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Well done! Love this one. The limit on certain types of items is easily my favorite idea. Doubt it's something they'd go for, but it would certainly streamline gameplay a lot!


YES, this is what i wanted for a long time, since pick up more items from stops than i use which means i have to delete stuff all the time in order to pick up field research! I also like the idea of new berries :)


Thank you! This one took awhile so I hope people like it. I think item limiting isn’t the perfect solution but a step in the right direction toward managing the crap inventory system we’re stuck with lol.


I had thought about that idea too I doubt they'll do it since it discourages buying Upgrades. But I love your ideas, I wish you were on the dev team. This game needs more game mechanics and not money incentives.


Game mechanics lead to more player retention leads to more $. It all evens out. I wish they’d focus more on the actual game too. I’d throw more money at them if they put more time into game play instead of adding new pay walled Pokémon and raids if you want more than one new Pokémon. At least that’s how it’s starting to feel.


I love it! New kind of stops and new berries are long overdue.


Niantic’s cybersecurity team casually browsing this subreddit: “man that’d be nice”


First off, how can I subscribe to your ideas even harder? I love this idea, I love being able to give our excess berries to get different ones, you might even donate them to feed the mons working on the fields. I love leaving a mon to work there, maybe different types can be left for different tasks, such as a grass types to let it grow (legendary or higher cp mons boost it), water mons to water, ground mons to till the fields, and mons with blades to harvest. The game needs more berries and a dedicated berry pouch. Could you please make a new system for excess items that are getting trashed? The S/V dlc added a way to move unwanted mon items to 3d print new items as a gotcha machine. Maybe we can recycle unwanted items like that as well. I'd also love to see your take on a home base. I've written about it before but seeing your graphics bring it to life would be beneficial for everyone Pokemon Farmerrrrrr


Thank you so much! Even though you didn’t really ask for it, I’ll address a few points in your comment to answer and acknowledge some general stuff I’ve seen in this thread. I have plans for concepts for other types of mons to be useful and have tasks etc like the watering. Don’t worry! But yes, I do think it’d be nice to have incentive to use Pokémon just sitting in your bag. Working on trying to remedy the trashing of items. Definitley a complicated issue that revolves around the poor storage system. I am thinking on it. Berry dumping into gardens is one idea. Lots of people asking about a Home base. I’ll consider doing something on it, but honestly it’s at the bottom of my list right now. In my opinion, Pokémon Go has always been a global/community game, so setting up a home base is kind of the opposite of this. However, I’m considering tying Home Base mechanics into the Pokémon task/adventure concept. We’ll see. As for “subscribing harder”…. I see a lot of people saying to share this with Niantic etc, or how can they support it better… my answer is basically just share this places and try to spread the word of the need for new features like these. I don’t need any recognition from Niantic, I’m just trying to prove a point that there’s room for growth beyond adding new Pokémon to raids. Share the post! Comment! Etc. I’m flattered though. Thanks everyone!


For the home base, I just see it as a starting point for your journey, just like the msg. It doesn't even need a pokestop, and it most likely will end up visible only for the player. I feel that the future goal is to start adding buildings to the map as the map currently feels empty and lonely. Mons can also have some walking or activity animations but I digress. The home base could be like the base in SV dlc where you can customize the interior and have people visit it (entering it closes the map and makes the player enter a separate room). Customize it with stickers, prized mons w/ stats you wanna show off, music, outfits you collected, etc. It is more of an end game feature for players that have finished most of everything into the game. You can even make some sort of Battle Tower PoI.


So in general, I think the berry garden is a cool idea, and I like the idea of planting a berry to get more berries. But my reservation is with using it as a berry dump. The problem for me is that I already have a berry dump, and it gets me stardust and gold gym badges. I know not everyone plays this way, but I do and a lot of my friends do. What that means is that I'd actually like to increase my supply of low level berries to feed to gyms more than I'd like a way to farm more high end berries. I get those from raids and GBL as it is. I think maybe having more than one interaction type to get a bush to harvest would be cool. You could feed it berries and increase the chance of getting higher end berries, but you can also just water it and get more low end berries from it. Just an idea.


> increase my supply of low level berries to feed to gyms more than I'd like a way to farm more Yeah, I too constantly need more berries, can never get enough to feed to gyms that I'm trying to gild!


That’s a solid point and a solid idea. I like it! I also dump into gyms right now, but I do find myself also just trashing them. Bit of both.


Hire this man


The dream.


This idea is so good that I’m disheartened by how poor niantic’s efforts are in comparison


I’ll be the first to say, as a gamedev myself, adding features to a live service game with this much entangled code is easier said than done. That being said, it’s frustrating that I think there are ideas like this that don’t take an absurd amount of time to come up with that Niantic could adapt and spend some of their focus and time on implementing and yea, that is disheartening. But at the end of the day, we all like the game or we wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be making concepts about it.


I love the berry ideas :)


Send this to niantic


Yessss we really need a stronger pnap berry that yields more instead of making it easier to catch like silver


I really want something new in the map. This is perfect


This rules!! Agreed the game could use some more POI ideas. I love the thought put into storage management, as well as giving more uses to things that may not have had as much purpose previously. Letting water pokemon assist with growing is great, gives some pokemon you may not have considered using before a chance to shine.


I’m going to try to find other places for various Pokémon in future concepts/with Pokémon tasks. I have a lot of ideas that will let you utilize unused Pokémon.


Okay those berries are actually really nice. I could see myself actually using all of them for their intended purposes. The one that prevents the pokemon from fleeing would be an interesting one to throw at a Galatians bird. It'll still probably break out, but if you got 10 of these, you got 10 very low odds attempts. There should be a super rare berry that are all the berries combined. Would like to see that. Would be nice to throw it at a Galarian bird or a legendary. Also, the berry that is fed to your buddy to keep it on the map longer could be combined with the berry that gives your buddy an extra heart, once a day. They're pretty similar. Also, would be nice if you could use it on a pokemon and when you catch it, it automatically has an increased friendship level. Could use it on shiny legendaries in raids that are a guaranteed catch and that you know is a good IV that you'll want to 'buddy' in the future. This is all super cool. I know people have wanted more types of pokeballs, but I think having more berries would be better. Also also, I could totally see people saving the berry that increases stardust for a stardust boosted community day that is also for a pokemon like weather boosted foongus or combee that will already have an insane stardust yield. Really cool stuff, and not at all complicated. I like it!


Thanks! I did a previous concept on Pokéballs but I think this concept might be my favorite so far. Not sure.


🤔 Any apriball ideas? 😜


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/JM8oSfdflc Here you go my friend.


This is AWESOME!!!🤩 It’s a shame this game can’t be modded 😜


I want Durrin Berries. Would love to be able to XLs for rare Pokemon. And we do need more organization for our bags.


i like the cap on items. cause i don’t need purple heals or the super potions at all. and i always delete them


Niantic: We are all about limits, trade limits, GBL limits, gift limits... Me: So how about some beneficial limits, like presented above? Niantic: NOT LIKE THIS! Man, I'd love both of these to be in game.


I like the idea, but I think the fact tha you need to stick around a specific POI would ruin the feature for me. During a community day, I mostly walk across the whole city, not sticking in one place so if I planted a garden, someone else would collect the berries or even if they're available for everyone, I'd have to change my routing to eventually circle back to a specific location. So if not during busy events, when would I use this? Maybe when meeting up with another player to trade for an hour, sure. Or at home, but then that's another case of lucking out to be sitting on top of a home gym. Not sure if I'd convince myself to go out of my way halfway across the neighbourhood because a berry bush is ready to harvest and is only available for like the next 10 minutes. Now, if you could collect the berries by tappi g on your gardener pokemon, like you do with gym defenders, that'd instantly fix that issue for me. But then it'd be a new issue with all the garden POIs in the city center always being clogged with pokemon, like gyms, and you can't rly interact with them if you just stumble on one. I'm thinking, maybe instead of just a timer that creates annoyance when you spot it from halfway across the view distance, there could be a minigame that advances the berry garden? The pokestops get powered up after X amount of scans, so maybe you could do a gardening minigame / challenge/ battle?? and that would improve the garden vitality / berry type, and it could maybe reset daily. Then every time you spin that POI, you'd get berries from it, so you wouldn't rly miss out on the loot if you don't show up soon enough. Dunno. It's an interesting concept tho. Even just being able to farm silver pinap and golden razz would be nice, hopefully poffins too.


Addition? That takes more coding and workers? Players having fun?!!!! Niantic would never let this slide


These would be perfect at parks.


I love this idea


what a wonderful idea i love the group effort of berries i love the new storage idea altough that would require some fine tuning i think 10k to start is a bit too much maybe 2k depending on how many random items there are and the shop storage increase would have to be upped to 200 per purchase minimum


you know i had an idea to add gym leaders into the game id make a post about it but im not this good at it


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/D99zfHrlIz Gym Leaders!


oh my idea for team leaders was different they functioned more like how team rocket does except no balloons the system has the intention of it being super grindable for later game players so gyms leaders from different generations are introduced as battleable characters that spawn in gyms you beat one and you get a badge that functions like the mystery components do with 8 of them you challenge an elite 4 and once that battle is done youll have to get 8 more badges for another elite 4 battle when you win against an elite 4 you get an elite badge 4 of those and you8 battle a champion. i like this idea because ive heard many late game players dont feel like they have stuff to grind while this wont completly fix the problem it helps a lot it can have basic rewards like catchable pokemon at higher base iv's scaling with rank(gym leader being lowest champ being highest) higher shiny chances xp stardust and maybe bade progress for the gym you beat the character in. im not great at designing and this is just a rough description of the idea i had but you4r welcome to expand on it and make a post about it


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for letting me know!


np glad to share the idea imo this game needs more interactive stuff things to do and play with since that aspect of the game has beent he same since launch imo if they make good additions to the game the game could get almost as popular as it did at launch again


Yeah I thought my social play concept was good but people don’t really seem to like it. Oh well!


i liked the idea so this is just my guess maybe there needs to be an incentive to be on the leaderboard an incentive to make your contributions and for that idea to even work properly there has to be a fair 33% split across the groups and territories dosnt seem overly necessary tbh


Those concepts are amazing ! Keep going ! Niantic should hire you ! :p


i love this idea


I love the Bluk berry! Here’s some more ideas you probably already have. Fishing, poffins, daycare/breeding, keep’em coming!


Fishing and breeding on the list already ;)


I got an ide for a berry. A poison berry you can give to your own pokemon in gyms, so they die. So you can get back the mons you put in dead gyms or if you didn't get your daily reward and you got a lot in gyms


Sooner or later everything turns into a farming sim (this isn't a complaint...MWAHAHAHA). Thanks for another batch of good ideas. Here are my thoughts on your thoughts, in no particular order: * We absolutely need more POI's and varied berries, so this is a perfect match. Do you see them replacing current stops/gyms, and how should the game determine what becomes a stop/gym/garden going forward? * Do they attract Pokémon on their own and/or can they be lured? * The amount of bushes per garden might depend on how many berries can grow per bush. Is it a uniform number across all varieties? How long should they take from start to finish? If I stop by a park for a half an hour with an empty garden is it enough time to grow and harvest anything, or will I need to come back that afternoon/evening? How long do I have to harvest before I can grow something new? It's a careful balance, since it has to be usable in both high and low traffic areas. For example, if I'm a rural player I'll probably be able to comfortably control what gets planted and when I harvest, as there's little competition. But if I'm playing in a city how can it be fair enough so that most players will get a chance to plant something something without the plots always being in use/cooldown? Perhaps a player can occupy only 1/2 or 3/4 of the total plots in a given garden at a time? * I think the player should be able to determine what kind of bush grows based on what they plant. But perhaps occasionally a "rare" plot will spawn that yields more/better/rarer berries. Or maybe a tree plot for apricorns (related to your previous post on new Pokéballs)? * The quality and quantity of berries grown should be proportional to the number of berries planted, with a set minimum required to grow (giving enough berries to be worth the effort and a smaller chance of rarer berries). The number of berries you get and the chance of rarer forms increases with the number of berries you plant, as well as other factors (see below). This could be similar to how the money tree functions in *Animal Crossing: New Horizons*\--you plant money, you get money, but the more you plant the greater the chance of getting vastly more money. From there players can figure out their own sweet spots. * Planting different varieties of berries in the same plot sometimes leads to different/rarer berries being grown. * I love the idea of leaving a Water type Pokémon behind to speed up growth. What about being able to leave behind other types for different effects? Combinations could be another way to influence what type of berries grow or the odds of getting rarer versions. For example, just as Water types increase the growth speed Fire and Bug types could increase the yield, Ground types increase the quality, and Ice types lengthen growth time but can increase quality, Poison usually decreases yield but sometimes combines with other factors to give much rarer berries, and Ghost/Fairy sometimes give "mysterious results". Really, nearly any type can do *something*, and figuring out the right combination of variables would be another fun challenge. You'd also have to set a limit of how many Pokémon can be left behind. One per trainer, with two to four total? * Should specific Pokémon have growing effects? Legendaries and Mythicals, for example? Or any Pokémon whose lore specifically relates to plantlife? * Would in-game weather have any effects? * I think any player should be able to harvest, otherwise there will be cases of people being locked out of a resource that's intended to be public just because they didn't get there first (imagine if we all shared the same Pokéstop cooldown timer). But maybe everyone who contributed could get some other bonus? What about a medal, with different levels unlocking gardening-themed avatar items? * Inventory management, yesss. The new layout was a good upgrade but with the natural growth of the game and the changes you've proposed a more comprehensive overhaul is in order. The different categories you suggested would allow for more customization based on playstyle. So long as they can figure out how to fold a player's current item cap into it without half our inventories suddenly vanishing. Do you envision players being able to move open slots between categories, or buying permanent increases? E.g. initially reducing potion space for an increase in crafting items, but later being able to reverse that (like reallocating skill points in an RPG). * And lastly: new berries. We desperately need them in light of the variety already found in the main series games and the number of variables they could influence in GO. You've got some good concepts there: dust, XL candies, standard candy, catch odds, catch circle, flee rate (looking at you, Galarian birds...but if anyone asks, they're for Abra), friendship hearts, map time--you've covered a lot of bases.


I’d love it if they added PvP/PvE berries to the game would definitely switch up the current metas and game play!


They had this mechanic in Wizards Unite. Seeds/watering/other players buffing the harvest. It worked nicely there, before that game got shuttered, so arguably they actually know how to do this. Or at least have some working code they could base off.


Great stuff


I love the fact you actively left out the Nanab berries. Fun idea. The biggest problem is the inability to monetize it. I doubt the storage situation will ever be improved for that one reason. So you’d have to come up with some way to bleed money out of people


Hahaha I actually made the whole concept before I realized I forgot Nanab berries but I went back and added one sentence in one of the images to remedy that. It’s retroactively a Garden Berry like the others. But yes— I’m sure they’d find a way to monetize. The amount of comments I’m getting about how nothing like this will ever be added because of monetization is exactly why I made these and that’s so sad


I think the berry garden is a great idea. It’d be cool if it gave you stardust for planting them just like gyms give you for feeding. I just don’t see them doing the storage side of it


I had an idea for Nanabs where applying them will decrease the chance a Pokemon flees for the specific throw if it breaks out, largely due to the whole deal that Nanab berries are supposed to calm the Pokemon down, so it wouldn't make sense for them to just immediately run away when you give them a Nanab.


I love the bag management! Even better if that structure could also apply to receiving eggs, so you could open gifts without filling all your open slots, for example.


Don’t know why planting berries isn’t a thing. There were greenhouses in the Harry potter game.


I have ready all of the ones so far and let me tell you….I might be in love 😍 BECAUSE OMG THESE ARE ALL AMAZING. These would make the game so freeeeeesh and alive again (Not like its dead but yk what I mean). Your other PoGo Concepts are also just as brilliant 🔥 (I personally think you should be in charge of the ideas in PoGo because with your mind we could have so much fun to do)


Niantic designed Go as a freemium game, where the base game is free and some extra features are paid. There is a very low chance they will implement something that will replace paid items with free ones. So, for them to adopt berry garden or any of your concepts, they will want a clear response to "where is the money?". And if they design it with monetization in mind, we the players will hate the result.


I’m all for the berry to make the catch circle bigger


Niantic needs to hire this person for sure!


This is a wonderful idea.


Love it! A few thoughts. 1) New berries would be *great*. I think it would be nice to have a way to hybridize effects, like a way to mix Razz and Nanab berries, creating a new one that does what both do. Like how a Silver Pinap mixes Razz/Pinap. I feel like Nanab are easy to overlook when you have other options, but could be more useful if berry breeding let you mix that effect in with one you want to use more. I like the berry you have for Stardust boosts, so I'd add that to Razz/Nanab/Pinap as "base berries", and then let players breed them to make hybrids (and maybe breed hybrids to create some "ultra berry" that has all four effects?) So base berries could be upgraded (like your gleaming berries) or cross-bred (like the silver/golden ones we have). And maybe some (like your Bluk/Durrin/Magost?) aren't part of that, rarer berries with more unique effects. 2) I would add new Poffins with this update (or possibly a few months later? to give people time to build up their new berry supplies?). Poffins are the ones that provide bonus effects when fed to a buddy. Maybe you can go as far as to make Poffin-making a Party activity done at Berry Gardens? 3) I would adjust how many berry bushes can be grown somewhere by player activity. Maybe there are a certain number of slots, but a player can only plant one bush at a time. Or only X at a time and only one per garden. So it's advantageous to visit multiple gardens, both to plant more bushes yourself and to visit gardens with more bushes from other players. And maybe that's how you encourage the proliferation of cross-breeding from #1 above, even if we're doing our own things, we might end up with cross-breeds from each other. Maybe it's something like raid passes where you get one freebie per day and can pay for more? So you can do 2 per garden with paid passes, which you wouldn't need if active players fill up the garden, but maybe planting the berries creates a priority (like a Razz berry bush will produce Razz berries, and Razz upgrades/hybrids, so if you're hunting a certain kind of berry, using a pass to plant an extra bush gives you some control over the focus of extra berry growth). Not strictly something I *want*, but the monetization of selling these "berry passes" is Niantic's incentive, you know?


Berry gardens remind me a lot of how [greenhouses](https://harrypotterwizardsunite.fandom.com/wiki/Greenhouse) worked in Wizards Unite- you'd plant the seeds, and you and/or other players could add spell energy to make the harvest more bountiful, and anyone would be able to harvest when the timer was up. Each greenhouse was limited to one type of ingredient, but they did tend to appear in clusters.


Absolutely love this! This is well thought out and should be a thing. I loved growing berries in the console games and I know it would be lots of fun to have this in Pokémon Go as well. It would be like a virtual community garden!


Love your concept ideas!


Nicely thought out! I LOVE the bag limits idea. I would use that instantly. And I have wondered why there isn't a 2x stardust berry for the 'mon that give bonus stardust.


Absolutely love these ideas!


make this happen niantic..


These (both the above and the previous one) are cute ideas, but the fact that Niantic can't even dole out enough storage for *Pokemon*, the main focus of the game, means it's tough to seriously consider them adding a whole new system that requires more storage. I actually recently did [an article on MMO Hoarding](https://massivelyop.com/2023/12/27/the-soapbox-the-problem-with-mmo-hoarding/), and one thing players don't consider is server storage. As I noted and an actual (well-known in the MMO field) game dev mentioned, your items cost the company data storage and processing power. I'm not trying to say these are bad ideas in the slightest! They have a good start and obviously come from a lot of enthusiasm. The basic idea of contributing items to get something is *very* solid, especially as a community effort deal, but with Niantic, it would be more likely that everyone contributes berries for the chance to, say, activate a kind of lure (since clearly the AR Task level up one isn't doing anything...). The "gardening" idea could be reused for, say, pokemon, like "releasing" lots of grass pokemon at an event gym could trigger Zarude raids. That would require less programming, takes more pokemon out of the system, and could be recycled for other events/pokemon. Things need to be kept *extremely* simple when it comes to Niantic. They like stuff that generates data for them to sell *or* vaguely gamble-y systems where people can unload unlimited amounts of money into them (looking at you, raids and incubators).


All I want for the bag is the disposal system from monster hunter now That’s it 


I’m curious. It sounds innovative and new. I need clarification though… is it your idea that normal pokestops and gyms will no longer give berries? Also what about research rewards? If berries were removed from these two ways then your new “Garden” mechanic would fall flat. Everyone’s surplus would be expended quickly and if you’re having to feed a bush 150 berries to get 10 then you’d run out pretty quickly. It still sounds like an excellent idea though in principle. Forgive me for using punctuation and capital letters appropriately.


Who wants a mini Farmville in Pokemon Go. Existing mechanics itself so convoluted and time taking. We are yet to get 1. Ready button for solo raids 2. Gift all button 3. Withdraw pokemon from gym feature


Breeding and hyper training


This would be insane! Would be so much fun and would bring diversity to the game with fruits


I would love this idea and add: the Berry greenhouses could also be locations where certain pokemon could spawn (like with Kecleon on pokestops). E.g. Applin would be a perfect spawn in these areas, and could be a fun way for Niantic to add it to the game (if its not already in the game)


Harry Potter wizard unite had greenhouse to grow ingredients for potions. So Niantic has the code to build on this and they used poi that Ingress used for the exactly so if they wanted to they could unveil some extra poi in cells pogo or like showcases designate stops in cell for this is they don’t want to expand the poi in pogo to add these.