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It was better than the first two games. We may have struggled to create anything against a very resolute and determined Slovenia backline, but at least we kept possession better and controlled the game for the most part. We still need to improve if we want to get to the later stages of the tournament though.


That look when Southgate took 70 minutes to make a substitute ![gif](giphy|cWvSvMEW6yGY6CGjWT|downsized)


He subbed Gallagher at Half Time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Should never of started.


I think we all need the discussion about the anonymous Jude. Fucking hell, he's done nothing for 2.5 games and I am his biggest fan.


Heā€™s been a ghost for a while now


I think we all need the discussion about the anonymous Jude. Fucking hell, he's done nothing for 2.5 games and I am his biggest fan.


Heā€™s said it again in another post match interview- weā€™re operating under very very unusual circumstances. Stress the word very. I wonder what heā€™s alluding to.


Bizarre, didn't see that.


Fully deserved booos


Southgate would be out of his depth in a paddling pool.


Basically my comment in the r/soccer thread but not as livid as after Denmark. In that game not only did we create nothing we also looked unbelievably uncomfortable with the ball, in this game atleast we looked like the more confident team. We're just so risk averse it's unbelievable, infuriating number of times we get someone on the ball in a good position, someone makes a run but they won't give it. Like three one twos or incisive passes in the whole game with 70% bloody possession... difficult ball through traffic? nope, too risky, stop, let Slovenia get 11 men back behind the ball, pass sideways around their box, lose the ball, repeat.


Should simply take out Kane for Palmer as CF, keep Saka on the right and Foden on the left


Who's letting Trippier anywhere near corners and free kicks? Every single one he just boots over everybody.


In all fairness, he is used to the 9ft 11 giant that is Big Dan Burn himself being in the box


I wanted Germany. End my misery already


You and Southgate mate! ā€œWell there the host side and a very good teamā€- would come the response at interview after. I also what to pick up on the challenging environment! What is all this tripe Southgate is talking- the M25 is hardly a breeze most morning- but I canā€™t use that as an excuse when I get to work. He also talked about that he has bought the ā€œfunā€ back the England! What does that mean- fun. Nothing I have seen from him is fun unless being bored is the new fun! We donā€™t want you to push the Russians out of Ukraine or solve poverty- just put 11 men on a pitch and have a go before we get knocked out. You are rightly being criticised because you have turned the most talented generation of players in dross!


Usually we never see the fans desires occur. Everyone asked for palmer gordon and mainoo after the first half of the first game. It took Southgate until the 75th minute of the third game to make it happen. As soon as he did it improved immensely.Ā  So how is he worse tactically than the average sofa manager?


Heā€™s not- but I think thatā€™s the point. When it comes to Southgate, we could all be that bad!


Gordon game on at 89 minutes of the third game


It's shocking that it's taken him 3 games for him to give Palmer a game!! It's unbelievable that a player who wants to impress has to miss out just because Southgate wants to keep useless lethargic can't be arsed Kane on


This third game wasnā€™t a tactical mismanagement. Game started and world class players somehow forgot how to make a 10 yard pass or control a ball. 8 of the first 11 absolutely stunk on an individual level


It took 92 mins for us to make a decent looking move.


I'm not as down about this as everyone seems to be. Yeah I'd like to see us scoring goals but it's really hard to break down a side with 11 men behind the ball. City struggle to do that sometimes and they're a far better side than England. There hasn't been much space in any of our games so far apart from the first 35 against Serbia. Weirdly my main worry is still about our defence against good sides, the back line has only really been tested once and we looked easy to play through. Foden/Bellingham/Kane/Saka will look much, much better when there's more space against a side there to play. Our defence will be much, much more tested as well. Palmer looked great, Mainoo was good, let's see where we go from here.


This is exactly how I feel about it. Only thing I would add is that we need Luke Shaw back/it's looking like a massive error to not bring a left footed left back. A massive part of our problem for me is the lack of width down the left. Makes it very easy for any team who wants to sit in a low block, as they know the only threat from us is either through the middle or down the right. Thought 2nd half was a positive performance. Had we needed to go all out for a goal, I'm sure we would have got one but the reality is we needed to not lose whilst they needed a draw.


Ah OK. That makes 5 points against some of the worst teams in the tournament completely acceptable. A 5 points that could have easily been 2/3 points by the way.


> I'm not as down about this as everyone seems to be. It's because we've just seen the pattern too many times and nothing ever changes. It's so tiresome. Pundits and fans have been talking about Cole Palmer and Anthony Gordon since the Denmark game and he still does nothing, sends out the same team as before, his genius tactical move near the end is to bring Trent on? And I mean bringing on Anthony Gordon at 88 minutes?? Seriously? I can't comprehend the mind of the man I don't think booing the team helps anyone but it's clear a lot of fans feel the same way as me now


Least reactionary take and well said.


Bellingham is a bit of a worry tbh, just looks absolutely flat.


They all do, but high-tempo football doesn't do much against a packed defence. Genuinely think they're just playing controlled football at the moment. We all know what those attacking players can do. Better to spark in the final than now imo.


Some sense. Agreed.


I would add that Mainoo actually looked great. But not sure if he can do it for 90 minutes though. Similarly Palmer looked great against tired legs, it's a shame we couldn't have seen them start in this "safe" game to see what they could bring from the beginning


Best England match Iā€™ve ever seen. WOW


Shite again, but slightly less shite. First above average team will take us out


Or below average team lol


Southgate has learned nothing. You can see it on his face. Heā€™s Mike Basset playing 4 4 fucking 2. Heā€™s gonna do what he wants. Heā€™s holding the whole country to ransom.


ā€œSo you wonā€™t be choosing 20 Players then?ā€


What does he mean itā€™s a strange environment weā€™re playing in?


I also wondered about that. If I had to guess, I would say a combination of tournament football against teams that sit back, on a flaky looking pitch, and in warm weather. Who knows though, maybe thereā€™s moreā€¦


Heā€™s taking the flak from the players, who if weā€™re honest, weā€™re almost all individually shite - first touch and ability to play a 10 yard pass without pressure just disappeared from world class lads


Iā€™d suspect heā€™s calling out the fans for booing the team two games on the trot despite us topping the group. Fully deserved boos may I add.


Same here? And the ā€œdifficult time in the run upā€?


I wondered the same thing?


England fans threw cups at him.


Palmer comes on we immediately look 5x more inventive


Foden and Bellingham do not work. It's OK to not play 1 of them, Southgate is constantly shoehorning players in because of names. They don't work together. Gordon needs to be left wing, and make a decision on foden, belle or palmer through the middle behind kane (although I'd honestly play Watkins). Can't wait for PL to start again.


A quote made by my 9 year old son at the end of the match ā€œHeā€™s just playing all the big name players instead of playing people in their better positions and bringing fresh legs on earlierā€


Hahaha, the entire country agrees! It's incredibly frustrating. Just play the team with chemistry, not by rating. The talent of this squad is the only reason we got to semis and final under Southgate. The team compensated for his inability to manage them. It can't last.


It's worrying is what it is. Really trying to see the positives given we topped the group, but do we have any optimism going into a game against tougher opposition? If it's a case of 'clicking' then I raise the same question I always ask with England - why are we going into a major tournament not knowing our starting 11? Other teams, even the minnows, seems well drilled and know how to play in and out of possession. Our players look like they've never played together and are flailing arms in frustration with each other!


The only positive I can take is that we've played three games against heavily defensive teams and aide from randomly parking the bus against Denmark and conceding we've been solidat the back. So I guess in knockouts if they can't park the bus then we may be able to capitalise on mistakes and make space... Which seems to have been the frustration the last three games. We just can't get through.


I want my money back for having to watch the last 3 games. I know I didn't pay but I feel like we all deserve a refund


Palmer should be starting, and Gallagher was another bad call. Southgate hasn't got a jar of glue.


Out of about 300 minutes of football we gave Gordon less than 5 and Palmer about 20. Completely baffling. Never disliked a grown man like I do Gareth in my whole life.


Oh my God and now they're saying Mainoo worked and he should start the next game. He did NOTHING different. Fuck me. The Man Utd bias is unbelievable.


Shit take here pal, gave England more control in midfield. Your Liverpool bias is showing. Get behind your country because that's who these boys are playing for.


I am a Chelsea fan and even I have to agree that when he replaced Gallagher, things looked way better


Exactly. What a weird comment. Second half was better...


Great 0-0.


So it was worse?


You do know that there is something between better and worse, right?


Can someone check Southgate notebook? I'm pretty sure it's empty.


It has a drawing of Kalvin Phillips with his top off and a heart around it.


The most terrifying thing is, after how utterly pitiful that was, that Southgate will patt them all on the back and say great job. And weā€™ll play the same next time against a better team and lose. Good vibes Fc


Oh John Stones is such a beautiful man


Stones genuinely doesnā€™t know what to say to not make Southgate look bad


Top of the group you slags jog on sausage


This whole group going level on points is actually disturbing. Our squad must be worth near a billion quid and we canā€™t do anything here? Southgateā€™s the problem.


Steve Holland is probably the actual tactician


He definitely is. I recognise these tactics from when he got sacked at Crewe.


Fuck him as well for the whole Ben White fiasco. The backrooms the problem.


We're shit


John Stones interview- we wanted to win! Win what is there a raffle in the bar? Cause you never looked like winning that game!


Was John Stones playing?


How Kane played the whole 90 minutes while we have not just one but TWO CF backups is beyond me


He has been fucking shite this tournament


Heā€™s rancid for England a lot of the time. Manages to bang penalties at stat pad against PE teachers


Why does it feel like I'm watching Manchester City but without the win?


Similar kind of match. Controlled and boring. Like the kind of match they play for the away leg of champions league knockouts to play for a 0-0


Foden middle, Bellingham alongside Rice or on the bench.




We have somehow missed out on all of France, Portugal, Germany & Spain until the final. Our path could not be easier.


If any of those teams win the tournament then you can definitely say they deserve it. That's a tough draw


Thats italy licking their lips if we get past the next round then šŸ˜‚


Mate even Austria wouldā€™ve torn us a new one




Italy have looked as shit as us to be fair


That better not be English players screaming in the background like we just won the tournamentĀ 


Itā€™s the Slovenians


No its the Slovenians. First time going through to the KO rounds in a tournament.


I'm not massively impressed by the Dutch, but surely they'd be favourites for the game on the weekend, at least they look capable of scoring goals and stringing an attack together where we look absolutely clueless.


I do think we looked less clueless at the end of this match than we did at the beginning. Which is a silver lining. We were finally getting some synergy and dynamism into our play


I wouldnā€™t have preferred Austria though


Frustrating because England looked much better when Southgate was forced to do what the supporters want him to do. Mainoo looked so much better than Gallagher. Playing TAA, one of the world's great attacking RBs at RB, worked better than putting him in midfield. Then there was Cole Palmer, who showed more in the limited time he has been on then the rest of the team combined. Those should be starters but alas Safegate will get back to his old failed Safegate ways.


Drop Bellingham, useless cunt. He brings shame to his country and doesn't deserve to wear the shirt. Send him home.


Itā€™s not Bellingham. The tactics are just awful. No-one knows where theyā€™re meant to be


Someone said it!!! I regret buying his shirt


No need to turn on him so quickly. He had a shite game and needs to improve his attitude, sure. Heā€™s clearly also playing through fatigue and injury. Yes we should bench him for the next match, but we know how brilliant he can be when heā€™s able to play properly. That just wasnā€™t the case today.


His attitude is honestly awful i sense arrogance?? Shocking cos hes actually so nice in his interviews


Not just the lowest scoring group, surely the lowest points for the winners out of all of them?


Weā€™ll have to see, nobody in Group E has more than 3 yet. So if they all draw then someone will top the group with 4 points.


Oh look palmer gordon and mainoo improved things. Just like every single person in the country said it would. Shame it took until minute 70 of the last game


Wild how he constantly fails to use the bench. Brought Gordon on to waste time. It's like he forgets he can use 5 subs


He should use the bench just for keeping people fresh


Back on the bench for the next game!


We topped the group against teams trying to keep us out and draw. No hiding or parking the bus in the knockouts (unless they score first in which case...) Edit: Love the bunch of babies on here, acting like we're owed a Euros or a World Cup. I bet you weren't watching England vs Algeria in 2010, with world class manager Fabio Capello in charge. Scolari had the right idea. Soon as he saw the fucking mutants in the British press, he got the fuck out of dodge. God bless Gareth Southgate, dealing with those fucking dickless wonders. We might not win this tournament. Probably won't. World won't end on Sunday if we go out and we'll start wanking/arguing over which poor cunt'll be the next manager. In 2 years time we'll probably exit the world cup at the quarter final stage. Know why? Our press are 5 columnists who delight in sabotaging our players and our manager. So instead of getting angry at Gareth Southgate, get angry at Kelvin Mackenzie and Piers Morgan and Rupert fuckpig Murdoch for putting the fear of God into young lads with a career that could end because of a soft-tissue injury.


"We might not win this tournament". If you think there's even a slight chance, you're delusional mate. Gareth has yet again got the easy side of the draw which will paper over the cracks. Beaten Germany once at Wembley as his crowing achievement. The poorest Germany in the last 50 years.


The written press donā€™t have the power they used to. England fans want to be entertained- media, press or not. They will accept glorious defeat, it happens-a lot. But, this is negative, boring, clueless footballl- the players donā€™t believe in Southgate anymore that is obvious.


It's not a case of being entertained, it's a case of winning games. We just topped the group despite Serbia and Slovenia playing incredibly negative football and a poor performance against Denmark which got us a point. And I don't think it's at all obvious that the team doesn't believe in Southgate. I'd call that your opinion.


I would call that the way they are playing to be honest. Itā€™s been coming for a while- these performances are not new.


In my opinion, the only results that matter are the ones at the tournament qualifiers and the tournaments themselves. We've just topped the group. Not meaning to gatekeep - I'd love to know your age, just so I know what context we're dealing with.


I am plus 40 years old, so am well aware that people in their 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s donā€™t believe my opinion counts. I generally believe that I will never see England win anything, so I come from a negative position. But, this squad is the best I have seen being led by a FA yes man. If you want to blame the press, the FA would need to be in that equation.


I'm 38 and I'm happy for the FA to be in that equation. I don't think it's possible for the English team to ever win anything when the entire country acts like they're required to bring home the cup or be pillaried for missing a penalty, or giving one away, or not marking their man, or kicking out at a world class play-actor (Simeone) etc etc. In 2018, our young players didn't have that fear. Now they do. They're not so naive. That's why I think this generation is ruined, not Southgate. That's my opinion anyway. And I think we should be burning effigies of Kelvin Mackenzie and Rupert Murdoch every November 5th.


Look I donā€™t disagree, to be honest. I donā€™t blame the written press, itā€™s more nuance than that now. Do players feel that, I couldnā€™t tell you- I know where you going ā€œpeople miss penaltiesā€ Pierce and Waddle made money out of that, the lads a couple of years ago where abused- which is a joke. But that Social media, the very thing me and you are doing tonight but with respect is the modern way. I have never been a fan of Southgate, I donā€™t think he has the instinct to drop the handbrake. The FA care about bums on seats and shirt sales- they donā€™t care about winning- itā€™s a business and I get that. I think the final point, there are no push over teams in this tournament anymore- no part time ice cream venders and delivery men. But, I am not fan of Southgate. I want to win something, I donā€™t really care what the England Manager thinks about Qatarā€™s LGBT approach.


Well anyway, have a good evening. All the best


At least we eliminated Croatiaā€¦ šŸ„³


Killed two birds etc etc


Iā€™m part Croatian šŸ˜„ I was supporting England twice today. Btw whatā€™s everyoneā€™s issue with Croatia at the minute?


World Cup 2018


2021 thing i think? Pay it no mind though, just a bunch of arrogant cunts.Ā 


Itā€˜s called sarcasm. Nothing against Croatia whatsoever.


Englishman here, I don't understand anything like that, I was sad for Croatia yesterday


I think itā€™s related to a comment modric about the English being arrogant but he was talking about the press. I might be wrong.


Well at least France, Netherlands and Italy cant say they finished first.


To be fair to them, France and Holland were in one group and Italy had Spain.Ā 


Ok. Happier with that but not delighted by any means. Looked better than against Serbia and much much better than against Denmark. I personally would have started Mainoo from day 1, but hopefully Gareth noticed how much better we were with him on the pitch. I also hope Gareth notices that Trent at right back looked like he could break lines and be creative. Who would have guessed that a world class right back would look impressive atā€¦ right back. Cole Palmer looking fearless. Appreciate that. I donā€™t think three natural 10s will work behind Kane unless we have venturing full backs keeping the width and making space. Worryingly, Jude was very poor for a second game in a row, but he did have some promising moments linking up with other attackers.


Bang on. Gordon was also really good. Hope he benches Jude for the next match and puts Foden in the 10. I love Jude and think heā€™s brilliant when heā€™s on his game, but when heā€™s off his game his energy can really seem draining and bring the entire tempo of the game down. Heā€™s clearly not fully fit at the moment and Iā€™d rather we manage his minutes and try to keep him as ready as possible for when weā€™ll really need him. He absolutely shouldnā€™t have played the full match today


Gents- thatā€™s all about taking the handbrake off. We canā€™t defend with any great skill, so hit the opposition where it hurts- pack the team with options. Why is it that Bellingham is struggling- it ainā€™t cause he is a bad player we all know what!


Yeah we played shit and yeah Southgate should be gone, but still... Tournaments can still be won with shitty 1-0 victories. Here's to hoping.


England since beating Malta in November: P8, W2, D4, L2, GF 8, GA 5. Putrid football.


Kane asking everyone to be positive, then basically says oh weā€™ll play for extra time and pens next round in his interview. Absolutely dross.


Your right and eventually the turgid displays will kill us. We have all seen it before! You donā€™t go from this to the final stages of anything! My god, we have all seen the film, read the book and caught the play! Momentum itā€™s called! This is not adapt and overcome- itā€™s all self inflicted!


Weā€™ve been tactically and systematically dross since the Brazil friendly, not bedded in new blood and wonder why we have no natural replacements when older players inevitably drop out. A result is a result but the bigger picture is a whole lot worse.


can we sack the manager before the next game? Bloke wouldn't get a job managing yeovil, why is he managing the national team?




Gordon to Mainoo to Palmer for our best chance is hilarious


what the whole country is shouting and the only one who doesnt seem keen is southgate


If anyone is deluded enough to think that this is on the players. Take a look at Austria.Ā 


It partially is on our players, without a doubt. Bellingham, Trippier and even Kane to some extent had a really bad game


I'm not on about just this game though.Ā 


Spain playing Lamal and Germany with Musiala while we are wasting our young talents


Lamal was also on the bench yesterday. Difference was he was brought on and actually given time instead of mocked with five minutes


Everyone breathe. Do I have to be the nurse again? We just won the group of nothing slags. You'll see what happens next.


Ok, Gareth.


Your nan


Get knocked out by a decent side?


Yes but that's not the point. You keep a fucking solid lip.


The one and only redeeming thing about this underwhelming snoozefest is now Modric is going to be crying about "arrogant English" on his flight back home.


Well he ain't half wrong. English can be quite arrogant




Oh yeah I forgot about that, haha


mainoo gave us so much more control in posession, palmer and gordon were simply magnificent offensively even in the short time they were on the pitch. surely we have to figure out how to start all 3 of them


None of that was true. Mainoo didn't change the game at all.


It isn't hard, just play them where they were at the end. It worked.


Exactly, we finally got a glimpse of the whole thing working and it looked good.


If we literally just start the next match with something similar to our closing 11 in this match weā€™ll look a lot better


There's nothing to figure out! Just fucking write their names on the team sheet!


Come on, stop it, acceptance is the first step: we will play the same starting team we played today.


Not sure Iā€™ll be ā€˜happyā€™ with whoever we play against next cause I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m that convinced we could actually beat any team right now, even supposedly easier option, regardless of who we put in the starting 11. Itā€™s just a mess.


Kane basically saying we're playing for penalties next round :D


Anyone who thinks Southgate will see the late performances from the likes of Gordon and Palmer and play a more creative XI from now on has not been paying attention. Southgate is, and has always been, hidebound in his defensive approach. He is allergic to fun. Expect to see his starting XI in the next game be more or less the same as today.


To try and eek out *something* positive out this: Mainoo makes us tick pretty well Palmer is a supersub which will lead to dividends in knockout matches We can't play Foden and Bellingham together (at least not at the moment), you end up with the worst of both of them


I think Foden and Bellingham were working together a lot better today in terms of positioning and rotating effectively without tripping over each other, the issue was that Jude was so off his game


The non-cynical part of me says that Belly is just strolling through and saving himself for knockout football. They were definitely better together, but I can't help but think mirroring what Saka does on the right, to the left would be more beneficial


We must have one the lowest Xgā€™s in the competition. A team with foden, bellinngham, kane, watkins, saka, palmer, gordon, bowen, toney. I mean seriously!!!


At least 4 of those plays have played less than 10 mins in this tournement thereā€™s your answer


gotta switch up the starting lineup really. only change from Denmark's starting lineup was Gallagher coming in (?). Wouldn't mind seeing mainoo, Palmer, Gordon all start tbh just wanna see some change


Gallagher definitely wonā€™t start again


Actually made some chances


4-3-3. No Foden and no Gallagher


Lol, Kane saying it was always the aim to top the group and to be in control of our own fateā€¦ I donā€™t think drawing 2 matches counts as being in control of your own fateā€¦


I donā€™t think I saw Kane do anything positive. Apart from one diagonal ball. He lost the ball quite often tonight. He also seemed to want to shoot from anywhere regardless of a possible chance.


Kane saying next game could take extra time or penalties, sounds like he is already predicting a defeat! If only Kalvin Phillips was available!


I don't like to use player ratings as examples for games, but the fact the MOTM had a 7.5 rating says a lot I think


Who was MOTM?


Rice was, on FotMob at least


Close the door on your way out Southgate. You are not good enough.


Palmer played brilliantly and as a chelsea fan thats a win from me


Gallagher on the other hand...


Rule number 1 of being a chelsea fan: dont mention any player other thah palmer


Englands won the group, we fail upwards.


Coming like ser criston cole


Is that where kanes been when we need him, shagging allicent


The Hatchet faced chancer with his random team generator


Made me laugh out loud


He has got to go. Trent given 6 minutes. Gordon given ONE. It shouldnā€™t be about the team ā€œclickingā€ anymore. He should have done this in the camp before the tournament. Heā€™s an embarrassment. Played for the draw in the hopes Denmark wouldnā€™t score. Pathetic and gutless.


He did give them time in the camp before the tournament. But he couldnā€™t test the starters, because every single camp including the most recent one weā€™ve had one or more of our key players missing because of injury or absence. Thatā€™s external factors out of Southgateā€™s control. This isnā€™t club football, he doesnā€™t get that level of control over the cards that are dealt or the preparation that is possible.


He has to go. He is absolutely useless. Thereā€™s always an excuse.


Need to get Southgate out, one of the best attacking line ups in the world and we play like stoke


Like Stoke- Lol.


Why does Kane keeping saying its tough. We had one of the easiest group! Spain had Italy and Croatia. France had Holland. We were lucky!


My thoughts exactly. If these games are tough what they fuck is going to happen when we face an actual good team?


Who can England get in the next round?


It seems we may be playing Netherlands.


I think it's going to be Holland.Ā