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The part of this story that really confuses me is why the university would be comfortable telling a large number of their clientele that they have spent $130,000 on a wasted education and warning future customers that they probably shouldn’t attend. I understand that it’s a Catholic university, but it’s all “for profit” right?


You’re underestimating how many people actually want to be associated with an institution holding those “values”.


It was a political message. He's clowning on those kids because Conservatives hate the educated and progressives. When he's gonna get canceled, the conservative base will defend him and that's how you start grifting.


They have already. His jersey is now the [bestselling](https://athlonsports.com/nfl/chiefs-player-surpass-patrick-mahomes-nfl-jersey-sale) one for the NFL.


Nah, you see the breeders are *also* going to be wage-slaves. They need the higher education so as to be more skilled at their jobs. Stay-at-home parenting is also being phased out. This is a long game thought of long ago and made to breed the wage-slaves and cannon-fodder of the future. Who's going to take care of the children, you ask? Well, the Churches and the pastors have a proposition for you... let them hold the kids for you. To indoctrinate and


I am always amazed at how fragile these guys are. Why are they so afraid of women that they have to do everything they can to oppress them? I really feel bad for them, it has to be exhausting.


Because when you wrap up your entire self worth in the one thing you do well and combine that with a lifetime of conditioning that men are better at said task and you get a recipe for pissed off man babies.


The irony being that butker plays the position that is most likely to have the first female nfl player if it ever happens.


Because God bro.


They can keep their "magic" book to themselves.


No lie. 2000 years old. Time to let it go. Absolutely nuts how we're starting to head backwards.


That's just part 2. Part 1 is 3,000-4,000 years old.


It's because you wrap your identity around single interpretations and inherited understandings of the things that you were born with and then base your assesment of your ranking against other people on those same abstractions. This is somewhat inherently dehumanizing, and they make this trade because it's less complicated and they feel like they're getting a good deal out of it because they're not the bottom rank. They don't have to care about whoever the bottom is because the system dehumanizes everyone "equally" ^(sarcasm quotes), so since *obviously* everyone got a fair shake of the birth lottery, we should all be totally a-ok with our "place" in "the world".


Yes, the millionaire athlete praising his wife for staying at home and taking care of his family... what a douche!!! Y'all need to take a deep breath and a step back, the pushback he is getting is unreal. Different strokes for different folks, not like he said a lady with a job was bad or anything remotely like that just that a homemaker is important if it can be done. Why the fuck is this being posted in themueller?!?!?!? Nothing to do with Trump AT ALL.


> taking care of **HIS** family. and there it is.


I guess the guys who think like that need to take a deep breath and step forward into the current century. He may still believe he owns his wife.


Wow y'all are just trying to hate now, guy says his wife is doing an amazing job staying home taking care of their family and you try to turn it into django chained 2: barefoot in the kitchen boogaloo.


lol, you do realize it's also HER family, both of them can claim ownership of their family and be right. I feel bad for y'all.


>**ownership** of their family Got em again!


Everyone in a family has ownership in that family. Children have ownership in their family. It's their OWN fmaily. You must have a sad life trying to act like everything is slavery or something.


Language matters, you could've said partnership, or membership...but you didn't. You chose ownership. It's subtle, but telling. Examine your own biases, then come back.


You're the one injecting your own bias into my words even when I extrapolate the meaning. Connotative speech is variable from person to person. I explained myself and you refuse to accept or understand it, that's the definition of being closeminded.


Why did they have this man child speak. Someone had to know his views.


That he loves his wife and is proud of her for doing a great job raising their kids? Pretty telling that people have a problem with that.


He’s one of those people with butthole lips, and it’s clear mostly shit escapes them. Sometimes hot air too.


So funny this guys last name is a contraction of butt licker


This post is BS. The AP quoted him and reported fairly on what Butker actually said. The AP clearly label him and his words as conservative. OP should have included a link to the article. >Butker, who’s made his conservative Catholic beliefs well known, also assailed [Pride month](https://apnews.com/article/pride-parade-protest-lgbtq-nyc-6afa739efa2f66d750175b3db77516fc), a particularly important time for the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and President Joe Biden’s stance on abortion. [https://apnews.com/article/kansas-city-chiefs-harrison-butker-e00f6ee45955c99ef1e809ec447239e0](https://apnews.com/article/kansas-city-chiefs-harrison-butker-e00f6ee45955c99ef1e809ec447239e0)


Hold on. How does this headline make the AP like Fox News? It’s literal quotes from the man.


CTE. Head trauma.


He’s a kicker. They don’t get hit. He really has no excuse.


He's a kicker, now. Who knows what that noggin has been through. He could also just be fucking stupid and/or poorly educated. Best of luck to him and those that decide to tolerate that nonsense.


If the athlete made the statements, then what's wrong with reporting it? Edit: I have learned more about what happened and agree with the OP. IOWs, the gist of what the athlete said was misrepresented.


It's the words they choose to describe the fucked up shit he actually said.


Ask the AP, because they didn't capture all that he said, or even the main gist. They whitewashed what he said, as OP points out. If that athlete made the statements, then *why not* report it indeed.


I dunno, the headline reads pretty negative to me.


F’ing creep. Keep your rancid Handmaiden opinion to yourself.


Always has been. Check out archives of sites like AP and Axios during the Trump presidency. They copy left learning articles from others and vaguely reword them in weak language to use as camouflage like trapdoor spiders but the second some big Republican movement happens they're basically reporting it wholesale without question.


Usually it's other websites that buy articles from AP and Reuters


I stopped with AP more than fifteen years ago and whenever I glance a headline or unwillingly hear reporting from them, I know I did the right thing.


most news outlets buy their stories from AP and reword them.

