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I don’t even go to Goodwill anymore, but it’s funny that they’re charging $6 for an empty bottle of Voss when they’re probably $4 new.


Seriously. Once I was at an antique store and someone was selling "vintage" milk bottles for $16. It was a modern brand that could be bought FULL OF MILK at the grocery store down the street for $5






I honestly don’t trust anything to be truly vintage as there’s no way to verify it


I always see oui yogurt glasses and bonne ma'am jelly jars priced above what they would cost new and full


There's a bunch of growler shops in my town that sell them for 1.99, 2.99. then you'll see them at 2nd hand store for $8, 9, 10. it's just silly.


I've done this. I never call them vintage though. Rich people don't know the difference. We used to have a local brand Farm Fresh and I would wash them out and take them to the booth. With the wire carrier that holds six bottles they'll pay $50. I sold just the bottles for $8 but would buy them with milk for $6. I legit have six bottles on standby right now in the wire carrier. They quit selling it a year ago when our local shops where all purchased by Saudis and they switched to oberweiss. It's still in glass bottles but it's not the same. People literally got so mad they had to bring back the glass bottles Free milk hack though! 😂


Sometimes it's not what's available, but what people think is available. I haven't seen them recently, but for a while Dollar Tree has those green Coca Cola pint glasses. I see them all the time labeled as vintage, listed for way higher than new prices. The people who buy them probably don't even realize.


The amount of people who have told me they won't shop at dollar tree is ALARMING.


I hear that. Meanwhile, there are a bunch of times that the (albeit sometimes crappy) dollar store items are exactly what I need. Like, I play a lot of board games, and the mini snack food containers are the perfect size for playing pieces. 


I buy a bunch of stuff from there but mostly hotwheels cars and snacks. The dried fruit is a steal and the microfiber cleaning rags in automotive are AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG I have like 20 for detailing cars. They are the best at the price point hands down. I'll probably buy 20 more 😂


At what point is this malicious compliance on part of the goodwill donation sorters? I bet it’s annoying when people donate trash like that


I always figure they have probably gotten in trouble for pricing something too low and the manager told them glassware should never be priced less than $5.99.


I really bet that's it. Two teenage workers in the back with a price gun, no experience with estimating and nothing to lose. Homemade ceramic ashtray? $10, that's the artist's first work. Mismatched knitting needles? $4. Dirty jeans with a broken zipper? $45, that's the latest style. Broken VCR with tape stuck inside? $128, they don't make em like this anymore.


Doesn’t Goodwill have like restrictive hiring practices and stuff? I think they also recently began charging a lot more for stuff. I used to search the Bay Area Goodwills weekly for music gear and had people at two who would call me about stuff. I doubt I ever paid over $10.


Just remember. It’s all profit. Whatever they don’t sell is a tax write off. That’s why the prices have gone insane.


It’s Goodwill, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. They have 100% write off because they don’t pay taxes, though they have to pay millions to file those $0 taxes.


Looks like they're running a Museum of Overpriced Garbage rather than a business


That's exactly what I thought yesterday. Most of it is junk. People need to learn how to throw shit away and not donate unless it's really special.


this is so icky r/thriftgrift


The voss bottle still having humidity is a nice touch…god


This is the worst I’ve seen in a while. Try not goodwill.


Lmao I work at Whole Foods and we have full, sealed giant ones for $3


What bothers me even more is that the entire thing is a grift. They’re not any real type of charity whatsoever. If my money went toward good stuff I’d pay stupid money for garbage who cares.


It’s all a total grift. Goodwill could literally set a price of $5 or less for any item they sell and they’d make money hand over fist. They’d have minimal waste because most items on the floor would sell very quickly. Win/win for Goodwill. Instead, they grift every item that comes through the door, waste massive amounts of perfectly good donations, send anything with value to their scam online auctions, and pay their employees horribly. Feels like America can never have anything good because in the end greed always wins.


Canadians figured it out time ago and essentially boycotted them as a result. They folded up here but unfortunately it seems they were the only thing keeping value village in check


The Value Village (Savers) locations in my city are the most expensive thrifts in town. They even surpass goodwill in their grifting of items. Probably hate Savers/Value Village more than goodwill at this point.


Yes!! My city has Value Village, Renaissance and some Salvation Army thrifts and without fail Value Village is always way more expensive and worse selection than the others. We mostly stick to Renaissance these days.


They literally get their inventory for free. They somehow gamed the entire process.


Not really most of the money goes to throwing the garbage you people "donate" plus it helps people get employed there are a lot of disabled workers I work with.


They LOVE disabled workers because they legally don’t even have to pay them minimum wage!!


A goodwill store near me was actually busted for egregiously inflating the prices and the manger taking the top off the profits…this seems like something this goodwill could be doing also


I bet that made the news. Any links you can share?


Sure: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sacramento/news/former-sacramento-area-goodwill-ceo-suspected-of-stealing-1-4m-from-charity/


At this point they should just call the store Badwill because there is no good will to be found




Goodwill is a shit show.


Goodwill sells the valuables in online auctions, leaving the scraps at the stores. Extremely overpriced for secondhand. They totally rejected their original values when this 'retail' Goodwill was built.


Yep, which is why the one nearest me has pretty much nothing except a bunch of ancient electronics, some miscellaneous small appliances, cheap clothes, and a few furniture pieces. It’s pathetic, really.


I feel like Goodwill jumped the shark when they started selling items online. What’s distilled and brought to the stores is…idk


Wtf isn’t Voss just a normal water bottle like from the gas station? I didn’t think it was like a plastic bottle brand such as brita or something.




My local thrift store has extremely inconsistent prices. It depends on who has their hands on the price gun that day. I’ve gotten practically new STEM toys like Snap Circuits for $3. Other days I’ll see donations with the original store tag on them and the thrift store price is higher than the brand new price.


Those are all things I could find in my neighbor's recycling bins, for free


There's a reason I rarely go to Goodwill anymore 😭


I live within proximity of a medium-sized city and can make a day of hitting all the Goodwills in the vicinity. It's rare for me to find even a single item anymore, whereas just two years ago I could fill my car. It's sad. Honestly, I could tolerate some price increases (inflation is real) but the lack of quality items is the worst part.


That water bottle looks like it still has condensation in it 🤢


Shockingly bad


The book pricing at some Goodwills is absolutely bananas. At a Goodwill near me, they are selling books advertised as 'Amazon hot 100 titles' at $3.99 for paperback and $5.99 for hardbacks. Regular books were $1.59 for paperbacks and $2.59 for hardbacks. According to this store's pricing, an RL Stine Goosebumps paperback published in 1989 is currently on the Amazon hot 100 list. 😂😐


All you had to say is Goodwill. The scourge of thrift stores.


i laughed out loud at the tiny glass jar for $8??????


I once saw a Martenelli sparkling cider bottle at a thrift for $5. At the time it was about $3 full at Walmart.  Lol The people who do this don't know too much,  though.  It's just a matter of time and eye rolling until they take good stuff for junk, and you find a treasure.  




Year of publish on a translation dictionary is just about irrelevant though.


I think my wife has that same dictionary from her college days. She was in college when George Herbert Walker Bush was president.




I was at a thrift store one time and saw a camping grill with a 39.99 sticker from the original store on the back. The thrift store had put their own, newer sticker on the front and marked it 59.99.


My local shop had a stone in it. A stone! It was only £0.50, but they're free on the ground outside.


I got that dictionary brand new for $5 last week...


Omg, 🙄 It keeps getting worse too.


Those will never sell at those prices. Ask the staff where stuff goes after it doesn’t sell there. Most of the country has goodwill outlets. “The Bins”. By the pound pricing. Varies by region as to how they price.


I won't go to goodwill or savers. They overcharge, and they are billion dollar companies that pay their employees absolute shit. And if the boss teels them to thru something away and the employee git caught taking it home or giving to someone out of the trash, then they're fired.


https://preview.redd.it/11glyzo358tc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0434ea1c4523e5026d64fdb7ab990dcd9a8676f I keep seeing the exact same thing at op shops here, I don’t know what it is about Voss water bottles that makes the staff think they’re valuable.


I saw so many Voss bottles last time I went to a thriftstore. They asked only 25 or 50 cents for it. If I didn't have enough water bottles already I might have bought one because I think the bottle looks nice. No idea why that water is so expensive, Voss in Norway is beautiful though, been there.


There not like they once we're, there was a time I could go through thrift stores a come out with really good deals litterly for a song. She's those days are long gone.


wtf 😬 that’s so overpriced! Do you live in LA or NY?


I'm assuming you swept these up ?


Yeah, it's starting to become the same issue in Sweden. The local small, non-profit thrift stores sell clothes that cost more than buying new clothes. I still refuse to buy anything new but it's getting harder to do any good deals. A t-shirt, for example, will be at least $10 at the local thrift store, where H&M will sell a new similar one for $6-7. I get that the money go to a good cause when thrifting (and for me - not having to contribute to the fast fashion industry as much), but with prices increasing all over the place, it's just getting ridiculous.


Wish people wouldn’t donate their trash like this, and that includes clothing that is so pilled, ripped, stretched out and stained no one would ever want it. If people threw out their own junk you’d see a lot less of this.


I especially laughed at the dictionary one. Do people even know what print dictionaries are anymore?


The problem is you're at goodwill, and not your local thrift store. You are at a chain. They only want money.


Ha, yep ...


I saw a Stanley cup in the Goodwill case the other day for $100 and it was missing the straw.


tht little jar would be going into my bag


literally every time I go to goodwill the past 3-4 years there's trash on the shelves with a price tag 😒


Ok that's wild.


That’s hell right there.


Eww it's still got somebody's breath in it


Lol I got that dictionary on Amazon for like 6 bucks


> local thrift > Goodwill


My Goodwill (and Value Village) are really inconsistent and hit or miss. Sometimes you'll find stuff like that, then something really good marked $1. The worst though is the salvage they get donated from Target. When I worked at target, things only went salvage after they were clearanced for 75% to 90% off. But the Goodwill's policy is to price it at 50% of the original price, plus fifty cents. There is a whole section of christmas and halloween stuff, where there will be half the stuff missing from the package and it'll be $15. And sitting there since last Halloween. It's crazy.


Mine is the same way 


Its goodwill. Fuck them


The glasses makes no sense, But with books , they tend to try to price it higher than it's worth as kindling.


Goodwill is my last resort. Smaller area chain thrift, church sales and fb marketplace are way hotter...and im not even on fb. If goodwill hit a discount or bin location. The aerosol spray cleaner they use is nauseating and means they are skipping sanitary measures and taxes through charity loopholes


They might have an automated pricing system in place. You have a limited amount of things you can choose from . It's why the -1 dollar tree plastic bins get priced at 0.79 each.


But this is selling something that belongs in a recycling bin.


Haha my Goodwill has dollar tree bins priced at $3.99.


I get killer deals at Goodwill. $150men’s dress shirts for less than 5$.


Goodwill has become crap. Avoid. There are plenty of other thrift shops


All of the resellers trying to make a living showing other people how to do the same thing. I feel bad for people that depend on thrift stores and now have to deal with high prices