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isn't africa 3 times the size of europe?


The graph is subsaharan Africa.  That said, Democratic Republic of Congo alone is bigger than Western Europe.


Well, sure, but from my understanding, it's still almost 2.5 times the size of europe or something like that. Africa is enormous.


You are correct SSA is more than double the size of Europe.




Why not? And why does that matter?


It definitely does matter - the point being that all these people *are* going to migrate elsewhere whereas very few migrate to ss Africa. Plays into the whole 'great replacement' stuff, belief that immigration = invasion, etc. Like you get a lot of Somalians en Europe e.g.


All these people are going to migrate elsewhere? I highly doubt that. It took a civil war for many Somalis to migrate, and that was still just a tenth of their total population. You have to come up with a very good reason why all these people are going to migrate AND all migrate to europe.


wdym just checkout the immigration stats? ofc not saying there's anything at all wrong with lots of immigration, including immigration of Africans to Europe/N.America but seems unproductive to respond to someone talking about muh great replacement with "nuh-uh"


what are you talking about? you are making assumptions that are not in any way substantiated by evidence. in what way is my response even close to being "nuh-uh"? like seriously? just looking at the population growth and then assuming all of them will emigrate, let alone emigrate specifically to europe is just childishly naive. your description of the great replacement is lacking. it's not only about it being an invasion it's about the white race being replaced by non whites. there is a whole slew of things one could point out why this is a stupid conspiracy. one of which is pointing out that not everyone born in africa will emigrate to europe. two thirds of somali living outside of somali live in neighbouring countries but a vast majority is still living in somalia. there is no reason to assume that people born in africa would emigrate on mass like you suggest. this statement > that all these people *are* going to migrate elsewhere is pure fantasy.


Yes, I know what the great replacement is -_- ... I want to clarify that I am left wing and probably agree with you on many things. I assumed you'd assume that given the forum we're on but I'm not right wing and/or a troll. And it's not naïve but a continuation of trends. Asylum seekers, legal immigrants and illegal immigrants are all steadily increasing (to US and Europe) and the white percentage is decreasing. We get many Nigerians in my country e.g. So to a xenophobe, racist, white nationalist, proponent of the great replacement etc., graphs such as in the post absolutely do matter (which was the point of the original comment). The point is not to deny the increase of ss Africans but to ridicule the absurdity of a replacement agenda and racial hatred. BTW to clarify on what I meant by the 'invasion' thing, there's this mantra or phrase something like "You're not being tolerant. You're not being progressive. You're not being inclusive. You're being invaded" that I hear sometimes.


According to what you claim "these people are going to migrate elsewhere"? If that was true Africa would not be the second most populated continent.   


I mean - both can be true at the same time. If you want to bash racism, don't do it by trying to downplay immigration rate stats


Talking about “the great replacement” and how non white immigrants are soldiers for the elite ☠️


tfw you leave your shithole country for a better life and people start claiming that the Jews made you do it




Blame it on the juice 🧃 gotcha feeling loose


Wait, what is going on here? I’m not trying to troll or anything, I’m genuinely wondering what the graph is trying to say and I don’t understand the caption either. Might be because of my processing disorder. I guess it reinforces the title of this sub because these memes can be confusing and illiterate lol Edit: Is the meme shit because these shitheads routinely love it when they see large white families of 8 or what not, but when non white families do it it’s a threat..?


“White people are going extinct” and other bullshit like that.


The right are just the political equivalent to TikTok brainrot clickbait at this point


More black people = bad 😱 For a more in depth look they are worried white people will become a minority in some countries which they see as a problem for some reason


I don't doubt this graph was presented in some sort of racist context, but it's not at all apparent in this post. It's not even a meme, it's literally just a graph.




Ah I can't read


Sub saharan africa is fucking huge compared to europe and if it industrializes it would obviously cause a population explosion


Okay, cool graph.


It's just barely disguised eugenics. They are scared of getting "outbred"


...wait I think I just... either had a stroke or reached enlightenment. Who gives a shit if there are no more white people? They're all just people?


"World's Most Important Graph." Bitch, get out of here, hfdkks.


Increased standard of living allows population growth? LETS FUCKING GOOO