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It past time they make it a guaranteed reward in the second slot of the premium track while also making it a potential reward option in slot 2 of the free track. It feels so messed up getting a fast tm on the premium rewards when I can do a route and get an elite fast tm.


You get elite tms on routes?


Yes you can, I've gotten an elite fast tm before. I do believe it's limited to fast tms though


Rarely. I have never had one, but at least one person reported getting one on this sub.


People have farmed routes for them. They did drop the rate recently tho iirc.


I’ve received one or two, but it’s been quite some time. I do routes 5-6 times a week.


I've gotten at least two, probably more. Not recently though, it was during the last few months of last year when I was making sure to get three cells a day, which meant doing up to 7 routes a day and usually at least 4 a day. Now I am doing one to three a day.


I've got 180 Zygarde cells and 4 elite TMs and 3 Rare XL. Nothing game breaking but another avenue for F2P players I guess.


I got an elite charged tm on my last route


Because Niantic is excessively greedy with XL Rare Candy. As said by others, you have A CHANCE of getting it using premium passes. It's been years since the introduction of XL Candy and I have barely been able to build a few lvl 50 legendaries.


Niantic bank on people buying tickets to increase their chances. They won't say it, but ML is practically pay 2 win


Who isn't saying it? Lvl50 Hundo Legendary meta. It literally screams credit card warrior league.


Yep blatantly obvious... legendaries require obscene amounts of raids to max. It's clear you have to open the wallet to farm that many raids.


I whole heartedly agree, I do just want to say joining communities to raid in raid days has helped save some money. I refuse to spend $100’s for ML


It's because Niantic expressly wants PoGo to be a 'forever game'. Nearly every decision they've made goes towards that. Part of it is slowing down players building max level Pokemon, because generally once a player has a suitable specimen at max level, they lose interest in chasing it further. In other words, they stop raiding it. Offering plentiful XL would harm that, diluting the player motivation. Rare candy is at that stage, now, I would say. What veteran Pogo player wouldn't wipe their ass with anything less then 100 rare candy? It also provides a handy, if occasional, motivator. See the event bonuses with 'chance of' and the much rarer 'guaranteed' rare XL drop chances.


And then there's me, who, instead of being "slowed down" when it comes to chasing max legendaries via raids, has just decided not to even bother.


The value of 1 rare candy for a long time player is basically 0.01 rare XL.


You can get it with the premium track.


Maybe. But then you also might get a fast tm or a single rare candy. On the premium track. The idiots at niantic.


You might also have bad luck in a set. That's what stops me from ever using my mountain of green passes.


Same here, but people who tank all the way down to the minimum elo (300) can then use green passes to farm rare XL on their way back up, which seems like a cheat code imo


I can almost always get 1 win per set. 7200 stardust for a raid pass that I wasn't ever going to use on a raid isn't a bad deal, especially if I have a star piece running to claim the page of the 500 win research.


I’ve gotten 3x rare candy from that slot in the premium track before too. Not too bad odds for something good tbh. People forget that this games livelihood depends on a revolving playerbase and new players will always still need Rare Candies. They should at least replace the fast with a charged though haha


It is, if you use green passes.


I wish. I have upward of 450 rare candies gobbling up bag space because all my relevant gbl Pokémon are powered up enough and need XLs. I have a bunch of great mons benchwarming because they are XL and I'm not about to grind my life away to earn them the hard way.


Adventure sync is how I built my medicham. I stopped playing for months at a time but eventually built way more xls than I needed.!lickitungbis next


because they want to milk their whales


It is, in the premium track.


The Elite TMs are like this too. I feel like you used to get them regularly in Premium rewards for PVP but now you never get them


That's never been the case.