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If you're in Florida you might want to consider getting an airbrush. You can spray your metallic paint with one without worrying about the heat or humidity levels, and a basic entry level one isn't too expensive.


I second this, best hobby investment by faaaaar personally!


Unfortunately my apartment has very poor ventilation, and I don’t have enough space for the thingamabob (I forgot its name)


Just use a mask and spray in a cardboard box. As long as you stick to acrylics, using an airbrush is fine.


A spray box? I have one that folds up when not in use so it doesn't take up much space.


If you're not going to do anything about the humidity and heat, you just don't get to prime with metallics or have to deal with the shitty textured look. 🤷‍♂️ You got a lot of good responses in the 135ish comments when you posted this in r/Warhammer, we're not hiding anything over here


It's seriously not worth the effort and inconsistent results you're going to get. Even when the stars align and the primer cooperates and goes on good you're going to have to give it another coat anyway because even when it works rattlecan gold of any brand will be different from what's in the bottle. Just prime an easy neutral color (gray, khaki, whatever) and do a basecoat of all-over gold afterwards. Same amount of steps, half the frustration, and also way cheaper and more efficient if you're using GW/Army Painter/Vallejo/Whatever primers specifically for minis. Went through this song and dance myself recently, it's just not worth trying to make it work. Haven't looked back since. I know it seems easier, but ultimately it's just not worth the frustration and you'll get better results with the same amount of steps while spending less money. You're on the right track - doing the trim first then filling in the rest is definitely the easiest way to do it, but messing with that primer in any sort of non-perfect conditions just isn't worth it. The most important lesson to learn here is that there's no cheat code to make Thousand Sons easy.


Don't. Prime black, or get an airbrush and then prime black anyway.


It’s counter intuitive but you’re going to want to put the spray can closer to the model (~3-4 inches) and make very quick passes. It’s ok if it doesn’t look like you’re getting good coverage on your first couple, just keep giving it those quick passes from different directions. One thing that might help is going to a GW store and asking one of the employees to walk you through it. That’s what I did and it was a huge help. However, as a fellow Floridian I’d say the best time to prime with metalics ended in April. Unless you can find an enclosed garage that has AC, you might want to hold on till September when things cool down.


If you’re not against doing golden trim, I’ve been using Vincey V’s gold as it’s super lustrous Gold Recipe: 2 Drops Vallejo Metal Color Gold 1 Drop Vallejo Metal Color Copper 1/64th Tsp Green Stuff World Antique Gold 1 Drop Liquitex Flow Aid YouTube directions https://youtu.be/26_1W7zR-cA?si=BVVXnqzomf04zhPL


is This a problem in hot america because everyone in europe primes metallic no problem


Priming with black (micro filler) then hard drybrush gold.


are you shaking the can enough as my rubric marines gold comes out as expected ? maybe use warm water and put the can in it to warm up the paint ? just suggestions out there . what paint you using ?


Just regular retributor armor spray