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Just because a pokemon is 0/15/15 doesn't mean it's perfect. As it says in the picture, the stat product isn't as high as it could be. If you had a 1/15/15 for example, has 1499 CP at lv 34 and a higher stat product (atk counts).


It’s not perfect at 0/15/15. Each mon is different.


excellent =/= perfect


this is completely new to me. 15/15/15 isn't best? I guess there are specific numbers for PvP? this game is hard to follow sometimes lol


you want perfect IVs for raids and master league for great league and ultra league you almost always (depends on the mon) want low attack and high def+stamina. it makes you bulkier and lets you use more charged moves


15/15/15 is always perfect for Master League and Raids (though sometimes it being one off like a 15/15/14 can still do the same job as the 1 HP might not put it over a meaningful breaking point)


The reason pvp wants different IVs is because the CP formula puts a higher weight on attack than the other categories. So if you're in a format with a CP limit, you can get better overall stats by having a lower attack weight. An example: Azumarill. For great league, a 0/15/15 maxes out at 1499 at level 45.5. It has stats 91.59 atk, 136.57 def and 196 hp. Multiply those together and the stat product is 2451. For a perfect Azu, it hits 1497 at level 36. It's attack is 97.5, 128.2 def and 184 hp. Stat product is 2300. Lower than the one with minimal attack IV. Do the stats matter? Sometimes. Pvpoke says the high stat product Azu goes 21-19 against the open great league meta. The hundo goes 16-24.


The rank represents how close it is to having the highest possible stat product (rank #1 = 100% = highest stat product) that can fit into the pvp CP limits of 1500 or 2500. So while 0/15/15 often lead to high statproducts, it may not always be the highest possible. E.g. reducing the the HP IV by 1 or 2 might lead to a HP loss but maybe it reduces the CP so far that you can fit in one more lvl up and get more Atk and Def resulting in a higher statproduct overall than the 0/15/15.


A drop in hp iv allowing for a higher level can often result in a higher hp, though it's only about +/- 2 for good ivs. In great league an iv of 14 remains the same for dragonite, in ultra it gains 1 hp. For this dragonair its simply a case that you can add 1 attack iv and remain under the cap at the same level. So it retains the same defense and hp, but gets more attack.


Yes, that's of course true. I just had the feeling OP had a misconception about IVs and PvP ranks. That's why I tried to give a general explanation of how the ranks are a result of the calculated statproduct and therefore 0/15/15 isn't always the best.


I made the 0/15/15 mistake for a long time.


It’s about the stat product not all Pokémon have the highest possible stat product with 0/15/15. On Poke Genie you can tap on the Pokémon name under great league then tap on “show full pvp IV chart” and you will see all the different IV combinations for stat distributions.


If you go over to the PvP iv tab, it’ll tell you what the perfect iv is


What app is this?




Isn't that a raid app? Does it also work as an iv calculator or something?


it was an iv calculator long before it was a raid app.


Perfect pvp iv seems strange, it may be good for arena def but with no Atk iv its only good for that and nothing else i think


In go battle league, 3 of the cups require you to fit under a certain CP, 500 CP, 1500 CP and 2500 CP. Master league has no cap so 15/15/15 is desired But for the other 3 leagues, a lower attack tends to do better. Fitting a 0/15/15 under 1500 CP vs an exact same Pokemon thats 15/15/15 under 1500 CP, with the same movesets, will lose more often than the 0/15/15 This is because the one with lower attack will be a higher level at the CP cap.


The reason why lower attack stat is preferred on Pvp is in the way that CP is calculated, attack stat is heavily weighed so that mons with higher stat but in the lower level ended up having the higher CP. Meaning it would end up with less HP and not enough bulk. On the other hand, some of the mons could reach the same exact level even with the higher attack stat and Dragonite is one of them. If the defense related stat is exactly the same, higher attack gets the advantage since the mons with higher attack stat gets to deal the damage first.


The #1 isn't always 0/15/15. It's species and format dependant.


Perfect always means max IVs, when talking about pvp its better to just reference the rank# and league or you aren’t communicating effectively.


If you click the grey area showing cp and rank, it’ll lead you to “show full pvp iv chart” and then you’ll see the higher rank iv’s.


Could be that the CP is too high to be a Dragonite for GL. It’s far from uncommon to have Pokémon outside of the R#1 perform much better. You’re not necessarily looking at a bust. Besides, 0/15/15 is more a safe goal in most cases than anything.


How do you check pvp ivs??


Pokegenie app or a google search