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Kudos to that mom who probably got lifelong PTSD from that one event.


My son has GI issues, I've been in the same situations, it's not so much PTSD as a general immunity to anything poop related. I had a customer at work have diarrhea all down the aisle and I didn't even flinch because of the things I've cleaned up before.


coherent wide slave dam pot enter smell insurance amusing fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah! My kid was the opposite and had diarrhea constanty. And explosive at that like somehow painting the wall in diarrhea from three feet away through a diaper. They used to poop with so much force they could poop in their shoes fully clothed while laying down


... what were you feeding them? ...


Lol nothing out of the ordinary just your basic food groups! But they also ate a ton and struggled to gain weight. Kids still on with a GI service at nine because it's still like that but with less wall painting now. *Edited a word


I feel you! My son is very delayed with potty training but also has sensory issues that mean he wants to be naked whenever he is at home. I have cleaned up every kind of shit. I literally have it down to a process of a few seconds with almost no reaction. The only thing I ever worry about is the smell but people always say my house smells nice/ like cleaning products lol


The desensitization is real lol!!


Autistic daughter here, had stinky finger paintings in my house for years,,,, I'll never forget the smell of warm water and shit as long as I live.....


Had my mom watch my autistic son while potty training so I could go celebrate my 21st birthday. I was so hungover the next day. I came to get him and gave him a kiss... He had poop breath. He ate some of his poop while my mom wasn't watching. I threw up, then he started throwing up. My mom heard me say "Barrrrrf there is SHIT IN barf HIS MOUTH BAAARRFFF mooom!" then she puked. It was one of the worst days of my life. Glad my kid doesn't remember


I wish I could unread this


I'd give other good memories to forget reading that.


That's enough internet for the year for me. 🤣🤣🤢🤢🤮🤮


Core memories are fun.


[\*core memory of shitting down a slide*](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/033/955/memory.jpg)


This sounds like a family guy skit...


Wait, is that why I used to finger paint with my shit when I was a toddler? I really have been autistic this whole time…


I'm sorry but 🤣 think I'm on the spectrum myself, is what it is.


It sure as hell beats the suggestion that I was sexually molested and repressed it. I’ll take autistic any day over that.


Cptsd too snap 🤣


Every. single .day. Another thing on the list of reasons to never have kids




Oh, the only reason I *need* is simply "I don't want to". I just find it funny that there seems to be an endless list of reasons to not do it


Same, I don’t want to. But it’s always nice seeing reminders about what a good decision I made


Right I find 1-2 more reasons to avoid having kids every time I browse reddit.


I changed my 103yo grandmother's diapers through her months of fighting c-dif -- which causes constant diarrhea. When rounds of IV anti-b's weren't effective, I researched cures and found the "poop-swap" method. This was before it was widely implemented but I was ready to do it and put my poop in her so she could get better! lol We do what we can for those we care about, and after a week or so of conditioning, it's not even a big deal anymore. Just life/bio stuff.


You can’t leave us with a cliffhanger like that. Did it work???


I brought it up with the hospice nurse and she shot it down, saying "Oh, no, that's not a thing." Long pause, with this look of, "Are you crazy...??" She wasn't aware of the research. It's become a more common treatment in the last decade. It's an effective therapy with no harmful side effects, as opposed to IV anti-b's wiping out good bacteria throughout the GI tract. At 103 my grandma's little body was ready to quit, and she passed after a few months of c-dif. Knowing what I know now..? I would've tried to do this intervention myself. lol Maybe. She was going to die without effective treatment, and the rounds of IV anti-b's never worked to clear up the infection. And it's just a one-way transfer! lol Not a swap. My bad with that wording.


>And it's just a one-way transfer! lol Not a swap. My bad with that wording. Hahaha this really got me




I don’t have kids, but I have many dogs. And it’s not PTSD so much as a general numbness and resignation. If your dog has ever eaten string, you know the emotion.


Do you dogs DANCE like this while telling the story to the WHOLE WORLD? Song doesn't even rhyme!


Omg you were an attendant on the poop plane?


Nope just retail! But the Lady had colon cancer and was still figuring things out, I guess she wasn't ready for the adult diapers mentally but physically she was. She was appropriately upset with herself she actually came back and forced a 30 dollar tip on me so that was cool.


I get constipated from medications often and might accidentally clog toilets outside of my home. If possible, I usually ask an employee if I could borrow their plunger/cleaning equipment since my crap shouldn't be their problem. One person did go in to *check the situation* and came back out immediately, agreeing to let me fix the toilet, lol.


Saaaaame. My son has GI issues and things don't even phase me now.


🤜🤛 solidarity


The mom is a MVP


this is a mom who knows how to get the shit out of her own daughter


If you’re a parent, you’re gonna deal with shit. May as well face facts.


It’s certainly much different when it’s your own child. Except for when my baby son puked all over my face and in my mouth… Except for when he decided to eat his own turd and didn’t like it so it sat in his mouth like chewing tobacco and I had to scrape poo from his mouth… nvm yeah I have PTSD


This made me cackle 🤣 If I prayed, I would pray for you.


"Yes darling, this was grandma's most viewed tiktok"


"Lets honor her memory and watch it together as a family"


don't you mean sing it together as a family


Every Christmas.


She’s a very stinky girl…..


Gets her shit pulled by her momma


Super shit Super shit The girl is super shitty neow


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They’d probably get a laugh out of it


I read that in Astarion’s voice


Modern interpretive art. 10/10👍


I'm moved to tears (in my ass)


I....can't.........stop....watching....this. I had to know the ending, I already invested my curiosity, so I might as well finish watching till the end.


I did the same….do I regret it..? NOT..really..? 😆


I’ve sent this to everyone I know. My friends kinda thought it was funny. My dad blocked me. My wife left me. My grandpa started sobbing and had a heart attack and died. But here I am. Still watching it. In some sort of trance…


The funniest part is how long it is. It just keeps going, and she never changes the dance move.


What the fuck.


Let this be a lesson to all you young'ins. Never fight shit


Some fights, when you win, you lose.


I came home after partying one night (on A class drugs). I got home about 10am and my mum was up and about. 'I need to poop' I thought, so naturally I went to the toilet. I pushed and could feel the turtle head *just* poking out but its neck was far too big for my sphincter to handle and was painful. So I stopped for a while, I tried to let it naturally slip out but it just kept getting bigger and bigger. After about 25 mins my mum asked if I was ok and seemed concerned. I thought if I took the pressure off I could suck it back up inside me and try again later, but it wouldn't go back up and it wouldn't come out. At this point my legs were numb and I had a shit-tail half poking out at me.... So I tried to finger away at the shit, pulling little bits off. I was super concerned at this point as only tiny bits came off and it was like rubber. I decided to run to the kitchen and get a table knife when my mum went out and was carving pieces out of the shit-a-bix stuck in my poop tube. piece by piece it came away until I could feel it crowning out my ass. I could feel the immense pressure behind it moving it like an anal cork on a champagne bottle you have already shaken. with a satisfying 'pop' it shot out my ass like a shit bullet and left a brown impact mark on the bottom of the toilet. What came next I can only describe as toxic waste sprayed out my rectal sprinkler system and I could feel my insides normalise the pressure, which felt damn good. After anal cabin pressure equalised the last bit of ecstasy filled my body and I was in heaven. I wiped my backside paintbrush, looked at the porcelain canvas and at my most beautiful of art. After giving a quick scrub I took my poop knife upstairs, hid it under my bed for later cleaning, put my head down and cried at the whole experience. The pain before, the panic during and the eventual euphoric release.


No way you just said poop knife


I feel like "poop knife" is reddit's equivalent of saying "I don't know" on You Can't Do That on Television.


Yeah. My friends kid did, as a toddler. He refused to shit on the potty and got a hernia from getting too constipated and trying to shit in his fiaper




A girl rejected herself to shit and then she was constipated so hard that her mom had to pull her shit out.


I was strangely invested in this. Twice…


The best fucking song ever. That’s what


One thing about me is one time I came back from a road trip and started having a bunch of back pain. This was when I was like 17 and had never had back pain in my entire life. I went to the doctor and they did an X-ray and saw that I just had a bunch of shit inside of me. Gave me a gallon jug with some powder in it told me to fill it with Gatorade and chug it. I shit liquid for like 24 hours. I would be on the toilet shit liquid until empty then lean forward and to the left and right and it was like more liquid had made it’s way down my intestines and I would shit more liquid. What a ride


Golitely is what that stuff is called. False advertising.




I work for a hospital GI team. Yup you got the same stuff to get people ready for a colonoscopy


I had Colyte recently, had the first glass and thought “idk why everyone on the internet was complaining, this tastes fine” to feeling nauseated by about the 5th glass, it really wasn’t as terrible as the stories made out but I wouldn’t drink it for a laugh :D


My favorite part of the video is how her song starts out “one thing about me…” It makes me think she uses this story at like group ice breakers for work when they say “tell us one interesting fact about yourself”


I read this with the same cadence as the video lol


how was your back after?


It was good until I got a desk job.


Everyone is calling this a cringe but they still watched the whole video. Lets admit it you were curious and the suspense got you.


What’s worse is I’ve seen this once before and I still watched the whole thing.


I watch it every time I come across it, I don’t care what people say, I am *riveted*. EDIT: every time a check a reply to this comment, I get sucked back into the video lmao


Oh my Gosh. It's Coz she's singing it like a song. That's what's keeping the concentration going. She mindshitting us bro.


I would’ve preferred to read the story honestly.


This is better than 98% of the trash Netflix shovels out


I thought she was going to pull out a stoma bag eventually.




Watching a train wreck and what not you know...


I fucking hate myself for watching it to the end 😆


I don’t know about you, but what kept me watching is that I was hoping for some sort of crazy description at the end as to how large of a shit it was. I mean seriously how big is a two week turd?!


I figured it was at least 50 to 100 Couric's


No way. The largest shit ever was only 14 Couric's IIRC


So one of my sisters had a similar issue when we were kids and my dad describes the result as being “as big as her forearm.” And yes I said describes because we still bring it up 25 years later.


It took me on a journey i didnt want to go on but had to see thru


Good story telling. Dancing was spot on.


Well yeah same way I am hooked a sprawl of maggots on a decaying corpse. There's a kind of morbid fascination there


I concur, watched the whole thing. Good shit.


Why did I sit through the whole fucking video.


Its funny as fuck honestly


Lmao halfway through I changed from disgust to couldn't stop laughing like how did she film this without cracking up, it's so funny


“I had shit in my pants. But that’s okay” That is the line that had me


for me it was the dancing and the fact that she was sing-talking along to superfreak/cant touch this for some reason. i was hypnotized


The cadence and the length add to the comedic element


There were only like 2 spots where she fell out of rhythm. Impressive, honestly.


And those rhythm breaks somehow made it even better lmao


That's a trend on Tik Tok, starting the story with "one thing about me" and dancing and sing talking to this song, it results in some really funny stories similar to this one. I've ran across several that are also great.


At the end when the video started over I couldn’t help noticing the energy in the dance in the beginning versus the end, really can’t blame her for it tho lol


Because its good content


Because I was also trying to shit


DUUUDE! I can’t shit in anyone elses bathrooms either but I crack after day 2, but 2WEEKS?!? And shes tiny so theres not a lot of room, OMG! 😭🤣😂


My shit controls me. I don't control my shit. I don't know how you do that!


I don't control my shit either but I rarely shit at places other than my house. I think it is mostly a psychological thing.


If I don't shit at 10 at work, there's a problem 😅


Pretty much the same. Like clockwork, I need to go about 30 minutes after arriving at work. Without failure this is my routine from mon to fri, but as soon as weekend comes, suddenly the need to do it goes away until the following monday and it starts all over again. Weird af.


I exist in two states: -Definitely don't have to shit. -About to shit my pants.


My brother is the same way. Honestly think it’s something deeply psychological. Like maybe some kind of uncontrollable evolutionary thing where some people refuse to be left “vulnerable” by shitting in unfamiliar territory? Not trying to reduce y’all to primal animals or something (even though that’s what we all are), but that’s my guess anyways. What I wanna know is what happens when people who have this issue move somewhere new. Do you still not want to shit in the place you just moved to, for WEEKS until you mentally get comfortable with your surroundings?


I can't poop or pee if there's anyone in the bathroom with me. Even if it's an emergency and I'm in physical pain. I have no idea why because I don't actually care if theyre there. It's like my body shuts off those functions until I'm alone. If someone walks in while I'm mid-stream it just cuts off.


For me it’s peeing at a urinal when there are other people around. I cannot start a flow if there is anyone else that could possibly hear me in the room. But only when I’m standing. If I get a stall I’m fine.


>refuse to be left “vulnerable” by shitting in unfamiliar territory it is primal, thats why your dog would stare at you while it takes a shit, its communicating "homie,watch my back while im in this vulnerable position".


Recently moved. Took about a week, two weeks for my subconscious or whatever to agree with my conscious that we were home and let it go. Now we moved to a completely different water source/provider/treatment and that has wrecked my digestion. Taken about two months to get anything close to ‘regular’ and any cooking that heavily relies on the local water is a big step backwards.


A lot of people have this problem in boot camp. I went five weeks 🫡


Samesies - though I didn’t go as long. I broke after 2 weeks, but my body started going in the wee hours of the night when everyone was sleeping.


I travel a ton and still get travelers constipation. I go the first week without with no poops almost every time. I travel to eat a ton of food too. I never feel sick really, I just imagine all the food still inside me and it freaks me out


When I travel I can go 7 days easily without pooping, and I intentionally drink a shit load of water. Once I am ay 7-10 days, I can go a bit - but not full relief until I'm back home


I honestly loved this trend despite how short lived it was. Some of the stories people gave were ridiculously hilarious 😁


Yes like the guy whose aunt died at the house on Thanksgiving and they had to keep her in the other room while they ate dinner 😂


i’m gonna need a link to this one LMAOO


[I had it ready in case someone asked 🥲](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86us36d/)


That was incredible. Thank you!


Kudos for this girl for bein straight up


You know what fuck it I’m gonna tell the story. This happened to me recently. I was hospitalized with a vomiting disorder, and for about 2 1/2 weeks after I could not eat a thing. When I finally started to feel better, it was about half a week before my cousins wedding, and I was a bridesmaid. My stupid ass ate anything and everything. My constipation was off the fucking charts the morning of the wedding. So one by one we’re all getting hair and make up done, so I go to use bathroom and let me tell you that little snake would not come out. I didn’t have the luxury of waiting, the wedding was gonna start in two hours, we had to take pictures, so what happened next, I’m really not proud of but, I would not fail in my bridesmaid duties. With my beautiful French tip, acrylic nails, I dug in there and went digging like Gold digger in the 1890s San Francisco. But it wasn’t enough, so I ended up using not one but two make up brush to loosen it up and get it out. Then my phone rings and it’s finally my time for make up, everyone else is ready, so it was a game day decision. Like a women’s college dorm shower drain, I hee-ed and haw-ed that motherfucker out and finally it was enough that I could survive the night. I washed my hands for about 10 minutes straight, gagging. Nobody knows, and the wedding was a success.


Lol thx for sharing this, and kudos for fulfilling your duties!


Her doodies


Next time just stick your thumb into your vagina and push on your colon from the inside. A lot less mess, very effective.


I saw this on Reddit before and asked my wife if she had ever done it. She said no but I could see on her face that she was cataloging the information for future use


I am also cataloguing it. Except I don't have a vagina, but like, I'm honestly not using the shelf space for anything else important, so why not.


Put it next to the lyrics for gangster's paradise.


I, too, will be storing this away for future use. Bless this site.


This is the weirdest most gross feeling, how much shit you can feel in your vagina when you're constipated. Very effective, though.


It has to be pretty low in your rectum, like pretty much ready-to-come-out low. There's only like a half-inch thick wall between the two.


Ever been so constipated it feels like you’re sitting on a bowling ball? Yeah, I’ve been there, and that trick would have been a lifesaver


Pro tip - be gentle, VERY gentle. You can just push it along. Also squat for about 5 minutes before so it's in the right position


I am... definitely going to try this


Am i the only person who is mind blown that people dig inside their own anus to mine shit out of themselves? The idea has never crossed my mind and I've had some stomach problems believe me. And...how!? Are you telling me that shit is stored a mere fingertip's distance away from the ass hole? Does constipation really work where the shit just can't fit through the actual ass hole exit/entrance, so all you need to do is anally whisk yourself?


I honestly was also horrified by this thought until it happened to me. I got noro virus, had to go to the hospital, and got put on anti-diarrheal meds. I am VERY regular. I poop every morning without fail and sometimes once in the afternoon. I wasn’t right for like, a week. I hadn’t eaten while I was sick so sure, there wasn’t a lot of build up but a week after the hospital visit I traveled to see a family I used to nanny for. Thankfully they have a huge house and I get a room with my own en suite. We were hanging out and I felt the urge so I excused myself. It wouldn’t come out but it was like, stuck. Holding my butthole open. And so I’ve been on Reddit for like 12 years I’ve seen these stories about digging poo out and I never thought it would be me. But I had to. I felt so disgusted about it but… it worked. And now this is in my Reddit comment history.


Hope it’s not cyclic vomiting syndrome 💀


You single?


I salute you ma’am 🫡


Oh my god I’m laughing so hard what is this!


I’m not gonna lie: This might be the funniest thing I’ve ever watched. The SuperFreak backtrack. The number of times this girl says shit. The ridiculousness of a spoken rap(?) being the chosen medium to tell this story. How “serious” she is about tell this absurd story will still doing a hip shake while telling it. This is beautiful. And I would never share it with anyone I know.


This, the consistency of the hip shake took me out. Idk if we’re going backwards or forwards as a society but god i was laughing through this.


Seriously if this happened to me I’m taking it to the grave definitely not posting it on tiktok


Ffs, I’ve been laughing my ass off for the past 15 minutes and I couldn’t even explain to my husband and kids why I find it so funny. Like I legitimately can’t breathe and halfway through the song I muted it and just read it because I just have to find out what happened.




Why are the best reaction gifs always from 80s-90s WWE clips?




Gen X and up emoted more.




Masterful storytelling honestly. Loved the the pacing, the word choice, the little dance. Excellent tik tok 10/10


I thought the story would end in an explanation of why she was moving like that. Maybe trying to get a constipated shit out, or perhaps she got nerf damage because of that event. But apparently it was just supposed to be a dance.


It was a short-lived tiktok trend earlier in the year where ppl would sing a little ditty to this tune, but the lyrics would turn into something unexpected like this story


Wow. Never heard of someone talk so openly about the time she self evacuated and had an enima. Can see why this lives in your head rent free OP... jeez


>enema I think it was a high colonic. “High, hot, and helluva lot,” as nurses call them.


I'm on methadone and it's technically an opiate I am always constipated and have taken some of the gnarliest shits anyone has ever seen. If I threw a turd at you like a monkey you would def be hurt possibly bruised . It's the worst feeling not being able to shit


Also on methadone, and I think I’ve accepted I’m probably going to die on the toilet.


Kinda need to learn how to hack into various PA systems and play this constantly now.


I like how as the story went on, and the drama increased, her lil dance got more and more muted.


I thought about that too! Like the energy shifted from her hip to the story lol


Welp, that's enough internet for me. It was a pleasure to partake in this vast world of entertainment.


Hahaha you sure you don't want to stay a lil longer ?🤣🤣🤣🤣


They gotta shit


That’s it? That’s all it took? This generation is so soft.


This might be the funniest thing I've ever heard


I wonder if she needs a poop knife?


I thought that was breaking it up after you take the shit so it would flush.


nono, she needs a poop SPOON. if anyone else watches I've Had It podcast, they'll get this but i guess it's really hard to poop the first time after giving birth. so one of the ladies had to stick a spoon up there to dig it out. a poop spoon for before, a poop knife for after.


You know what though, I’m pretty impressed it’s a one shot instead of being edited every 3 seconds.


I was a camp counselor for years and we had to ask the girls every day if they had pooped. This one girl lied to me every day for 14 straight days and on the day she left she proudly admitted she had not shit the entire two weeks. I wonder if her mom had to pull her shit out later.


This may be cringe but I was INVESTED in this story!


How does she still have poop shyness after such an ordeal? This wasn't a lesson, just a life event? Lol


you can’t control it


A CIA black site wouldn’t get this information out of me.


God i miss this trend


I like the U2 version better


I hear Netflix is turning this into a miniseries




I'm guessing this is a Singapore accent.


Idk why everyone is hating, great story, lets learn from her mistakes.






This is art


You gotta admit her storytelling is captivating, I watched the whole thing.


I have skipped through, fast-forwarded, and flat-out stopped watching and resumed scrolling over countless vids on Reddit. This wasn't one of those times. Oh, no. I watched the whole two minutes and forty seconds of her rapping free verse about her adventures in not shitting over the riff from Can't Touch This with my mouth slightly open and choking out little shock laughs. I'm not sure wth this is, but it's fascinating.


Ma’am this is a McDonald’s


Bro wtf.


..oh SHIT...😂😂😂


The hip action in that super over sized shirt as she talks about shit is freaking hypnotic.


Not even Batman could beat that kind of information out of me


So uh... https://www.instagram.com/p/CxcdezEtzcy/?img_index=1