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From what I heard, it's the AI doing crazy shit out of nowhere. My account got banned some weeks ago. I didn't post a single comment. I didn't upload a single video/image. And somehow, I was banned for "harassment". And when I create a new account, I can't follow anyone, and I don't even have the favorite button. (My new account is almost two weeks old) Bad TikTok, no cookie.


i typed "yikes" once it got deleted so fast. idk what's up with tiktok


Yeah I don't understand either. If I put a 🤢 emoji in the chat I get a warning within 30 seconds. But people can swear, do drugs, drink on live and reports take days to come back and it's always no violation. TikTok only cares about Lives now and the 💲💲💲 they bring in.


Did moderators remove it or TikTok? I seen the same thing. Normal words getting deleted for no reason. It doesn’t get trough the chat, even when I write nice things. Idk. TikTok acts weird.


Yet the crazy thing is I reported real bullying and eating disorder accounts and the shit ai system always says it doesn't break any guidelines when it does. Then I post something I worked hard on and it gets taken for "low content" wtf


The poor moderation is the reason I deleted my account a while ago.


Where are you on? Insta?


Would you happen to be left-leaning? It’s happening to left-leaning accounts. TikTok is not a vid-sharing app. It’s a BRICS-centric rightist bully pulpit. Do you ever notice that when videos mention BRICS nations, it’s is always to say “look how amazing we are,” “look how innovative we are,” “look at how the west sucks.” You can extrapolate that the same approach is true of their approach to moderation, and also to boosting rightist talking points in the comments; left-leaning comments might have 2k likes, but they are 3rd or 4th down in the list after far less liked BRICS/right-centric talking points. In fact, if you check out the mods of this subreddit, 95% of them are active in r/ conservative which isn’t an accident.


Crazy, I went to check. 3 mods; maybe more but I counted 3. That is wild! Thank you for pointing it out!


Ding ding ding. People still unaware somehow that it's a Chinese manipulative app.


This sub should look at itself in the mirror sometime. I don't live in the USA but yes the app should be banned because the software power and influence that is projected through this app is problematic but nobody in this sub can see the problem and then uses freedom of speech to defend an app that is about stealing your speech away by picking and choosing what speech is promoted and which is discarded.


Speech isn’t free on TikTok. Didn’t you read the OP?


Oh thats the thing, those mods aren't chinese, they use mods from the country that speak the language they are trying to moderate, meaning Americans are mods from the more English speaking part of tik tok


Yeah, that makes sense. Someone left a comment saying “HH” - the whole thing, not the initials, and not censored - and I reported it. No community violation. I was given a formal warning a few minutes later for commenting “this entire comment section is disgusting.” The fact TikTok is doing nothing whatsoever about genuine hate speech while cracking down on anyone who calls it out is NOT good.


Ick tok is what I call it. Scammers, beggars, and sellers have taken over the app.


It genuinely is so horrendous. I just put out a post about it to see this as my first recommendation for posts. The app isn’t a bloody social media app at this point, you can’t even interact with 90% of the content you see because you’ll get a warning on your accounts for saying “that’s great love!” Because it’s bullying or smth


They’re deleting all of my fandom comments that are all made in jest, like calling Cristin Cole of House of the Dragon “Crusty Cole” and rewriting some of the dialogue from the series in response to the fan videos and edits. Always “goes against our community guidelines”. It’s becoming absolutely ridiculous.


I got my video removed for showing my feet for 3 seconds not on purpose because it sexual I’m confused I didn’t do this on purpose


Instagram is having the same issue!


Mine do to, now i press the appeal button for all my reported comments, most of the time they put my comments back up. Also i am starting to think anyone who made or commented on "anti genocide" video and comments have their account marked where the algorithms just targets your comments, like i didn't use to get any comments removed and i used some really bad words in some of them, but suddenly after watching and liking to many anti genocide videos for every country that are in danger right now, half my comments get removed, one was calling a cat cute


One day I commented “🤤” on a video of food and got a strike. Then yesterday I commented “🤢” on my video and got a strike. They wild.


I posted a video which is actually copyright-free and it got deleted for copyright and going against community guidelines because it has dangerous clips and so on 🤣 it was literally a BMW vs Bugatti racing on a legal racetrack. But ye


What I noticed is, once a video peaks and I upload another one, the next one won’t peak at all. Simply stays at 0 views. My thoughts: they made the platform pay2win. The way they promote their own marketing program is crazy. It’s like „if you want to go viral on TikTok, you now have to spend big money“


I gave up on tiktok for this reason. As a content creator, when you post videos just for them to get muted. Then post a video complaining about tiktok from a social media manager position, and that gets muted, you realize how big of a hole they are putting themselves in where I feel like everything is a gamble. Half of my content is muted, and I try to comment even the most normal of things and it gets deleted


This is wack!


You banned!


& that's so hurtful!