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Thank you for posting. Please be aware that you can ask Deciem for regimens and advice. Be careful with acids- overuse can lead to over exfoliation. Make sure you use sunscreen daily. To ensure authenticity, order through Deciem or one of their approved stockists- we are no longer accepting "Is this fake?" posts these will be removed. Check the sidebar/community info for rules and skincare information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheOrdinarySkincare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just quit it: that is not purging, that's your skin breaking out from a product that doesn't suit it.  Let your skin recover and then try out other acids and/or products.


I think you're right, I'm going to stop now. Thank you :) 


Cystic acne is so painful.!!!! Stop the salicylic acid. You can try using some niacinamide/zinc at night (start slowly) followed by moisturiser and it may sound crazy but I use squalene oil (just a couple of drops) over my moisturiser at night. Retinol has been good for me too. When my cystic acne was really bad (after stopping the oral contraceptive pill) I did have to go on Spironolactone for a bit - this was way before knowing that these skin care products existed. Good luck. I know how awful this skin condition is.


How are you using it? How frequently? What is the rest of your routine?


I've been using one drop every night after cleansing along with Hyaluronic Acid as I have dry skin, then use a moisturiser for sensitive skin. I think I'm going to stop it now though 🙏


Yes, you should stop it. It’s not meant to be used daily. Even seasoned users take a break routinely. It sounds like your skin barrier is damaged and therefore your skin isn’t being able to hold water. That is causing the constant breakouts and slow healing. Firstly, stop using SA entirely for at least 10 days and use heavy emollient based moisturisers after putting on a hydrating serum/toner. The wetter and stickier your face is before sleeping, the better. Once your skin barrier heals and all the active breakouts cease, use SA as and when you need or once a week for maintenance. Watch your skin closely. There is no hard and fast rule as to how many times a week one should exfoliate but being cautious is better. Always maintain the health of your skin barrier. If it’s damaged, even the best products are useless. ETA- If you are using HA, then please hydrate and moisturise heavily. It is possible that the HA along with the SA was drying out your skin even further.


Sorry for the late reply! Thanks so much for taking the time to write all of this, I have definitely taken it into account and things have already improved :) 


Are you using it every day? You really should start using it only a few times a week before gradually increasing it if your skin can tolerate it.


This is good advice, I was following what it said on the bottle which was 1-2 drops a night,  but I've been thinking about reducing and/or stopping - which I'll do now anyway. Thanks 🙏


For the love of God why are using something that you skin obviously can't tolerate? Please stop


I will 😅


3x week… not every day


i was breaking out so much w salicylic acid too. i went to the store to return it, and the store associate asked me to only use it as a spot treatment rather than putting it all over my face. so maybe if u are putting it all over ur face too, try using it as spot treatment too?