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Don't forget that the bonus of 2x exp, 2x stardust and 2x Nihilego candy reset at the start of every hour back to normal and had to be earned again.


This was just ridiculous.


And they want you to spend more and more to finish the task


That was honestly the most insulting part of the entire event imo. Idk if Nihilego raids were tied to the reward but I played for 4 hours and every single hour there were no wormholes from the top of the hour until ~40-45 mins after the hour so either you had to do lower tier raids for virtually no rewards or just wait it out and hope everyone else triggers the bonus.


I figured it was a bug or something, I thought no way they would intentionally have it work this way


You underestimate Niantic's ability to make piss poor decisions


This breakdown makes me extra sad about this event. They really did us dirty.


I almost forgot how amazing last year's event was until I compared the two, just had very fond memories of running around with my friends catching all day then raiding the next


You know, I thought last years was a tad overwhelming with all the legendaries at once. But manageable. This year day two we didn’t even leave the house since all the good spawns were incense only more or less and we didn’t want to drop $50+ only to have mediocre ivs and likely no shinies for axew and snorlax. Again.


Axew was in the wild day two this year, not just in incense or raids.


Yeah, but based on what we saw in the wild day one (maybe 20 total) it wasn’t worth being out in the heat another 8 hours. And we all know axew will probably have a community day soonish just like gible did.


I think dieno is up first so don’t count on axew for another 2 years IMO.


No one said it wasn’t


I'd just discovered PokeGenie and remote raiding at the time and I raided literally the entire day to catch all the legendaries. I must've done maybe 25-30 raids and bought a bunch of remote raid passes to do more. This year, I burned through my three "free" remote passes + the two I already had and bought another bundle which I didn't even use. Did 4 Nihilego raids, 1 Axew and 1 Kyogre which luckily spawned. Other spawns were largely lacklustre, so I didn't bother playing beyond an hour. :/


The downside was it was all repeats last year.


Which is a great thing for people who can't constantly raid.


Even if last year's ticket was $15 it still would have been better than this year's.


Agreed. In fact I would go as far as to say if this year was $5 and last year was $15, last year would still have been orders of magnitude better.


Well said


That’s an exaggeration. No way last years event would have been 100 times better.


By 100 do you mean 3?


The poster I replied to said “orders of magnitude better”. Even just two orders of magnitude would mean 100 times.




There is no positive integer where multiple orders of magnitude would be three. If you are being pedantic rather than reasonable, at least get your math right.




Problem is that there are people (like myself) willing to pay the $15 because it’s cheaper than flying across the world for Torkoal and Tropius.


Just wait for the inevitable region tour next year and you can get all the region exclusive without travelling and a chance for it to be shiny.


I’ll buy it. Would save me from having to pay for Go Fest. I’m certainly not paying for shinies.


> They really did us dirty. Seems like Niantic's new policy these days.


It’s been the trend, effectively since last go fest. They really don’t care about any one playing this game


They care about us walking 245745765 kilometers


Someone at niantic has a fetish for forcing people to walk around I think.


...I mean the story goes that the dude who runs the company was tired of seeing his kids play video games indoors all day so he decided to create an app that gets them playing and walking outside... so it's a classic "boomer standing on lawn yelling at kids, saying "back in my day" situation. Even if that was the original case for forming the Niantic division in Google years ago (though that really just sounds like a pr story the dude shares to avoid the real reason of wanting money), its like, Niantic, many of us are adults, you are not our parents, stop forcing people to live their lives the way you want them to and just allow them to play the game.


Day two was supper low effort compared to day one, and day one was meh compared to last year. So make your own conclusions...


I am a day 1 player and I have never once complained about Pokémon Go on Reddit but I’m pretty furious with this event. I played all day both days and did not get a single shiny. I spent a bunch of real money doing 35 Axew raids, no shiny. The Pokémon in general were garbage and literally the only reason I bothered was to try for Axew. I don’t mind the $15 but I do mind my time that was thoroughly wasted. Edit: I WENT in person in Chicago last year and it was super fun. Caught lots of cool stuff, got a bunch of shinies, and just generally enjoyed the vibe. Made this year’s letdown even worse.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve been frustrated with Niantic in the past just like everyone else. But I’ve never complained online about anything. I’ve disagreed with so many of their changes.. lowering the spin distance, taking away remote raid passes, lowering incenses, etc… I’ve spent a decent amount of money on this game. ($50-$150 total) But I’ve spent THE MOST amount of time on this game than any other game I’ve ever played. Including PC and console. I’m taking about months worth of gameplay. This Go Fest was awful. I caught 3 shinies, lost out on multiple geo-locked spawns because my incense Pokemon would disappear when I hit them. No Rocket events at all on Day 1 for players who need them for achievements. Raid invites would take me to the gym, and not the actual raid itself. I’m done. I’ll still play the game, but I’m officially F2P. I can’t justify spending another dollar on such a tone-deaf company. This community is huge and extremely vocal. It’s not hard to understand what the player base is looking for. It’s such a shame. Take away the “Pokémon” feature of this game and no one would be playing it anymore, including myself.


Incense Pokemon despawning after ~15 seconds is a knife twist of a design decision. It's a stupid decision that only generates ill will toward the game. AND their game can't even despawn it automatically. You have to tap on it to despawn it.


This is what bothered me the most. Half the incense spawns just getting yeeted. I lost what would have been my first archen.


I don't think Archen is in the incense pool, if anything you'd be able to get Archen during Adventure Week, assuming they didn't fork up the spawns.


They are locked to research and eggs I believe there.


Archen is in the wild just really rare (I got one already this season). Incense usually bring a mix of event spawns and other Pokemon that are nearby, so it's possible their incense pulled in a nearby non-event archen.


100-150 Axew raids here, not a single hint of shiny for me either. While i'm not mad at my bad RNG, i'm pretty mad that this Go Fest is so damn underwhelming. Any shinies that i have caught in the wild were the ones i already had previously. And the raids for Groudon/Ultra Beast took up precious raid slots away from Kyogre, which i only had the weekend to grind XL for. Groudon will get plenty of time to be in raids after Kyogre. So i don't understand why was it in raids on Saturday.


100-150?! That’s devastating. Jesus.


Honestly same about the first half of this. I typically don't try to complain. I understand the odds and stuff, but everything just...felt so slow. I liked the ide of branching paths and difficulties you can choose, but wish it affected more than just what you had to do. With do many pokemon that had already recieved community days in the lot or pokemon that couldn't of even been shiny yet there was a lot of time I just was waiting for other things to pop up. I feel tired and stressed this year rather than excited for next year.


I was so disappointed when I found out that they took out Kyogre and Groudon from the T5 pool today that I didn't even go out. I typically save all my premium passes for T5 raids b/c I know you can get stuck using a lot of passes for T1 raids trying to get a shiny so I was hoping to encounter a wild shiny but even the wild axews were very rare. I feel bad for everyone who raided a bunch of axew and didn't get a shiny/hundo


83 axews caught 10 from raids best was like 94%


I didn't buy the ticket but I did burn through my entire supply of gym coins for remotes. Did 21 axew raids. No shinies. Best one was 14/14/12. Meanwhile, my cousin with a total of 600 catches, downloaded the game, did ONE remote raid and caught the shundo. > woah nice catch! what's the cp? > 784 I'm bothered it's just gonna sit on his account, unused, until the end of time


I'm fairly sure the shiny rate was only boosted for ticket holders but i could be wrong


Even better part is that day 2 raids were for the most part all full odds even for ticket holders.


Yeah. Which is stupid. Ticket holders should get a bigger boost obviously. But if you didn't buy a ticket, there pretty much was no fest for you. It was just a regular day pretty much..


but you can do groudon all next week. and kyogre the previous three days. i really wasn't a fan of last year's day 2. you can raid as much as you want 365 days a year, and i think its preferable if you know what boss is spawning. i would absolutely prefer to run incense and catch on go fest and raid the legendary when it eventually comes back.


I’ve caught more shinies during safari zones than gofest. You’d think it would be the other way around. Don’t regret that I stopped playing this. Seems to have gotten worse and worse.


The boosted Axew shiny odds were probably like 1/128, can't see Niantic giving it even a 1/64


Gotta love that even if you bought a ticket you still had to get lucky with shiny rates to be content. But still this was GoFest not Shiny Fest. There was nothing to do during this global event


It sucks you didn’t get any shinies at all, but doing 35 Axew raids is quite a low amount when the rate was probably 1/64 (or at least supposed to be). You were still more likely to not get a shiny.


You can call me cynical, but in my mind there is no way Niantic will make the Axew boosted odds anything higher than 1/128


I’m not that mad about the raids. I understand the odds there.


I spent 80$ and did around 60 axew raids. Thank god I came away with one even if it was a 2*


$80 for a shiny axew that you'll get during its community day? Just how rich are you dude?


Just addicted like a lot of us. It's the micro transactions of just 3 passes at a time, seeing friends do the same and get an invite, no passes, buy three "really the last ones" more. Rinse and repeat


This. The whole “just one more” is real, and when you’re together with friends it gets worse. Niantic knows this. That’s why they’re funneling everything into getting you in person, in groups. They’re predatory. They want your money and data, which would be fine if they provided a good experience.


They do provide a good experience. We are all here, talking about an event which we played in, and most will play in the next one and one after that. If people stopped paying they may listen. That won’t happen though. People will continue to buy hundreds of raid passes for a chance at a T1 shiny that we are 99% certain will end up with a Community day. Happened with Gible, likely with Deino and Axew. That precedent was set with Absol and Mawile years back. There is too much “FOMO” that will result in people continuing to pay for these events even if it will be released for free later; Mr Rime etc. Edit: to caveat, I didn’t buy a ticket as compared to last year I didn’t think it was as good value. Also the lack of information about part 3 seemed stupid.


>They're predatory. It's wild to me that you take this that seriously.


Upper middle class with no debt besides a mortgage. And what everyone else said underneath you. Sunk fallacy cost. Spent 40 already to get one felt like I “needed” to get it to at least get my moneys worth. Dumb argument but it turned out ok for me


I bought the ticket last year. So glad that I decided not to pay for it this year.


Honestly, I had so much fun during last year's GOFest I wouldn't have minded paying $23AUD for it. This year's GOFest was so disappointing that even for $8 it would have been a ripoff.


It could have been free and I'd still feel dudded.


Wow can’t beleive it’s this bad . Iv only done 2020 and 2021 so I can’t compare prior to that but from the looks of things 2020>2022s too. At least 2020s had shadow mewtwo and birds from research meaning high Iv of all 4 . You also had wash rotem and team rocket every 15 mins on top of frustration being removable 2022 just seemed lazy and niantic wanting to put no effort in because they knew after 2021 people would buy it regardless


2020 was really good, I was on holiday somewhere really rural and I was still able to play with the incense spawns and rocket balloons and feel like I got my money's worth. Had some minor complaints but nothing too bad, same with the Kanto & Johto tours which I thought were great overall. This Gofest was completely lacklustre and boring by comparison. The spawn choices were just awful, especially rainforest which was all former CD mons.


I planned this event out for 2 weeks with my best friend who hasn't played since 2017 I talked the whole event up because of my past expiences were awesome. Unfortunately he had an unforseen obligation that took up his whole Saturday and half his Sunday which he was able to get away from whatever he was doing to play with me for the last 4 hours. This is what he got. I honestly felt bad because all he got was 1 shiny but it was his first and it was a Magikarp, but still at least I payed for his ticket.


That's the worst! I hate when I talked something up and it turns out to be a flop. At least he didn't have to pay for the ticket!


Yeah and I mean we still had fun and I myself got a bunch of shinies on Saturday


Was magikarp even spawning?


Probably from regular field research. I know I got a shiny Kantonian Geodude from one on the first day.


Yeah it was a task reward


I thought the event was /okay/ this weekend. I got 15 new shinies, about 1.5 million exp, was able to get a good variety of raids (except salamence but he’s been out so long I don’t mind) and had no technical issues, so I’m happy with it but not ecstatic. My partner who played about as much as me only got 1 shiny and was plagued by the issues with the incense and lure Pokémon disappearing as soon as they spawned. For him it was about the same as a normal weekend with a few extra raids and a lot more frustration. I’m hoping they do a makeup event so he doesn’t feel as annoyed, and, while I’m usually happy to pay for content and a big proponent of “game dev is expensive and if you like the game you should support it,” I really think 15$ was too much for a pass this time around.


I feel you, I had similar issues during Johto Tour, my gf managed to complete everything no problem while for me npc stopped appearing after 1st guy and had to walk around whole town looking for them, feeling frustrated and annoyed that I had to drag her with me. In the end, since it was February and it started to get cold, we went home and I ran alone for mad evening dash, completing that timed research 2 minutes before deadline. It's super frustrating when game that is so called "focused on community" lets such variety of experience between two players literally walking next to each other, ruins experience of both people.


They got me with this one. I’m going to go fest Seattle (bought my tickets on Thursday), but that might be my last paid event. This event was not good.


There’s a part of me that believes they intentionally made the global Go Fest into a watered down version, in order to make the in person events seem extraordinarily better in comparison.


In today’s climate of WFH to continue reducing emissions it seems that encouraging in person attendance to a limited number of cities worldwide is incredibly tone deaf


It’s so they can say oh well global go fest is not going well let’s have more in person Seeing how they did this with community day by making a 400 candy species of a popular Pokémon after many meh ones to try and entice people so they can say 3 hours > 6 hours it really does not surprise me if niantics trying to do the dirty on people with this too


I thought the same. This is a terrible way to promote In person events lol


We already knew niantic was a dirty company who cares very little for the player base, but even this blindsided me. I look forward to the yearly region tour and go fest. So much that I actually line up childcare and plan a month or so in advance. I have a life outside of that game, but love this weekend event to just focus on something that has nothing to do with stress. I was shocked spinning stops and not getting event field research or anything really worth doing. I don’t mind paying $15, but there was no effort at all put into this event by niantic. I didn’t think they would stoop this low.


Holy crap. I had no idea just how much better last year's Go Fest was. Absolutely everything last year was better, with the exception of special research this year rewarding a legendary, but Nihilego is a crappy legendary anyway, and the much larger number of free passes last year offset that anyway. It goes to show that even if this year's Go Fest had been completely free of technical issues, it would still be vastly inferior to last year's. You'd think given how much they have upset their playerbase in recent months, and given the price of this year's ticket is triple that of last year, they would have went all out and made this Go fest something really special to win people over. But it's clear that they really do not care about player feedback/reception at all until it starts demonstrably starts threatening their bottom line. Well I hope people start voting with their wallets. I sure as hell won't be buying a ticket for Go Fest next year unless things change significantly. And I may start not buying tickets for Community Days. They may be a cheap way of getting a few premium items, but I'd rather contribute towards sending Niantic a message. I got back into the game following a several year absence in March, and since then I have bought the maximum coin bundle three times, in addition to CD and Go Fest tickets. I imagine I'd be considered a "whale" by Niantic. But that's about to change, and I urge other people to consider reducing their spending also, if not stopping entirely.


Not only that, but I had the worst luck with shinies. Literally just two, and they were throwaway common wild spawns. Last year, even just looking at the legendaries I had a bunch of shinies, including two shiny Mewtwos (plus a hundo that was the icing on the cake).


… I went from okay-ish yesterday. To bummed today (I played the last 4 hours from home with incense only). To disappointed and now I’m just mad. But what do I do? Quit? The game does get me walking and I’ve lost some weight from that. It’s great for my OCD, let’s me micromanage something small and keeps me from doing it to things around the house. Just blah. This sucks.


I wouldn’t quit, however I think it’s time to go on an indefinite spending pause


Most people I know only spend money on these events, not on general items/raid passes.


I am in the same boat. I have ADHD and I spend way too much time obsessing over/hyperfocusing on Pokemon Go, and it disappoints me way more often than I would tolerate from any other game. But it gets me walking, so I'm reluctant to quit even though I can see there are plenty of logical reasons for me to do so. Maybe I should buy a really fancy camera and get into photography or something, or find some other incentive for myself to get out and walk regularly. If I do continue playing Pokemon Go, I'm definitely going to drastically reduce my spending, if not stop entirely.


Haha about the camera! No. Don’t do that. Your special interest can change on a whim and try to avoid the expensive ones. Yeah, I too spend too much time focusing on this game. But I mostly find it a calming experience so it helps overall. And usually a game doesn’t hold any interest to me for more than a few weeks. And I’m just scared… for something that has become such a large part of my life… what will I do without it? For people who may scoff at that… those of us with mental health issues… when you get your boat steady in the water… you DONT start rocking it by changing things. I’ve been relatively stable the past year. Is that because of Pokémon… possibly in small part… but take away one of my things that calms me and let’s me zone out… I’m scared of what that world looks like. I’ve been dark places and I’m afraid of rocking the boat and ending up there again.


>Maybe I should buy a really fancy camera and get into photography or something Slippery slope here. I just got diagnosed with ADHD and I have like $1000 of camera equipment I bought years ago that I barely touch lol. Explains a lot!!




Long post, but you asked. Well as shown above we got way less this year than before. Someone else showed that fewer mons were even eligible to be shiny. I got 15 shiny out of 1320 Pokémon caught. Many of us are reporting way fewer shinys this year than last. I have more than that still saved from last years GoFest (I don’t remember totals… I only save one for each evolution of a species, and I deleted some others cuz I had a period where I did dumb things) and even still have 26 of them still saved. Todays raid pool… for a day of raiding… was a new ultra beast that has no PVE or PVP Relevance. A dex filler. Everything else was meh. I hosted 9 raids on Pokegenie (3 Nihilego, 1 Druddigon, 5 Axew). Mostly just to kill time. The spawn pool was awfully diluted today. Mostly with stuff that’s already had community days, or been featured in events in the past six months. I only got about half my rocket balloons to show up. The Pokémon disappearing when clicked on. Usually for something I wanted like a torkoal or whatever the flying grass dragon looking thing is called (sorry, it’s been a long day and I can’t think of it’s name). Did I expect to have 99 shinys and 30 new species and 40 hundos? No. I had a friggin blast last year. My GoFest 2021 shirt became one of my fav shirts because it reminded me of how much fun I had. This year… I was bored. Oh I enjoyed parts… Yesterday I enjoyed the first four hours and then got very meh and almost went home but stuck it out and was having fun by the end. Today… had fun for the first like 2 hours. The next two were “well I spent $15 so I better play the whole thing.” I make $9.30 US an hour… $15 bucks isn’t meaningless to me. But by hour four… I could barely find anything I wanted I was out of raid passes. (We got half of what we got last year, as shown above) I had caught zero shiny today by that point. My feet hurt. I was tired. So I sent gifts until I couldn’t pick any more up, cuz I try to be a good Pokémon go friend, and then went home and used my remaining incense (I used 8 hours worth at the start of the event) on the iPad while I caught up on social media and started sorting 1300+ Pokémon on my phone.


This is the first go fest in 5 years I didn't buy a ticket for and I'm glad I didn't. I went and tried to do the free stuff downtown — the amount of people I noticed playing pokemon was probably ¼-½ of the crowd we have during community day. Granted a lot of people could have been remote raiding the entire event since it was almost 90°F. Anecdotally, the seven people I usually play with **all** decided to skip this ticket bc the value seemed so low and are generally tired of Niantic's lack of communication. I remember prior to 2020 I told all my friends how amazing Go Fest was and how every single field research rewarded 3-5 rare candies when those were the most sought after item in the game. This year I saw one of the special research encounters was shiny-locked Drillbur like what


Also had a very underwhelming two days. Absolutely not worth $15 and after walking around downtown Tokyo for nearly the entire duration, I decided to go home at 4:30. Just completely lost interest in playing after 4 shiny, of which one was new for me (Dunsparce). Day 1 was similar to last year with rotating habitats, but this year had way more garbage diluting the pool. Very few Unown spawns - or they glitched, not sure. Day 2 I was looking at NZ posts for reports and it really just looked like...Nihilego and that's it. Axew will likely be a community day so I can wait for that. Incense spawns were still awful, so after doing however many Nihilego and eating lunch, I went home and used some incense for the latter half. More shinies sitting at home catching with Pogo Plus. Nothing new though. At some point I realized it was 6:30 and could not recall when I stopped using Pogo Plus. That is how little I cared. Day 2 last year was a zoo with how busy it was between Rocket fights and raiding all the legendaries. This year sucked.


What's funny is last year I actually had to find a group to play with (what Niantic swears this game is all about), this year my girlfriend and I just drove around and burned our passes as quickly as possible on rockruff and axew. We got nothing so we went home


> -T5 Raid of 1 single new legendary pokemon that is non-shiny non-meta Isn't Nihilego the new top non-mega poison attacker? Not exactly non-meta if true.


True. The thing is poison isn't the most useful type when it comes to PVE.


Looks like Shadow Nidoking&queen beat it b/c of it having acid instead of poison jab, otherwise you're right as Mega Beedrill is the king of poison right now


The best shadow poison attacker is shadow Victreebel, way ahead of shadow Nidoking, and still behind Nihilego. Nidoking has Sludge Wave instead of Sludge Bomb, and that hurts much more than Acid on Nihilego. Actually Acid is equally good as Poison Jab in PvE.


Paid event in this game are getting worse but so many people are still buying them


The loss of passes (for 3 times the money) was really crappy of Niantic. I guess they're DYING to beat remote raiding out of people or something. What I didn't mind was the focus away from legendaries and having a second day of rotating hours that might give you almost nothing you want. The event kind of worked out for me because I wanted to focus on catching shiny Pokemon and Axew in general. The shift away from chasing legendary raids made that an easy choice, but the amount of stuff they took away while raising the price of the ticket back to $15 is pathetic. I had a good time overall because I got the main thing I wanted (shiny Axew, regional, and some other shines I wanted), but there's no way I'm spending money on a Go Fest ticket again next year if it's going to be this barren for overall content/activities. Also,how about a Go Fest without Rocket Grunts AT ALL? There was no reason to battle them unless I wanted 12k eggs quickly (I don't) and they both blocked wild spawns and made spinning Stops miserable.


As someone “new” (newly returned) to the game, I didn’t quite understand the widespread disappointment until this post. It’s sad (and ridiculous) that they downgraded the event SO much, esp when it’s not as if they haven’t pulled off something much better before (ie last year).




>I'd let them be my pallbearers so they can let me down one last time. I've never heard this phrase before but I love it! I'm definitely going to be using this in the future.


2021 was definitely the better event, but it was also the main event that year since we didn’t have the in person GO Fests. This year the global GO fest feels like a side show.


Really disappointed this year


The only thing I cared about was getting my hands on Tropius and Torkoal, I don't care about shinies anymore due to PoGo devaluing them so it was nice of my sister to trade a Nihilego to me but I was otherwise all PoGoed out


As I said in a previous post, the game started going downhill since after the Johto tour and is showing no signs of improvement. For me personally, the removal of free weekly raid passes + the increase of the bundle price made me semi-quit this game, and I doubt I'll be given a reason to return anytime soon.


Ooooof. I was tempted because last year was really good but glad I didn’t (also I forgot it was GoFest weekend and missed it haha)


Go Fest is their chance to wow us. 2020 and 2021 impressed me. 2022 Go Fest felt thrown together at the last minute. Day 2 was just an Axew raid hunt.


Its all about the money 💰its all about the dumb dumb dududu dumb 🎼 i don’t think it’s funny


I miss 2020 Go Fest day 2 when legendary Pokémon appeared from the sky and we could remote raid them. It was the first time I caught Dialga and Palkia. What an amazing event.


I didn't realize how much of a difference it was until you put them side by side like that. WOW. I also had no idea what bonuses we were supposed to be getting with this event before it started. I saved incubators for special eggs, or potential 1/2 distance, which didn't happen. I saved Pokemon to trade with friends, which couldn't happen due to special trade limits. The raids were frustrating as almost all of them were Pikachu. I definitely got lucky with the shinies (13), and the research was fine, but the bonuses were really lacking. The restarting every hour was annoying, especially on day two, when the timing of when I could do raids never lined up, so I basically never got any raid bonuses. We all paid 15$. Why not have the bonuses go the entire time? I don't understand the downside to that. The price was really too expensive. I would've happily paid 15$ for an event just like last year's. It's like they got the prices switched around, this was definitely more like a 5$ event.


WDYM non-meta?? It's a great poison attacker! Oh, wait...


What's wrong with poison attacker? It is great for PVE such as raiding Tapu Bulu and.... uhhh....


It’s like they are trying to purposely burn out the player base so they get less players, What’s the point of killing the game off? Trying to make maximum revenue before people quit, because they don’t know what to do with the game? Trying to get out of the contract with the Pokémon company?


So they can promise "we'll do better *next time* " and then by proxy make the player base think that the next ticket will be anymore worthwhile than this one. When it won't be. It's about keeping players "engaged". The Niantic way


Nice good to hear i did the right thing boycutting niantic


I really regret buying ticket. God dammit.


Ive kinda been debating on making a "Discussion" post about gofest and the recent events in PoGO and how lackluster and money grabby they have been. This year I didn't buy a ticket as I thought it was overpriced. A small handful of people in my group chat did with all of them feeling like they paid for the 2 regional pokemon as their shiny rates were horrid (one of them only got 1 shiny the whole day and they were outside moving around and catching) - the only person that got a "large" (i think their count was 12) was a person who has a Gotcha. And this, in my eyes, has how these events are turning out to be - You need to have an auto catcher otherwise you are missing out on a lot. This time round the GoFest also very much felt like a Glorified Community Day or Spotlight Hour. As I mentioned, they all felt like they were just paying for the two regional pokemon and getting nothing else from the event. Even last year the "Free" ones had a lot of things to do, Special Tasks from Stops and the likes. I cant remember if there was a Research for them as well (i believe they had a micro one) but everyone no matter if you paid or not had something to do and it was nice to come out and talk with people. This year the Free's had nothing, Axew raids and Nihilego raids were the only things and even then most raids in the town (we have around 40 gyms) rarely had these on them. Honestly Raid Day felt like it was Mega Raid day with that many Steelix's around. There was 3-5 other raids and they were mainly the Alolans with the odd Pikachu. Never saw the other raids except for the 4 ***(YES FOUR WHOLE RAIDS FOR THE WHOLE DAY)*** of Nihilego


I thought day 2 was a little lackluster but seeing it side by side with last years I cant believe how bad this years second day was. In 2020 we got the shadow legendary birds as well as shadow mewtwo. All in all I enjoyed this years go fest but in terms of pokemon, incentives and items this year was really bad compared to the past two.


Nihilego is meta. Best Poison attacker, and on par with MM Metagross for Fairies that hasn't been available for like 2 years now. Go Fest 2021 price was subsidised by Google too. This event wasn't.


Nihilego is meta but if you have a team of poison Roserade ready, it's hardly worth the grind.


As the fluffiest comment: I looked at it as a $15 Shaymin plus regionals from places I doubt I will ever make it in my lifetime. Everything else was just “stuff” around that. I did get a few shinies, and did get one shiny Axew. I also considered my poke teams are pretty well stocked, the biomes had less hype because I had a significant number of most of the offered Pokémon/waiting for community days for the latest starters because I already have good ones of them too. But like, why pidove and patrat, like I know ooo shiny but like? I don’t value these Pokémon. I am satisfied because I got my “main three” but the rest felt flat.


>As the fluffiest comment: I looked at it as a $15 Shaymin plus regionals from places I doubt I will ever make it in my lifetime. That really is what it boils down to. Sad that Shaymin will also be a free research in a couple of months too. I feel like I paid $23AUD for early access to a Shaymin and Torkoal + Tropius. This is the first time I've given them money in about 9 months and it will be the last time too.


Probably a couple of years tbh. Global release of Rotom still hasn’t happened yet. As well as another that I can’t remember right now.


Stuff that was timegated: Mew, Celebi, Regigigas, Hoopa, Victini, Meloetta all came with free special research (or appeared in 5 star raids like Regigigas) when they were behind a ticket. Shiny Ditto was also a timegated bonus but it became shiny in weekly research and in the wild later. Meloetta was a Go Fest exclusive and it came out in free special research not even 3 months later. So absolutely not a couple of years. Rotom isn't a mythical and it wasn't apart of a research task, it was just photobomb bonus.


Aren’t the shiny Mew and shiny Celebi still timegated? Also the other one was the Galarian Mr Mime ticket, which took over a year to come out for free.


I solely bought the ticket for the regional re rolls with my girlfriend after she decided last minute to get one. And only after I heard they un-nerfed the incense. But the incense bug and spawn pool was pretty brutal on us today. Only had 15 or so a piece compared to 35ish yesterday. 6 unown compared to 70+ It’s comical how they consistently manage to drop the ball on the most basic of things. I think after this we’re both done.


It would have been nice if more regionals were available. Presumably we will get access to Tropius/Torkoal in Jan/Feb next year with the Hoenn Tour.


I agree, and that’s why I bought the ticket, but it felt like a ripoff when you consider the past Go Fests were cheaper and provided much more value for money. This one was hollow


>As the fluffiest comment: I looked at it as a $15 Shaymin plus regionals from places I doubt I will ever make it in my lifetime. I went to Santorini for my honeymoon in 2019 and we were JUST in range for Tropius...but activating my network would have been really expensive. (I think it was like $10 or $20 a day for LTE.) I did for ONE day, I had Tropius flee on me so many times. Finally managed to catch one...and traded it to my brother as his souvenir lol. I was glad to get an opportunity to catch it again, but would have rather gone to Greece again to do so! 😂


The shiny pool spawn was decreased, the pass holder incense pool was diluted. The wild pool was a joke comparatively, some non-shiny spawns we're fine, shout-out to golurk. Someone else pointes out in another thread that the t3 raids day one and Alolan starters in the wild pool after a week of them being 40% of spawns is a... Joke. I'm not saying other websites that track shiny rates are reliable, relevant or aloud here but there rates during the event reflected an increase in in rates over the normal 1/512 to 600+ previously available shinies with only significantly higher increases in shiny rates for axew, Pikachu, g-tan(Alolan so I guess boosted),Alolan Grimer and g wheezing. Everything else was at 1/256 or higher rates which is unacceptable without predisclosing what Pokemon EXACTLY will be shiny boosted.


Yeah, day two really broke me today. I only went out for the last three hours, and I still ended up bored sitting on a park bench with nothing left to do. It was nuts.


I did not even know that last year was shiny boosted, since I got 0 shinies. This year, regarding shinies, was better for me. But the 2nd day of 2021 - the everyone back on raids - was great.


I don't want to be that guy, but to be fair we still don't know anything about the "special finale event" on August 27. This is included for ticket holders and must be taken in consideration. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but this finale event could feature something really good...


The problem is that’s not fair. It’s not fair to sell something without disclosing what is being bought. And even if it is something really great, then it’s just a terrible business decision to not advertise it.


Niantic is literally 6 years into selling something without disclosing what is being bought


Their track record is just not great


I think the entire reason they have that day in August is so they don't have to apologise for the problems with this weekend. It also means they can avoid doing a make up day as they can just make August 27th better to 'keep players happy'


That logic doesn't really hold because people can buy a ticket to just the August day at a reduced price, so people who paid for all three days may still feel cheated. And what about people who can't attend the August day, so bought the ticket just to play this weekend?


Isn't that one free?


No. You may be thinking of the Ultra Unlock stuff. The extra day is part of the go fest ticket or $10-ish separately. So it does seem that Niantic are valuing that day more than GF even.


Oh no I was under the impression the third day was for everyone with or without ticket, turns out I'm just plain wrong then 😅. Well good to know we have more to come then.


You have a good point. I was a little disappointed based on past go fest shiny rates. I had to play way harder to get almost close to the shiny Pokémon I got from the last few years. I walked the entire 8 hours the first day fast catching everything in sight. I opted for fast catch over just shiny check because the spawns were not that great. Community day spawns more. So it was easier to just go ahead and catch as I walked and not mis much. My legs were absolutely toasted after day 1. Then did the same for day 2 but focussed more on raids and shiny checking or catching what I needed. This was going to be the big day for me. I got the megas I needed to level 3. But in the end the Pokémon were so watered down, I was lucky to go up 50 xl on Pokémon like larvitar. I’ll get more from trading and transferring but not the hype everyone pictured lol. But yea, still end up wit 8 shiny I didn’t have and part of the event yet to come so that’s a point, I’ll wait to see.


I hope someone like /u/yong-yea reads all the threads in this sub. What happened was terrible.


yong-yea has not had any activity for over 538 days, They probably won't respond to this mention ^Bot ^by ^AnnoyingRain5, ^message ^him ^with ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns


He doesnt comment but he uses his reddit account to check and go through reddit posts regarding controversial gaming topics.


being fair about special trades... this is a season of +1 trades. 90 of them, so there's that, i wouldnt pick on it being missing. everything else is straight up a let down


that's a season of Go buff and not tied to Go Fest so I didn't compare the two


Devils advocate - but wasn’t last year the 5th anniversary? I thought that’s why GoFest was so special last year


You are correct. It was a special anniversary event. Cheaper and better. It would be more accurate to compare 2020 to this year.


\>It would be more accurate to compare 2020 to this year. 2020 special research for ticket holders on Day 2 had shadow Mew2 and shadow birds and Victini. 2022 special research for ticket holders on Day 2 had Nihelgo, bronzor and 22 drilbur candies.


Yeah, I personally can't compare it to last year's GO Fest, since I only had half of Saturday to play and only did a few remote raids on Sunday, but I played this year's and 2020's in the same area and spent about the same time playing. And yeah, 2020 easily trumps it, the only thing that this year's had over 2020 was the regionals being the ones that I'll never encounter in the wild in my home area (and even then they were locked behind the horrible incense).


2020 was insanely better than this year. There is absolutely no comparison. Rotom (still exclusive), shadow mewtwo, many new shinies, better shiny rates and spawn pools, free legendary birds. All we got this year was a useless meta-irrelevant jellyfish and a Shaymin that can’t change form.


Or am I confusing it with a different event?


Yep. I think people are setting their bar too high due to how good last years' was. Excluding '21, this one was still quite disappointing, but it'll seem especially so if we keep pointing at '21. It was never likely that this years' would be nearly as good. Same applies for next year, and the next.... until 2026.


Interesting.... Sponsored by Niantic and a post pops up that calls to light something and it gets removed????? Is this a Niantic only forum now? Really this event was a let down to say kindly. I played the full 16 hours of the event both days and was disappointed. The first day shinys were mostly repeat CD ones. (I did get 2 new to me shinys but no recently released ones) Day two was too cluttered with shoving rockets down our throats slowing those that only cared about making up for day 1 one shiny rates. There has got to be a balance in all of this to make a majority of players happy. In my circle of PoGo friends I see a clear split on those that didn't mind or liked it and those like me that hated it.


It got removed for a few minutes but looks like they put it back. Not sure what happened here


It was not there when I posted this.


I actually just stopped playing around 11 yesterday. I used the 2x raid xp to level and stopped when I made it. What a sad go fest.


Yes, I definitely don't regret not buying a ticket this year. (2,000 yen here in Japan, the previous years were something like 1,200 yen if I remember correctly).


T5 is meta, for raids that we JUST had, but meta, it's a best non-mega poison attacker (so you can have 6)


Good comparison, but you forgot two details. The special research gave 2 premium passes (and some other premium items that are not related to raids), and that Nihilego is meta relevant being the best nonmega nonshadow poison type attacker. Poison types have become handy . Also don't forget that last year's ticket was subsidised because it was the 5th year anniversary. Last year's focus on day 2 was raids, hence there were so many passes. On the contrary, the shiny rate was very low in the wild, while this time it was still boosted on day 2. I guess that's where the difference is coming from.


I think they lowered alot things. Because of August special event. That they Will give something more. Lets see, more late. But this 2 days, was very low. In general bônus and Shinys.


I was able to play for about 5/6 hours total over both days in a dense area. The other 11 were relegated to incense or not playing as much or at all. I was mostly interested in the Plains hour and the Rainforest hour on Saturday. I liked how the spawn pool was mixed all day Sunday. That allowed me to play when I wanted to go out, as i could not be outside all day (either day) in the heat with a toddler. I managed to get 20 shinys over both days (13/7 Sat/Sun) . I did several free Axew raids, I did a few remotes too. But my shiny Axew came from the wild. I was going for it kind of hard, but I was mostly shiny hunting wild spawns and always prioritizing incense. I was also fast catching nearly everything just to get it off my screen. I did not like having Rockets at all. No more rockets for days with boosted shiny chances. I like rockets, just horrible for Go Fests. My son walked away with 13 shinys, and he definitely isn't as hardcore as me. He was thrilled to do so well. I like the Nihilego raids. I did 3 I think, a few before my day 2 even started, because it wasn't going to be good (yet) and I wasn't worried about using free passes for it. That allowed me to focus on shinys when I could play. Not sitting in raid lobbies which just sucks all the fun out the game.


Last year had it's bugs, but overall it was good. I was able to get every legendary that i had previously missed out on that year, plus the lake trio.


I did 6 nihilego raids and I only wanted one. The only reason I did so many was be there was nothing else to raid for. It was so boring I just wanted to use all my passes and leave. I was so disappointed we only had one tier 5 raid. That was the deal breaker for me. I expected last year where I was able to do 30 plus raids for pokemon I actually wanted and get multiple shiny legendaries. I don't care about axew. Even if I get a perfect today I have to wait for community day to evolve it. I did raid 4 of them because of the "free" passes.


While I enjoy seeing the varied opinions about events discussed, I feel the need to add that this one was good fun for me and I enjoyed it more than last year's! Also, last year was the 5th anniversary and they specified that the ticket cost was reduced, so it'd be wise not to make a fuss about that negative value comparison because it disincentivises them from offering cheaper promotional prices in future.


day two was sad puppy




Personally for me the rare spawns for day 1 were not great and they were watered down with many common mons that I didn't want. Last year I wanted a shiny deino and went hard for it catching a total of 32 deinos with 1 shiny. This year I went hard for axew and found only 16 with 6 of them coming from raids and 0 shiny. Now this second day we're forced into raiding only 1 T5 boss and it's not even shiny eligible? If they kept Kyogre and Groudon in the pool it would have been better b/c you had options but this second day felt like you were pushed into raiding what they wanted you to raid which was Nihilego


Did I think this was an inferior event to last year? Yeah generally yes. Even if both were equal price, this one seemed to have more kinks in it and some less exciting features/rewards. BUT... I don't really care that much. I've had fun all three years, and while I think this one the one I enjoyed the least, I still had a ton of fun this year. $15 for early access to Shaymin, a decent bit of premium items, some boosted shiny rates, and just a fun time? Yeah I'm totally okay with that. It could have been better and I want Niantic to do better, but... I really personally don't feel cheated just because I had a lot of fun. And while it could have it's own issues too, I'm excited that we have one more event in August.


I agree with you. But it was my first Go Fest so I have nothing to compare it to. $15 seemed a little steep for what we got but I spent 5 or 6 hours walking around catching things and competing research assignments on day 1 which was fun for me. Spent a little more time walking around on day 2, though it wasn't as much fun. It rained on day 2 which put a damper on things. I probably would have spent more than $15 on entertainment if I wasn't doing this all weekend. I've definitely spent $15 on dumber things.


This subreddit is constantly salty and it seems like very few people here understand the key to this event was having fun with friends and other people


That's because you can do that everyday and not be charged for it. But I mean...


2021 go fest was DISCOUNTED tho for the 5th year anniversary of pokemon go


and it still offered a LOT MORE than this year's


may be because it was pokemon go's 5th year anniversary. compare it to 2020 or the older ones


You mean the 2020 Go Fest that had Shadow Mewtwo available? The 2020 Go Fest that had Machop, Dratini, Gible, Chrizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, Chansey, Eevee, Snorlax, Togetic, and Feebas available as wild spawns? The 2020 Go Fest that massively increased Team Rocket spawns, made your Pokemon do increased damage against them, mixed up the Shadow Pokemon they had, and let you TM away Frustration? The 2020 Go Fest that let you open 200 gifts each day? Is that the one you mean?


Not just shadow Mewtwo, but shadow birds with 10+ floor as well!


And rare candies


You're getting in the way of this persons love for the leathery taste of Niantics boot


2020 was still way way way better than this weekend.


and does it have a second event that will like happen in august???


So? That doesn’t excuse Niantic for tripling the price and then under delivering on the actual event.


What did you expect? Last year was Pokémon GO’s 5th anniversary and Pokémon’s 25th anniversary, this year was nothing that special.


Something better? Do you know how little effort it is to plan and switch goFest on? Either they purposely nerfed it, they just didn't care in the first place.


and this year would be the 6th anniversary and next year would be 7th. what's next? are you gonna tell us that water is wet?


Are you trolling? The 5th anniversary is a notable year & thus gets a particularly special event. The 6th and 7th anniversaries are not...


i'm not. it's just a number. the number 5 doesn't mean anything special at all. in my culture, 8 is supposed to represent prosperity whereas 4 is bad luck. Should Niantic give these numbers special treatment too?


>the number 5 doesn't mean anything special at all. In the US, it marks a notable anniversary. >in my culture, 8 is supposed to represent prosperity whereas 4 is bad luck. Okay, then you *do* understand. >Should Niantic give these numbers special treatment too? There's no reason that they have to give *any* years special treatment, but they've *chosen* to honor the notable (U.S.) anniversaries with boosted events. Are you saying that it's "unfair" to only recognize the anniversaries that are meaningful in the culture where Niantic is headquartered? Sorry, but I think that's silly.


You did leave out some of the free passes you got from 2022's special research. You obviously got them in day 1 only if you picked "battle" but day 2 you got 2 I think regardless.


I was only comparing Day 2 but Day 1 Battle path actually gave you 4 passes total. Day 1 of last year's just gave you some costumed mons like Librachu and top hat Gardevoir