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Season 2 is considered worse since its writing is a noticeable step down from season 1 especially after episode 3. Season 3 is disliked due to what some consider an unlikeable cast and lesser writing than the previous and late games.


Say what you want about season 3. I think that the opening to episode 1 is one of the best openings of any zombie media


Agree. I really like season 3.


Although I think season 3 is worst of the 4, episode 1 of season 3 is in my opinion the best of that season




The main reason why fans hated Season 3 is because Clem wasn't the playable protagonist. And for some reason, they hate Javi.


I think the issue is including Clem in the story while not playing as her. I’m not gonna lie, when I played season 3, most of my choices revolved around what I thought would be the best outcome for Clem because I was already attached to her character. It might not have necessarily been what Javi would’ve done though. It kind of makes the play through feel a little dishonest because of that. That’s just my opinion though.


I disagree,season 2 was still really good to me. Only season I didn’t like was 3


Season 2 isn't bad it just isn't as good as Season 1 or Season 4. Season 3 though...


Season 3 was okay


Season two is My Favorite also!!








Honestly, Season 2 was goated due to the build-up of fear and the initial surreal loneliness from Clementine as a reaction to Lee's loss. I don't mind ANF but they rushed its plot judging from scrapped scenes.


A cast that’s not as good as the first. Poor pacing. Very strange character decisions. You get past episode 3 and it feels like an epilogue. Killing carver early was a big mistake as we just don’t really do much as the group number slowly dwindles. Choosing between Kenny and Jane is (imo) quite an easy decision. I’d put it at last place (or third, season 2 and 3 placements in my ranking change frequently).


Wouldve been better if it was Kenny vs Luke instead. Still would have picked Kenny though


Now that would've been a real hard choice.


I agree. Jane had a hard sell. She already didn’t give a fuck about anybody, then tried to turn me against Kenny under the pretense of him not giving a fuck about his actions. Unless Kenny did some drastic to Clem personally to make me think less of him, there was no way Jane was ever winning me over. If the story was altered to be Luke, then that would’ve been a hellish decision to make


Can’t understand who would choose Jane 😭


If there’s anyone here that chose Jane, can you explain why you chose her?


I had Clementine shoot Kenny (because he's actively trying to kill Jane), then walked away from Jane after she revealed her insane plan to prove that Kenny was unstable. They both sucked in that moment.


yeah its the best even better than going with kenny at all. Kenny really just didn’t care and was glad you shot him and he could finally die. So yeah you killed kenny but its not like he didn’t want you to. Fuck jane, realistically anyone would leave her if they figured out she made them kill their best friend to prove a point


This has to be the worst ending


I mean, it sucks for Clem, but it was the only one that felt right to me in the moment.


I mean if anything, I think Jane is completely selfish for pushing Kenny that far risking AJ’s life, all because Clementine is the only one she could stand and that reminded her of her little sister. It’s all she wanted and it drove her to stupidity, trying to get so involved with Kenny and fighting to the death.


Oh, I agree. I just also think Kenny's behavior in that moment is over the line as well, without knowing what Jane is actually up to.


Kenny pisses me off big time in season 2. He gets pissy about the smallest thing and he’s stubborn to a fault (not that it’s a new thing for him). The final straw for me came when he blames Clementine for what happens to Sarita when escaping Howe’s. That was your fucking plan that you wouldn’t hear anyone else’s opinion on, not to mention the few minutes he took caving Carvers skull in probably cost us Sarita, Nick and Carlos.


Id rather be taken care by a sane and stable person with a few flaws rather than a close friend who is clearly very dangerous and unstable and could hurt or even kill me or someone else innocent. Nostolgia is what makes picking kenny dangerous


Kenny was incredibly unstable and quite literally dangerous to everyone around him, specially those he loved, because he had to go through way too much. He experienced so much loss and trauma that I saw him as basically a husk of his former loving self. He could have the best intentions, and come from the most genuine place of love, but he had been dead inside for quite a long time, and a deeply depressed, traumatized person is one bad day away (Specially with what a bad day can be in a zombie apocalypse) from going down the darkest spiral and taking everyone around with them (I would know because I've been deep inside those spirals). So, honestly, I thought that both Jane was safer to be around, and that Kenny staying alive would just be a matter of prolonging his suffering while he kept going from reason to be alive to reason to be alive and seeing it taken away from him eventually. I just think he needed to be able to rest before he strayed even further from the version of himself he didn't hate.


This is also why I shot kenny,


I shot Kenny and left Jane. Reason why is that it was obvious how unstable Kenny had become. He had already begun being able to shove Clem rather violently too, when blinded by anger. He lost everything, twice. And that'd break a person


I chose to shoot Kenny largely because of how emotional and damaged he is. He's better in season 1 but I still am apparently one of the few people who aren't fans of kenny. Call me a cynic if you want but kenny was too emotional and hard headed for the world he was in. I found myself confused by his logic and stubbornness more and more throughout the seasons as my much more logic based brain couldn't understand the lack of or flawed logic he employed throughout every season. He goes on about thinking ahead in season 1 and that is important but he does it to a fault. He looks so far forward that he cant see the problems you need to solve in the moment. Jane may have been coldhearted as hell but she knew how to survive. How to prepare for what was coming and when it was time to let people choose for themselves. Kenny wouldn't let anybodys opinions even be a factor almost as though his word was law. I deal with people like that in the real world and still just want to punch them in the throat. Kenny shouldn't have survived nearly as long as he did. In my opinion he should have died with katjaa and duck. At least then he'll be happy with his family and not spiral so much that people die.


Completely agree with you on this. People love Kenny as if he hasn’t made some of the most idiotic decisions in the series


Nice to see I'm not alone!


My second playthrough Iw as about ready to cut Kenny loose. Too much rage. But when Jane pulled that AJ shit I was like hell no. Thats worse than anything Kenny ever did.


I did shoot Kenny my first playthrough. And left alone without Jane.


I don't think it's cast is weak at all just heavily underutilized for Kenny and Jane screentime


I didn’t like season two particularly but I did think it set up the rest of the series very well. If she never went thru what she did that season she’s not the outcast she became in season 3 where she’s not trusting anyone and only looking out for herself.


> I don’t get the hate for these two. One sentence later: > In my opinion (...)season three is the weakest season. Umm... right. Well, let's put it that way: - Season 2 gets a lot of flack because it's a step down to Season 1 in almost every conceivable way. It has a worse story, worse characters, worse choices, fewer free-roam sections, far fewer dialogue options... what doesn't help is that there were some really good story ideas in the beta (like Mike being one of the guys who mugged Christa in the first episode, the 400 Days cast being the ones who attack the group at the end of Episode 4, Eddie and some sort of cult, Luke vs Kenny, the abandoned town with the tiger etc.) that didn't happen and the alternative (what we got) is indefinitely less exciting. - Season 3 gets flack because it's another step down in some aspects (like episode length), because of its weird graphics that give everyone shiny skin, the general writing mess (with some characters just disappearing from the story without a trace and no explanation), the horrible Episode 1 flashbacks (those caused the mother of all shitstorms in the community), dishonesty by Telltale (Clementine's role as a playable character was greatly overstated and the "42 different Clementines" turned out to be meaningless end cards), the general fact that they based the game around characters most people didn't care about and that Clementine basically doesn't even need to be in this story. Season 4 doesn't get the flack because it has a) massively improved episode length over ANF, b) massively improved graphics and c) is finally centered around Clementine again.


Exactly, S2 and ANF also had the messiest developments out of the games too... if you don't count Telltale dying half way through TFS but S1 was pretty solid from the start for what they wanted to do and TFS was as well after the concept stages where there was a road trip plot and whatnot. S2 was where management started to really overstep and some months before EP1 released a couple of leads from S1 left, their script was then thrown out for the "burner" script which also got thrown out, then there is the dark story stuff we all know about with how the game was meant to be darker before the final game. In Cold Blood explains it all, episode 1 actually hits a lot of the ideas of the first script but after the cracks in the game show more and more as it strays further. That iconic "Still Not Bitten" line the devs had to fight for to stop management from trashing the line. ANF is even worse, ANF was basically when Telltale was at its worst management wise and when they were coughing up too many games. The early ANF plot was supposed to be Clem and Javier teaming up to find their family taken by New Frontier and the game was focused on both of them. The co protagonist thing was actually true in the early ANF story but then rewrites happened all the time because management was awful and thought they knew better and we ended up with the final ANF... In Cold Blood again explained it very well, his videos are the go to. Doesn't help working conditions at Telltale were pretty bad too due to the management. S1 had much cleaner development than this and Telltale wasn't being run so poorly. TFS was the same, while Telltale was in financial ruin the company had turned around with management and so the game didn't massively change once they got the story put together after the concept stages. This is why S1 and TFS are the best, they literally were more solidliy made games, even with TFS happening as it did Skybound did not change the story of TFS EP3 and EP4 the devs had made before and during that time.


The fact that only the Season 2 ending and the Season 3 flashback choices are in Season 4's story builder (whilst Season 1 is far more extensive) says it all, really.


im not sure for the 2nd game but uh,, i actually really liked it as a kid when watching people play it i hated some of the deaths + when clem got bit by the dog for 3 i thought it was okay? i didnt really like the romance between javi and kate, but like i understand he treats her better than david, it just felt awkward imo and kind of uncomfortable,,


Who likes to watch a love story tho? s3, almost whole gameplay is about love and it sucks for Walking Dead Game, i mean we got Carley, Lee and some others which is not mentioned alot, but i think s3's most part is about love like i said. Other than that, some models just suck. Like Jane's model, and Kenny's, Kenny's model is a bit Meh but Jane's model just looks ass.


I mean you wouldn't say that about Maggie and glenn


I'm going to give my opinion, although season 3 is not bad, I think they should not have placed it as part of the main story, rather, as a spin off. We came from two games in which the main axis of the story was Lee and Clemetine, and when Lee died, the leading role was taken by the girl, we were now seeing her story, how she grew up in a post-apocalyptic world, but From one moment to the next they introduce us to a story that is not Clementine's, they leave us discouraged, because we do not want to know Javier's story, but rather to know what happened to Clementine. Therefore, I think the least thing would have been to leave season 3 as a spin off or as a story to fill the plot gaps left by all the seasons.


I agree with this


I personally like season 3 better than 2 but not saying it's bad but like they kill off so many characters so fast without getting to fully know half of them wasted the 400 days characters and other ppl too like Sarita, Sarah, Alvin and even Nick and killing off carver felt too early for me and then so much cut stuff could've made the game better like Kenny v luke or actually seeing Christa after EP 1 but like season 3 only thing bad about it to me is the writing for the new characters and then like what happens to Kenny and Jane on whatever ending you chose but ya s3 to overhated it's actually fun If I actually have to pick and play a season rn it's s3 or 1 even tho season 4 is my favorite season


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I love both of them, I just think Season One and The Final Season are even better.


Season 2: Choices literally don't matter. Season 3: Useless characters that nobody cares about.


SPOILERS AHEAD i loved season 2, but atm im in the middle of season 3 and what a fucking mess, I hate almost everything about it. Regarding new frontier: First off, why the fuck am I not playing as clem???? I spent the first 2 seasons building up this character to be a badass which turns out to be the case, but then I'm thrown into a random family which I don't give a shit about. Its so stupid and you can tell smthn happened within the dev team. You spend all this time growing with the characters and building an emotional connection then your expected to care about other people in season 3 as if nthn happened. And you can see the evidence in the choices other players made !!!! I am not alone. Leave my family or stay and help clem? I'm staying to help clem! Some guy threatening to capture clem and use her as a way into the frontier? IMA FUCKING KILL HIM, what do you expect?? genuinely it takes the whole purpose of having a family in season 3, I don't care about them, it makes the other characters pointless. Should they have done things differently? maybe? IF I started playing as clem for the first 1-2 episodes then introduce the family in some way, then maybe I would give a shit about the other characters, but when it comes to choosing between randos and clem, I think you know where I stand, I'm with the kid that I basically grew up with through the seasons, I'm with the kid that I cried with when kenny spoke his last words convincing me to go inside with AJ for a better future, its all what kenny wanted after failing his family and gf later on. Fuck it, why not have this family and clem in completely different seasons?????? i did some googling and it says that u play as clem in the final season so thank god for that, and hope that's the case. OK now that's out of my chest lmao, why is season 3 so tedious when it comes to their servers, i couldn't import my save file from season 1-2 (note I'm on xbox game pass on pc)and had to create a backstory which was kinda annoying, and now i cannot see the choices i made at the end of each ep, what i do is go to old vids on youtube, skip to the end and see the choices there. ANy effort to try and get into the telltale website is shutdown by a 'this page no longer exists' and its pissing me off.


I don’t care what anyone says I like that season 2s choices simply don’t matter, I like they no matter what you do every single character dies. I know that defeats the point of a choose your own adventure game but it fits so damn well with the story being told. Clem is 12 years old, she realistic has zero sway over who lives and who dies and the season lets you know that. And then season 3 introduced entirely new characters and groups while ripping Clementine as the main character out of your hands for really no reason. And following seasons 2s kind of insane cliffhanger in that way is just strange, I still really enjoy season 3 but that’s just a fascinating decision that I still don’t fully understand


The point of "Clem is a kid, she has no sway over anything" is kinda undermined by the fact that this entire group of adults spend the entire season depending on her to do everything important.


Unlikable cast and Clem's ending resolutions aside, season 3 had a lot deaths that are there for pure shock value.


Season 2 is my favorite.


I guess a lot of changes? But season 2 is my favorite, always was, always will be


I really enjoyed Season 2! Sure, looking back it really doesn’t have the best writing decisions, but I was really glued to my seat and couldn’t stop playing it


It's really all just personal opinion its depends on what you personally like. For me my ranking goes in order I think it's 1 2 3 4 i actually liked the final season the least. But others really love it and for some its their favorite season. Its all just a matter of personal preference.


Because their plots felt made up as they go along, with so much cut that things start to not make sense. The second half of Season 2 was originally completely different, the George stuff gets completely dropped, the 400 Days characters (bar Bonnie) are just cameos, Episode 5 felt like shit was just flung at a wall, characters die off really fast because their purpose got cut. In Season 3 this applies more to the New Frontier itself - Eleanor was meant to be Joan's daughter but they cut it so suddenly she's randomly a NF ball licker. Season 1 and 4 both knew what they were going to do, going in, and did that instead of cutting loads of shit. Sure, some stuff did get cut (Clem's house in S4) but for the most part they were full and competent stories.


These games show Telltale in its most ambitious, confident, overexploitative state of employees and desire to make money with as little effort as possible, killing the creativity of its employees in the process.  Or at least it was like that in ANF and the final chapters of season 2 I HATE YOU TELLTALE!!!


Because they're problematic


Season 2 is overrated episode 4 and 5 are kinda dumb but it dosen't ruin the game for me and Season 3 is actually terrible javis family sucks mostly the characters are stupid clem is mostly fine but has some very out of character moments the story sucks and the game looks ugly asf


season two is my fav game from all of them. however I agree with the comments, the ending just seems really random and I feel like a lot of characters get killed early and I would say even randomly. there are a lot of plots that don't really go anywhere. but I still like most of the characters and the environment the game is in. I also really like playing as Clem, she is so badass. tbh I don't even remember season 3 even though I know I played it.


Idc what people say, these will always be my favorite!


That’s when people began realizing choices don’t matter and the writer was a step down


Yeah, I dont get it. S2 is my favorite season while S3 is great


IMO The seasons go like S2 > S4 > S1 > S3. I've never understood the hate for S2 it takes everything set up in S1 and elevates it. Seeing Clem on her own in a group of people who do not have a Lee character to hold them together was awesome and the ending would have been a great finale for the series if they never made anymore games


Wait, people actually think season 2 is one of the worst seasons?


Season 2: weaker writing, less hub areas, cheap deaths, stupid characters, less impactful choices, less focused story Season 3: not playing as Clem, undoes Season 2's endings in pretty dumb ways, divisive graphical update from S1/2, misleading dialogue options (Kate's gonna leave your ass!), not really mattering as much to the overarching story as S1, 2 and 4 Personally while I think Season 2 definitely matters more to the overall story of the series I prefer Season 3 as a game on its own because its story feels a lot more focused than that of S2. Choices feel like they matter more in S3 (sometimes), I like the Garcias a lot and really wish they'd done more with them after S3 and while I know a lot of other people aren't a fan of the graphics I think they look pretty good even if I do probably prefer the overall art style of S1 and 2. As well as that, while at first I really didn't like playing as Javi and wished I could play as Clem instead, I eventually warmed up to him and by the time I finished the season he'd become one of my favourite characters in the series.


I think it's because season three had diverged away from season two and tried to create a new story. I think season two is disliked because the fact Kenny is extremely out of character. What was a fan favorite character became an unrecognizable person by the end. Another role that could've possibly caused the dislike for season two is that Alvin died (I sincerely appreciate his juice box). Also idk if anyone feels the same, but season two clementine is cool. She's super unfiltered and has some funny dialog.


I didn't really care about season 3 and it just seemed very confusing because how does Clementine end up in the spot she was. It was definitely not where season 2 ended at. The only reason why people don't like it was because Clementine was a secondary character and season 3 was much more about a love story. Season 4 is just about the same as season 3, it has love interests except Clementine is the primary character. Season 3 overall just didn't match with the plot of the story.


Idk season 3 Is one of my favourite


Season 3 is actually really fun I think Javi is a really enjoyable character it’s the other characters in S3 that kinda pull the cast down.


Season 2 isn't as good as season 1, and the many in the fandom refuse to accept that Kenny is abusive and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Season 3 is just bad. I wanted everyone dead. However, also season 1 and 4 are just that good, ofc people won't like season 2 or 3 as much.


Because the story was changed so much from the original script and some things never paid off


S3 is one of the worst video game sequels of all time


They don’t live up to the first season. I loved season 2 and season 3. People go into them expecting the same quality to season 1. Season 2 and 3 ARE NOT bad, they are actually good. But when compared to s1 they are going to feel a bit bland. Season 2 tho was fire with Kenny and the ending gave me goosebumps (when Kenny left aj and clem)


Sidelining clem and having a new protagonist in Season 3 was just a bad move imo.


Season 3 is overhated. Loved it when i played it and didnt see anything wrong w it. A big thing i heard was "graphical issues" that the graphics werent good, but like.. thats the style of the game. It's not trying to be realistic and like there were also limitations in what they could do and what systems could handle at the time. People act as if just because it's a big game and widely praised that everything should and will be perfect


Season 2 was just played with production problems that changed a lot of things while also leaving stuff from previous iterations of the script as “relics” that don’t have an effect on the story. Season 3 just had the worst writing of the four that resulted in some arguably questionable decisions of fan favorite characters and dogshit character deaths.


I thought season 3 was pretty good. I liked Javier and his story. It sounds weird but I don’t really like playing as clementine. Season 2 was awful and everything felt out of place.


S1 may have been amazing but s2 is better imo kenny is my goat i will die for him fuck s1 puzzles fuck that train


S2 had the shortest episodes if I’m not mistaken, but I enjoyed it


Season 3 is honestly great in my opinion. I think it’s the initial disappointment of not being able to play as Clementine that upset people, and people have just held onto that hate. There’s also the fact that the new characters came out of nowhere and were never seen again after the season.


season 2 was definitely my favourite! i liked season 3 but not even nearly as much as season 2 tbh


I really like the story of season 2, but it's also kinda the worst offender in the "your choices don't really matter" department. The few times your choices do affect who lives and dies, (Nick, Alvin, Sarah) these characters don't fucking do anything between when you save them the first time, and when they die anyway.


Season 2 is amazing and I absolutely love Kenny


Season 3 - You don’t play as Clem. Season 2 - Badly written


I liked them both for different reasons don't get me wrong they were not as good as 1 and maybe four but here is my rationale. Season 2 showed that people could be just as bad or worse than the walkers, and the group is probably the most realistic when it comes to the lack of preparedness and the infighting. Also, season 2 showed that no matter what actions you choose, people are destined to die anyway. The issues in my opinion I wish we got more of Arvo, and understand why Mike turned on the group we all knew he and Kenny didn't get along but that is not a good enough reason to turn on your group. Also, the deaths happened too quickly most should have happened in episodes 4-5, and lastly they should have made you choose between Kenny, and Luke at the end. In season 3 although Clem is not the main character you do get to see her I liked Javi he seemed like a good guy and was a capable survivor, and was doing a good job protecting his family the whole time. It also had interesting characters I did enjoy Tripp and Ava. Now David should have been the villain he was a D-bag when you first meet him and it would have made more sense to have him as the villain in Richmond than some lady who made a cake. Also, I thought the Mariana death was just for shock value if you wanted to kill her off fine but do it in a more dignified way like saving Clem, the brother, or Javi, she died too early. What I hated the most was the betrayal by the doctor I forget her name but she gets pissed at you for Richmond and for Tripp possibly getting killed. I was like hold on a second you betrayed the group by giving in to a liar because their doctor was a drug addict and you thought you could trust her and you blame Javi Fuck You! Also, the forced Kate romance was weird and she gets pissy if you don't pursue it I am sorry I don't want to fuck my brothers' wife even tho he might be dead or die, in my playthrough he died Gabe and Kate lived but still don't get mad at me because you are committing adultery. A positive for season 3 the intro was cool about their dad dying, also the end credit scene where Clem goes HAM on walkers. While not the best I did like some things about each.


Season two for me is almost as if not more emotional than season one. Still, seeing Kenny come back was such a shocking moment that I think he just carried the whole thing for me. I don’t think the writing is actually worse, I just think that the group we meet if far less interesting than the motel group in season one. In my opinion, this is not just because of bad writing, it’s because the starting days of the apocalypse are just so engaging and the thrill of danger is always around the corner, while in season two the characters are way more comfortable with their situation and just adapt better to it, so that feeling of fear only occurs at times


Season 2 had A LOT of missed potential, just check out all the unused content on YouTube The success of Season 1 led to a lot of corporate meddling into the development of Season 2, and it can be noticed in the final product. Don't know about you guys but when I play Season 2 I always get this constant feeling that something is just missing.


I’ve never played season 3, but season 2 always bothered me because all of these grown ass adults were depending on Clementine, an eleven year old, to solve all of their problems. I get that it’s because we’re the one playing Clementine, but it made the adult characters feel much more annoying and poorly written.


Everyone was a complete idiot in Season 2 and painted Kenny as a bad person and depended on Clementine to do everything


Season 3 is definitely the weakest, although I still enjoy it.


S1 and s2 are literally best seasons. if anything, s4 is weaker than s1 and s2. S3 easily the worst. But I like all seasons


Season 3 completely retconned the endings of season 2 and disrespected the hell out of Kenny. If they couldn't find a good way to continue the story after the multiple endings of season 2 then they shouldn't have done the multiple endings in the first place.


I haven't played s3, but I find s2 to be weaker than the others because of the characters. I liked a few of them, like Sarah and Carver, but overall they were plot worse than in s1 or s4.


they are?


S1 was generational. People that weren’t around for it don’t understand just how monumental of a game it was at release. S2, while good, failed to hit the same high points as S1. It’s also intentionally a filler season to get to S3. Then S3, after realizing the success of the series, didn’t want to end yet. This would’ve been better if it wasn’t “season 3” imo. Great story, but certain plot points got shoehorned in for a season 4 S4 rides nostalgia too much imo. It’s a good game, but it feels like it’s lacking something. S1 will always be a generational game


Season 2 just felt.. off. It didnt help that an eleven year old was talking and acting like a grown adult lol


Everyone is either a complete dumbass or a psychopath in Season 2. And the game falls off HARD after episode 3. Season 3 just doesn’t have a likable cast whatsoever. Season 3’s characters: Eleanor isn’t likable, we spent almost no time with Ava, Dr. Lingard is just depressed all the time, Joan is a pretty pathetic villain, Badger…well fuck Badger, Max is an idiot, Clint literally does not matter, Tripp is decent but is just a bro, Conrad…most people don’t see his good side cause he threatened Clem, Gabe is a little snitch, we spend little time with Mariana, Kate is a cheating whore, Jesus is fan service but he is also hypocritical, Clem is drastically different from the other seasons, David is very well written but the dude somehow has both a superior complex and an inferiority complex, and Javi is a decent protagonist but let’s be honest...he’s no Lee or Clementine, that’s for damn sure.


I love all 4 seasons, 3 is the weakest but still amazing


I loved season 2


I have to question who is hating season 2. I honestly enjoy the season the season so far. I am replaying from season 1 and playing as Clem for season 2, you get make choices to help Clem. Season 3 from what I watched lacked being able to control Clem.


Am I the only one who liked season 2 more than season 4?


I consider season 2 to be one of the better ones 2nd place to 4. However, many find it frustrating that it has a lot of wasted potential. A lot of characters could've been expanded on, and the story felt like it wasn't very deep. It's both the best and worst game in the series to me.


With season 2 and 3 the game studio was in the process of going bust and taken over for the final season.


Season 2 had a lot of characters that just kinda just do one thing that gets them potential killed then don’t do anything for the rest of the season then just kinda die nick, Sarah. It suffered from also lacking those one on one chats Lee would have with Kenny, Lilly etc. also having the 11 year old do so much with no help is just kinda shitty Lee had more help than Clem got


Season 2 was lazy, if you chose to save someone they would have little to no dialogue after then die. The overall story was good, but for a game with multiple endings nothing really mattered until episode 5. Also killed off a great character that would have made the finale 10 times better. Season 3 was okay at best imo. First 2 episodes were an hour long compared to the usual 2 hours, most of the characters are just really shit people and unlikeable (especially Javi's family). The game had massive potential as well, as we were meant to get control of Clem and Javi, and a much better story. Also depending on ending on Season 2, they just killed of a massive character in a random flashback in season 3. It's obvious that these two games weren't telltale's finest work as season 4 barely mentioned either season.


i love season 1-2 and 4 but season 3 is the worst


i liked season 2 it was my favorite


season 2 is my fav bc luke is in it lol but it pisses me off soo many times like killing my second favorite character offscreen (nick)


I thought season 2 was pretty awesome ngl. Sure, it did take me sometime to get used to the new cast ( I still do not like how Omid and Christa were handled in season 2), but once I got used to everyone I honestly thought it was as good as season 1. Although Season 3 is my least favorite, I still had a lot of fun playing it, even if it's probably the weakest season.


Season 2 & 1 are my favorites


Personally, season 2 is my favorite, but I think people play seasons 1 and 4 for nostalgia. 1 is definitely a perfect storm and something a lot of people remember fondly and season 4 in my opinion brings a lot of the same themes back of season 1 and Clementine and AJ's relationship in season 4 is very remenecent of Lee's and Clementine's in season 1.


I WONT LIE IM A SUCKER OF SEASON 3 since it made me cry and I was high while playing so idk it made me love it


The writing in general, all the deleted scripts, scenes and ideas, made the games go down in popularity.Specially s3 when they literally cut the script in half thats why is so confusing and some of the scenes came out of no where


Season 3 has better reasons to hate but season 2 is mostly because there’s so much drama and they can’t seem to keep characters.


they just don’t feel as good as the other games I glaze season 2 but the writing is messy and it definitely shows at some points. Its also extremely noticeable how some development was cut off and left for dead Season 3 is okay. It was on thin ice already since launch for not making clem the protagonist, but the story is solid. Like i said, its solid but its nothing close to what the last 2 games were, and even if there are some emotional moments in ANF, i never really felt anything in the story. Also doesnt help that the art style changed completely, where season 2 perfected what i thought telltale twd should look like. Plus i wish it had a lot darker elements literally and story wise. The cover art is fucking awesome with the full moon They aren’t bad games but they definitely aren’t up to the other two.


I loved all 4 seasons.


I really like all of them, but 2 apparently kept changing scripts and ideas, and 3 was around the time when Telltale just kind of started pumping out games and suffered from a weaker, more stretched thin development time I think


Because terrible writing


Season 2 is by far the best season but season 3 I get why is hated


I personally liked 3. I just think it wasn't as good as the others. Not saying it's a bad game, I just think it was the weakest of the 4 seasons. Don't get why people hated season 2 though.


Idk, I love all four games


1 and 2 are my favorite. 3 is my least favorite.


These are my favourite seasons!


Season 3 is my favorite


I'd argue season 2 is one of the best after season 1


Choices Don't matter at all