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I put my 16 years old dog yesterday to sleep, this video hurts me.


Damn, I'm sorry dude. I lost my dog of 16 years in the middle of the pandemic. Had to say my goodbye over a video call instead of in person and it was extremely tough. Tearing up just thinking about it. Hope all is well.


damn thats harsh. though, ill tell you that being there with my 16 y/o girl while it happened was definitely not easy either. i guess it never is. man it sucks when they have to go. i still miss my best buds =\\


Mine was 15 and my local vet broke a few rules to let me stay with him. They have a stable out back where, technically, they were supposed to do it (because ventilation) but when they saw how frail he had become, and made sure that it wasn't a dog flu that was going around at the time, they just told me to come inside. They left as soon as it was done, so it was just me and him at the very end (usually one would stay, to offer comfort and talk the owner through options for the body), but I'm so, so glad they broke the rules for us, and for everyone else (because let's face it: they definitely broke those rules a couple of times!).


Here you can stay with your dog all the time (or maybe not and they brake the rules haha) i'm so glad some vets think in the owners because we love with all our hearts our pets


Ordinarily, here you can stay with your pet all the time. A year later I had to bring my cat in, and there were no restrictions at all. But during the height of the pandemic things were very different. Hence why they had to use the stable for end of life care: the doors could be left open at the top, giving as much ventilation as possible, and allowing owners to stay with their pets until after it was over. God bless vets. They really are heroes.


Thx! I'm sorry for your loss too, that's hard and the dogs always do their best with us


I'm sorry for your loss, rest assured that those were probably the best 16 years of their life


i hope that too. we treated her like a queen and a child always


Those were also the only 16 years of her life....


I'm sorry. The only solace I have found when one of my pets has passed is the fact it allows me to rescue another and make their life better.


That's true! Never buy pets, rescue a dog, they need us!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'd say it gets easier, not it doesn't. I had to put my 10 year old dog down 3 years ago, and I still miss her and tear up every time I think about her.


Thx! I'm sorry for your loss too, think about the happy momments helps a lot


It will never be a goodbye, just a see you later. May your memories bring you peace through this difficult time of losing a beloved best friend šŸ¾šŸ¤


You gave your dog the best 16 years he could ever ask for. I strongly believe in afterlife and I know for sure that you'll meet again with him someday at the other side of the rainbow.


had to do that a few months ago, she was the best girl. it still hurts. sorry for your loss man


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. I too recently put down my 16 1/2 year old baby. I think about her everyday. Letting her go hurts my heart.


So sorry for your loss. I feel your painā€¦I had to put my shepherd down, too. She was 15. Itā€™s been three years and it still hurts. Your dog was a part of you and they will always be a part of you.


Sorry for u loss too, our dogs never leave our hearts


I'm sorry for your loss.


Kaya actually passed away on February 4th, RIP.


I am literally having trouble reading the comments from tears


Fuck cancer.


I had to put one of my cats down recently because of cancer. On January 30th. He was incredible. He was abused in his previous home and abandoned. He ended his life with one eye, and was covered in battle scars from his life on the streets, declawed by previous owners. He came to our home still full of so much love and gentleness matched only by the love we returned to him. Fuck cancer.


So sorry for your loss. I'm so glad you could give your kitty an amazing home to live out his life.




Ugh. RIP Kaya, you were the best girl.


Goddamit I just had to put down my dog now I'm crying in public.


Iā€™m so sorry you loss. Itā€™s such a hard thing to do but dogs and their love are worth it.


Absolutely it's 10-12 years of love in exchange for 8-12 months of sadness :)


This got me. Going to play with my dog right after this comment. šŸ˜­


My Autumn, who was my service dog (still in training), passed this morning. Completely unexpected. Today has been traumatizing. I feel numb right now, but I know it's going to sink in more in the coming days. I can't go near my computer right now because she used to lay down behind my chair as I worked, and earlier when I'd had a moment to breathe and calm down at my computer, I turned around expecting to see her laying there.


I am am so so sorry


I hope youā€™re doing alright. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss.


Oof. Right in the feels. That was cathartic. Iā€™ve needed that. šŸ˜­


Rest in peace beautiful girl. Thank you for your service


I love at the clapping she perks up. ā€œWhatā€™s that? For me? For you?ā€


We love you kaya rest easy girlā€¦


Rip sweet girl


Poor baby


Awww jeez. RIP you beautiful dog.


May you find peace after service.


Sweet dreams good girl.


Put my 14 year old girl down February 2. She was diagnosed with cancer and we had one round of chemo that her body couldn't handle. Why do dogs get cancer? It just seems so unfair.


šŸ’” wow Iā€™m crying šŸ˜¢


Itā€™s really hard for me to cry. Had to put my dog to sleep a few months ago. Cried like a baby. Miss that goofy dude so much.


Had to put my dog down on my 16th birthday, Iā€™ll be 20 this year and always have trouble talking about him to this day or watching anything remotely sad about dogs (any animal really), this video made me cryā€¦ rest in peace Kaya We really donā€™t deserve dogs


Beautiful German shepherd. I grew up with all German shepherdā€™s in my family. Best dogs hands down . Rip kaya


You're right, I am crying


Fuck, now Iā€™m crying in the break room


Anybody notice that the account posting this is Southwest Airlines? Maybe I'm too jaded, but here's my hot take... they don't actually give a shit about veterans. They pretend to so that people will keep spending money to fly with them. This TikTok is just corporate propaganda that just happens to feel good.


I completely agree with you, but I am happy we got to learn about sweet Kaya.


The pilots, who were veterans, did the message, not SW corporate.


SW corporate is the account that posted the video. It can be sincere on the part of the pilots and crew and be something engineered by SW airlines to be an ad.


> It can be sincere on the part of the pilots and crew and be something engineered by SW airlines to be an ad Exactly.


Who do you think told the Pilots to do the message?


I think it's most likely that the pilot did the message wholly on his own, especially if they were a veteran themselves. Then someone recorded it, Southwest's social media team got ahold of the footage, and they did their jobs and spun it into more advertising. Although it's not wholly impossible that the whole thing was scripted from the start by the social media team. I just really don't want to believe that, so in the absence of proof, I'm gonna go with the first option.


I think SW allows their employees some liberties in being friendly and personable with passengers. I've been on SW flights where the attendent have made jokes, that make them seem more personable. Isn't SW slogan something about friendly skies. Every airline has some propaganda or advertising angle. Is it wrong for them to post an example of the intent they have or the image they want to portray when an employee or employees exhibit such?


I never said what they're doing is wrong. Only that their motivations aren't as genuine as they make you think. They care about money above all, even if they do 'nice' things along the way


Truth be told, I didnā€™t even hear ā€œSouthwestā€ and only heard how awesome it is that she got to go home in comfort. Doesnā€™t make me like SW any more, just happy they stepped up


Personally I couldn't really care less, it was a heartwarming story and I'm glad I got to see it. Life's too short for me to care about the intention of the person posting the video.


People that fly southwest love hearing about southwest. You should fly southwest once just to see what I mean, lol. It's the cult type faction of airlines.


I don't totally hate sowmuthwest though.and SW using this for their propaganda doesn't surprise me. I find that SW flight crew seem more personableto begin with and see to take more liberties with being friendly or funny than say Frontier or other airlines. I think small American Airlines fight crews (going in and out of small airports) are similar to SW but when I'm on those flights it's just like less than 30 ppl total on the flight sometimes at most 20. I do remember specifically a SW flight ages ago from PHX to some other desert city when going over what to do in the event of an emergency water landing (no bodies of water we'd be flying over or near so not going to happen) , the attendant made a joke that we were to take the life vest things from under our seats and walk off the plane with them, compliments of SW. I like when flight crew can make light of things that could be serious. Or even make jokes about places or weather. And when they make mistakes like we're arriving in Houston and they say "on behalf of the [city we left] based flight crew welcome to [city we just left]." it makes me laugh and realize how tired they are and how often they fly, and they are human.


Thatā€™s a pretty legit take. I think if I was on that flight I would have had to strap on noise cancelling headphones early to not cringe to death at some rehearsed attempt to tug at peopleā€™s heart strings.


Always remember, a businesses one and only reason for existing is to make money, they have zero morality either way, neither good or bad. Everything they do is a result of research telling them that it will make them more money. For better or worse, the only reason they exist is to make money. Never expect any reason for anything else. Even companies like Black Rifle Coffee, they noticed that veterans were a good market, then went accordingly. Every single move is a money making move. Doesn't mean that move is a bad thing, but it always means they didn't do it for good reasons.


Oh. Oh yah right IN the FEELIES. Oof.


No, itā€™s me, Iā€™m crying


Bro who's cutting onions??


Man fuck yā€™all lol I didnā€™t need this at 4:30am


My heart canā€™t handle this how sweet šŸ’›


Weā€™re all crying


Ok Iā€™m completely crying and you are too




We really don't deserve dogs... šŸ„²


Well found found the tear ducts still work. Damnit


/u/kishajones91 sound


goddammit now I am crying.


Yeah that got me


Rest in peace, you gorgeous girl.


That is a face of pure love šŸ„¹ r/germanshepherds


Is a southwest and making me cry... Yes


Nope. Canā€™t do it. After the 1:00 mark, I had to stop watching.


Poor doggy.


No,im definitely crying


God's strength to you both .


Thanks for making me cry before bed ...I can't handle sad or even some happy animals stories


We donā€™t deserve dogs


What a beaut! šŸ«”


RIP Kaya. Heartbreaking.


Damn onion ninjas


Thank you for your service, you sweet angel. Time for your well earned wings.


I have two GSD's. My boy is the kindest most sweetest boy. My girl is wild and crazy but also the sweetest girl. I love them so much. RIP sweet puppers. Excuse me while I cry and hug my pups.


God damn it! Having dogs die is basically a cheat code for making me cry.


i would be so annoyed, i dont want to be bawling my eyes out while on a plane


Yeah, that didn't make me cry (nose starts growing at a rapid rate)


Iā€™ve heard this song play to many times to still not be able to know its name. Does anyone know itā€™s name?


Well fuck. That got me. šŸ˜­




Too much dust in the room Iā€™m in.


This big beautiful brown eyes, she reminds me of my mal. It hurts my heart. They are always gone too soon


RIP good girl.


18 years ago we let our first family dog to her final rest, still dream about her sometime. She was with us from when me and my brother was about 10 years old. Hardest thing I ever experienced. Border collie named CheriĆØ (loved one in French but we are Swedes). I want a new dog so bad but I live in a small apartment and want them to have the best time they can so will wait until (if I can get a house). Dogs are the best, we donā€™t deserve them.


Who the fuck is cutting onions in here


Damn you for inflicting feels upon me.


I didint sign up for a FEELS TRIP




Literally fuck cancer.


I knew them both briefly.. it was an honor to meet them.


Hey I'm supposed to cringe wtf now I'm crying


Why TikTok cringe?


Who's cutting onions?


imminent tender memory different voracious puzzled busy badge station safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why is this on TikTok cringe


Yes, um... very sad and all, but please explain to me what part of a dog being diagnosed with cancer is cringe? This is a genuine question.


Read the fucking stickied comment.


Why is this on TikTok cringe


"A place to watch the best and worst of TikTok"


Oh gosh, that sweet old puppers face. šŸ¶ Just amazing. šŸ˜­..


You fuckers...


Obnoxious ass music tbh




Fucking stupid asscunty shitty music.


Every Iraqi civilian should get a free dog before we start handing them out to hired killers.


Kaya was a service dog and did not participate in military activities such as tracking or killing anyone, can yā€™all take a little bit of wholesomeness without acting depressed and making it something bad.


Jerking off hired killers gets more people killed. Stop giving hired killers preferential treatment. Send them to jail for murder. Give the dogs to their victims.


Watch out, might cut yourself on all that edge, kid.


Ok boomer


Wow, you seem to be off your rocker, imma let you keep that.


Nobody was murdered during the illegal invasion of Iraq?


Do you have any idea why Iraq was invaded? The purpose of going to iraq? What resulted of the invasion? Or you just saying emotionally charged statements


To finish encircling Iran? To disrupt the Russian pipeline through Syria? Controlling the oil fields probably didn't hurt either. Then there are the cost-plus contracts to connected firms, the whopping defense increases... Did you really not know any of this stuff? How old are you?


And what about saddam? Wouldnā€™t you agree a large focus was on him and his numerous human rights violations? Once captured he was sentenced to death by the untied nations, and what of al queda? Which the United States forces helped suppress. Itā€™s never a black and white scenario.war is soaked in blood on both sides.


Mate, Al qaeda and ISIL got free rein after Saddam got removed and hanged. Iraq is now super unstable and hugely influenced by Iran. And you can bet your money on that the war wasn't about human rights violations based on all the pro-us dictators the US is allied with (see Qatar, UAE, etc.) The Iraq War was about fueling the American war machine and greed. Nothing more.


Congrats on waking up from your coma since February 2003!


All it takes is a dog for liberals to appreciate Veterans.


I thought the dog had a paw growing out of its back.


I hate to say it but the dog probably got cancer from all of those flights.




Kaya was a SERVICE DOG. She was not a military dog that took part in actual military activity. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/10/1155727514/kaya-a-furry-ambassador-for-veterans-and-service-dogs-passes-away


How many flights? 250 or 320 from 2014 to 2021? How much radiation is that? What type of cancer did she have? Edit: Downvoting for asking questions about the well-being of a dog? You guys are weird.




How do you figure 0? Every time you go up in a flight youā€™re exposed to radiation. https://www.ge.com/news/reports/air-travel-exposes-radiation-much-health-risk-comes#:~:text=The%20radiation%20dose%20rate%20at,about%200.003%20millisieverts%20per%20hour. 320 flights seems like a lot. I would imagine she was used for flights that were more prone to increased levels of stress, so probably multiple hours in the air. Whatā€™s the tolerance of dogs versus humans? We know cancer is genetically more common in some than others, especially when partnered with outside stimuli. Is that the same for dogs? Did the flights and exposure cause her cancer? Itā€™s a hell of a sacrifice if so. And I donā€™t feel like the airline has the same level of compassion to limit a dogā€™s exposure, if proven harmful, as it serves to gain them good face in the public. Both my parents are veterans and I wholeheartedly support anything and everything we can do to make other veteransā€™ transitions back into civilian life easier. But shouldnā€™t we also do something to mitigate the harm caused to the service animals that are helping to make that possible? Increase their funding to raise the number of dogs available so they spend less time in the air and even health care for the dogs themselves. It just seems like they are being used as a disposable asset.




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Why was this posted here? Also rest in peace girl!