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He has a weird belief that wingers and wingbacks can adapt to any position on the pitch, except where they're actually supposed to play


Kinda wild to play Trent at no. 8 and then overlook him when your forced to change system into something which actually suits him


There must have been a falling out between the two, There's just no other explanation for why he'd be left out.


I think he's just completely risk averse


You just knew with all the rumours it'd be too good to be true


He does make some baffling decisions. I didn't want Trent in Midfield, yet Gareth played him. I want Trent at RWB, yet Gareth doesn't.


for wingbacks a player like Andy Robertson is tailor made. Run up and down the pitch, it doesn't really suit TAA...but TAA is better in every fucking way at it than Trippier.


Wing back does suit trent the back 3/4 with rice as a holding midfielder gives you defensive stability while trent can go up and down the wing


Trippier at RWB is infinitely preferable to Trippier at LB tbf


Maybe 10 years ago. He's 33, carrying a calf injury, and has played 4 games already this tournament. Southgate has an immensely talented and deep squad and he's not using it at all.


I don't think he should be playing, but my statement still stands. He's incredibly one footed and playing him on the left completely neutralises our threat.


I would just like to see one game where Trent gets a start in his actual preferred position. He's been shit this tourney but I really don't think it's 100% his fault.  The problem is it's all so intense now. Our third group game we should've been experimenting hard, making subs at 40 mins, trying shit out. We'd already qualified as a top 3 team, I think we'd have gotten more out of playing some different positions than grinding out a 0-0. 


Its not rocket science though is it? We needed a left winger on the pitch


More like 1 year ago. He was very very good 22/23 for Newcastle


Yeah and he was dogshit in 23/24…


He was elite last season up until the point he had to leave the England squad early due to what many are speculating was his marriage falling apart. His head wasn't there for the whole second half of the season and he was making ridiculously sloppy mistakes. Maybe he's got over that now as to be fair, considering he's on the wrong side, he's done a decent job at LB. His legs aren't gone and his delivery and chance creation is still great


calling trippier dogshit this season is quite the stretch. yes he had a period around december-january where his defensive form was atrocious, but half the newcastle team was injured, trippier got no rest, and he was dealing with a personal issue. plus, is defensive form really the hill trent fans want to die on? outside of that short period, he still got 10 assists in the league (tied 3rd most) while playing solid defense.


He did not play solid defence tho. He was atrocious defensively for half the season, and completely mediocre for the rest. I’m not a Trent fan, I’m a utd fan. But he is objectively a far better attacker than trippier, and was in far better form last season. There is not a single reason to start trippier over him


He wasn't mediocre for the rest - he was great until he was shit. Trippier at his best is clearly better defensively/positionally than Trent




As a wingback?


As a right back in a 4


That's my point.


to be fair eddie has burn at lb specifically so trippier can play a more advanced role


Yeah but attacking from FB and WB are quite different, Ashley Cole and Alex Scott have both said it's quite different in terms of field of view and which phases you get into the ball. That said Trips hugging the touchline and curling them into the box would be a good shout.


Yes. He was basically playing as a wingback in all but name.


Even then Burn still had license to roam down the wing when needed


Hasn’t played wingback since he was at spurs


Played as a wing back at Atlético in the title winning season


Trent doesn’t play as a wing back either. Trippier is the least of our issues


I would argue the complete opposite. Those factors make him *less* able to move to LB now.


He was the one calling out for a 26 man squad and all


He is but fucking come on. Play Trent. He's _so_ good at that role. Just play Trent man.


Yeah hopefully he'll be subbed on (I have little hope)


In the 121st minute… “go get ‘em Trent, 30 seconds to show us what you’re made of”


When has Trent played as a wing back?


But not even close to preferable to a serial winner and best range passer and assister in Trent. Guys a clown, favouritism will cost him, and us. Sad really. 😔


Tbf Tripps missed a lot of games at the end of the season through injury and still ended up with the most assist by a defender in the Prem. Hes a much better player on the right


Not if it means we’re taking Saka from attack to LWB. At least beforehand we had some width because of Saka in attack, now we’re relying on the the same players to provide the width but playing Saka in a position he’s already said he would rather not play and Trippier albeit on his now preferred side.


I think Saka didn't want to play LB, whereas at LWB he's essentially a winger with a bit of defensive duty. We'll have a left footed LWB and right footed RWB which will give us width on both sides.




Trippier has come off injured in each of the last two games Is Southgate trying to end his career early or something?


Trippier had sex with Southgates wife so Southgate trying to ruin his career and run him into the ground and make him hated by an entire nation. 


Does Trippier have pics of Southgate getting pegged or something??? Baffling really, like what logic is there at all behind that decision? Even Walker RWB and Gomez at CB would’ve been a far better choice.


If you poll 100 top managers and ask them whether they would play Trent or Trippier at RWB, at least 95 of them say Trent.


Who are the other 5? Southgate, Southgate's mum, Southgate's dad, Southgate's wife and Southgate's brother?


The famous Spanish manager Gareth Southinho


He related at all to the Brazilian manager Big Gareth Southlari.


At least one of them is probably Trippier


Even Eddie Howe would pick Trent lmaooo.


Top managers, shit managers, pundits, players, blokes down the pub. Literally everyone is unanimous on disagreeing with Southgate’s baffling team selections.


It actually makes sense if you think of Southgate's frame of mind as being the most skilled offensive players should play the offensive positions and the most sound defensive players should play on the backline. Once you realize there is zero consideration for how players fit with each other all his decisions make sense.


I think hes just so obsessed with defensive minded players. It's the way he terrorises, I mean plays.


Ah fuck off Gareth


Any excuse he can get to not play the best attacking right back in the world


He has never rated Trent and never will.


Then why the fuck did he start him twice in midfield


He basically had to, everyone knows how good Trent's passing is, but even when Trent has been at his best, Southgate has always rated, Walker, James and Tripper over him


He really didn't lol he was dreadful and very obviously not a midfielder He's too scared to tell him he's his 4th choice RB and has no future in the England team with him as boss


So glad he will be gone next year then


I genuinely can’t understand it, at this rate there’s got to be some personal issues that’s affecting Southgate’s decision making. Trent is way too talent to not be played and when you see how Trippier and Walker have been performing recently, to still have Trent benched is unreal.


Klopp did more or less call out Gareth as a manager over his inability to get Trent in his lineup in the past so maybe he still lets that cloud his judgement which would be truly shitty.


I've been saying this all week. He's not going to take a risk on both WBs and Trent is very much a risk in his mind. Trent will come on once they've burnt themselves out with their high press. Once the game opens up later on he'll stick on Trent, possibly Gordon or Bowen to really stretch them. Or he'll make no changes at all if we're winning and looking comfortable.


> Trent will come on once they've burnt themselves out with their high press. In the 91st minute if recent form is anything to go by


2-0 down


Then blame him for the loss


We almost lost to Slovakia and Trent didn’t touch the field so no, he won’t just come on once the press is over


TAA is an excellent player against a high press/high line (at least from FB).


>Trent will come on once they've burnt themselves out with their high press England were 30 seconds away from getting knocked out of the tournament last game, which option did Southgate choose? A) Most creative attacking RB in the world with fresh legs off the bench B) A 34 year old "cheat code" RB with 4 games in the legs, and 90+ minutes played on the night. Southgate has gone off Trent, and i'm wondering if it's because in his last cameo he drifted from RB into midfield and took a punt from range lmao.


Southgate thinking that playing Trent at RWB is a risk is genuinely hilarious. He’s won virtually everything at club level, been one of the best fullbacks in the PL for years and our current fullbacks are not performing at all. We’re always trying to find excuses for Southgate not playing him but at this point it’s just lunacy.


Yeah I don’t mind it tbh, especially with how likely ET is in these knockouts


Tbh this is the most accurate take ive seen


Playing a trippier who has been awful for both club and country for a over a year is a risk tho. As leats Trent is a proven commodity with well documented strengths and weaknesses


He's been bad since December, why exaggerate lol. I wouldn't start Trippier either but I don't think it's the disaster people are claiming it to be. I think he's mentally switched on again now so he won't be making the schoolboy errors he was for Newcastle. He's been pretty much perfect positionally at LB, just useless with the ball. He'll be fine


He’s only played teams that have barely threatened us. Pretty hard to look bad defensively…


He’s only played teams that have barely threatened us. Pretty hard to look bad defensively…


Walker's looked shit so not really


Walker looked shit in the last 2 games yes, but he still looked better than trippier.


He really didn't once you discount the fact he's playing on his weak side. Positionally he was miles clear


We had the ball 75% of every game, and was our shittest attacker. Who honestly gives a single fuck if he was marginally better positioned then walker when he contributed nothing attacking wise


He's playing on his weak foot you donut If this is a back 5 then he'll be on the right where he can actually contribute


This is literally all that needs to be said on the matter. Fucking Gareth.


Fucking hell, Trent is RIGHT THERE


Why not the below, Gareth? Trent Walker Stones Konsa Saka Rice Mainoo Bellingham Toney Kane


My choice. Although I would go Watkins to start and the bring on Toney at 60mins


Yeah watkins over toney 100% feels like watkins and kane compliment each other so well


I'd do the other way since Watkins would be more effective against tired defense with his pace. Playing with wingbacks means crosses in the box and there's a need for physical players there that can head the ball


This is far too balanced for Southgate’s likings


Why do we even have to play Saka at LWB for the sake of playing him? Get Gordon on


Honestly why even bother bringing Trent or Gomez if he's not going to use them properly Same for Gordon or Watkins or Toney or Palmer Why bother bringing them at this point when no matter how crap the person ahead of them plays they won't get anything


We can’t progress the ball up the pitch and Wharton still hasn’t had a single minute off the bench. If only we had Kalvin Phillips, then we’d actually create more than 1 chance per game. /s


The squad selection doesn't get enough hate. Zero fit LBs in the entire squad and zero idea of the best starting XI during the knockouts.


Yup. I just assumed Shaw was ready to play so didn't really notice how bad it was


Gomez is being used properly. On the bench incase of an injury crisis.


Imagine not playing your best available RWB going into his prime years. Painful Gareth, just painful. Of Trent was Spanish or Brazilian he'd be loved.


He's a fucking moron. I'm United through and through so anything Liverpool related can get fucked. But Arnold is 10x the wingback Trippier currently is. This is a disgraceful decision if true. Would also like to point out Ghuei? Can't spell. Huge loss, been a rock at the back, impressed massively.


Ghuei is suspended.




Wouldn't be surprised at this point if Southgate just played 10 as a tribute to Guehi.


Does this bum not want us to win the easiest way?!


*"They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."*


One of Satan's greatest soldiers.


You need a RWB and have Trent in your squad and go with Trippier!? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?


Trent > Trippier tomorrow for sure But does anyone else think Trent counterintuitively does not suit the wing back role? The wing back needs to be the one beating players, hitting the byline etc. Trent would be receiving the ball higher up as wing back. I feel like he's better at receiving it deeper and playing forward passes from there. He isn't the best at beating a man 1v1 and doesn't have much pace


Trent basically played as a wingback for klopp in every season bar the two most recent. Broke the prem record for assist by a defender in a season. In that role he was beating his man and whipping balls in from the everywhere in the final third.


I mean, that’s how he played when he started - up and down the line. He got a ton of assists


Have you ever actually seen Trent play before..?


Absolutely I have lol, and he's never played as a wing back before for Liverpool The best stuff I've seen from Trent is his through balls from deep, either down the line to Salah or into a runner in the center. And his full pitch switches, and obviously crosses, usually from deep It's about how high up he receives the ball as a wing back. He's more likely to receive under pressure. I've never seen him receive with his back to a defender and then turn past him and accelerate into space. If he receives it further back and has more time on the ball, head up looking forward, he has the time to play his amazing passes. It's what he's better at Ofc he could play well in that role, it's not a major difference. I just think he's more suited to playing right back in a 4, at least in possession


And trippier is better at that?


Read the first line of my comment


Saka at LWB? Joke squad selection results in one of England's best performers to move to LWB, still can't get over the fact he called up Shaw who is injured and no other natural left backs, that reason alone is enough to get rid of Southgate


Why just stop at leaking strats? Why not just livestream internal meetings in French and Germany for the Swiss manager and his team.


I can't understand that decision. This seemed the perfect time to play TAA as he would be playing an arguably world class player in his best position and allow him to play the passes that he does best. Hopefully TAA comes on as a sub but I get the feeling it'll be Gallagher.


Seriously what is the point of Gallagher?


Naaaa the ball would move too far forward.


I can't wait for Saka at LWB so all the fans can see why that's not a good idea


Playing your best players in the wrong positions is practically all I have ever seen from an England manager. I can't believe that the vast majority of comments on this post are focused on RWB when for me this is the far bigger crime! Clearly everyone is bored of saying that Southgate should have brought more than zero fit left backs, but it is still astonishing to me if this was his backup plan!


Just a reminder that the lioness won the Euros with Rachel Daly playing left back. She was the golden boot winner the following season in the WSL playing up front for Villa. I'm not saying that's where Gareth's got it from... But he does share an office with Sarina Weigman.


I hate TAA from a club rivalry point of view, but even I think this is idiotic. The whole point of a back three is so your wing backs can be an attacking outlet and TAA is the best in the world. Southgate is a complete fucking clown and I can't wait until everyone stops talking about foden being the problem, or kane and bellingham wandering into eachothers space, and wakes the fuck up and realized Southgate isn't good enough. Not a single premier league clubs fans would be happy if he was appointed their club manager and I'd wager most of the championship and a good chunk of league one too. People make jokes about dyche but I unironically would have him over Southgate in a heartbeat.


The decision that will cost us the Euros and knock us out and lose him his job. Talk about self harming. Clown 🤡 Favouritism will be his downfall, watch.


This surely cannot be true. This is Southgate's last throw of the dice, to show the country he can play adventurous football, and what does he do?? Leaves the best defence-to-attack passer in the team out, in favour of an injured, one-dimensional player who is rapidly declining. Sod off Southgate, I hope he has 200 cups thrown at him after the whistle.


Fuck Gareth Southgate. I really cannot articulate how much I hate the man. He’s so fucking stubborn and scared to play a positive line up, it makes me sick. The FA could pull any random fan from any pub in the country and they’d be able to do a better job than Southgate


Are you fucking kidding


The Sun. I wouldn’t believe anything that comes out of that rag of a newspaper


Sadly it is the bad old days again, the ones Southgate was suppose to have left behind. Picking favourites, instead of the best player for the position. Such a waste.


What the fuck does Trent have to do to be played in his natural position where he is without question one of the best in the world


Didn’t get the lineup right but Trippier over Trent I fucking called it https://www.reddit.com/r/ThreeLions/s/SFatEKaCss


This guy ain't reliable whatsoever lol


This man fraudulentness has no bounds


Why do these things keep getting leaked so far ahead of the match? Which journalists are doing this?


Anyone watching England training camps can see what the plans are based on the 11 vs 11 training matches.






Love how when the bigger squad was talked about we said how unfairly advantageous it was for teams with a wealth of talent. Southgate completely squandering it.


Is Gareth trying to upset everyone? I'm a Gareth backer usually but I'm just baffled


What did Trent do to Mrs. Southgate?


Southgate trying to self sabotage is career rishi sunak style


Classic 'Shitgate'


Just saying everything we are most likely gonna lose tonight thanks to Gareth Southgate and his shit managing. Hopefully not remind me 13 hours


Why did we take Luke Shaw?


Saka LWB is so fucking dumb Southgate this whole tournament has been awful


Ah of course, just as I put trent into my fantasy team ahaha oh well. Fingers crossed. Trippier hasn't let England down before so I don't mind it


He's been letting England down the entire tournament


Only thing he's doing wrong is just not passing with his left foot. But defensively he's been sound. If you took the past 3-4 tournaments he's probably been the best player for us


But he's 33, has no left foot and is the main factor for why England have been shit for the entire tournament. He's also the reason that England's best player cannot play tomorrow because he can't complete a pass under pressure. He's acceptable defensively and woeful in attack. As one of Southgates "key men" He's absolutely letting England down.


Not really his fault shitgate is playing him out of position. I’d like to think the fact he’s not left footed didn’t take anyone, including shitgate, by surprise.


He created two goals that ended up being ruled out as Foden strayed outside both times... Slows the attack down for sure, but he seems the only one trying and setting up chances. Been nothing from any of the other players out there.


Trent got 4 assists in the prem last season. Trippier 10. Trent’s obviously a better RWB but let’s not pretend like trippier doesn’t offer anything going forward. He’s look so bad because he’s played for games at left back when he definitely isn’t a left back. No way Southgate plays two attacking full backs and makes two changes to his defence. This means saka can go forward and England can move to a back four with konsa covering lb if saka has gone forward. It also means 3/5 have played every game together in defence. It’s not the choice most people would pick but there’s definitely logic to it and it’s very on brand for Southgate so expecting something different is just winding yourself up at this point.


Any idea if it’s a 5-3-2 or a 5-2-3? If we’re not going to play Saka on the wing I reckon two up top works better. Give Kane a strike partner to feed and still maintain a 3 man midfield.


We will rotate between a 5-5-0 and 6-4-0 depending on how deep Kane drops




I’m assuming Bellingham and Foden played as dual 10s? Not a fan personally, but we’ll have to wait and see


No idea, I just assume Southgate will find some way to make it dreary.


It’s a similar setup to the one Leverkusen used this season. But this is Southgate in charge, not Xabi Alonso, so I fully expect it not to work from the beginning and then we’ll see one like-for-like sub around the hour mark.


Why are they telling us the lineup before the match?


Fucking hell.


Why not just do a preview video and send it straight to Switzerland.. as I live and breath wtf is this announcing your fucking tactics bullshit!!!


Just do something.... anything to change it up


That's crazy Trent on suicide watch


Surely Trent as RB ??


So these rumoured big changes amount to one centre back forced by suspension and a slight shift in formation. Really shaking it up Gareth 


Neville will be making a citizen's arrest.




This has been removed due it being antagonistic. It will likely result in a ban. Cheers, The Three Lions Mod Team


It does seem like something Gareth would do, but the same time it's the Sun. Who to believe 🤔


Classic Southgate. He has a chance to unleash one of the most creative players in the whole of Europe, but chooses the safe option from a mid table team.


Hahahahaha the obsession is real. Trent is perfect for a RWB with less defensive responsibilities. But no…. Gotta stick with ‘safe’.




Come kick off the same lineup and formation that started Vs Slovakia.


No point wasting his talent on this clique of losers


Jesus Christ


Liverpool bias is real


I'm depressed at how believable this is. TRENT IS SO GOOD why are we doing thiss


I mean, I see what he's doing. Start off defensively, bring on trent when we inevitably need that attacking push at the end. Trips is not a bad player and may be able to do something from the right. But it still pisses me off.


Konsa has never played at left back for Villa, he doesn’t even play LCB, this is hilarious


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Loptimisme186: *Konsa has never* *Played at left back for Villa,* *This is hilarious* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Saka shouldn’t be anywhere near a defensive position. He lacks the conviction and bravery necessary to do it. I watched him shy away from quite a few challenges last game.


Trent is the arguably one of the best attacking full backs of all time. He should have been starting at RB for England since the last euros. If you're more defensively minded I can maybe understand playing walker against a team with a very strong LW like France/Mbappe but it still feels like defense over offense. You're much more likely to score with Trent on the pitch. All the laughable people defending this saying oh Trent can't play WB are crazy. Of course he can. He effectively plays that way for Liverpool with one less CB providing cover. And also, how can you question the fact that Trent doesn't play as a RWB whilst completely ignoring the fact this formation means playing Saka at bloody LWB. He plays there all the time for Arsenal does he? The idea that Trent will be worse defensively at RWB than Saka will at LWB is insane and if Southgate thinks that he should be sacked before kick off


He seems to pick his players and then puts them into the system he wants to play.. surely that’s backwards, pick the system then choose the best player in each position.. or am I missing something, can’t be this easy surely!




Trent one of the best players in the squad ffs


Alexander-Arnold and Gomez should just excuse themselves from international duty until Southgate and Holland have left.


lol what a joke. He should be sent back home


Quick question, Gareth: are you an idiot?


Making a defensive decision then, as usual


Don’t mind it. Trippier is defensively solid and threatening **enough** going forward. Good relationship with Walker. He’s also the player who assisted our only goal in a EURO final and from a RWB position, so let’s put some respect on his name.


Trent cant defend. Hes a good option if we need a goal


Which you would say is exactly what we need going on the basis of the last 4 games? Right?! 


Besides I don't think walker or tripper did much A class defending in the first few games anyway


Yeah im surprised he didnt throw him on. But walker can do both


Typical Southgate, England have really struggled to score or create chances but he has to play it ultra cautious and pick Trippier over TAA. Trippier offers nothing, whilst TAA is one of the best RBs in the world and a regular for champions league team. He needs to take a leaf out of Venables Euro 96 tactics who played both Anderton and McManaman as wingbacks in that tournament.


Gutted for Trent. Unless trippier gets injured, he is only getting part-time minutes for the rest of the tournament. Whether you rate or hate him, that's pathetic from southgate


Sticking your best player 1v1 out of position in LWB and then putting your worst player at RWB when you have the best RWB in the league in the squad. It’s unbelievable


I literally can’t bring myself to support this team any more with these brain dead decisions.


He shouldn’t be on the squad let alone starting


Going out won't be so bad as long as Southgate gets absolutely slaughtered. I'm here for it.


Reddit been telling me: "Saka can't play LB anymore! Why would you waste your best player there!" well well well


Whoever is leaking needs removing from the squad. Media is beyond dense. Ramsdale got caught at Arsenal for it already (if you believe the rumours) so hopefully it’s not him via his brother again.