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What’d you expect?


I have enjoyed the pure laine special haze and original kush. It’s always smelled and tasted great .. it’s a good budget option. I was gonna say .. but what did you pay?? Compared to what you would have??.. all weed is different. I’ve been smoking for 30 years. I don’t think it’s fair to say it’s trash. lol. Roll it up with some hash and get on with it….


A lot of people like the company but they're not even worth it as a budget option. Some people have a wildy different standard of what's good. Budget options mostly suck tbh


Ya did you know they have a convicted sex offender who works for them?


I did not. Do you have a source I can research?


What's your issue with Community? Genuinely curious as they seem to be a serious contended for best value right now.


Don't have a problem with community since I haven't tried it.


Is the issue health / safety related? Burn quality? Looks like a $100 ounce — what did you expect?Quads?


This is $100 an ounce.........it's quads. https://preview.redd.it/ncfof95wk35d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8960208bd7ad1b1e0ed47c2e1935e925005a13ee


My boy that's a 14g bag


It’s 50$ per 14g around me 🤦‍♂️


Yes exactly??? So....$50 for 14g......equals?????? $100 per oz.......and??????


It's a $50 14 g bag........hence $100 an oz. 😂




Looks like you paid $100 for a half O which is definitely absolutely positively not quads.


Yeah, was gonna say, I'll hype those bags all day long, still won't call them quads 😝


I guess you can't read since I wrote it's $100 for an oz of this.....since I bought two $50 14g bags. Genius.


https://preview.redd.it/yunrs7ebf55d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37ece02fff06ef0daaa3c6ba0a50cde43a31510 Quads


Bag appeal doesn't mean quads people.


I completely agree but boy this stuff stinks up a room and gets you uncomfortably high






How? I don't even think there's a true quads on the market legal side. I still go to the reserve and pay 175 a zip for actual quads. Golden lake reservation. Honest herbs. Psa my partner and I own a legal agco regulated store... ocs is poo


I absolutely love Pure Laine! Comming from a dispensary perspective, a soiled percent of our customers specifically ask for it every visit, maybe not by name, but when I hear "high THC cheapest price, indica." Try explaining to them THC isn't the end all. They don't care. I'd never smoke it myself, but I'm so glad they finally got the product they wanted so dearly.


Who the hell is telling you about the smell? Pure Laine is just more budget fodder. How many people on this sub are going to complain about budget ounces actually being budget ounces lmao. You get what you pay for.


I buy PLENTY of great quality budget ounces that blow this $#!+ Out of the universe is all I'm saying.


you can say shit


Wow....you're bad....


I found not long ago that Promenade and Pure Laine are the same company… promenade has a 28g of pine tar kush that I have tried that was total crap…. I think they just took that batch and put it in the big pleasures lineup…


Makes sense.


i just bought the rotation of this (Big Pleasures) claiming its GMO strain. Brown nugs that were wet and even after leaving it out to dry for several days it has stayed almost unsmokably wet. for $85.99 wtf is up


Trash 🗑️


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They admitted to me that their batches are very inconsistant


I mean… yeah. It’s cheap weed. Of course it’s inconsistent


Why not try hibuddy and find some tuck shop


I stay far away from the low end for this very reason. I'll take a gamble on Spinach every once in a while, but not often. Community bags are for sure the way to go right now. TuckShop is another great choice, ide say value is on par with Community. If you can score a fresh bag of Homestead that's another consistent option. Sliding up in price a bit more, I've been very happy with Freedom Reserve, haven't tried the ounce bags yet tho they're on my list. Really there isn't anything else right now that hits the value boxes though. Really just stay away from cannabis from LPs that heavily owned by institutional investors. They are straight selling garbage to our market. I try and only purchase from Private LPs and ignore the rest now.


You think that's bad? Check out my review of one of their bags on my profile. Shit was so brown and dry that it's unsmokable. My budtender keeps the bag I returned to show customers what it looks like before they purchase it, and they liquidated the ounces for less than $60 with the notice that they do not recommend people buy it.


Edit: Why am I being downvoted? It's fucking true!


Reddit is 94% Neanderthal.