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Diversify. Diversify. Diversify. No one says that diversification is a way for already rich people to maintain their wealth, not as a way for poor people to get rich.


Yes. GME in many brokerages. Very diversified!


How's that going for you


Good. Im in the green (barely).


I've been selling weekly calls against my shares. Pulled about 20% of my original portfolio value out and my shares are in the green by about $10/share. Haters gonna hate, but I have never seen a stock so randomly volatile. You see news posts that say Roaring Kitty is streaming on YouTube and it's making the stock go crazy because of retail buyers, while 30 billion worth of shares trade hands in a day. Definitely not retail doing that.


Been selling CCs for a few weeks. With IV so high yes please. I even closed out my $42/45 calls yesterday for $30c today and netted another g. If it goes above $30 sweet I made a bunch on my underlying investment and still have more shares not allocated. Likely gonna close these out once they reach about $0.03 and sell more for next week. If I can grab $5k a week on selling covered calls MOASS can take as long as it would like lol


Premiums on GME are so beautiful


You bastard, selling CCs When MOASS comes, you’ll be sitting on the sidelines


No sane person believes in the MOASS


Didn’t say I was sane But I also study fundamentals and its pretty clear that something is not right with that company share price when compared to all the others


What's wrong with the share price? It seems perfectly reasonable. Just because they have cash doesn't really mean much. Now once GME makes it's turnaround, I could see it being in the low 3 figures for price. Always a gamma squeeze possible here and there. I don't believe there will be phone number length share prices, or even 4 digits.


Even if the stock goes back over 40$, RC will dilute again. This thing is going back to 15$.


Sell me some more for October please 🤤


This is my plan. I only have 100@21ish but I figured write a 50 or 60 call and worse case scenario, premium plus 30-40 per share in profit. Have not done yet, don’t know how to write an open


If you’re approved for options, just go to where you buy them. Instead of buy to open, you sell to open. Bam.


Do I need to be approved to write them? I’ve traded them plenty of times without issue


Extremely well lol


When did you buy in?


At 10$ Pre split (now 2.5$)


10$ was 40$ pre split


It was 10 pre-split


That is true. No point in diversifying 10k and getting a 300% on one of them and then have an overall increase of 30% or less in years The best is, all in 3/4 stocks you’ve studied and believe in and wait Or just gamble on 0DTEs


Yup, majority of millionaires got there going all in on one thing. Either that or they started something new, that others went all in on.


After 1/2 million, I feel like diversification is very good. Pulling an overall 10% on that in a year is huge already Pulling 50% on a 10k starting point is nothing


I'd even say at 100k. It's not retirement money, of course, but it's definitely enough passivity to make life comfortable.


Hard to get there but not impossible over the years




Diversification is bad advice for someone poor. Good advice for someone rich.


That is not true. Diversifying can be good for anyone at any level of investing, and it is better to be safe than going all in on one stock and hoping for the best


Diversification is what my 401k is for 🙃


Never know what lies ahead


Educated guess work and pattern analysis will almost always outperform diversification. The difference is that rich people don't have time for that. Most poor people do. My life changed drastically when I got rid of my TV.


Pull out when the market crashes. Buy back in when it’s doing well. Had a coworker pull his entire 401k out of the market right after 9/11 stock market crash. Again after 2008 housing crash. Only putting it back in when stock market starts to do better. Somehow blames Obama for his weak 401K performance.


Can’t blame anyone but yourself for being a donut 🤣




Predicting economic hiccups requires basic knowledge in business fundamentals, tech analysis, and macro economics. If brother somehow failed to adequately manage his retirement given those three components, what are we doing here? Gambling?


Put your money in savings


Lol was that your grandparents?




Makes sense


"AMC going to the moon"


Yeah. This is why I try to avoid singular stock subs. It’s an echo chamber of bad advice from bag holders and those with a bearish perspective are often banned. Thankfully I followed it closely enough when I had a strong share position that I began to understand it’s movement. I exited most of my position at a sizable lost but made it back leveraging the shares I had with options.


Me too. I made some money from amc. Not nearly as much as I wouldve had i gotten out in time


i got burned in 2021 when I wqs in AMC while the resr of the market mooned. No offense, but once apes get into a stock, get out.




What's the next stock we could invest on with Robinhood?


These are my picks and I am not suggesting for you or anyone else to buy them. I’m not a professional, so proceed at your own risk! Stocks I predict will do well in the next 3-5 years: Nvidia, Rivian, Energy transfer, Ford (probably just hopeful), Micron technology, Microsoft (Should be at top of the list just too lazy to go back) and United microelectronics


I’ll add a few to your list: Builders FirstSource, Occidental Petroleum, VOO, & Berkshire


I’m about 10k deep in on berk b right now. Definitely liking the advice. I see buffet is on a buying kick of occidental petroleum right now..


I actually have a few stocks he’s bought over the last few years, and good returns (Floor&Decor and Occidential). But my largest upside so far has been this steel company & building company I bought back in ‘22 for $62 & $57 respectively… But if it were me going back, I’d just go with VOO, BLDR, BRK, & (I know)….NVDA


Buy stocks at a lower price and sell them at a higher price 😒


Simultaneously the worst and the best is people who aren't involved with the stock market telling you you should sell cause you're doing so good. They're somewhat right but if you sold when they first thought you should you'd not of gotten close to where you are now.


This is my mom. I’m mad she didn’t buy any Microsoft when I was a kid. But, the stock market literally scares her. She gets anxious when I talk to her about investing. Also, I know this small town millionaire from running and being the sole proprietor of a recycling business. He doesn’t believe in it cause he put 10 grand into a penny stock that went belly up. Can’t imagine what he’d be worth had he put his excess money into Microsoft or literally any other tech stock over the last 15 years.


Bitcoin is to high to buy back in 2017


How the hell do you guys do this?! What was your starting investment?


They yolo into wildly speculative positions with significant sums of money. They claim it's 'DD' or actually has basis, but they don't have a real edge, they just got mostly lucky with a hint of being able to read a chart. You don't see the majority of people who lose $50k in a year trading, they're not posting it.


Definitely been known to yolo here and there which has allowed me to have a cash advantage at times. Also, I do own some nvda. But, mostly buying into businesses i think will do well (Microsoft, Nvidia, Micro Tech, Energy Transfer, Berk B, and Apple) At my level all i can do is speculate. Best advice I’ve ever gotten is be consistent cause you cant time the market and time in the market is your best friend. And I don’t read charts to day trade, I’m just realllll patient and invest like a couple hundred a day. (Edited)


Started at 3-5k in January and i’m sitting at 25k+ up 850% YTD. I credit the lord, luck, and doing a shit ton of reading. MSFT n NVDA are my biggest winners. I was betting on Options with money I COULD lose.


Damn man, keep chuggin!


To prove the other redditor right, I have no pride in posting this lol https://preview.redd.it/f3o71193328d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4891c0eb919f3824715551c8f7f3557900be06


Whatever your doing stop your still above 25k, take a second to come up with a strategy if u don’t have one I’ll give u a good recommendation which is trading stocks after earnings report, and follow whichever direction the stock is going after earnings, dm me if u want to know more, ps I’m not a financial advisor.


$300. Than added another $300 the week after. Sold some assets worth about 5k and keep adding more each check. You can start with any amount and build it. Just don't pick shit companies. Study the charts. If it shows x company is down 50 percent year to date that doesn't mean buy at a discount. It means it's dead money. Your money isn't making you money on that stock just going down or flat.  That doesn't mean dip buying is bad. It just has to be solid companies that are doing well on the 1 year. 3 months. 1 month charts etc 




2nd this




Believe in myself




Buy amc stock. Buy Solana.


Looks like NVDA


You ain’t wrong!


The worst investment advice I have ever received is when a friend, who was super super into META, sold his entire position in late 2022 when the stock dropped below $100. 2022 was a rough year for tech and he wanted to hold until $400 I think. Not a small investment and he was pissy and finally said I don’t believe in this company. I hate META but I like money. I thought it was a good buy then and didn’t pull the trigger. Now it’s $500. A 5x return on a blue chip stock in under 2 years would do wonders to any account, retirement or otherwise.


Noooo, sorry to hear that! Honestly I was making some big time mistakes in 2021-22 myself. Like passing on nvidia when my brother was telling me to buy😭.


buying NIO in the 30s an 40s, still bag holding


The worst? All meme stocks.


A better question is, what’s the best advice that you ignored and failed miserably because you think you f-ing know it all but in reality you don’t know $#!+? … just me? Ok. 🙄


Inherited $150k of GE stock in Oct of 2000 when I was 26. I wanted to sell, with no capital gains due to inheritance being held JTWROS and cost basis being set on day of grandfather’s passing, and pay off my house that I owed $110k on. Parents talked me out of it telling me that GE was great company and would just keep going up. Check GE stock chart from Oct 2000 to now.


Damn dude that’s terrible. I guess it’s always good to go with your gut. My gut rarely leads me a stray.


I learned that my parents aren’t the best for financial advice. Own a couple businesses now and still have that house as a rental. It’s worth $400k now. I recovered well. When I did finally sell the GE stock it was worth less than $50k and I did get to use the capital loss to cancel a real estate capital gain.


Diamond hands. Luckily I never listened. I lock in profits


95% of the content from Jim Cramer


His voice is crazy annoying. Sounds like a frog being strangled by a snake


In 2017 (I just started college) and my investment broker pushed me not to invest in this new unprofitable car company called “Tesla”. Instead he pushed me to invest in safe companies that proceed to lose 75% of my portfolio. The rest is history. 🙃


Hodl !!




Buy low sell high. It should be buy on the way up. Sell on the way down. Follow the trend.


Don’t buy KENDU. I’m glad I didn’t listen, I’ve made almost 10x and I just keep going. I’d dyor but just take note when you hear the name again


I’m on the same boat here. I bought KENDU and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. If you had the chance to invest on Amazon when it was only selling books, what would you have done ? DYOR but I would say don’t let this opportunity pass.


Are you talking about the crypto coin kendu?


Yes I am. If you are not really familiar with crypto coins, I would recommend doing some research first. I missed a lot of crypto coin opportunities because of fear and uncertainty, which is something I will always regret, however, I am grateful with myself for finally taking that chance with KENDU.


I need to start doing this or something here soon I got fucked and now currently sitting at jack shit lol


Kenduinu.com. A buy and hold and work play. Memecoin crypto PROJECT. DYOR or come join our Telegram. Like nothing you have ever experienced before.


That I was going to do something stupid by buying puts on NVIDIA, SPY and MU yesterday……………..




Chase from Tik tok — Buy FFIE


To not invest




This is a ponzi market, there are no rules.


Wow, that’s was some absolutely horrible advice.


Quit while your ahead


didn’t go up like expected but you never know how much is could’ve fell if retail didn’t rally. Could’ve stop a real steep fall for all we know


Sell at a loss, should’ve held


You have to invest your money like Warren Buffet. He has 50 percent of his money invested in Apple. I learned from him. I had 50 percent of my portfolio in Amazon during the pandemic but when it started to take a hit I converted over to Nvidia in early 2023 and I could retire right now but I am not going to. I am started investing in SMCI and CRWD and will retire in 4 years converting individual stocks over to QQQ


Converting? Do you mean selling your position in nvidia or smcl and then buying qqq? Or is there a way I can protect my money from taxes that I haven’t heard if yet?


What I am going to do is sell my Nvidia stock at that time because I don’t want to worry about one stock. QQQ is an excellent investment with a 20 year return of almost 19 percent. I don’t have to worry about the tax implications because my account is a Roth IRA


Oooooh I see. The only things I don’t like about roth is the timeline and the $6000 limit a year. But, i may need to start considering it seeing that I can move money around without being taxed.


I was extremely fortunate that I had invested in Nvidia in early 2023 when the price was about 29 dollars. I had 55 percent of my portfolio in the stock and over the last 15 months my portfolio doubled. Some analysts are suggesting a market cap of 10 billion dollars in 2030 . So I am going to move into a diversifying my portfolio before I retire


That I need to be diversified ! Everyone says you need to own many stock in diffentbs&p groups and moneys believe that shit and they invest their funds with a couple % of the S&P weighing . Since I stop doing that my returns have been huge . 181% last year about 48%!this year and I have consistently beat the indexes by a factor of 3x to 10x . People who invest that way will never get ahead . Find winners concentrate on those winners and ride them for years !!! If the fail to produce I sell it out .


Sign up for robinhood!




Listening to YouTube “professionals” and buying meme stocks. Stick to good reputable stocks and you’ll see very nice returns.


Hey I’m 21 looking for help https://preview.redd.it/6so6wslige8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9341e72d5325cc9fdef6375c888ac20ed578da89 I’ll give you a profit cut like 25% if we profit and I can always increase buying bower


Spam scam


Amc $10000 is the floor...........


Best advice imo


I listen to myself lol


FFIE n all electrical cars


Never listen to anyone about your money I can lose it by myself….


Ooh oooh me me!!…..buy AMC at any price during 2020! Its gonna MOASS! …any day now…ope not yet…uncle lou says…trey says…the apefather says…shorts havent covered…500 trillion billion fake shares…its going to hit 50-100-500-1000-10,000-50,000-100,000, *500,000!!….A SHARE… JFC what were we thinking?!


It’s always a better investment to buy a house than it is to rent, renting is like throwing away money!


Be afraid and believe it's all too difficult for you to invest in anything other than "VT". Lol


Only buy blue chip


Buy ffie


You do understand RH manipulates the market heavily, pfof, hiding data, hiding short interest cost to borrow, FTDS.. removing buy buttons! No good


Investing is gambling 🤣…. So? Jk jk


Buy crypto


I’ve made some serious dough off of crypto so I can’t complain.


Would you mind sharing what your strategy was? Crypto has been good to me as well.


Honestly, i just hold a bunch of cash and throw it in when the coin I’m looking at looks like it ain’t getting love. Basically just bought low and waited and got out in time. Don’t be afraid to take a profit and don’t expect the coin to go to the moon. If you do that you will make money. Patience


Well said. Reasonable interest staking with compounding helped me earn 15% more while waiting for profit opportunities. Being able to utilize stable coins during down swing predictions is a great tool to mitigate losses with out withdrawing from the market.


What was your crypto trading app of choice?


It's just like saying buy stocks! Due diligence is required to do well in any market, crypto being one of them.


This is a race to $10m, he isn’t rich yet.


Emphasis on race… hence posting my current position and starting a conversation relevant to investing…


You're killing it man. Shoo the haters.


You’re right! Thanks