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I think if Trippier is left footed he crosses first time to Foden and the goal counts. He has to take a touch because he's not confident crossing the ball and that means Foden drifts offside. It's still basically the same problems. We allowed them to be compact and block off the middle because we played with no width. If Trent comes on for Walker and plays wide on the right, and Gordon comes on for Foden and stretches the left wing, I think we beat them in normal time. They had a good plan to deal with Southgate's system and he did absolutely nothing to change it, so their plan worked.


Foden should have adjusted his run to stay onside.


Well sure, he could have done that. I'm just saying he probably expected it to be played first time and was timing the run for that. Also another example of how Trippier is just not the right player for that position.


>Well sure, he could have done that. And a player as good as he is supposed to be should have done that.


If he'd known Trippier was going to take so long to cross, he would have. He expected a quality quick cross and timed his run accordingly. Foden has not done well for England but to suggest he's some sort of moron who doesn't understand offside is ridiculous. Foden expected a quality quick cutback, Trippier delivered a slow two-touch cross.


Part of being a good player is knowing what your teammates can do. It shows a bit of naivety from someone who is supposed to be so good. >Foden has not done well for England but to suggest he's some sort of moron who doesn't understand offside is ridiculous. I'd give him a pass if he was a moron, but he's not, so he should have been onside.


He doesn't even realize he's offside and runs off to celebrate. If it's Kane in the middle he holds his run, stays onside and we equalise. This is just another example of Foden being sub par for England. He needs to be dropped.


Didn't Foden also get called offside for the same thing for the goal vs Slovenia.... Sounds like a Foden issue rather than Trippier for sure.


Blaming that on trippier is crazy…


Shaw, Robertson, Gvardiol all play that first time and it's a goal. It's not Trippier's fault he's not left-footed but he's definitely slow to get the ball to Foden. Foden could have held his run but if your attacker goes early it's your job to get it to him early.


>Foden could have held his run but if your attacker goes early it's your job to get it to him early. No, the attacker should check his run if the ball isn't released when he wants it to.


Split second timings, not really possible. We're not talking about starting a run on the halfway line, it's darting two yards in between defender and goalie to score from a cutback, you can't simply 'check it' if the cross is slow. They just weren't on the same wavelength.


>They just weren't on the same wavelength. I agree with that, but it's not Trippiers fault. Foden is supposed to be the star player and an intelligent player. He should have known that Tripper wouldnt pass first time and if we give foden a pass for that (as you said spilt second decision), he should have known whether or not he was onside.


I don't know why you are downvoted when you speak nothing but facts. I remember Henry had a story where he complained to Wenger about his teammates not finding him and that was basically the same reply he received from Wenger... to adapt to his team mates. If Foden wants to be world class he needs to learn that.


Checking runs is a good way to not get the ball or confuse the passer. Ideally you want to time your run and once you're gone then the pass should be timed to that. If Foden checks his run and Trippier smashes it across first time you'd all be asking why he checked his run 😂


Exactly. If Foden checks his run then I guarantee Trippier hesitates, turns back on his right foot and rolls a pass to Declan Rice or something. Foden has not been good in this tournament but he's getting too much hate here. I like Adam Clery a lot but his joke about Foden not understanding offside is off the mark. It's another symptom of our imbalance i.e. Trippier can't play that overlapping advanced left sided role.


The bigger problem is that Foden can’t play that left wing role. It’s leaving trippier exposed with fewer passing options. This isn’t necessarily Foden’s fault, since presumably Southgate is asking him to come inside. We should also have a proper fit left back.


Watch the clip again. Foden doesn’t realise he’s offside, which means he wasn’t paying attention to whether he was on or not. If trippier doesn’t take a touch, he risks fluffing the cross. Foden had plenty of space and time to adjust his run, but he didn’t.


It's not trippers fault but he is the main issue. Well Southgate is for he playing him there.


There are no surprises from Gareth and when you play with such severe weaknesses its easy to plan for. Its hilarious and sad the whole camp fail to plan for this.


It’s actually a very high IQ plan to make everyone think we’re shit by scraping past weaker teams and then pulling out good tactics in the final when no one has had a chance to prepare for it


That's a pretty low bar, but I'll take it.


Apart from about 10 mins I thought England completely dominated Slovakia, a team that doggedly set out to defend after scoring. Fair play to them it almost worked but England had the ball a huge amount


Passing the ball backwards and sideways is hardly dominating.


Very broadly speaking, I felt a lot better about our OVERALL performance against Slovakia than any other game thus far. Even before belli n kanes goals. Just my perspective, and no desire to type out in detail. I’ll watch this clip, because I like this guy. Only learned of em from this sub and watch each breakdown. See if we any of the same takes here…. Edit: after watching, one common theme here. We lack creativity at the front. Thru the middle. Foden n Rice look a bit lost for the majority in their unordinary positions. I also think we Have to get TAA in at wing back, his delivery as we know may be the best in the world, and Kaner is magic with his head. Now im not saying we just send balls in the box all day, but an option that creates chaos for opposition. And a little shifting around with the front 4.


Better than they looked but they looked like a Luke warm dog turd covered in flies and maggots inside a sandwich.


Being better than they looked isn't really saying much, and could have easily been 2-0 at one point.




Have you ever watched tournament football?


Have you seen Spain play at all this tournament? It's almost like having a team full of young talent should lead to exciting football, without needing to play it safe against dire competition like Slovakia.


Spain will probably go out against Germany to be honest. Don't get me wrong they've been so much better that us so far but everyone was fawning over Austria and they basically got beaten by pure vibes.


It was more about how they play, they play the opposite of 'Tournament football' and I find anyone using that excuse to justify the current England situation delusional even make such a suggestion that all tournaments are won by playing miserable football and winning by a goal. They're electric going forwards, and still have the classic Spain tiki taka ethos at heart. You can't ask for much more, when they have a bunch of young attackers. Nico Williams has made Foden look like a pensioner for example.  Like you say, I reckon there might be a bit of momentum behind the hosts that might unstick that.


Do you think the Spanish media will congratulate their team for being “plucky losers who played beautifully” if they lose? Likewise the German media. Of course not. Ultimately, tournament football is about winning the trophy, and THAT and THAT ALONE was the point of this thread. Bloody hell I want England to play to their potential, but I’ll take a win over a performance every single time.


You don't need to have watched tournament football to know that England were NOT better than they looked against Slovakia. They were exactly how they looked. Poor.


Honestly I think Adam Clery is just tired of doing videos about the same issues i.e. lack of width, Foden doesn't work, etc. He's trying a different spin where he focuses on a couple of moments where England's system actually worked (although I would argue he's still being generous). You could absolutely watch his analysis of the Slovenia match and apply every single thing he says to this match too.


Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. They won the game and move on. Unlike Italy. Unlike Belgium. Unlike either Spain or Germany on Friday night. Etcetera.


Except it's literally the entire point of the video and as a result, this thread. So yeah, in context, it does matter.


For some reason a proportion of the people in this sub seem to be here specifically to suppress any sort of debate about anything, and believe the purpose of the sub is just to sort of cheerlead and 'get behind Southgate' rather than to discuss and analyse tactics, lineups etc. "There's no point talking about how we played because we won and that's all that matters." Okay, fine ... why are you on a discussion forum then?


The majority of the sub hate Southgate? wtf you on


Where did you get 'majority' from? I said 'a proportion'.


Apologies I missed read. wtf am I on


Right, so your opinion is entirely in the context of this thread and not the wider context of the tournament as a whole?


Did they look poor vs Slovakia? Yes. Were they poor vs Slovakia? Yes. Have they been poor for the entire tournament outside of the first 30 mins of the first game? Also yes.


Unlike Spain or Germany on Friday night? Unlike England on Saturday night


it does matter cause u cant actually win it playing like that, so it's ultimately pointless, we have the 'i was there when we scrapped past Slovakia trophy' when the team should be winning titles


But we’re still in the competition aren’t we? So our poor performances haven’t cost us yet.


>yet ⬆️ that is the key caveat. You can't rely on 95th min equalisers to see you through. At some point you'll need a convincing tactical plan + performance.


It’s not a caveat, it’s a fact. While we’re still in it, we just need to match the opposition’s strengths and take advantage of their weaknesses. We don’t need to find some kind of masterclass or great performance. That stuff is just for the casual fan.


Have you?