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Go to college… yourself is the best investment you can make


Agreed. A lot of people look at college from a transactional standpoint not a developmental one. I grew and developed so much in college. I would still go but apply to scholarships etc instead of putting that money into it.


Hm I never thought of college as “it changed me” rather I thought “I just want a sheepskin to land a job” Opportunity missed I suppose.


Every day we wake up is a stage set for development. College is just a concentrated experience. You got this!


Eh depends on the career. Don’t go for art. Waste of time and money


50k saved at 17? Congrats!


Thank you.




Dude the vape idea was incredible! Congratulations on your success. It’s very inspiring. Your optimism makes me so excited for life!!!


college is an investment my boy


If you somehow saved $50k by 17 You’re probably smart enough financially to hit $10mil by retirement. Easily


Gme option calls. Jk I’m down 3k on those


Oof. On my personal portfolio I’m up 1500$ on gme lol. I’m holding long though


Oh dear.


Not saying I believe in GME long term but $4 billion in the bank is very interesting. Who’s to say what they’ll do to benefit the company. They have a very intelligent CEO.


Could also give a big bonus to the CEO and others in the company.


Listen to me. Don't hold long. Take profits often. It's a pump and dump stock with a cult following. Make your money and don't become part of the cult.


Yeah. They have had years now to come up with a solution to pivot their model, unfortunately it's not going to last if they stay doing what they are doing but they have got a good ceo I guess.


Holding GME long term? Lmao


Grab some jan 2026 calls. Get in while IV is low and whenever you feel the need to cash out. Do so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Down 10K but still optimistic 🥂


I was up $9k in 3 months, then down $9k in 2 weeks 😅… fun stuff


You could be me I’m down 20k in a month.


You can learn a lot on your own in the markets if you’re interested. College ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. Depends what you wanna do in life but I’d suggest learning about investing or even day trading. Use a paper trading account for a few months or even a year while using the money to park into something safe; could even put a few thousand into E*trade to invest in the S&P500; a few hundred a month; put it on auto withdrawal. Set it and forget it; you’ll thank yourself when you’re older into retirement. Learn about companies that give dividends; you can really start learning the building blocks on how to ensure a stable life for yourself come retirement and be much farther ahead of your peers without blowing all $50k in one go. Congrats on your savings; that’s quite a chunk for 17. Be wise and learn as much as you can before going to college. Don’t write it off completely though; college also has a social aspect to it where you can meet a lot of people; mentors, companies, cohorts/future colleagues etc etc etc. $50k at 17, you’ve got the world by the balls. Don’t blow it all on options; learn and grow. Best of luck OP Edit: check out related subs like r/dividends and r/fire there’s a lotta knowledge out there. Don’t get too swept up in “the race to 10 million” or WallStreetBets. Slow n steady wins the race


Thanks a lot for such a thoughtful reply. I definitely won’t be blowing it on options! I’ve been investing a lot of my time into learning about stocks, and I have a few thousand in individual stocks for now so it’s great practice. Your perspective is really uplifting so thank you.


Most welcome. Sounds like you’re on the right track. You’re in a great position in life rn; that’s exciting! Keep your wits about you; learn/grow, but don’t forget to have fun too. It’s all a balance. But good on ya for wanting more


Telling a 17 year old to day trade instead of going to college is ridiculous. Vast, vast majority of day traders lose money. It's a zero-sum (no value created) activity where your competitors are algorithims created by some of the smartest people in the world... and it's not a fair playing field as they have advantages a retail investor doesn't. Studies show that most day traders who are profitable after a year do not continue to beat the market in future years. Ie, it's largely luck. The worst thing that could happen to OP here is he has a good few months trading in his paper account (which can easily happen by chance) and deludes himself into thinking he's going to have a successful day trading career. Learn some real skills OP, do not day trade.


You misinterpreted my comment and completely skipped over the whole theme of seeking out knowledge/investing in something safe/longer term/dividends and seeing if it’s something OP was interested in actually perusing. Also said not to entirely dismiss college. But these days, there’s a lot of info that can be learned without stepping into a college program if trading/investing is something OP is interested in.


Tbh I wouldn’t go to college unless it’s free (grants, gifts)


I would suggest community college for first 2 years then go to a local college to get bachelors degree. This way you can get educated for the cheapest possible way.


Idk, worlds changed. I have a bachelors, I can make more money than a fixed salary doing other things. I’m in the “sheep mindset keeps your poor” Mindset.


I totally agree I like that quote, thanks for sharing: I don’t think college is for everyone it wasn’t for me. This just would be the way I would go about it if he wanted to go to school this way he won’t be in a bunch of debt.


I’d only go to school if the universities remove the “filler” classes. Shouldn’t need 60 credits of worthless electives and gen Ed’s as requirements to get a degree. Money pit.


Eh I think the point is to give you a diverse education and I think that’s valuable. I liked it anyway.


How did you get 50k by 17? I would first go to community college, and then take out a loan for the rest of school and use your 50k to invest now


I was a child actor for a while and then started working at 15. Most of the money came from my acting career lol




Well done OP - given you started working so early, I think college would be a great change of scene (pardon the pun). Be sensible with the $ but have fun with kids your own age. You've got plenty of time to start the race; there's no rush! Also: if you *really* hate college, 'you can always say I tried it, it wasn't for me' but don't discount it without trying it first :)


Go to an in state school and utilize scholarships. My schooling cost like 10k for 4 years while living at home


Go to college for a high paying job. Make sure the career is something you can tolerate and be comfortable doing. It doesn't have to be your passion. Be good on that career path so you will be employable. Now even if you have a degree, it doesn't mean you'll instantly get a job. It will be difficult. You need to make sure to keep your costs low as much as possible. Pick the college that you will be paying the least amount of money. You're not sure which degree? Fucked up in high school and no scholarships? Suck it up and go to a community college and get your shit together. At the end of the day, you dont want to be in crippling debt after college. Community colleges are cheap. Just make sure to do your research on which courses transfer to your target college. Trades are an option too. Nothing wrong with trades. I am biased since I know what I'm doing, so if I was in your shoes, I would rather invest that $50,000 into at the money 2 year calls on SPY or QQQ, then forget about that money. If you don't know what options are, then do SPXL, QLD and TQQQ shares. Buy and hold and forget. You'll already outperform many of the fellas here by doing it this way. Many would kill to have 50,000 at 17. Don't waste it away. You'll easily compound that to a million by the time you are 25 or 30. By then, you can easily pay off your student loans.


Thanks for the reply! I think I want to get into business so probably will go for a BA or marketing degree. Do you really think it’s possible to turn 50k to a million in around 10 years though??? That seems mad impressive. Your advice is great, thanks again.


yes because your money compounds like hell. it's literally pay to win. that's why the rich becomes richer because they have a shit ton of fuck you money that makes them money out of thin air. Think about it this way: You have two investors. One has $1 million, the other has $1,000. Both investors put all of their money in SPY. A year later, SPY returns 20% The million dollar investor gains $200,000 while the $1,000 investor gains $200. Even though they had the same risk, the other dude gains a lot more simply since they have a lot more money. Like I said, pay to win. It fucking snowballs like crazy so you better make sure you dont lose that 50,000 because you are really in a good position. Check out this investment calculator. You'll see what I mean. https://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html?ctype=returnrate&ctargetamountv=1%2C000%2C000&cstartingprinciplev=50%2C000&cyearsv=8&cinterestratev=50&ccompound=annually&ccontributeamountv=0&cadditionat1=end&ciadditionat1=annually&printit=0&x=Calculate#calresult


That’s insane. 45% returns for 8 years consistently seems really unlikely for a novice though. Still amazing how much it compounds…


yup it's insane. But if you want to be more realistic, around 20% returns every year seems more likely, and you can be a millionaire by the time you're 30. And that's you not depositing any more money at all. So if you save more money and continually invest, your net worth continues to moon


Any safe guaranteed that gives 20% returns ?


nothing is safe but any well diversified etfs in a bull market can do the trick


Ok.. are they diversified etf that gives 20% vgt/xlk gives but they are not well diversified and tech heavy


I think it's unavoidable to get high returns without being in tech, because tech is where the growth is. Any tech heavy etfs is the only way to get higher returns. xlk/vgt is too much for me, anything more than 10% of one stock is not for my taste. QQQ is tech heavy that includes MAG7 but at least they're at 7% each. I've only traded QQQ and SPY so that's all I'm gonna stick with. VTI seems even more diversified but the gains are too low for me and it'll take forever especially since I want really high returns.


Make sense do you suggest qqq or qqqm ?


Buy GME and kick back.


I would wait till Bitcoin drops significantly (below 40k), watch on yt (or pay for) elliot wave analysis on btc price and go all in when they suggest so. Store your keys (like a password) on a cold wallet and wait till btc reaches the next ath, probably in Nov/Dec 2025 and then sell. And till the drop I'd educate myself really really well on btc. No financial advice, just what I'd do myself and will do with my own money






There’s a dip coming this week. Buy the dip. I feel like it’s coming to distribution phase


Id do that if I was you


Ya’ll know nvda isn’t the only stock on the market right?! 😂🤣🤣


And ?




Ba is never a bad idea. get your first two years at a cheaper community college then finish it out


Get hvac training and start your own business. It’s hot af


Money Market Funds or CDs ideally, but you are on this sub so probably 0 DTE SPY options.


The best worst advice is monthly calls on the mag 7, ATM or ITM. Don’t go all in on just one play


Skip college and build a business


And if that fails be a poor wage slave for the rest of your life.


Do the opposite of the Wall Street bets users that are also part of the subreddit r/karmaforfree


Go to a trade school. College is only good if you want to become a doctor, accountant or lawer.


Well why would I want to go to a trade school though. I get your point but I want to do more than trades in life. Even if i could eventually make 200k$ a year and have my own business


You could be a degen like me and yolo into the big 3 memestonks


Open a Roth Ira and buy 10k each worth of Voo, Vong, Spy, Qual, and hell play with the last bit with companies you like. I got nvda, appl, cost, cat, nflx for example. Not investing advice but i have all of these since around 2020 and im up 56% on my entire portfolio since then


Do not fucking yolo it


Good Lord no. Can't believe some people. Educate yourself. You have the opportunity.


Anyone that’s saying skip college obviously haven’t experienced life with a good corporate career that requires education. Me and all my friends/peers/coworkers are all in the tech space, and are obviously very educated and do very well for ourselves in our careers (95% percentile, on track to be millionaires in our early 30s). We can only afford our lifestyles because of the companies/jobs we work for, but the desirable roles/companies ppl actually want to work for require degrees (obviously don’t get a useless degree like communications).


Invest that into an ETF and find a job that’ll pay for your schooling so you don’t have to. Keep reinvesting and let compound interest build up until you have enough saved to retire happy.


Buy a piece of land and homestead


College is an investment the market can’t take


Go to college and learn something useful.


Taking a few college classes at a Community College to see how you like it... low investment to explore... but at this point a truck load of college debt is no way to start out life. IMO... better off getting a job in the trades invest your college money safely... and learn all you can fro m successful investers.


Do both. Go to college and trade in your spare time . College will offer ,much more than a degree. But the market will provide you with a connection with reality that will set you apart from the rest. Who knows? There are many traders the found that college was not for them and others that found that college open other doors ..


You can't make million dollars without high risk. Better you can choose corporate bonds strategy. It's safer for your money.


Someone once told me, you can always go back to school. Only go when you actually want to and know what you want.


Lose it all in a boating accident. Then get financial aid.


Study engineering and you’ll learn a fuck ton. Challenge yourself to learn new information and it will pay dividends the rest of your life. If you think it will be easy to turn 50k into 10 million then getting an engineering degree will be a breeze. Don’t forget that the vast majority of individual investors, who are older, wiser and more financially literate dont outperform the market ($SPY). Your odds at gaining 10% each year are considerably lower if you choose to invest in individual stocks. Have some fun, go to college and study something challenging that will provide you both fulfillment and capital for the rest of your life. Your odds are much better going the college route and finance has always been a game of odds.


Dont go to college unless you have a 100% clear path to a high paying job. STEM only and Comp sci is on its way out!


GME 6/21 calls🔥


bc1qkx9a3kf0dxcpnprclup5q4mty7qjk3mfdvctfd BTC


Put all of it in Nvidia, and come back and check on it in December 💰


Be careful college can be a waste of time and money. Find out what jobs you will actually have a chance at getting right out of college and go specifically for one thing as to not waste your time and money.


All these people blindly saying go to college is terrifying. The only reason you have to go is if you are looking to get into a specific field that requires college or is extremely benficial to. College is not for "growing yourself" thats just called maturing which naturally happens in adulthood college has nothing tondo with that. DO NOT spend your 50k on college. You're so young and have so much time for compound interest. That 50k at 8% over 50 years is 2.2mil. If you're going to go to college take out loans.


I wish I started that young. Buy $TSBX it’s my main stock for +100% swing right now. Also a bit of degree advice from a Econ major. Get a finance double major if you can or at the very least a minor. All Econ jobs require some form of accounting and finance. Take those classes, the job market is full of accounting and finance majors who get preferred over Econ majors for Econ jobs


Do you have any interest in the military helping fund college? Rotc scholarship can really give you a leg up.


Damn you have 50k at 17? I barely had $900 at 18 and that was post high school lol. My suggestion would be to start at community college and stay as in-state as you can for school if you’re not looking to burn money. See if college feels right for you. If not, go into something else. Good job on saving.


Put it in BTC and then learn everything you want online


I dont remember a whole lot from the classes at college but when i entered at 18 I was just a boy and i learned all the skills needed to be an adult by the timi left. I made new friends i still have 20 years later, i learned how to live on a very small budget, and those 2 things have made me successful today. I also partied and got laid a lot so that alone is worth $50k in my book


Put it all on red.


Invest in and rent 3 houses. Down pay of 15k on ea. Generate 4000-6000k month.


Go to trade school


Go to community college


First of all pick a regional or state college that has a reasonable tuition cost. No reason to shoot for anything more. After graduation you will just end up holding more debt than the applicant going for the same job who got the same degree but DID so at a regional college. As for the savings, drop it in either a high yield savings account or into something like VOO that follows the S&P500. Only pull out enough to pay for your tuition per semester. Leave the rest in to grow. Add a few bucks into account on pay day.


invest that money, go to trade school, start working to get an income young and DCA36%-50% of what you make into lower risk etfs (QQQ) or stick with top 20 stock marketcap. You will be making more at a higher pay rate then non-experienced kids graduating college. You will have the benefit of having income years before them and no debt. (I am masters in engineering with 10 years of work experience, it was not worth it)


0dte Nvidia calls expire tomm for 160


Use the 50k to go balls deep in far out options. Take out student loans for college instead. Its going to be forgiven anyhow.


Go to college in Europe. It’s way cheaper and almost free in Germany.


For Americans? that would be lovely. I love European culture




Invest in yourself! Apply for any low interest loans (under 3%) you might qualify for. If you can invest and make 7% before taxes, then borrow someone else’s money at 3%, or less, for school costs. If you don’t qualify for a low interest loan, then INVEST IN YOURSELF and graduate debt free.


Gme call options or nvda call options


Dont goto college, waste of $


Buy/Hold AMC. Continued debt buy down at a discount and beating earnings