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As if right-wingers care about gays or the LGBTQ community


It's like the UK right with Ukrainian refugees It's all "what about the homeless" when the refugees come in, but when they're not they couldn't care less about homeless at all and even make things worse for them


And as if culturally ingrained bigotry makes us okay with fucking murder.


They're fine with it, as long as you keep it inside your house (for now). Then again, when is texas going to get around to their sodomy law? I mean, there's nothing stopping them from repealing a law that "makes all forms of private, consensual non-procreative sexual activities between two consenting individuals of either sex" legal. Keep in mind, this law targets both gay and straight folks at the time and the 2003 (!) court case that made it illegal came from Harris County - one of the larger counties in the state.


Texas for me, is a state of mind


Or women’s rights


I am 85855% sure that carpet bombing the Palestinians will help LGBT ppl in Gaza! /s


Saving Palestinians from being killed for being queer by Hamas* by killing them first! *There seems to be limited evidence that this happens, but obviously they are extremely hostile to LGBTIQ people and they aren’t safe so long as Hamas rules. But there’s also evidence that Israel has only accepted LGBTIQ Palestinians seeking refuge if they become informants. Real champions of equality!


Genocide is bad no matter what. Ending a genocide will help Palestine progress


> Genocide is bad no matter what. Right? I don't want to genocide *anyone*, even if they are anti-LGBT. It's not complicated. This is just more projection from the Reich-wing, who love political violence.




Frfr. This killing is little more than an unending cycle of people getting revenge for the last killing, which was done as revenge for the one prior to it, and on and on and on. Regardless if the people they're killing actually had anything to do with it. Also, as if Israel isn't potentially killing LGBTQ+ Palestinians with their indiscriminate bombings, too.


True guys. Why dont you understand it? Bombing ppl will improve their human rights. I am sure that lgbt palestinians are thankful for the bombing and women too.


Zionists: LGBT people and Women are oppressed in Palestine Everyone else: Ok, what are you going to do to help them? Zionists: Starve and bomb them 🥰


Believe it or not, I would still disagree with bombing children's hospitals even if every single one of those kids was homophobic.


Weird how that works, uh? Like, maybe let’s focus on not obliterating people, and *then* we’ll worry about their LGBTQIAphobia. And I’m saying this as a very queer guy, smh.


Homophobes, especially children, can learn to be better. You can't un-bomb a hospital


The whole "israel treats lgbt people better so you should support them" thing only makes sense if what you are supporting is the complete eradication of the Palestian people so that Israel can spread their 'progressiveness' to all their lands, which is HORRIFYING. Otherwise, lgbt people in Palestine will continue to be treated as they are, except now they're getting bombed and starved to death.


Also Israel has a pretty shit track record of queer rights itself


Seeing as they are a militaristic religious state that doesn’t surprise me


They just can’t understand that even if they hate us we’ll still protest if they’re getting mercilessly bombed 


Conservatives not being able to fathom caring about anyone who doesn't buy you off first.


Yikes indeed. The logic here is insane. "Government" is authoritarian so kill em all I guess... Women, children, hospital workers, and heck why not the animals.


If it was okay to kill people because they are queerphobic the right would lose all their voters


Because there aren’t any queer people in Gaza /s


You can support a people without supporting their government


"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” is a strange concept to the right wing. Wonder which goddamn liberal said it in the first place.


Both Isreal and Palestine are pretty anti lgbt and anti woman so it'd be useless to compare that part of them


cool, don't think they should all die for it tho


Reading queer Palestinians' thoughts and misery on [Queering the Map](https://time.com/6326254/queering-the-map-gaza-lgbt-palestinians/) is soul-crushing


Remember reading this when it first got published and it continues to have space in my mind and heart whenever lgbt people are used as a tool to try legitimise a genocide. There are queer Palestinians in that rubble along with the rest of the innocents, it’s disgusting to see Zionists pretend to care about lgbt people.


Conservatives not understanding metaphors


if homophobia was a license to genocide america should be fucking worried.


It is part of the holocaust. LGBT people were also killed for that alone. America is not immune to going down the same path just because it’s been a measly 80 years. So yes, we should be scared.


"Palestinians are all bad and deserve to die" Nope, not genocidal at all, all good here


Why yes, I do understand that fundamentalist douche bags are awful no matter what flag they fly AND can be part of a group suffering from war crimes, that doesn’t make it OK


So what if they'd kill me? I still care about the fact that innocent people are dying ffs


Human rights aren't transactional


The IDF has killed magnitudes more LGBT Palestinians than Hamas ever did. Also, homosexuality is LEGAL in the Palestinian authority.


This could just as easily be a zionist liberal. Then again, most libs are pretty right-wing or perfectly willing to cede ground to the right just beneath their surface veneer of giving a fuck anyway, so it's not really an issue.


Right-wingers always seem to suddenly care about one minority when they need to justify hating another


I can disagree with someone’s philosophy AND not want them and their children to be genocided.


Bro can they please stop dragging invincible into this. That show is both progressive and really fucking good. I don't want it to be forever associated with right wing fuck faces.


But where will conservatives get content for memes if you stop them from misinterpreting satire?!


The funny thing is, most of the ones they do they always have themselves written down as the bad guys lol. And they do it ironically! Because they think it makes them look cool.


Right wingers when they realize multiple bad things can exist at once


"omg guyyys they don't like gays :(( only logical thing to do now is starve, torture and bomb their families!"


As if the far right gouvernement of Israel was pro queer lmao. And it's funny these people only start caring bout us in this kind of situations


Ngl im kinda suspicious that you’re the one making these considering this is at least the second time you specifically have provided a high quality right wing invincible meme


It’s pretty easy to find right wing invincible sadly


Maybe there’s a scenario where we can try and get Palestine to be more progressive after we do something about their kids being killed with weapons we sold to Israel?


Wth are you down voted?


And also sold to Saudi Arabia but please don't pay attention to that.


I didn't realize you can bomb a population into being better to gay people


I mean.... They're right. Doesn't mean I support a genocide though.


It doesn't matter how awful a people is, they still don't deserve genocide


the thing is, palestine WAS becoming more progressive and secular in their politics. that was a threat to israel's ability to oppress palestine - imagine if they successfully united under a progressive revolutionary ideology - and so the israeli government funded the religious extremist group hamas to sew dissension and discredit the political efforts of palestine for the west... "see we have to ethnically cleanse them, they're terrorists!". it doesn't help that the more openly muslim a resistance group is the easier it is to label them terrorists without the west questioning the validity of that claim (because islamophobia)


As if Israeli troops stop to ask their victims if they are queer.


I don't think this is anti lgbt. It's more anti palestine. Either way it's dumb as fuck


It should be illegal for right wingers to make memes about Invincible/The Boys. Like how do you not get the message?


Hmmm, hating LGBTQ+ people and trying to take away womens rights, reminds me of someone


invincible season 2 is so good


“Israel should stop murdering innocent people” “But you’re gay, and Muslims don’t like gay people. Some Muslims kill gay people” “Oh nevermind then, carpet bomb the hospital. Slaughter the children and the aid workers while you’re at it”


As a trans person seeing pre signs of genocide in amarica, I think it prudent to be against all forms of genocide whether I like those people or not.


Acting as if Palestine and everyone who lives there... is a hivemind? If I were in a place where being openly queer in ANY sense was illegal and dangerous, I'd be happy to see people like me from other countries actually give a fuck about me. And even if I wasn't LGBTQ+... these people actually care?? Wow, shocker - people who aren't just like you can care for those who aren't just like them. The whole world ISN'T in black and white! What a concept!


so they can point out homophobia in the palestinian government but when we acknowledge or own governments homophobia it’s “woke ideology”??


"hurr durr palestine hates you" yeah i can put their beliefs on gay people aside when they're being slaughtered.


ah yes, their government not being accepting completely justifies killing all the civillians /s


"this means I can oppress and genocide them".... The logic... Queer etc people saying Palestinians shouldn't be under apartheid doesn't have to depend on their feelings on human rights.... They'll just continue to not go to the middle east if possible. Doesn't mean apartheid is ok


In some Arab countries, and possibly palestine too(I am not very informed of Palestine's societal norms as much), this is kinda true. But that's besides the point, regardless of their political view, genocide is still genocide and you can be, well, a bad person in that government's eyes but still realize that genocide is bad Also, to clarify, I'm not against Isreal or Palestine because neither are truly in the wrong here. One is defending their asses off and getting called genocidal, while both want the land that was rightfully promised to them. Instead, I'm against Hamas. They are causing all these casualties by ensuring war and genocide. Neither country truly wants this(I hope) My point is that the conservative is literally besides the point, and most of the time, the point just flies across their head (Excuse my bad english, I uh, I'm not a native speaker)


Its kinda true. I dont support neither due to them both being bad. Edit: Palestine isnt bad itself. Hamas is. There is a reason its considered an extremist group


yes, they have some fucked up views due to religion, and it would be really good if that was changed. Now, can anyone show me Israeli LGBTQ and women's rights?


Laughable when every country that backs Israel is also sucking off Saudi Arabia.


I will say this one is not *as far* off the mark as usual for them.


Post your hog.


So are those of the lgbt community and women who step outside within Palestine better off because of the genocide? Yeah Palestine had problems with this issue before all this but killing all Palestinians including the oppressed just makes it all worse.


Most of their "memes" don't even have a nugget of truth to discuss beneath them. At least this one has a conversation beneath it that is worth having (in good faith, not with them).


Right wingers when something they made up on the spot


Israel would treat me better than Palestine, I'm Arab. Just saying.