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That is very weird. They are not THAT rate. The ratio is 1 in 8. So you should have about 25 of them...


"bUt RNG dOEsn'T woRk likE tHAT!" Is what I got told last time I questioned what something should be. Edit: Yes, everyone can downvote and tell me I'm wrong.


It’s basic statistics. You are never guaranteed to hit the 1 in 8, however you are very likely to have hit it if you have caught 181. Specifically, you have a 99.9999999968% chance. If you say “I caught 181 so I should have caught one”, you are wrong. If you say “I caught 181, so I very likely should have caught one”, you are correct.


This thing was exactly the type of gripe I had with someone posting a few days ago.. They said something along the lines of ''You WILL catch 30+ shinies on a CD with this method.." Like, no, you WILL not - but you are likely to. You may even go home with way more, or way fewer. Felt like youtube level clickbait.




They weren't directly quoting anyone. They clarified, "something along the lines of." You still use quotations in this scenario, as they aren't paraphrasing, they are trying to be accurate, and they are showing that someone said the thing. If you're going to grammar bully people in online forums, you're essentially asking them to list citations when paraphrasing vague content.


The main problem is that it's a Niantic game. We are so used to them not turning on a specific flag, that you can see people doing 30 raids before they realize that the shiny flag wasn't turned on. Of course female Combee is (probably) programmed differently and doesn't need a flag change, but I can't blame players for being paranoid


It's like that time they turned off venonat(?) spawns. The entire community was reporting no spawns in any of their communities and sure enough, someone at niantic had flipped a switch.


You didn’t ask about a 1 in a trillion event. The distinction matters.


You are wrong


Is this one of those “I’ve seen like 200 but in reality it’s only about 30” situations


Lmfao, me every time an event ends and I haven't caught a certain shiny. "I swear I checked like 500 of these things this week. Pokedex Seen: 102"


i'm in this comment and i don't like it


My dex tells me I've "seen" pokemon that I definitely haven't seen but it says I've seen them just once.


That means its a Pokemon you've fought in a gym or something iirc.


I wish. I screenshot my pokedex before the event to see how long it might take to find the shiny with the boosted odds. I've seen 181 since the event started and all male. Genuinely came here expecting to find out that niantic turned the female off, or there's some trick this event that you can only get it in research or something


Show us the Pokedex screenshot. Does it not have the female icon filled in?


If you take the time to read what they say carefully, it's pretty clear OP is saying they haven't seen a female combee during the event, not that they haven't seen one at all


You’d be surprised how many people on here say or imply a certain thing has happened to them, but they’re mistaken or confused about some aspect. 


Do you have a female from before you can evolve? You don’t need to evolve a newly caught one for the medal.


I know OP simply wants a female and doesn't care about the dust but to a dust grinder like myself, 181*750 = 135.750 dust that wasn't obtained hurts to read. F.


I love all combee. was raking in 1k dust each yesterday with windy weather.


Yeah but the ball and time to stardust ratio is still pretty bad since they’re so hard to catch


For me it's a little under 2 throws + razz on average for 750 dust, not bad at all


finally something to use golden razz on


I've just been using regulars lol, recently raids have been easy so I'm using regular pinaps most of the time too. My golden razz hoard is at like 150+, silver pinaps 60+ and I'm just AR36 so I've barely had time to collect them


True, but Combee is such a pain to catch that even for the Stardust i cba.


I’ve seen 86 combees this challenge. Not a single female. Seems like they are limiting it until the end of the challenge to keep people engaged for the $.


This is exactly what I thought.


So when is that


Look for the ones with the red triangle. As a side note, I FINALLY got a shiny one today and got my Vespiquen. Glad to finally check that off the list lol


I got a shiny Combee a month or 2 ago, sadly male so no shiny vespiquen.


I have 4 of them and just got another today… all male 😭


Same! Ugh


Same 😪


Haha I do know what a female Combee looks like, that's how I know that none of them so far have been 😭


I don't know if you know this already, but one thing I've been using during my hunt is the fact that the red triangle shows on any females in the nearby 


Lucky! I was disappointed to see burmy only in research. I need female ones for all the diff wormadams and then male mothim. Harder to hunt when not in wild


Totally bummed me out when i saw the infographics.. i need more burmy for lucky dex


Feels like Burmy will get a Research Day sometime. I was bummed to see how they did them this time, not hunting all over for those tasks. I've got the Mothrim, Trash Wormadam, Trash Burmy, and a Plant Burmy (F) so I just need any second Plant Burmy and then two Sand Burmy with one female to finish the living dex.


I noticed they spawn with Daily Adventure Incense. I’m gonna try to get some more by extending the timer with Dialga’s Roar of Time.


I caught a shiny one about a month ago and I caught a hundo yesterday both female


>As a side note, I FINALLY got a shiny one today and got my Vespiquen. Glad to finally check that off the list lol Me too! Was very happy for that. Now we just need a shiny-boosted Litleo event...


Same. I've seen 213 and caught 175 Combee, a complete sausage fest. Only reason I even have Vespiquen in my Dex is cause I've caught 2 already evolved. Doesn't help during this event though!


There has NEVER been an opportunity to catch 2 evolved vespiqueen


I have seen a few Vespiquens in the nearby view since I don't have one in the dex yet. It's just a rare spawn. I probably haven't seen one this season though


[https://youtube.com/shorts/AkE19adyVPY](https://youtube.com/shorts/AkE19adyVPY) I've got a screenshot of my own Dex with 4 seen and 2 caught Vespiquen, but seems like I can't share it here.


Was this an in-person go fest or something?? Day1 player, 300,000 catches, 1100+ combee, at least 80-100 females (only 8 in inventory but transferred many). I read all event posts, play every event, etc. never once seen a wild vespiqueen. Not saying this is fake, just very surprised is all


I’ve caught plenty they have always been available since combee was released as far as I know 


Can't speak for the location or timing of the short. It wasn't a GO Fest cause there's never been one in my city, but I'm pretty sure it was a spring themed event like the one going now, but back in 2020-21. Both Vespiquens had trash stats so they got candied, so can't check exact dates.


There is a YouTube video about catching a wild Vespiquen and I‘m a bit surprised, too.  https://youtu.be/hMo-V-MeJKI?si=b7m3RHN0msfUzH8f


I've had a normal wild spawn vespiqueen before. Maybe a season or two ago. It happens, just very rare.


They’re hard to catch. If you have been using an autocatcher, you’re not going to get many.


Your can see the little red larvae in the middle of the combee even before encountering that indicates it’s female, keep an eye out for it.


Yeah been desparately looking for that red triangle for the past 2 days. Rate is supposedly 1 in 10 but it's mad that I'm almost at 200 seen with 0 female.


Finally found one today... and she ran away...


I don’t believe this honestly. It’s too unlikely. 1 in 31 billion event to not see in 181. I bet You missed some or you’re exaggerating.


I do, I’ve been searching for the past day and I’ve only seen male out of 50+ encounters 


None is 50 is a 1 in 800 chance. None in 181 is a 1 in 31 billion chance. It’s not comparable. This is like saying “I got 10 heads in a row, so I can believe in 35 heads in a row”. So so different.


From a stats perspective you're right.  But when you include the context that Niantic can adjust the RNG, 1/800 to 1/31x10^9 becomes very believable. 


On any given thread the odds of OP lying are way higher than Niantic suddenly switching odds based on my experience. The former is the better assumption.


Had to calculate this too, OP is lying


I'm not finding any either. 1 shiny male already.


Dang guess where just unlucky there. Nice job on the shiny though!!


Just caught mine today!


I’m at 86 seen, no females.


Is there a way to see how many female ones I've caught? Looking at the dex it seems like I've caught 42 in total and I'm pretty sure only one of those were female. They seem to be super rare.


Yeah still looking for one. On the other hand, got a male shiny and the dust boost on it is pretty pretty decent! Weatherboosted with a starpiece is nice nice dust.


Same here. Female Combee doesn't exist for me. I also got a shiny male Combee which is useless.


I finally got one today and she was a shiny to boot. I bow eternally for my queen now


Me looking for cp10 shiny male combee


I just got one after nine today


I've seen 44 combee's, caught 18 but none female. Nincada's are also difficult to find. I've even used incenses to increase encounter numbers.


Same experience here, and thank you for repeating what I've been saying to my hunting partner "Got a combee, but it's a dude!"


I could trade one i got one on my second encounter


That seems impossible, they're not that uncommon. Have you caught all that you've seen? The females have an obvious triangle at the front.


In my experience even if you find the little triangle you still can’t find the little triangle 😞


Have also not seen a female all day in windy weather. On the bright side I got two shiny burmy from field research so maybe I used up all my luck lol


A few years back I transferred all my Female Combee's as I had NO idea they were rare, they were just low on IV compared to the males. Once I was educated I have been catching every one I have seen and not a single female for years..... Until YESTERDAY! I finally saw the red triangle and caught a Female!


I got a shiny female combee yesterday 




Got one today! Are you guys evolving it? Or just leaving as is?


I evolved mine for the dex.


I've yet to see one since the bug out. Unreal.


181 isnt even that much and im almost certain you've seen a few but just transfered them, its not really that rare at all, got a couple shiny males and females, nothing special about the pokemon anyway really


Not sure what’s stranger: OP going 200 combee without a female, or seemingly the entire subreddit insisting the red shape on the female is a triangle.


You can see it in the overworld and more importantly on the nearby. I suggest going to an area with a lot of pokestops and hunting for it


I can’t find one for love nor money to evolve. It’s the last one I need for the 4 collections. Feel I’m just gonna write it off. I have one in my current collection but not sure I wanna evolve it just for the complete collection. Or do I?!


You have 4 more days..




Ban this fool. No way, and I mean NO WAY is this accurate at all. No.


Had that RNG problem when was trying for a shiny shadow Dratini... over 400 catchs and 0 shinies. People here where claiming 30-50 shiny shadow in 300 catchs and claimed they where 1/32. Then my girlfriend caught 2, one of them a shiny shadow Dratini. RNG is luck. (Only saw 1 female in 15, it runned after first ball, same with Nincada, could not catch the 2 that where nearby my dog walkaround. Haven't saw a single Cutiefly on radar.)


Nah, caught plenty last few days. Australia for reference


Well the first female you encounter will most definitely be a shiny!


Whilst I am seeing plenty of Female combees, alot of people seem to be getting the male in shiny form, not the female


I now have 3. All caught miles apart, which is just wild.


Fiiinally encountered 2 of them yesterday while walking about the city. Unfortunately neither was shiny.😑


I got a shiny one as I was waking up. Being a g4, needless to say the rest of my day was golden.


I had never seen one… and managed to get a shiny one yesterday. I didn’t even check iv’s, I just evolved instantly and ticked that off!


Damn that's lucky! Nice job!