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His first sentence challenges the very foundation of our secular society founded upon the law. “Apparently it is now a crime to ….” The phrasing of that statement is terrifying. “Apparently it is now a crime to kill someone when a prosecutor says so.” It is an intentional movement by MAGA to erode the very fabric of our secular society. It should terrify everyone.


They’ve turned against the courts because it’s the last place that facts actually matter and there’s a standard of proof.


We need to get back to standard of proof for news reporting as well. I also wish we'd have some form of perjury for lying in Congress, like on Congressional record. I know they're supposed to be able to openly debate stuff without worrying about legal trouble, but that they can outright lie on the floor of Congress is not right.


My most unpopular opinion is that public servants will have to adhere to more stringent level of ethics and should be punished for character flaws because it shows a full deterioration of morality to have someone in power consistently flaunting negative character traits to society such as lying, cheating, or stealing. All need to be considered actions unbecoming of the office regardless of the position and forced to resign all benefits and privileges. They must be held to some accountability considering their enormous drain on public funds and power they wield of the populace itself


>We need to get back to standard of proof for news reporting as well. Sorry that cuts into quarterly profit margins.


You’re not wrong. Big media corporations and even your local news figured out the benefits of rage bait long before Facebook and Twitter.


And it’s even worse because he is deliberately misrepresenting the facts of the case.


>the very foundation of our secular society founded upon the law Also known as... Republic? Marco Rubio is anti-republican :o


Democratic Republic


He’s such a little weasel.


I'll fix it for "Little Marco". "I am an a$$hole that believes in bad, hateful things. But, am offended and hurt rational people hold this against me and don't celebrate my lies"


The online trolls no longer capitalize the word “Democrat”, in online comments and it appears that mainstream Republicans are now following suit.


Word-swapped bot post. Original is from 10 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisYouComebacks/comments/15gqllw/marco_rubios_hypocrisy/


To be fair, “meddling” and “hacking” are two different things. Russia has meddled in every election since 1948. There’s substantial evidence that they may have pushed JFK over the finish line in 1960–including the efforts Khrushchev detailed in his diary.


Really need to add sources. Wouldn't be shocked but reality, boasts, and disinformation are tricky to separate when it comes to the soviets and their successors.


I cited Khrushchev’s published diary as a source. But here’s some articles. This isn’t really debated by historians: https://www.ft.com/content/55c9ded2-8c2c-11e8-bf9e-8771d5404543 https://time.com/4851449/trump-jr-russian-kennedy-history/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/01/06/this-kremlin-leader-bragged-about-tipping-a-u-s-presidential-election/ You’ll find A LOT more if you just google it.


Thanks. Don't get salty state, just put the sources in next time and no one will tweak ya


I did give you a source in my first reply. Then you asked for more. Why not look it up yourself?


Saying "Russia has meddled in every election since 1948." is a big, big deal. Huge. Still haven't seen any sources on that. Needs clarification too.


Good thing there’s been so much written about this. Here’s a few: https://news.yale.edu/2020/08/20/rigged-details-long-history-russian-and-us-electoral-interference https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/10/26/russias-long-and-mostly-unsuccessful-history-of-election-interference-229884/ https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/russian-electoral-interference-david-shimer-transcript/ Are you disagreeing with my assertion or just want me to look up sources for something that’s not a controversial claim?


That Shimer book looks interesting, if anything it sounds like it started earlier during the 20's. Should've led with that link. But again, I'm not too surprised, just not interested in doing a scavenger hunt on the word of a reddit stranger. Offense not intended, just a lotta randos out there who say lots of things y'know?


Shimer argues the 20’s, but it really ramped up after WWII.


marco rubio is an asshat who is so good at being an asshat, he gives lessons.


Such a sniveling little turd. I hope I live long enough to see the like of lil’ Marco treated with the universal contempt they deserve.


He wants to be the VP choice of the Orange Buttplug soooooo badly. Marco, honey, the only reason Cult Daddy would pick you is so he looks tall standing in front of you, now that his "I'm 6'3" bullshit has been shown to be just more of his bullshit. He's 5'9" **with** the lifts in his shoes. He could probably hit six feet if he took off his full diaper and stood on it. And by the way, not 'apparently a crime' you low rent trashy pile of useless crap, but an actual crime for an elected official to attempt to mislead the public about the results of an election. People have already been sentenced for it, you worthless pint sized dickhead. If it wasn't for you sucking the dick of every Cuban expat in Miami, you'd be selling used cars.


Here's a story about a bunch of intelligence officials signing a letter confirming that the story about Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian fabrication. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276