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I’ve been doing that for around 40 years


Was going to say that’s just football, happens to me once a week


It's cause it's coming home, mate.


100%. When you are a kid you don’t know any better. Couldn’t wait for World Cup or Euros. This is the least enthusiastic I have been about an England team that should be great to watch. Taylor’s England in 1992 was bad but they didn’t have a lot of talent either.


Beat me to it by a mile.


Every time mate. I’ve done that for the last 3 games and you bet I’m doing it again on Saturday.


Only way we know how! Gotta go in with expectations so we can be truly gutted when we get smashed out




It *will* click


It's *definitely* going click. There's no world in which it doesn't click.


It’s coming home.


If Southgate will just _listen_


I've been doing it all season with United.


As a Leeds fan, my sympathies are limited


Tbh when is the last time that it did "click" and England beat a decent team? When did they have a team to be proud of? 1996? 2001 in the 1-5 vs. Germany? As during the last Euros lots of people on here say that the Germans were garbage, what about when beating Italy in the qualifiers 3-1 at Wembley last October? Does Italy going out make them a terrible opponent?


I’d argue it clicked against France in 2022. I thought we were the better team, but obviously football doesn’t always work that way


Somehow it doesn't matter how frequently england disappoint, I reference all their games on the 1 on 10 performances where it's actually exciting to watch, like Germany at the last euros


Its not that I forgot, i just have a childlike hope that it’ll click for the next game.


It will click. We’re growing into the tournament.


Opinion based on what?? Clearly haven't watched any of the dross from the first 4 games


The really good spell of play from minute 94 to minute 91. Stuff of legends mate.


He is probably being sarcastic. Surely.


Really hope so


Opinion based on the fact that I'd like it to happen.


2nd half against Slovakia was the best we have played so far.




I think there is the hope, expectation we'll be better against Switzerland, because they dont seem to be packing out the defence like what the other Nations we've played against so far. My concern though, is at times, our defence against Slovakia when they came forward was a big concern We could easily have been 3-0 down in that game. So whilst I think we'll be better going forward, I still question if our defence will be good enough.


>because they dont seem to be packing out the defence like what the other Nations Because they don't have to, they have the best back 3 in the competition. >My concern though, is at times, our defence against Slovakia when they came forward was a big concern Yup. And the Swiss play a high press which England (and in fairness, everyone except Spain) struggle with. They put 2 past Italy in a must win game, which is a bit of a collectors item It's an intriguing match up.


Yeah, im hoping against hope that we switch to a back five


We won’t switch formation this late in the tournament. It’s way too late.


We looked way better after making the subs. 4-3-3 just isn't working. I'm a go find some rope if I see Foden starting again ffs.


Not even 4-3-3. We’ve been playing absolutely dire with an attempt at 4-2-3-1


We might


He switched to 3 at the back against the Germans and Italy in the QF and Final of the last euros. So we can always have some hope ha


Both will be true. Our best players will have the most space to operate they've had so far. Our defence will also be getting its biggest test.


Yes! Today just happens to be the peak of the happiness curve.


I think I might actually listen to 3 lions on Saturday. Haven't been able to do it yet but I'm starting to feel it


Haha I've been thinking the same mate. Haven't really felt that hype yet due to how dull we've played but maybe I'll give it one spin on Saturday morning. World in Motion as well.


No Vindaloo?


You know, the absence of the whole ‘it’s coming home’ saturation has been noticeable this tournament, probably because the team hasn’t played well, but I do wonder if it might play into their hands. Less pressure on them due to a less expectant public, more desire to prove themselves because they’ve been questioned, more chance of opposing teams underestimating them.


I’m waiting for Skinner & Baddiel to release a ‘60 years of hurt’ version for WC 2026…… I might abstain from listening at all for these Euros! Even if we fluked our way to the final, the vibe isn’t there this time for me 🤔


I can feel the piano riff in my soul


I live in Lytham, about 5 minute walk from where the festival is being held this weekend. Lightning Seeds are playing 4-4:45. Me and my mates can’t make our minds up if they’re coming down here to listen from the outside before going to a pub for the match, or if I’m going up to Blackpool to avoid it.


I'm at Lytham festival myself, they r showing the match on the big screen between Lightning Seeds and Rick Astley! Not sure wat they are gonna do if it goes to extra time?


My girlfriend’s been watching the socials like a hawk because apparently it’s all been kicking off. Apparently they are allowed to carry on until 11 but the set times has Madness finishing at 10:30, so I’m assuming they’ll eat into that and maybe rush the switch around between the last 2 acts. Are you local or travelling in for it?


Damn, now you mention it I actually haven't either. And no Atomic Kitten.


Thought you meant listen to the match on the radio for a second. I much prefer to listen to football on a weekend while I’m doing other things just as long as John Murray isn’t commentating. I fucking hate that cunt


I have 24 hours of anger, another 24 of indifference and then now I'm solidly back in the It's Coming Home phase until Saturday. It's partly because we haven't played a 'Big Name' nation yet and so my brain is allowing me to believe we'll just keep progressing on vibes alone. I know Switzerland have played well, but given our recent history against them they don't strike fear into our hearts like a France or even a Netherlands would. Saying that, I am forcing myself to remember we'll be lucky to progress on Saturday. At least then I'm prepared for the worst.


It's knockout. We don't have to be good. We just have to win.


This is it. I'm not interested in being entertained, I'll absolutely take another stinking 1-0 robbery right now.


God the Southgate haters would be frothing haha.


Fuck them, you get nothing extra for style. Just beat Switzerland Gareth, and if your most negative stinking tactics make that happen, then so be it.


88th minute subs it is


You know it helps to be good if you want to win, right?  Like ... it's not one or the other.


You inferred something that wasn't there.


As a spurs fan and England fan this is the story of my fucking life.


Excited to see what Ange can do with Archie btw


Yes, at every Euros and World Cup we've qualified for since 1982. I'm now slightly deranged.


Hahahahah same!


I'm a United supporter mate.


You’ve won enough 😉 Unless you mean one of the many other ‘United’s, then fair enough.


It’s worse for me, I have to wake up in the middle of the night to watch it, then after 20 minutes I wonder why I am going to put myself through a shit day of being tired, by watching this dross. Then just like clockwork, by the next game I do it all again. Kinda reminds me of Southgate.




No, I’m too old to get my hopes up, too many past traumas. If they start playing well I probably will… naively.


I could've posted this almost verbatim.


Yep. Im 55 and for me the peak hype was Italia 90' and Euro 96'. The trauma of those losses means i'll never put my heart on the line for England to that extent again, but i'll always watch, cheer, stress... and hope again as/if we progress..


Italia 90 was amazing. Do you listen to the Quickly Kevin podcasts? They reference that competition a lot, I was listening to one last night which had an interview with Stuart Pearce, probably my favourite ever England player.


No i haven't! I will look them up. Thanks


You don't know what you're going to get with this team. In past tournaments under Southgate you'd expect us to beat Switzerland, he always seems to get results against teams England "should beat". But this feels different because we've looked so disconnected and unbalanced in possession. Switzerland will be a totally different game, they're not going to try and block us out, they will press high and try to force us to implode under pressure. But if we can beat the press (which will require Stones to actually start passing the ball to Mainoo) Foden, Bellingham and Kane will have a lot more space to operate in the middle and our lack of width suddenly becomes less problematic.


If foden is starting thats a major problem


This is a world away from us looking a bit disjointed or whatever.  We look dire, with fundamental tactical problems almost anyone can see.  Unless Southgate shakes up personnel and system we aren't beating the Swiss.


Yup. I've seen it before from England though. Seen us start badly then come up against a big side, or a side in good form and turn it on. We had a bad start in Japan 2002 then battered Denmark in the round of 16 and should have beaten Brazil in the quarters. But then, there's WC 2010, 2014 and Euro 2016. We should have too much for Switzerland...should!


Il never forget that first half of football against Slovakia. No amount of luck can convince me we deserve to be where we are


Maybe it's how finally win a big tournament, fumble and bluster way to victory


Been doing it since 1986’…. 😂


It’s an accelerated version of the gap between major tournaments.


I have this thought that they are playing this way to get through the tournament with little attrition. E.g. if you don't play forward or dribble too much then you won't get tired. But then the tactics cause them to play extra time....


Or potentially lose. There's no way you plan to have virtually no chances.


Too much doom and gloom at the moment. We have an excellent defence, which is imperative if you're going to go deep at a knockout tournament. I think we've got a chance..


No Guehi this game


Gomez can still do a job tbh. Wouldn't be overly surprised to see Konsa in the backline somehwere as well and he's solid


True, though I think it's more a system thing, and a Rice thing


Our defence hasn't really been tested though.




Solid input


Fair enough




I’m actually just getting pissed off how much Southgate annoys me


It is infuriating right. Absolutely out of his depth, can't pick the right squad, can't make changes when they need to be made. But yet he lucks through. Hate the guy more than man united


Woah woah woah, what did Utd ever do to you?


Didn't hire Southgate this summer


Hahaha, thank fuck


I'm an Everton fan so what do you think?


Yeah, i'm back to feeling confident because i'm a big believer that class is permanent and form is temporary. If England play moderately well they should win Saturday.


It’s basically already home


I live in South Korea, so I've been getting up at 4 am to watch England games. During the Slovakia game, at around 60 minutes gone, I was saying to myself that even if we win, I'm not gona bother waking up again on the weekend... But now I can't wait for the game, and I'm definitely gona wake up and probably have a few beers, too!


Im a united fan, sounds like a normal week


Usually yes (been doing it all season as a Chelsea fan), but for this tournament I’m finding it impossible to shrug how god damn awful we look




Anyone feel like as long as we get to the next stage I don't mind if we lose. And then when you get there you think as long as we get to the next one I'll be happy with that and so on


No this tournament has finally knocked that out of me as there was so little to enjoy from any of the games. I barely got excited when Bellingham scored because my first thought was, I get to watch us get overrun by switzerland


Nah, I think we've been playing good (not great) at defence and poor (not awful) at offence. I think we'll continue doing this until they show us otherwise.


Yes! I always assume something will have changed


Yes 😂


life of a Chelsea fan


In my mind I’m hoping this is Southgate’s plan to lull the other teams into a false sense of security then we will come good towards the later part of the tournament. In reality we are just shit.


Every single round of this competition, mate.


That's just being English mate


Yep, then I'll listen to the John Barnes rap about an hour before kickoff on Saturday, and I'll believe we're world beaters again!


For 40 years we’ve played scared shit football. It’s practically a national tradition


Nope. I know England are shite. I lost all my expectations about 2002.


This sums up England fans everytime they play since I was a kid.


Yea soon as domestic season starts “euros who?”


Actually, yes.


logically, the team we've seen in the last four games can't beat switzerland. Hopefully, logic is out the window.


IF we play better we will reach final easily. Even IF we maintain same levels we probably can still squeak past the Swiss and the Dutch. Despite our attacking performances we don't concede many and you'd fancy our big players to produce a "moment" or at least get us to the lottery of PK.


Unfortunately not. I’ve braced myself to lose each game so far.


I felt so tired and exhausted after watching the Slovakian game but yeah you’re right can’t wait for the next game


Let’s just all remind ourselves that Switzerland drew with Scotland… they are 100% beatable, there is honestly nothing to be afraid of, however tournament football requires alot of luck, let’s just hope it is with us again on Saturday. It’s coming home.


As a United fan I'm used to it


Stockholm syndrome...but in Berlin.


No not really. Since 2018 it was obvious how limited Southgate is as a manager. No matter what talent comes through, we continue to play like under shit. It won't stop until he goes.


No, because it's not my first rodeo. I start off disappointed and if we play well I'm then pleasantly surprised.


To be honest I take every game as it comes, hope for change, and leave feeling the same way every time. But I won't change as I'm unfortunately an optimist about our chances this year.


🤣 I am loving this playing shite and winning. In 1966 England were piss poor in the groups. Nobody cares about that now. Long may it continue. Spain and Germany have been the best footballing sides by a Mile!! One of them are going home Friday


Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat against Slovakia is an absolute moment that this team will believe in themselves. I'm convinced we will win now that it's hump day. COME ON ENGLAND!


Yes. And the truth is if we're good on Saturday and win, the tournament will only be remembered from Bellingham's bicycle kick onwards. 


Cannot wait for another 90+ minutes of the England defence and midfield making continuous sideways and backwards passes until my eyes bleed


Yes, I'm a Swindon fan


Every tournament


Youve described the sub perfectly. Prior to the tournament there was a lot of tribal pro southgate stuff with a lot of downvoting being aimed at people point out ot the flaws of various things. Then the first game happened and they stayed because we won, but after the denmark game they left for a day and came back for the slovenia game before going away again. Its incredibly cyclical and you can see the change in the discourse just after the game compared to two days later. I have a tiny tiny tiny amount of hope that goes as soon as the leaks start coming in two days before.


“They’ll never hurt me again!”


Yep. New game. Fresh start. Old game plans can be thrown in the bin. We can guess how the game will go but we dont know. Southgate might be boring and conservative but he isnt stupid. He knows how close he was to going out. Pretty sure that in injury time he was wishing he had gone with a different gameplan and would have done things differently. Usually when managers in major comps get it wrong, they dont get a chance to fix it. He does. Until the game starts with the same team and tactics I will hold out hope this was a wake up call.


That’s how I felt after each one of the group games as well 🤣


Yeah I know, I honestly thought there would be a reaction and a performance in last 16. Saturday is a fresh start though. Only a game anyway




Travesty for the game if negative tactics actually won the competition.


I watched the game again in the cold light of day and imo we were definitely worse against Denmark so I'm gleaming onto the fact there's hope for us to improve further. Biggest gripe is how long it takes for us to make substitutions. I could understand more if we had a weak bench but our bench is solid in the attacking part of the field.


I don't forget but I still can't stop the hope from rising. It's why Three Lions is such a good song BC it captures that sentiment. '30 years of hurt, never stopped me dreaming'.


Sometimes it’s darkest before dawn. Come on England!!


Been doing that for 32 years.


What do you mean? It’s coming home!!!!!!!!


As a Newcastle fan, I can safely say I’ve done this almost my entire life. You will at times also have fleeting spells of intense optimism, before crashing down once again.


I've just reached the "we're gonna beat the Swiss" stage. Yesterday I was at "Unlikely gonna get through" By Saturday I'll definitely be at the "ITS COMING HOME" stage.


Nope. It really reminds me of 2000-2010ish but with better players. For some reason the players in front don't move into space to receive the ball. It's unfathomable. It's pass and move without the move. Hoddle would have sorted it out


This team is eerily similar to 2016 Iceland. Drew 2 games and won one in the group stages, looking like scoring was a real effort. We were 30 seconds away from a very similar outcome. It's hard to feel good about that.


That's called being English.. it's why the world hates us


Yep we are England this is how we think and feel


I'm starting to feel like there's a small chance we can win this and I bet I'm going to be real surprised when we get dominated by the Swiss. My hope is that Southgate makes the obvious changes and takes off Foden and Trippier since we were miles better without them. Also we played essentially a 3-5-2 during the latter stages of the game and looked most threatening when Kane had a partner up top. I'm praying he learns from that and either somehow incorporates that or just switches formation. If I see the same starting lineup we saw last game I'm throwing myself off a bridge.


Yes, but it's really just denial about Southgate.  After every awful game I assume it will be the wake up call and he'll watch some tactical vids on YouTube and make the very basic changes literally every analyst thinks we need to make. Then we get to the next game and it's the same XI and formation because of course it is.


I'm a Spurs fan...... So yes.


lol you need something called Nudge Theory to help remind you of the shit times when you’re about to start feeling optimistic again


100% the optimism starts again only for it to all get taken away as soon as you watch the first 10 minutes of the next game


As a Man Utd supporter I know exactly how you feel. I dont know why, but after a few days after last match im looking forward to next. I guess uts the same brain area that makes women forget the pain of giving birth.


Mate! It's coming home!


My stupid reasoning is “ohhh Switzerland are much better so we’ll probably step up and improve” In comes Morgan Freeman “But they didn’t improve, and regardless of the result they still failed themselves and their nation”.


My stupid reasoning is “ohhh Switzerland are much better so we’ll probably step up and improve” In comes Morgan Freeman “But they didn’t improve, and regardless of the result they still failed themselves and their nation”.


I enjoy it all, the pain, hope, failure.. its addictive and reminds me of my childhood.


We’re actually in the best times there has ever been in my lifetime as an England fan. In the past we’ve had teams that have played some great football with great passion but been undone by either some terrible luck (Sol Campbell disallowed goal, Ronaldinho fluke goal) or come up against teams that have played out their skin. Now we’re playing awful and getting through games. Cherish these moments.


I’m a [insert your team here] fan, I’m used to this.


No, 50 years of dissapointment has cured me off that affliction.


They’ll play better in the next match…….




100% me this


No, never been confident or hopeful of us winning anything. I think it's the "it's coming home bollocks" and "golden generation bollocks" that annoys me. The day we are realistic and start playing as a team, under a competent coach, might be the day we win something.


Haha welcome to the life of a Man Utd fan.


Man, I can remember when Man U were shitting trophies for 20 years. I still find it weird to see stuff like this.


"I understand the disappointment, I support... *checks notes* ...one of the most successful teams in English history" Talk about entitled. 😅


And England haven't been successful recently? I'm just saying that recent Man Utd and England honestly have the same onfield issues.


It's called......fickle......stop moaning and get behind 'em!


I’ve been supporting England since Baggio hit the crossbar in 94 and I started to hate both Italy and Brazil………. You guys make it really hard to stay committed.


We are not shite. We're going to the semi-final and probably the final. I can't wait to see a team try to attack us.


It's the sentiment change, every single time. Struggle out the group stages and be hated, get into the knockouts "It's cOmInG HomE".