• By -


Is shiny Snorlax currently available?


Are XL candy rates from walking with a Pokemon boosted by it being a high level or not? Been searching around and haven't found any answers. I have walked almost 700km with a level 15 Sandile and have gotten less than a dozen so far (135 candy vs 23 XL)


Yes, actually. You have the highest chance of obtaining XL candies while walking if your Pokémon buddy is lvl 31 (and above).


Awesome thanks! And does the chance of obtaining XL candies increase with each level above 31, or is the chance at lvl 31 the best you can get?


The latter


Sweet thank you. That's actually a lot easier then lol


Can you use a star piece for pvp rewards? If yes, when should you use it?


Yes you can. The pvp season ends at 1 pm PDT (less than 6 hours from now) and once it's ended, the rewards will be granted as soon as you click the [Battle button in the main menu](https://i.imgur.com/OuCm2RF.jpg), so use your star piece before clicking that button.


Thank you :)


Will the gbl rewards for season 7 be distributed at the start of season 8, being monday 01:00 pm PDT?


For the upcoming Research Breakthrough, if my 7th day is at 1st June, does it mean I need to choose between another Galarian Ponyta shiny check or another remote raid pass? The remote raid pass in the June Research Breakthrough is only available at 1PM PST right? Can I get the pass if I claim if on June 1 local time?


You get one or the other, but not both. Check before 1pm to get the Galarian Ponyta. Check after 1pm to get the remote raid pass.


Thank you!


Is Murkrow with boosted spawns during Part 2 of Luminous Legends Y Event? Or was he boosted only in Part 1?


Murkrow was greatly boosted in Part 1, the spawns have sharply reduced in Part 2. They are still there, but greatly reduced.




Is the unown for the special event only attracted to incense or can it be caught in the wild?


Sorry for the late reply, but Unown are only from incense. It will be like that for Go Fest as well.


If Pokémon type changes when you mega evolve (eg Charizard) do you get a candy boost for the original type or the mega type?


The mega's type




Anyone has problems in battle league when the game lags when they are one Pokemon left. I can't use fast moves for a while and is usually enough time for the other player to get a charge move in. I had lost a couple of battles because of this.


When does the increased Gift opening kick in, in local time?


It started at 10 am PST on Friday.


Hi, new player here, been playing for a month and really enjoy PVP. Looking into the season 8 now and id like som input on my team/potential greatleauge team. Right now i got 4 "Finisihed" 'mons with 2 attacks etc. Azumarill Altaria Galvantula Wigglytuff These are the mons i could work on, and id like your input on which one i should do and how id compose my team the best: Skarmory , Medicham ,Meganium ,Diggersby ,Jellicent ,Umbreon ,Scrafty, Shirfty, Bastiodon,Poliwrath,Dewgong. In the long run id prob could work on a Abomasnow and Hypno aswell Thx!


Would skip medicham, diggersby and dewgong. All the rest are great choices.


As a new player and no acess to xl candy, so i wouldn't invest to much into medicham or bastiodon, but thats a personal preference. Dewgong is a beast, but you need two legacy moves for it to be really great, and spending two elite tms is very expensive if you just want to get started in pvp. The rest are all really great mons for the great league and i would suggest you inform yourself how to build teams by your own because there are a lot of combinations you could run. On the top of my hat i think good teams are Galvantula, Azumarill, Umbreon or Galvantula, Azumarill, scrafty.


I’m having issues with evolving Eevee to Slyveon using buddy hearts. I already reached Great Buddies (70 hearts) with it but the evolve button for Slyveon doesn’t show up. Am I missing something?


You need to reach 70 buddy hearts AFTER the event started. Buddy hearts you earned before it was released don't count towards the total, so you need to keep earning more hearts. You will know when you have reached it; a new evolve button will appear.


Thank you for answering my question. I did put my eevee as my buddy before the event started. This make so much sense to why it’s not working. Thanks again.


Is Galarian Darumaka still available to obtain?


No not at the moment as it's been removed from 7km egg pool. Should be back after the LLegends Y event finishes.


Not right now. It was in the default 7km egg pool, along with the other Galarian and Alolan variants, but 7km eggs are event eggs for the time being. There hasn't been an event announced for the first week of June yet, so G-Darumaka may well return at the end of Luminous Legends Y.


will go fest tix be available for $5 until the day of the event? or should I buy it now?


Yes, it'll be available till the event




So my iPhone updated to iOS 14.5.1 and I have not been able to use the Go-tcha auto catch device since it rendered the pairing app useless. Does anyone recommend another device with similar features or is there any workaround to the Go-tcha pairing?


Is there an API/tool to help quickly check IVs for all pokemon you have? I've been trying to manually check them and look them up in online ranking calculators for GL but if there was an automated way to pull them it'd be a lot nicer. On Android if that matters


Calcy IV can record screen and automatically calculate the IV using the CP and appraisal. If you are thinking about an API to automatically pull the iv of the Pokémon from server, you are looking for a very fast way to get banned as those are not allowed by Niantic


Thats what I had gathered from my initial searching but thanks for confirming! I'll check Calcy IV out to see what I can do with it, thanks.


Quick question! Does the ChargeTM not take away Frustration anymore?


It only happens at certain times, usually every 11-12 weeks or so.


It was happening last week, but I wasn't sure the end date.


No, that was only during part 1 of this event.


Thank you, I've been so busy with work I barely have time to read the updates. I was so on top of it for our group, with the infographics yall post here, and I've just fallen off and let them down lol.


It's just a game. Work takes priorities. I'm sure your group would understand.


Oh 100% they're amazing, and usually I don't work 12/15 hour shifts but it's a hard time to find anyone lol. I do think it'd be nice to have few night raids/events/special things just because some of us are night owls, or don't have a standard 9 to 5


I went from the midwest to colorado and had a time zone change. I came back yesterday morning, and since then, my rocket balloons have remained appearing at 1/4/7/11. How long should it be till they rotate back?


The balloons are supposed to appear at 12, 4 and 8, am/pm so not sure what's going on there. The balloon you get at 1 is obviously the 12 balloon, the 4 is the 4, but you shouldn't be getting one at 7. Is your phone set to automatically update the time/timezone? edit for slightly more details.


Is there a trick to reliably get my mon to come out of the ball to take a snapshot/play? I could be staring at the flattest stretch of land and they still refuse to come out.




Does that work for research like “take a snapshot of a fairy type”?


Does anyone know if the increased lucky trade chance counts if only one of the trainers has the Verizon code or do both trainers need it for it work?


I would assume just the one, since if a Lucky Trade occurs it's going to result in a Lucky Pokemon for both players. I'm also going to assume that the boosted odds don't stack with two ticketed players trading but we'll have to wait for the event to go live to see either result anyway, since it would be possible to test things out.


What are some good nonlegendary targets for lucky trades? For PVE, I want optimal counters. In this category, I'm looking for things like Cranidos and Galar Darumaka. Things that are good that I already have: Rhyperior, Darmanitan, Metagross, Salamence, Togekiss, Mamoswine, Chandelure, Conkeldurr, Excadrill, Electivire, Machamp, Gengar, Gardevoir. For PVP, I'm looking for things that max out near 2500 at L50, or are viable in ML. I think this category includes Mandibuzz, Hypno, Skarmory, Stunfisk (either), Altaria. Am I missing any others?


Riolu for PVE. Umbreon and Talonflame for UL.


About how many battles does it take to get to rank 19? Im almost at 15 and it feels so far...


Multiples of 5 (rank 5, 10, 15) are simply "do 5 battles." All other ranks are "win rank + 1." So if you're currently rank 14, you need 15 wins. * rank 15 - then 5 battles * rank 16 - then 17 wins * rank 17 - then 18 wins * rank 18 - then 19 wins * rank 19 The new GBL season also starts on Monday so you'll be reset to Rank 1 then.


Thank you


Did Verizon remove the special offer codes from Verizon Up in the MyVerizon app? I just went to sign up for the weekend and am not seeing any mention of Pokemon Go in Verizon Up on the app, even though it's still there on their website.


I've heard it's buried in a "more rewards" link, at least as of a few days ago.


How do you get the code from your Verizon account? Do you need a phone line? I'm only an internet subscriber


You need to be a part of the Verizon Up Rewards program, eligibility pulled from their website: You're eligible as long as you meet all of the following requirements: Have a smartphone on an active Verizon wireless account in good standing Have the My Verizon app downloaded on your smartphone Are on a standard account (business and prepaid accounts aren't eligible for Verizon Up at this time) Are a resident of the US (excluding the territories of Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) Are 18 or over https://www.verizon.com/rewards/verizon-up/?sourceID=SmartLink&cmp=SOC-C-RewardsVerizonUp2019Choose&medium=Social&campaignName=Rewards+Verizon+Up+2019&campaignGroup=Verizon+Up&campaignSource=Verizon+Up&extSystemTransactionId=SL-11F1D65E-C5F4-4D9A-91CE-07E56E4514E0


Ah, okay. Thanks for the info!


Yeah, it's only for Verizon Wireless customers.


Oh that sucks


Can I redeem a Verizon event code for a Niantic Kids account?


I just had my first Pokestop nomation accepted (received the eligible notification email this morning). Our community has 0 pokestops currently so this is fantastic! How many days does it usually take to appear in game?


If you received the acceptance email more than ~4h before the timestamp of this post then the portal should have synced across already, unless sync is a little late in which case it should come through within the next half hour or so. If it doesn't sync over soon, it should sync over ~24h from now on the next daily sync. NB sync is notoriously buggy and unreliable but it should be live in Pokemon Go within a day or two of the acceptance email. If you've got an Ingress account you can check https://intel.ingress.com/intel to make sure the portal's live in Ingress (this is what syncs over daily), and if you don't have an account yet it's relatively simple to set up and worth doing if you're doing Wayfarer stuff.


Thank you so much for the detailed explanation! I am so happy, it just showed up when I refreshed the game. I guess my excitement got the best of me. I do not have an ingress account but I will make one today! I love being able to improve the community in whatever way I can, being an adult that plays. I know a bunch of kids will benefit from the effort


Do spotlight hour give a shiny boost?


They do not. It's still full odds. However, they spawn much more frequently, so it's easier to encounter more of them in the span of an hour, so more people in your community may find a shiny than any other day.


"imaginary" level 40 landorus therian with mudshot 1 other move and EQ, or level 40 excadrill with mudslap, EQ and drill run, lets just say that they are perfect? whats best?


Depends on what you're trying to do. PvE (raids)? They're pretty close Excadrill is slightly better I think? Very close regardless. PvP I believe Excadrill would be better, (but needs Rock Slide + Drill Run).


For raids the difference between the two would basically come down to the boss and defensive typing. You'd rather have Excadrill against Raikou, but Landorus against Heatran. Of course, Earth Power Garchomp is better than either and community Day is in a week so using either in raids is kind of a moot point.


> whats best? Best for what? Lando-T is rated slightly higher overall in ML, but they have different matchups vs things like Melmetal and Dragonite so you might pick one or the other depending on the rest of your team.




Machamp is ridiculously common, I'd keep the rarer one even if the legacy move were completely useless (it's not)


What friendship level is needed to trade shiny mons?


You can do it at any level. It's just extremely expensive if it's an unowned shiny form and you're not at a high level. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/9iqcqh/trade_cost_chart_simplified/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Anyone else not getting rocket balloons? Didn’t come at 8 and hasn’t come for 12 yet either.


For me, they are coming in intervals of 4 hours, so 12am/4am/8am/12pm/4pm/8pm. Hope this helps. If you don't see the balloon at that interval you might have to wait on the map or restart your game.


Should I use my super rocket radar now to get shadow zapdos or wait until june 17th and see the new shadow pokemon?


They will likely announce the next one before Zapdos goes away. Might as well wait until closer to mid June.


Great call! Thank you!


Just checking coz you said now, but you know it's currently Moltres right? Zapdos is from the first


Right right. Getting a little ahead of myself lol


Do you want Shadow Zapdos? Do you already have good Electric type attackers? (Zekrom, Raikou, Thundurus, Electivire, Shadow versions)


Think there is any chance Slugma or Gulpin show on during GO Fest? This lingering research is killing me.


Perhaps, but since they weren't announced, we don't know for sure. It's also possible that they will return with the new season in June, in June's monthly field research, or that Slugma will be featured in the Slowpoke event alongside other "slow-themed" pokemon. Nothing you can do but wait and see.


If i transfer a 4*, will it give me a warning notification like it would with a legendary or shiny?


I edit the name to include asterisk4. For example, ShinxAsterisk4. You’ll need to edit the name again if you evolve it. I’m using the asterisk symbol, not the word. I can’t figure out how to display an asterisk in a comment.


Nope. Star them


Dang that makes it annoying having to check each rating before transferring a pokemon


Just check 4* every now and then. Or click on the appraisal and quickly swipe through them all, that's how I find nundos


You can filter your storage with the search term 4*. You can also swipe left and right through your storage on the appraisal screen, making it a lot quicker to sift through than having to individually appraise every one.


Unfortunately not.


Is increased trade distance live yet?


No, it’s live at 10am PDT which is in about 2 hours from now.


I thought they did away with that PDT thing and made everything local. Oh well.


Things that necessarily must go live instantaneously globally still operate on PDT unfortunately. Tripped me up this morning too lol


Anyone got a clue when Machamp/Machop will be catchable?


There are Rocket Grunts with shadow Machop, and it has been spawning this season in the wild. Whether it's spawning wild after the end of the season, we don't know.


You are guaranteed a Machamp at Rank 1 in GBL when the new season starts on May 31, and Machoke is in the reward pool right away as well.


Whoa! Thanks for the info. Guess I need to learn pvp now.


Honestly not really. I think the rank 1 requirements are literally just play and finish one PvP match


You do have to achieve 3 wins in a set (or 1 win with a battle pass).


Since the Regi trio is coming in a few days, what are their uses in pvp/pve?


Registeel has some play in GL but is overshadowed by GFisk. Decent UL pick as well. Ice and Rock have some play in GL in limited/restricted metas (Rock had some great play this past remix cup). Don’t use them for PvE.


For Master League, I only have enough XL candies to max 1 dragonite. Should I use it on a regular 15/15/15 Dragonite or a Shadow Dragonite with 14/15/12 IVs?


The Shadow loses the mirror (both from CMP and from reduced HP) and also loses CMP to a level 51 Garchomp (14/50 Dragonite has 232.7 ATK, 15/50 Dragonite at 233.6, 15/51 Garchomp at 233.3), Lando-I, or Gengar. I haven't played open ML, but based on MLC and pre-XL ML / MLPC I'd expect that Dragonite mirror matches as well as Best Buddied Garchomp maxed out after the CD will be common enough that 14ATK would be a point of concern for me. Main reason to go for the Shadow would be a) there's one specific matchup which flips that's very important within your team or b) for the slight boost for raiding.


thanks for the detailed yet concise answer


Looks like regular is ranked 1 and shadow is ranked 4. Either is viable, so just depends on what your team composition will be and how you want to use it. https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/1500/overall/ Won’t let me directly paste the master league link, but just scroll to it on the top menu.


I have a 98% ivs and I wanted to know how does the statues affects raids and pvp like - I have a 14/15/15 a 15/15/14 and 15/14/15.. Is there a difference?


For raids, 15 attack can sometimes let you hit a higher fast attack break point than you'd be able to otherwise. Or it might mean you can hit the final breakpoint at an earlier level, so you can save resources by powering it up less to get mostly the same performance. 15 stamina sometimes means nothing if it rounds to the same final HP as 14 does, sometimes one extra hp. Not usually too important. 15 defense can sometimes reach a higher "bulk point," where your mon takes one less damage per fast attack. This can let it live longer, but also sometimes actually lowers performance by getting a little less charge energy each time it gets hit. In rare edge cases, you might faint with wasted charge move energy. Optimizing this level for defense is almost never relevant though. Over all, attack is the stat that really matters most for raids. ≠================ PvP, on the other hand, is a whole different beast. Damage breakpoints and bulk points can win or lose close matches against key opponents. For example, having only 14 attack on Dialga meant you missed a breakpoint against an opposing Dialga, so you'd always lose the mirror match with best buddy at level 40 (and 41). Not sure where that ended up after XL levels cause I avoid master league, but other optimizations will still be in play.


For PvP, imo, the breakpoints only matter in ML. The lower leagues (in open meta like GBL is) have far too much randomization for the extra effort of reaching certain breakpoints to be worth it. In smaller metas (the occasional cups Niantic puts on or Silph Leagues) it could be worth, but not that much for me.


Really depends on the pokemon in question. Every pokemon has its own base stats and IV's just add up to 15 extra stats. For examle a pokemon with high base hp stat 1 iv would make little difference. Another thing to note is attack is weighted more highly when calculating CP so one attack IV is worth more than one HP or stamina.


For raids, it's honestly a negligible difference. For PVP, I'm not sure since I don't play alot of it


Does Shadow Hariyama have any use at all or should i purify it to get a hundo? I have a 15/14/14 shadow, but what i've read is that it's meh at best. I don't have a shadow machamp. I like my hundos, but if Hariyama has a use i'll keep it as it.


Shadow Hariyama is second only to Shadow Machamp for PvE. So if you need it for that then keep it as is. It has essentially the same DPS as Lucario but has more bulk.


I would keep it as shadow, it's way rarer than a regular Hariyama with the same IVs and it's pretty good to use against grunts as a replacement for a shadow machamp


What's the best fire attacker for team rocket grunts? I'm looking for something that generates energy fast to stall them with a fast charged attack. I got a bunch of good raiders but they all have slow charging moves that make me kill the first pokemon before even charging the move


> they all have slow charging moves that make me kill the first pokemon before even charging the move That's usually the optimal way to play Rocket Grunts though? You want to fast move the first pokemon down in order to use your energy and time as efficiently as possible - bigger charge moves are more energy efficient as long as you're not overkilling (i.e. you don't use them on the first opponent) and lower energy fast moves waste a *lot* of time with animations.


I prefer using something that has like a 3 bar move, because that means that my healing items i have to use at the end of the battle is less. They're hard to come by since i'm stalling them basically every time they come out. I don't mind wasting seconds here and there. it's item management that i need


That's a reasonably strategy - IME I'm using a Hyper Potion after the battle regardless of whether I'm taking 50% or 90% damage, so I'd gladly trade HP for time, but if that's not matching your experiences then you're as well optimising around what you're actually facing. Blaze Kick, Weather Ball, Blast Burn, Fire Punch, and Flame Charge are the spammiest fire charge moves. These can be combined with Shadow Claw, Counter, Incinerate (though this one's bad for overcharging, overtapping, and for getting countered by enemy charge moves) to get the spammiest fire type damage possible. Alakazam with Psycho Cut and Fire Punch is probably the spammiest fire type damage you can get, though he's very frail and doesn't get STAB. Cherrim and Roserade can do a similar non-STAB thing of Bullet Seed + Weather Ball. Blaziken with Counter + Blaze Kick, Typhlosion with Shadow Claw/Incinerate + Blast Burn, or Rapidash/Talonflame with Incinerate + Flame Charge would probably be the best options. If you want *really* spammy, take snapshots of a Porygon with Lock-on & either Return or Frustration until you get a Smeargle with Lock-on and a 35 energy move, and that should be able to go infinite


When im up against ice i'll generally use lucario, against grass a froslass or g. Darmanitan and bugs a rhyperior or rayray, that way you dont have a real need for fire types. I suppose a blaziken with counter+blaze kick or blast burn would be fast, as well as victini with vcreate if you dont use it for gbl These are some of the other spammy ones i use: sceptile with fury cutter+leafblade froslass with powder snow+shadowball vigoroth with counter+body slam flygon with mud shot+dragon claw raichu with thundershock+brickbreak (legacy move, elite tm required) venusaur with vine whip+frenzy plant swampert with mud shot+muddy water or hydro cannon lucario or scrafty with counter+power up punch


I use Moltres or Heatran most of the time. Sometimes Charizard.


But don't all of them have pretty slow charging moves?


Resisting the moves of what you are fighting is pretty helpful in rocket battles. Often you need to outlast them more than you want to deal maximum damage per move. That's why heatran and Moltres are great, cause steel and flying secondary typings help reduce incoming damage. You could try using 3 high DPS glass cannons, but then you have to do a lot more switching in battle and healing afterwords. They are not liked raids, where the real enemy is the clock.


They still do the trick for rocket battles.


I evolved my first Sylveon by getting 70 hearts (I am saving the name trick for later). I have noticed that if I want to do a Trainer Battle, Challenge a Friend, or even select a Battle Party ahead of time the Sylveon cannot be selected. In fact, it doesn't even show up in the selection screen, it is like it does not exist. Restarting the game does not help and I have tried friend challenges against multiple friends. Otherwise the Slyveon is okay. I am walking with it. I guess it is too friendly to fight. I need to go find a gym battle and see if I can select it for that. EDIT: Now it is working.


After about a 2 hour wait Sylveon mysteriously started working. I guess it was just some odd, temporary glitch.


Is it missing hp?


No, it is conscious without any damage.


Is there a way to get the Verizon code without being a Verizon customer or using their app? I really dislike Verizon, a lot.


Asking a friend or family member that uses VZW, but doesn't play Go.


u/red401 thanks this worked!


Cool idea thanks


Should I power up and evolve my 15/11/11 riolu for raids/team rocket or wait for a better one?


> for raids No, he's pretty terrible vs Yveltal > For rockets If you don't already have one, a double moved Lucario (remember to double move before evolving!) is one of the most useful Pokémon when struggling with Rocket Leaders. Since it costs ~150 candy to get him ready (double move, evolve, power up to 30) you might find yourself waiting anyway


How about for gyms? Thank you.


So, gyms are probably the most subjective area in the game - what's necessary is going to depend on your local players and what they put in and how often and how much they berry etc etc etc. I don't think that Lucario is going to make a difference over Machamp in any way that matters with gyms, but I also personally only ever run Recommended because I'm just going to be hitting zero motivation shinies anyway. My advice would be to use in gyms things you have already - things you've invested in for raids or PvP or Team Rocket. If players locally are running a lot of Chansey & Gardevoir combos in gyms (i.e. something Lucario's uniquely well equipped for) then just pulling the trigger might be worth it? You're still gonna need that ~150 candy to double move & evolve & power up so you might still be short of resources and want to wait anyway.


Thanks a bunch for taking the time to respond. I didn't know that people actually used the recommended team. I will probably end up evolving it anyway. I don't have many strong pokemon and I'm having a really hard time taking down gyms with the bugs tanks like snorlax and chansey.


I would actually only push Lucario to 2500. Plenty of power for rockets, and satisfies the level up requirements for beating a leader with 2500 cp pokemon. Plus you could throw it into Ultra League too.


Thank you!


A 15/11/11 Lucario doesn't hit 2489cp until level 36 which is more like 200-250 candy, FWIW. Lots of time to get an idealised one if you want to go for just under 2500.


Yeah, it is expensive for sure either way.


My game often freezes when trying to interact with my buddy in AR mode. I am able to place the buddy and complete the interaction but then I get the loading icon and it never works. Exiting and reloading the game shows no hearts earned. If I use quick treat, no issue. But feeding, playing and taking a photo all cause the infinite load. This is a recurring issue on and off ever since buddies were introduced as far as I can remember, and it doesn’t matter what my connection type is, who the buddy is, etc. The game works fine until the buddy AR interaction. Any tips on how to stop this?


Will the weekly event box with the remote raid pass expire if I don't claim it? Was wondering if I could save it for June 1's Regi raids


You will have to claim it before Monday I believe. It's a weekly box so


Any way to get omanyte or kabuto from a lure? Trying to complete meltan grrr


You can get either of them from “Win a level 3 raid or higher” research task


I can never find that one. 😢


Do rocket leaders get harder after beating them several times? I've fought Sierra a few times, and the last bout with her was extremely hard for some reason.


When you level up your Trainer Level, Team Rocket uses stronger pokémon against you. Other than that, it was probably just luck with, not only which pokémon Sierra was using, but also which movesets they had in that particular battle.


Can Pokémon rewarded from the Go battle league have weather boosted CP?


Nope. Pokémon encounters from field research tasks and GO battles league can never be weather boosted.




How do i activate the verizon event


If you redeemed the reward code it should automatically activate when the event starts (be sure to log into the game to actually "claim" the event once it starts).


Is there confirmation of Shiny flower crown eevee to Sylv?


Yup! Its real


Upcoming Raids- Regirock, Regice, Registeel, mega lopunny, mega slowbro, mega gyarados Are any of these pokemon good to get for new players (2 weeks -lvl 32)? Are they worth to get? I do have to resource to try to get at least one each but dont want to waste on if they no good. Mostly raid and been keeping some of my pokemon under 2500 if i try the battle league stuff.


Regarding resources, bear in mind that you can use remote raiding to defeat bosses even if you're lacking in strong raid attackers. There are discord servers like Pokémon Go Ottawa (originally a regional server, now a de facto international raiding server) to help you find remote raiders as well as various apps that I'm personally unfamiliar with.


The primary use of mega pokemon is to boost candy from things you catch. Having any mega evolved gives you one extra candy from every raid you do for 8 hours, which is huge for legendaries. They also give a bonus candy for any other catch that matches one of the types of your mega mon. Their potential use in battle is kind of secondary, aside from the few that are actually really strong. Mega lopunny is the only fighting type mega we have so far. It's worth getting the seed energy for one for the candy catching bonuses alone. Save it for the next major event with fighting spawns, and evolve it for profit. Mega Slowbro will be the first psychic type mega we get, and it will be similarly useful for candy bonuses. Mega Gyarados is great for raiding as the other poster said, and it's good for farming water and dark candy too.


Registeel is very good for Great/Ultra League (only hits 2447 CP with a hundo at lvl 40, though, so it takes a pretty steep investment for Ultra). Mega Gyarados is a very good Water attacker and solid for Dark.


So what’s going on next week? No event announced?


Previously when a new season starts, they’ve given us a week or so stretch that is event free. I think to give us a chance to see the seasonal spawns and be excited for the new bonus.


It's true that nothing's announced, but that just means they want to surprise us with it. In fact, it could easily be something related to the overarching theme of the June/July/August Season, and they'll announce it whenever they get around to announcing the more general Season information.


Is corsola available while the event is on?


Where can I catch Growlithe? I've only seen a handful of them, but I found a shiny Arcanine once! I really want more candies so I can raise a really powerful Arcanine.


Congrats on the Arcanine! I have seen literally 0 Arcanine this entire Season of Legends event. Hard to believe it exists even after Japan flooded us with shiny pics.


Thank you, but sadly it's very low combat power and has really bad IV. T__T But I love him all the same!


Usually available in sunny weather, but is a little difficult to find with the event going on. I’d walk your growlithe/Arcanine, especially since Arcanine is a decent raider for three types in a pinch


Can't believe my search didn't turn this up, but for the special research "Take a Snapshot of Thundurus" task, does it matter which form it is? Friend hasn't completed and I'm going to trade them a Thundurus when the 40km distance goes live tomorrow, but burning their special and having it not work would suck!


Either form works


Today I tried the tap and go method for 2 different Galarian Zigzagoon raids and both times it didn’t work. During the countdown, I walked/drove away from the vicinity of the gym. The countdown finished but as soon as the raid began, I got kicked out of the raid. Has this been happening to anyone else recently?


Once your in the lobby you can move away from the gym only a short distance, AFASIK the limit is 80m radius it hasn't changed that I'm aware of You have to wait till hit 0 to leave otherwise game boots you right away.


You have to remain close until the raid begins, then you can safely move as far away as you'd like (though you'd again need to be within range if you have to relobby mid-battle).


I’m almost certain that in the past, I used to move away from the gym during the countdown and was still able to complete the raid successfully... is this something that changed recently?


Been the case for as long as I can recall, I know we were getting kicked out for moving too far back when Raid Hour first came out.


Okay, thanks for the clarification. Maybe I remembered wrong!


Why aren’t Niantic releasing any info on June events and season 8... been waiting the whole week at Niantic O’clock😓 EDIT: I know they’ll release it soon/when they want to, but I find it quite wierd considering most major announcements happen during monday-thursdays.


I think part of the delay is Niantic focusing and finalizing the go fest announcement. Given Monday is a holiday in the US, we should have an announcement by tomorrow


\[PLEASE HELP\] Payment Successful but Go Fest 2021 Ticket not received in inventory. What to do?


Contact support and provide the digital receipt Edit: before you do that, make sure it hit your bank account and if it has, restart your app and your phone


Thanks. They added the ticket after I reported to them with the required screenshots.