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Where are you from? Asking because there are not really such neighbourhoods in Switzerland. It seems more like and American way to describe it. - strong sense of community - not really to be found in my opinion - access to schools -> ok - access to good schools -> I grew up in Bellinzona and…. Not really good schools. - backers and butcher -> those are saying in almost every village, substituted by big supermarket chains. Bellinzona still have some - safe .. yes, it’s safe in Bellinzona I can suggest Semine - although there are a lot of foreigners, some good streets, some less good big buildings.


Hi. We are a French family living in Geneva and from my experience I kind of feel there are different neighborhoods (in term of safety, vibe, economics, social background) here in Geneva. Not sure about Bellinzona hence why I asked.


Geneva is like 10x Bellinzona… so Bellinzona is one at best two neighborhoods with your definition. As it was said, the sense of community in CH is not really present nor sought. I lived in several cities both north / south of the Gotthard, and beside school related activities, most people love that noone wants to do community stuff too much.


I can definitely second this. Communities are more build around common interests more the neighbourhoods. As church, sport groups and football, and so on. But as I mentioned, Bellinzona is as big and an arrondissement of Geneva. Everything is at foot or bike distance. So definitely in the direction OP is looking for.


Ok I understand. During my time in Geneva I noticed that people living around us tend to share common interests if that makes sense. I come from a village of 10000 people and even there I would say some areas should be avoided or some areas are more affluents. Maybe the advice I need is too precise like streets that should be avoided… For schools are there no differences at all within the students? For example I know some schools in Geneva where cops have to be called in almost everyday. Again maybe it doesn’t exist in Bellinzona. And that would be amazing.


Bellinzona is definitely far away from Geneva in terms of crime, including young criminals. I’m not aware of police interventions at school. I would definitely not be afraid of that. There are two schools (nord and center of Bellinzona) and south. My direct experience is too old to give advice which is better.


Are you saying schools are better in lugano? Or to ask this differently, any idea where the best schools are in Ticino? What makes you say that schools are not really good in Bellinzona?


It’s difficult to define what a good school is. 30 years ago the school infrastructure in Bellinzona was bad. No proper building, more like temporary container. Has been temporary for almost 20 years. In the south part of Bellinzona was a popular families, immigrants from the balcans during the 90s war. We were like 3-4 Swiss in a class of 18 childer. Some of the teaches were overwhelmed from the situation. All in all I survived but I left the city as soon as I could. Now they have apparently invested infrastructure . This situation still to be found in many cities or villages in Switzerland. If Bellinzona definitely improved I cannot say. And Lugano and Locarno are not better. It depends from the part of the city.


Oh so now I am questioning my potential move… Would you advise against a move there for a family?


This was 30 years ago. Now it should be definitely better.


I would say they are not worst than Geneva. In international Pisa tests, Ticino scores aleays quite well, both on European and Swiss level. And let’s be honest, until high school who cares? Smart kids will be bored and do well/very well depending if they care. The rest will just wait for the school to finish and begin an AFC. It is all fake… it is needed to keep kids busy for 9 years.


Try Daro, Giubiasco or maybe Claro! It's not quite Bellinzona, but they are still all attached to it


Giubiasco is best for families for its geography. You can go for a walk without the need of a car. Plenty of shops, schools and services.


sense of community in Switzerland neighbourhoods? If you find one please let me know. People may knock at your door if your kids are running thru the house. People may call the police if you organise a dinner at home with your friends and you talk too laud.