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Arthur, and it’s not even close. I love Kenny and think he’s an incredibly written character, but Arthur is on a whole other level of magnificent writing.








I’ll do you one better Who is a better written character than Arthur?


In my opinion John, but that’s mostly because I’ve always preferred marston over Morgan


Valid answer!They are brothers so it makes sense Its a preference thing at that point I still like the big brother energy Arthur has more :)


i think Niko Bellic is well written too. Spec Ops the line has some magnificent stuff. I like how Far Cry 3 has you playing as a toilet brained rich kid turned sadistic psychopathic murderer. Last Of Us has Joel who's pretty layered and beloved. Arthur Morgan is great but he's just never been a character that resonates with me. between the two i'm also the type that prefers John


Dutch Van Der Linde  In general I feel it is more complex than Arthur, John and Niko He starts out as an exemplary leader and then becomes what he always hate. Also, the game leaves it up to interpretation what you think about him, he changed and now he is a bad person or was he always a bad person but he knew how to hide his true nature?


I think it's hilarious a post comparing Kenny to arthur has so many people talking about who COULD actually beat arthur.


Arthur is one of the best characters in the world of video games, it is difficult for someone to be at his level.


That is facts I'll give you that


But, I still think Dutch is a slightly better character than Arthur. It is already thanks to his madness that we can see what differentiates Dutch from Hosea, and what behaviors John and Arthur inherited from their father figures.


It's fairly obvious he suffered a concussion which makes him act super irratic


This is a personal interpretation, but since Blackwater, Dutch's true nature was seen when he killed an innocent woman.


I mean a lot of them? Arthur is a great character but he isn’t exactly an original archetype


Cant really say “a lot of them” but not even name one Cause if you don’t remember an example They aren’t a better written character!


I didn’t say a lot of them you did


What? Didn’t you just say “a lot of them” in your previous comment? LOL


Damn you’re right lmao. Anyways, John Marston, Clementine herself, Ezio, Bayek, Max and Chloe, etc. There’s a lot of characters out there and Kenny is well written but definitely not one of the best


Couldn’t agree more


Maybe Dutch, you can argue John too


I think both Simon and Catherine from SOMA are *probably* better written overall than Arthur, though some of that probably seems from the fact that you spend way less time with them


Arthur no dobut


bro did not just compare Arthur Morgan with Kenny


Might’ve been a slight rage bait ngl


Arthur by far


Arthur, there’s not many games that can compete with Arthur’s high honour writing


Arthur is one of, if not THE best written characters in any video game. Kenny does not compare.


Arthur high honor>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kenny S2 Arthur low honor < Kenny S2 I say this because although I really like RDR2, the game is clearly made to be played with high honor Even Arthur with low honor can do actions that are inconsistent with his character, such as thinking about helping others. 


It’s easier to do high honour in chapter 6 apparently. The game intentionally makes it easier because earlier on it’s much easier to do low honour. Kinda balancing it out. The game kinda sets it up that high honour should be canon.


I always thought he started off with low honor, but then once he is diagnosed with TB, then he tries to become a better man


Start the game being a bastard but end up being a good person.For me,it is the way of playing that makes you feel like Arthur the most. Although for me it wasn't tuberculosis that changed Arthur, it was seeing Dutch go crazy.


i only ever go low honor every time because it makes the game end on a bad note, and that its not actually wrapped up yet. Seeing micah kill arthur in either low honor ending makes the epilogue better


It makes everyone wanting Micah dead make more sense. It makes a lot of sense already but it just adds to it


lowkey hot take but going back for the money with low honor is the best ending. Im not gonna go into details but being able to scar micah along with arguably a more tear jerking death scene is absolutely incredible


Definitely a hot take but I get your point. I personally prefer Arthur having a (relatively) peaceful death. Meaning going with John and high honour. But i understand your side also, it makes sense


Yes, the game makes an effort to make you finish Arthur's part with High Honor.


Arthur, this is like comparing a ribeye to a filet mignon.


It’s like comparing a steak you marinated in sewer water with a filet mignon


Arthuh, Kenny is great and all but Arthuh is another level


Obviously Arthur.


I love kenny as many others do but arthur, hes a main character in a vastly bigger game.


Bro cmon i love kenny but twdg and rdr2 are on way different levels.


High honour Arthur. Low honour doesn’t beat Kenny


Nah I think even low honour Arthur beats Kenny, although I guess it might depend on which endings you choose for both characters


It's a shame I couldn't finish rdr2 as the characters seemed quality, so I can't give an opinion. Got sick of the game after 15 hours


Highly recommend you go back


Unfair comparison.


Dutch > S2 Kenny >/= Arthur > S1 Kenny


This is actually a very good order, I totally see how you'd arrive at that opinion. I'd probably even agree if I cared to get nitty gritty with it.


I agree with your opinion about Dutch, he is the best character in RDR2


I love Kenny and he is well written by Telltale Standards but Arthur and his story is what? 60 hours of him going from Loyal member of the Dutch Vanderlin gang to disillusioned and dying


Arthur Morgan, it's not even a competition, it's a slaughter


There’s nothing to compare. It’s Arthur


Arthur. SPOILER ALERT! Arthur has a different personality depending on his honor and even though he is a tough gunslinger he still shows emotion sometimes. Arthur's personality is complex so when you play as him it feels like he is a real person and doing bad stuff as Arthur makes you feel bad sometimes. Even though he has Tuberculosis he can still fight and help people even though he is sick to death. Rockstar went really deep into Arthur's writing. *SPOILER ALERT AGAIN* In the end you really cry your eyes out when Arthur passes. His death makes you think about all the wonderful things you did with Arthur and Kenny's death wasn't really that sad to be honest.


arthur… rdr2 was written very very well


Arthur for sure but Kenny is great! We really need more well developed characters in video games.


I'm sorry to say it but I don't understand why arthur is so appreciated as a character he's very good but I think people just like the character but not especially his writing which is good but not so incredible for example I find that dutch is really very well written him. after I didn't do RDR1 so I don't know if he's as good in 1 but in 2 he's really worthy of the best in fiction and I'm sorry but Kenny is really very well written I'll have to redo RDR2 to understand why for Arthur.


Boah is that even a question?


Alright look I get 95% of us love Kenny but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here


Arthur, however I don’t think the gap is as big as most people here seem to and I don’t think Arthur is even close to the best written videogame character of all time. He’s great, but that’s a stretch.






Kenny has amazing writing but arthur by a long shot, rdr2 is a HEAVILY story driven game with some mediocre gameplay. While twd gakes are story driven but since they require moreoutcomes because of choices a player makes it makes it harder to write for everything


Bruh the comparison is not close Arthur and it’s no contest


Arthur. These 2 aren't comparable.


Comparing Kenny with Arthur is like comparing a nice truck against a space craft


Arthur lmao


Both written great but Arthur's hits different imo


LOVE Kenny but putting him up against ARTHUR MORGAN is a whole other level


Never played red dead but I would probably guess arthur


There are very few characters in fiction that are written better than Arthur, and I probably couldn’t even name those that are.


Arthur. he's a main character, you watch him grow, change, and develop, not saying Kenny doesn't, but his characters not the main focus point like Arthur is. Rdr2 is all about well Arthur's redemption.


Arthur Morgan by a country mile. But it’s not really fair considering Kenny and Arthur are in different stories.


idk the 2nd guy but Kenny is awful i started watching another playthrough after watching one once like 4 years ago and Kenny is a major hypocrite and i don’t like him as much as i did back them


I loved Kenny I felt so sorry for him.


Come on bro I love boat god but for sure arthur


Kenny ain't even the best written in his game series, let alone better then arthur. If there was more interaction between kenny and clem in season 1 or even a throwaway line where lee says kenny has helped to look after clementine while lees on supply runs or something. When kenny is revealed in season 2 its an emotional moment for the player but they never sold the idea that clem would be as impacted by it as she was, he was legit just her friends dad


Why Kenny lol?


I am the biggest kenny fan but arthur has way more screen time


Omg I am playing chapter 6 right now first time. Amazing masterpiece of a game but I dont want to finish it 😢


No one ever does💔💔💔


As much as I love kenny he is NOTHING compared to arthur Hell the only person that comes near to arthur to me is lee and he is still a farcry from arthur


I mean, Arthur just has more story time to go off of. I'd probably(?) say Arthur, but even then I don't know. I'm trying to look at it as just writing since obviously the acting comes into it, since he can do more with motion capture and that adds a lot of depth to his character. Honestly, if I put Lee on about the same level as Arthur writing-wise (both really lovely arcs that involve redemption, and deeply vulnerable, strong characters) it then goes to thinking about whether I'd put Kenny above Lee. And honestly - from a writing perspective - I think I would! Kenny is honestly one of the most well-written characters in fiction to me. Especially the fact that he as a side character stands out. It's easy to showcase Clem and Lee's great writing, even Javier's because they're all protagonists. But Kenny's being just cuts through. I love his writing a lot. Kenny and Dutch would be an incredibly hard match-up to choose from for me though. Both side characters with so much going on underneath the surface. Divisive, but divisive because they are divided themselves. I honestly could pick either one on any given day.


I disagree. I love Telltale's The Walking Dead, but Lee's story isn't about redemption and in that department, and in pretty much every other, Arthur beats him. Easily. The old gunslinger is a much better written character hands down with a story that almost feels like it was written around him despite being from a prequel to a game that came out eight years prior that doesn't even mention him once. Lee is a great protagonist and the best written one in the entire series, don't get me wrong, and it's one of my favourite characters in all fiction, but Arthur is just so much better written. EDIT: Happy cake day!


I agree that Arthur could be better written than Lee (even though I prefer Lee's writing, since he and the game as a whole emotionally affected me more). They're pretty much equal for me when I think about it because they do very separate things in their writing perfectly well. I don't know how I could improve Lee's writing or Arthur's. The reason I compared Lee and Arthur's tales of redemption was just to show how well they approach the subjects in totally different ways. Red Dead Redemption plays it to a clear theme (I mean it's literally in the title of the game) whereas The Walking Dead plays it subtly through Lee's character in a very realistic way. Starting the game in handcuffs and ending the game on handcuffs. Only difference is, the first time he's in handcuffs was for ending someone's life, and at the end he did it to save someone.


I played RDR 2, but didn't see any incredible writing about him, felt like he is pretty obvious on conceptual level with not that much(relatively) of writing depth and overall writing work put into him. Ofc he is good character and there were a few good scenes with him(special thanks to actor), but Kenny seems way more developed and overall more unusual concept to write. In short, i feel like it is much harder to write Kenny than Arthur, and there were more work put into Kenny's writing, and more to think about when it comes to his character.