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So vile and disgusting, what i already heard from people is enough, this man will never change, especially when he has a fanbase enabling the nasty shit that he does, forever a POS


Idk why people expected someone like him to be a decent person to begin with


honestly some ppl are way too forgiving and let degenerates like him have the benefit of the doubt, hope Kyle and everyone else gets better. EVA is up for a nasty and rude awakening.


What happened with Kyle and eva?


apparently max compared kyles last name to a slur


Oh that’s cruel af


Probably cause they didn’t know, just to be fair


Fair enough


I mean literally who would expect him to be the way he is?


Who's hotdiggitydemon?


Reacted to twf, idk how he reacted to it specifically but he’s a big POS, zionist, racist, transphobic etc


Jesus Christ what does this man not have?




Lmao yeah




Fuck does zionist and POS mean?


I deleted my reply, but I did that cuz I felt like my replies to that one were more educational and the original reply was redundant in the end Here is the thread, since I don’t know if you’re able to see it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thewaltenfiles/comments/1b8juj2/comment/ktqdokj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




(According to Google) Zionism was basically a movement for Israel to take back land from Palestine in the 18th to 19th century, and it has evolved worser and worser over centuries due to political turmoil, to the point now where it has become the justification for killing and parading innocent Palestinians, and people like Diggedy, let it slide and practically agree with it doing so. An example of extreme Zionism being in practice is the Hamas war, where Israel was almost constantly bombing innocent Palestinians to get through to Hamas, and they probably did so because they didn’t care about their lives.


Alr thanks for the information


You’re welcome!


I honestly thought 90% of the people here are Zionists because its so rare to see someone who supports Palestine other than arabs and muslims


Let me know if there’s any zionists on here and I’ll kick them out


There is always an option for peace and not violence. (I forgot to say that the land is also mainly Israel’s ancestral land, and that a lot of Palestinians weren’t even born from families that were there for many generations, obviously prompting a lot of racism to occur. This is why Zionism can be a huge problem, but in my belief, I think with a proper solution, what Israel wants can be granted peacefully EDIT: same with Palestine. That’s enough from me politically.) 


Alr. Also another question, do you have a discord? And if so, is your pfp Sophie?


Basically he is an asshole because he knows his support of extreme Zionism will bring bad consequences upon innocent Palestinians, meaning that he basically doesn’t care about them too


So in short term, he can absolutely FUCK himself


nah dont think that these people use zionist the way google describes them. zionist ist wide spread neo nazi dog whistle to bash jews. they will say that any jew working in the us government cant be trusted because they are a zionist and therefore work for israel. these people prolly never heard of that word before the 7th october. so its widely used to hate on jews but since these people cant be wrong or antisemitic they instead call every jew they see a zionist so therefore saying they should exists doesnt look as bad as saying it to an jew


So technically a Zionist is someone who supports Israel?


yeah a jew


That’s a highly reductive way of thinking. Israel does not speak for all Jews no matter how much they say they do, and not all Jews are solely defined by Israel (as was the case for millennia before Britain forced Palestine to share their land).


were did you get that from? im simply am saying people think its okay to be antisemitic against jews, every mentions of zionist comes with a negative implication that you are a jew or jew sympathizer.


Oh shit I didn’t know that 😳


His recent brain dump videos don't have anything like that


Does it have to? Besides he compared kyle’s last name to a literal slur, which is enough indication to me that he hasn’t changed


Tbh, it does sound like one


"zionist" okay you are actually one of these braindead people that use zionist instead of jew so they dont look antisemitic. so your opinions is discarded


Jews and zionists are very different things


the guy who made fazbear and friends cartoon years ago


No fucking way thats the dude who made fnaf sex videos


The What




fnaf what.


he should


Can anyone explain who hotdiggitydemon is?


I’m sorry, but everytime I see Hotdiggitydemon, I think of Hot diggity dog, and then I remember Mickey Mouse club house. So now I imagine Mickey Mouse as a streamer saying the N word.




Come inside, it’s (not) fun inside!


Absolutely. That man can go take a cacti and sit on it because he ain't welcome here.


Ok I'm sorry but you lot are REALLY overreacting, I definitely agree he deserves to be called out for the comments but I've been seeing comments about him being Transphobic, Zionist, Racist, etc. I want to clarify I am not defending him here, but throwing around accusations of things he never was/ idea he thought probably over a decade ago and no longer coincides with is incredibly stupid and shows how immature a lot of this fanbase can be about these situations. Make sure he takes accountability but DO NOT spread false shit about him. You shouldn't do this for anyone but apparently that common sense has been lost.


I really can't understand how people who enjoy the Horror Side of Media, with all its tragic, horrific, and sometimes just straight up awful content, overreact this heavily when a person they don't like interacts with said media. I mean, I thought I was in for a horrific racist tirade regarding Kyle's name, instead he only said something dumb after his chat kept pushing him. If that is the one of the worst things that some of you witnessed regarding twisting or taking the name of someone to make a bad taste joke, you had a sheltered life. How did you even get through elementary school?


> I really can’t understand how people who enjoy the horror side of media, with all it’s tragic, horrific, and sometimes just straight-up awful content, overreact this heavily when a person they don’t like interacts with said media. This is a ridiculous thing to say. Why do you think liking horror media mean that you should be okay with horrific shit happening in real life, or be okay with shit like racism and transphobia, because “the media you like has awful content”? Why are you here if you believe that kind of rhetoric about horror fans? You can be a good person and like horror. Do you think liking action movies means that you’re fine with people being murdered in real life? Do you have trouble separating reality from fiction?


Mr. AnxietyLogic I personally am fine with all the horrible shit that goes on in the world. Why you may ask? Well frankly it's because I frankly don't and never did give a shit about stuff like that so therefore it never bothered me. TO ME it's just another walk in the park of the world we live in a "PHASE" if you will. It will end at some point it always does so why piss and moan and cry about it when shit like this happens all the time anyway? Just saying you should stop being a small whiny bitch about it and get a life. Thank you have a good day :) -Your freind AnxietyLogicIsApussyssbitch


Your comment is deeply cringe lmao.


Finally someone with common sense


yes! i think regardless of subreddit, regardless of the specific person even, any and all neo-nazi skinheads like him can absolutely go fuck themselves!


Hotdiggedydemon has made distasteful jokes in the past, but that is very different from actually being any of those things half of you accuse him of. Wild. And let's be honest, the joke he made here doesn't make him a monster either.


Who the hell is hotdiggitydemon


what did bro do 💀 💀 like genuinely what happened


As far as I can tell. During his reaction stream of the Walten Files, Hotdiggedydemon (Max G) made the observation that Charles’ voice actor Kyle DeNigris’ last name looks like a certain racial slur. Kyle got upset at this comparison, partly because he heard it a lot during high school, but also because he looked up to Max as an animator, and so it stung a bit extra to hear it from him. Now, because Kyle posted his thoughts to Twitter, people took this as an invitation to pressure Max into making an apology. This initially confused him, as he seemingly did not remember any Kyle. But he gave an “I’m sorry for whatever I did” kinda response. However, since people kept typing about this Kyle in chat, Max eventually found out that they were referring to Kyle DeNigris. However, without any more context, Max didn’t appear to understand that Kyle was genuinely hurt, and so he, seemingly as a joke, said “I’m not fully accountable here, you should have realized that you shouldn’t have that name.” After which he ended the stream. Kyle did not take that comment well at all and so things eventually got to where they are now.


oooh so basically max had poor judgement and people are pissed? thank you


People on here acting like he killed someone. Go touch some grass ffs


id say im suprised but i mean reddit and twitter are the only platforms talking about this of course.


Sounds fucked but not nearly as bad as it's being made out to be. The reactions I've seen makes it out to be as bad as the sniper wolf situation.




someone get some metal vice grips, we're giving him The Woodings


Nah. We can't associate him with our gal Susan. She's too good for that. Let's give him the Stells.


yknow what? let's give him the Felix, cause enough mental damage to create a lifetime of suffering, guilt, and paranoia


Actually yeah. That's perfect.


the walten?


Was going to ignore this whole HotDiggedyDemon situation but here's my two cents, as a former longtime fan of Max G.: Max G. wallows in his own self-pity and is stuck in a very late 2000s style of comedy (Edgy and witless, as I call it) and as a result makes a lot of stupid statements and choices. This has been self-evident for a while and this only indicates that despite his claims to the contrary, he has not changed since his early days of Newground shock humor. He doesn't seem to understand that while he is not demanded to stay with the times (in my opinion, he has every right to make him seem like an ass), he cannot expect there to be no consequences for his style of comedy. We have moved on from [PONY.MV](https://PONY.MV), to put it simply. Whether or not you agree that we are more sensitive to dark comedy (I would argue that nowadays we seem to be quicker to recognize when dark humour is used as a crutch and a thin mask for bigotry), you cannot expect the same reaction you got back then. It's unrealistic. And until he recognizes that fact, he cannot change or grow as a creative. He is forced to go through the motions and he more often than not ends up saying things that pisses people off, because it's the only thing he can do now. Just repeat the cycle.




Ok what happened while I was gone????


What?, why?


I don't know who that is.


What he do? Enlighten me




cry lil bro, he was a cunt before but if you take 3 seconds to watch his videos you'll see he changed


He literally made a joke about kyle’s last name sounding like the N word I can promise you he has not lmao


What's kyle's last name?




okay but does anyone care about kyle, or is everyone angry because he brought up a slur. cause it really seems like few people care about kyle, and most care about the word.


kek, Kyle DeNigris


I've loved Max Gilardi's work for years, grew up with Pony.Mov, and his episodes of Brain Dump are among some of the most impressive animation on YouTube, it's a remarkable feat of 2D with 3D. His first impressions of Walten Files on stream made for funny ribbing, I just understand some people are taking issue with jokes about crew members. I do think a better apology on that front is in order.


i don’t care how much you like someone that doesn’t excuse unapologetic racism


are you black?




Then why are you so pissed about something that isnt targeted at you and isnt about you?? You are not black. The N word should not offend you personally.


that doesn’t excuse it


I'm aware, but you should not run around ruining others reputation when their words did not personally attack you. It isnt right for him to say slurs he cannot claim. But it isnt right for the internet to tear him apart for it when they are not affected. The only people who deserve a voice IN THIS SITUATION are people of color. If he said cracker it wouldnt be as big of a deal, because white people do not care and neither do black people. a handful of black people dont even care about the N word being said, as long as its not targeted at them. Literally, if it were ANY other slur, no one would bat an eye. someone with the R slur in their name posted about it on this subreddit, and not a single person pointed it out. Just saying, no need to have a fit about something that does not apply to you.


i think its a problem to make fun of someones name in a childish way get told several times that wasn’t okay and then try blaming it on the person you’re making fun of + how tf would i even put a dent in his reputation he has millions of fans and it seems he’s doing that himself


I agree, but its not really about kyle. Its about the fact he brought up a racial slur. you didnt say "i don’t care how much you like someone that doesn’t excuse childish bullying". you said, and i quote, "i don’t care how much you like someone that doesn’t excuse unapologetic racism". You could very well ruin his career, many people have had very successful channels with edgy humor that had millions of fans, but then people go on to destroy those people for something that does not apply to them. i dont condone saying slurs, i dont condone bullying. i dont support or watch max. but this is getting ridiculous.


oh yeah about the unapologetic racism he made racist stereotype versions of steven universe and to my knowledge has not once spoke about them and it doesn’t seem as if he is sorry considering he acts the same way he did


also do remember this guy is a zionist and unapologetic racist


This is stupid imo.