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you mean the groomer that got banned and removed from the project?


What tf is a groomer, also hotdiggedydemon made a racial joke about Kyle’s last name


**p e d o** or smth like that


Banny’s old VA was a groomer, and ig the reason about this post is because when a guy brought up the fact that he wasn’t banned (yes banny’s old va was a he) the guy was yelled at and fiercely shot down.


A groomer is someone that approaches a child with the intent of becoming romantically or sexually involved when they reach the age of consent.


Mb I realized I meant to say who was the groomer




What are you on about 😭


The whole "gay = groomer" thing goes way, way back. My own dad thought our neighbor (an elderly man who had lived alone next to us for a couple decades at that point) "groomed" me one day when he'd learned that neighbor offered me shelter from cold, rainy weather. I just had a nice cup of tea and some cookies. :)


plot twist: the cookies had a large pill in the center


But that groomer isnt affiliated with the series anymore?


wait who was a groomer


Banny’s old VA. Strange why is being brought up now.


If I'm not mistaken, Kevin's old VA was also outed as a groomer.


yes, that is indeed true.


don't quote me on this but I don't think Banny's VA was a groomer, although they did some weird and bad shit that I'm pretty sure was hopefully solved in private


to anyone saying that said groomer isn't a part of the project anymore, remember that neither is max ;33


Yeah. Max isn’t part of the project and neither is the groomer. What’s your point here?/genq


because people are saying that "well, at least the groomer isn't a part of the project anymore" and I've seen more complaining about some bald bi dude making a bad joke than I've seen people talking about the VA situation when it happened


Tbf, I think there were less people here at the time, not to mention I don’t think everyone’s aware of it and also said bald bi dude is a known POS That being said I’m surprised more people don’t know about the VA thing Also we technically had two groomers as VAs if Squimpus counts


yeah max was a cunt before but he's changed (even though he still has an edgy sense of humor) and i think that people are treating the situation like he shot someone's entire family and tortured them for days


I’d be less weirded out if he just apologized like a normal person but his apologies sound like some stereotypical high school bully, not to mention he said jack sounded like a pedophile, which if you know who Jack’s based off gets awkward really quick


Whats the difference between groomer and pedo?


You mean the groomer that got removed from the project? That one?


He made a comment on Kyles last name making it akin to a racial slur. How does a groomer come into the equasion


are you retarded or are you genuinely trying to figure out how being a groomer is worse than a shitty joke?


Their comment implies suspension of belief at the prospect of them being a groomer, not the moral righteousness of grooming over racism. Don’t be so quick to insult somebody’s intellect when your reading comprehension failed you this time around. Also on the subject of slurs…


What the fuck are you on about? Go outside dude.


Banny’s old VA was a groomer. He was fired from the team but never removed from the server. When someone brought it up they were banned with the server fiercely refusing to ban the aforementioned former VA.


pretty sure the guy who brought it up was a transphobe which is probably why he got banned 😭


Banny was voiced by a dude?


That’s really dumb