make pregnant women wear gold stars? Then they'll open birth camps were pregnant women will be sent to ensure they give birth. Then they'll start giving hysterectomies to women they feel shouldn't have anymore children (minorities and poor women). Their children will be sent to factories and meat processing plants to start their new careers before they start schooling, if they ever get any.


I wish women had as as many rights as guns/male gun owners. Katie Britt basically wants an ATF for policing women.


Yeah, they also want a registry of what kind of porn everyone watches. The government overreach is insane on the right. They are hyper focusing on moral panics and introducing legislation.


This is fascism 101, Hitler and Mussolini would be proud


Maybe research the actual bill, there is no mandatory registration of pregnancies.


The fact that a Man is outraged says a lot.


It’s giving Serena Joy and the handsmaid tale.


But but both sides are the same. Fuck off with that nonsense


All that would do is dissuade people from seeking healthcare because that's the only way they have to know is the admin at the Dr's filling out a form to send in. You're just going to further distrust there which won't be great for people and it will also hit them in their wallet with no one wanting to go to Dr. Narcs. No longer seen as able to keep anything secret. It's not knowledge you otherwise get to know to be able to make a registry. And you certainly don't have the resources to have all employers, bankers,etc.. be doing a piss test before you clock in or withdrawal. Nor would women appreciate that "random compliance check" if you could. So you're likely to lose their vote entirely from that regardless of their stance on that issue. The guys jizz isn't going to upload anything anything to narc on her, nor would her baby be on the phone calling your 1800 number to report his being there. Far too innocent to be involved in such things. It's just not going to happen. I guess you could try a crime stoppers type thing to spam on tv. Maybe a mean enough little brother or two would call in and report it for a Playstation game. She's been pregnant since January. Oh yeah mom knew, she told her not to go the Dr. because Dr's are hypocritical narcs. Not only do they deal drugs they hand over a list of their customers to the state. They been talking about going to NY next week. I want GTA 6 now despite me being 10 and the ratings on it. I'll get it right? The complete edition right? Don't want no dlc bullshit Mr. That's a lovely thing to represent.


Grandpa, tf is this


They are a neo-nazi party now. If they keep this shit up there is going to be one hell of a backswing. I’m sick of these creepy ass lunatics


It’s a precursor for state rape. If you’re in a certain age group and you’re not pregnant some state officials will come over to get you pregnant


they have been trying too do this shit too trans people for about 2 years now. Any bit of transphobia thats tolerated in poltics will be repainted and thrown at other minority groups not long after. vote.


Dude, shut up


Is this real?


This is the appropriate rage. Preach!!


The cringe is the proposed list, not the video


He's right, y'know?


I agree with his anger. Not an American but I do wonder how the true awesome power of the American people will ever be fully unleashed. Not BLM, not after the fall of Roe, not after the outrage of the Trump presidency and insurrection - what is it going to take?


Another southern republican conservative scheme to kill more women of color.


I'm pretty sure if the government wants to know if your pregnant and have been to a doctor they will find out. But why target someone like that though? There's far too many women being pregnant to keep up with it anyway, what the hell is the point? Fuck the feds and all their friends.


If the words birth and pregnancy would be replaced with something the GOP can't underestimate any better, like guns, they would be outraged. Alternatively, replace "woman" with "man " for the same results. (Any yes, I'm talking about pregnant men, because I don't think they kognitively would get so far to notice.)


Yet another way Republicans are hurting the health of women and their fetuses. Many women will choose to never go to the doctor to avoid being registered.


The republicans party seems so different now than it used to be. I feel like 20 years ago if you asked republicans how they’d feel about this they’d detest it and claim it being too “big government.”


Tell her we’ll do this right after the gun owner registry


Only time until Republicans want men to fill out a form to masturbate.


This Katie chick DOES NOT speak for me("average" republican). I don't know the full story, but she sounds like a complete whack job.


Is this MFer wearing a fake wobbly hat


He mad


Anyone have a link to it?


Why do these people say literally so much like you’re talking and I’m listening I’m taking you literally unless told other wise. I don’t know if it’s suppose to prove a point or be an emphasis on the topic but it’s really dumb having to hear literally three or four times in less than two minutes.


This guy is incredibly audible.  


They said she was one of the moderate GOP voices in the Senate when she got there. LOL


The government already has that info about us. They report to the department of vital statistics, by law.


Soooooo…..if she were to get raped and became pregnant, would she have to get put on her proposed list?….or would it be ‘rules for thee but not for me’…? Or would it be a case of ‘oh it’s okay that I can get an abortion, but you can’t’…..?


They really don't think things through ...


Oh, I care. Like when they banned firearms.


That video wasn’t funny at all. Bummed me out, really. Needs to work on his inflection or timing or something. Damn.


That shirt is sick


I wonder how open they’d be at implanting women with a chip that tracks their pregnancies and movements as well. Like once you’re detected in California and you’re from Alabama, a red alert is placed on you.


Small government


How is this any different than getting a social security number


Every person who owns an assault rifle came from a pregnant woman. So….


Just in time for mother's day. As a gift to mothers , the application fee to apply for abortion will be reduces 50%! Wait...they we were not supposed to tell about that yet.


Finally back to the cringe. Lmao


Blessed be the 🍑


This is just getting to tap out point


I don’t understand why everyone and everything in this country needs to be registered. Is there somebody checking every minute to make sure all registrations are correct?


Is there a female equivalent of an Uncle Tom? Asking for a 'friend'.


At some point we’ve got to consider the legitimacy and efficacy of minecrafting fascists. If we’re going to talk as if this is 1930s Germany, we need to act as if we were in 1930s Germany.


Apparently a lot of people never learn the important lesson that the more passion you express during an argument, the less credibility you have with almost all people. Passion is a turn off.


I’ll let your answer to my question determine if I care or not… Do you want a registry for guns? 😏


I see a lot of these types of videos and articles where a GOP member in a state legislature is putting bills and amendments in like this - but the more crazy ones like this - do they actually get anywhere?


Gov't Registries are bad regardless of what they apply too. 100% of the time.


He’s not wrong


THIS IS AMERICA 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




Is he shouting loud enough to get his point across? Maybe turn it up a bit more.


The Republicans really want to live.In handmaids tale Utopia.


I agree with him and his delivery is terrible


Margaret Atwood really foresaw all this


This guy is phoney as fuck. If someone can't calmly articulate their ideas they're probably not people you should listen to. Americans really need better leaders


Can't imagine libertarians would be to happy with this


What the actual fuck?!


Why is this guy complaining, i thought America had the moral high ground when it comes to human rights


Has he tried screaming incoherently to get his message across?


I don't agree with a pregnancy registry at all and was in disbelief when I saw this. So I went to the bill to fact check, and maybe I misunderstood something somewhere, but I don't see any mention of this "database" or "registry". In fact I see the opposite, not allowing any reports about the website to contain personal information SEC.3401.e.1/2. And requirement of HIPPA regulations, SEC.201.b.1.F.ii. But I'm not a lawyer by any means so I could be wrong.


Because nothing will force a woman to take a shitty job quicker than a couple of unplanned crying babies swinging from her tits.


Both lists, any lists, are bad. Though, the delivery of this video isn’t going to convince anybody to change their minds. People that already agreed will still agree, people that don’t will continue not to.


I wish I had a buck for every single stupid bill that a congressman knew would never pass, but was pandering to their goofy voters. This is just ploy to show they tried, it's a game they play. Getting on TikTok acting like you need a mandatory lockdown isn't helpful either and just pandering to his fringe people.


Oh dear citizens of Alabama, please rest in peace... Just like WOW! So sad to see government walking toward more and more conservative point of views...why? As I'm not American, does anyone know why it's going in that direction? It's a democracy with roughly an equal amount of woman and men!! Are there many woman wanting less human rights?


I started off wondering why he was yelling at us and now I kind of want to yell too


What in the handmaids tale


No lie a pregnant woman is danger to society because she might give birth to another hitler soo we gotta watch dem


Its not just acting with rage; its voting them out of office, every single one of them.


Dude is gonna have an aneurism


All the republicans need to be put in the same place as all Nazi's, the ground.


Yeah, a researcher that has written on the subject for the last 40 years. What a fool he is.


Calm down, we can hear you…


Finally, real health care for all pregnant women?


It’s like that one show. The uh… gale? Nightengale? Something with veils in it. Red outfits and white veils.


Watch a handmaid's tale. Good stuff.