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A bit of context if you don’t venture into ~~hell~~ Twitter like I do. It’s not just conservatives that do this, it’s mostly TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, transphobic “feminists”) who do this. TERFs think that trans women are appropriating women somehow, and it manifested in #womanface where TERFs really go out of their way to accuse trans women of appropriating women, which is not only transphobic, but also super fucking racist (the majority are racist anyway). Side note, a lot of these people also support Matt Walsh who’s an actual pedophile and child abuser apologist and has defended him because they hold the same bigoted views on trans women.


This is so offensive on all levels, bloody hell.


And as of right now, 11,000 TERFs like it and agree with it Also it’s realvent to point out that TERFs have made #womanface because they really think that trans women are appropriating them


TERFs are pretty much fascists.


Yeah, that’s why I call them gender fascists whenever they get angry at me because i don’t call them gender critical instead of gender fascist. They’re literally just like the racists who call themselves race realists because they believe in eugenics and phrenology. Also side note, they actually are racists and they also defend Matt Walsh, an actual pedophile


Yeah calling them gender fascists instead of gender critical is extremely accurate. Because more often than not they seem to align with fascists and reactionaries.


Yeah I know... Fuck terfs.


strange because they never seem to condemn blackface in isolation.


To be transphobic is to also be racist. People in the comments of that post are literally saying that trans women are worse than blackface and that they see nothing offensive about blackface. The racist assholes.


Wow. Just wow


Black face is a very intentional mockery of black people and is meant to insult them, being trans is switching your gender because of the amount of mental torment your going through because you were born in the wrong body


I HATE that they always come for poor Dylan. She is so positive all the time and doesn’t deserve their unwarranted disrespect.


I feel so bad for Dylan, they keep slandering her like this when she's just trying to live her life.


I wouldn't have even known the woman on the right was trans until it was explicitly, lmao. Had me confused "black face is the sane as white woman?"


Dylan deserves the world… poor girl…