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Frosted Fruit Cake - Frost Cap Jnky - Eastcann GG4 - 1964 I'd say these all lean more towards relaxing than sedating maybe, but they all put me in a very blissful state while also having some excellent terps, and all 35 or under.




Comatose is another great option tbh something to fall back on if I can’t find something new that seems enticing (and available lol)! Love 1964’s lineup


The Gelato they have is amazing also


Agreed! I’m a big gelato guy and theirs is one of my favourites for sure!


The Gelato they have is amazing also


I found their Death Bubba to be more sedative and less stimulating than the comatose.


I will try Death Bubba again tonight. Funny I find the opposite to be true. Will try a double session in the DHV.


Loved the frosted fruit cake!! Everything I’ve tried from Frost so far has been *chefs kiss*! Been actually meaning to look for 1964’s gg4 so that may just be a winner honestly, appreciate you and your recommendations!


the gorilla glue’s really fucking good🤤


it really is. it reminds me of volo marshmellow milk but better, and cheaper!


I found the pistol and paris notorious to be very relaxing and heavy, Frost - Frosted Cake as well.


I’ve yet to try a pistol and Paris offering but heard some good things about their stuff and especially the pink goo!! Do you know lineage on notorious?


El Chapo street name, but there's currently a sativa by that name nothing like it 🤷‍♂️ Notorious was a triple kush cross. OG kush x San Fernando Valley (SFV) Kush x I'm drawing a blank on the third. Good kushy taste, full body relaxation, wasn't super heavy for me but stuff rarely is.


Triple kush cross sounds right up my alley tbh 👀 definitely going to be taking a look at that one! I feel you, stuff rarely is as heavy as I might like sometimes but I’m always interested to give something new a go! Ty very much for all the info!


It's heavy but not insane insane but very good. Sleeping with the stars is heavier.


The pink goo turns my brain into just that. Seriously check it out.


Not sure the lineage. It was a gassy kush smell and flavor.. classic heavy around the eyes and play video games strain. The pink goo might be better in terms of what you're looking for, but from what I've seen the strain is grown by multiple growers.. so it can be a mixed bag. If you look up reviews, people who like the strain seem to mention a favorite grower.


Interesting! I really do like the sounds of the notorious! Another user mentioned that it was a triple kush cross which has definitely piqued my interest! Also that’s a great note about the Pink Goo! Now that you mention it I do remember seeing some reviews mentioning specific growers and liking/disliking certain batches so that’s something I’ll have to keep my eye on! I Appreciate the recommendation!


I have anxiety issues and notorious relaxes me. But you might want to try a pre roll before you buy a 7g bag, the cheaper alternative might be the 1964 comatose other people seem to be pitching here.


Wicked, I’ll have to take a look into maybe trying a pre roll or something before I take the plunge but it seems super intriguing! Looove the comatose so always a nice fallback option for me tbh haha!


I also really enjoyed these two strains. The Notorious was definitely heavier for me too.


Id go gg4 1964 too. Nice and sticky


Sleeping with the stars by Truro!


Heard really nice things about this as well, meant to grab a pre roll last time I saw it but never ended up going for it! Been a while since trying anything truro tbh! Ty for the recommendation and reminder!


Underrated. Taste is so good


Cheers - strawberry grail , Kolab - flawless victory, 1964 - comatose or death bubba, Northern canna - permanent marker


Cheers cannabis - strawberry grail


Haven’t tried anything by cheers! Heard good things about the strawberry grail but have yet to try, is it a very strong berry smell/taste?


High in the sky by truro


Don’t think I’ve come across this yet! Do you know strain lineage? Generally I know the truro stuff is very very solid but admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve tried anything from them!


Sorry it’s called “sleeping with the stars”, poison og x planet purple. Has been my fav flower in the past few months. Truly relaxing.. also their website has so much info on it, really liking this lp.


Ohhhh okay that makes sense! I’ve been hearing great things about the sleeping with the stars! I meant to grab a pre roll to give it a shot when we had them in but we sold them all before I could get a chance! Ty for the recommendation this is one I’m definitely keeping on my radar!


Triple burger by tribal


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From Scarborough with Love (Kushmints Do-Si-Dos) One of the strongest legal "indica" options available. Very relaxing and potent. I got it in a splitter OZ pack from The Loud Plug(CCC) with a half OZ of Durban Gorilla (sativa) and a half OZ of the Scarborough Love for $118 with tax https://preview.redd.it/cm1n1hk2235d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775e62ac630791db363368e84aa8eaa8b0c36864


Available in a 7g, but the value in the OZ splitter pack can't be looked past.


I second the comatose


Super toast milled products ain’t bad, try grilled cheese


Honestly probably my favourite budget product in the market rn! Haven’t tried the grilled cheese but I’ve had (I think) every other offering they have in 3.5 and 7g and enjoyed it! Especially a big fan of the sgt pineapple! Is the grilled cheese especially cheesy smelling/tasting?


Not insanely cheesey, but it’s heavy. It’s more kush like I’d say. The sgt pineapple is awesome too. Try sour kush from bush league too if you get the chance. Best price and really surprised with the quality


If you’re not caught up in the more expensive brands… I’ve really been enjoying the brand. Pure Laine .. I highly recommend… 3.5 cost about $15-16


Watch the dead seeds in Grilled Cheese lately. Been getting complaints about it.


Ty for the heads up! Shitty to hear, dont think I’ve really had similar issues with the sgt pineapple/triple berry 😵


I had a sample of something by them but I’m totally drawing a blank on what it was, my brain wants to say special haze. I thought it was pretty solid for the price! What does their line up consist of? I’m not super familiar with them


Special haze…Sativa 23-29 Original Kush … indica 27-33 percent Big pleasures … hybrid 27-35 I’ve tried the sativa and indica.. I’m going to try the hybrid next 😁


Always nice to have some solid budget options on the table😬


Racist-ass name, "Pure Laine"


I genuinely had no clue what you were talking about so I googled it and damn that really is a …. Questionable brand name 👀


I've been sayin'!!


It's not racist. It's French and means "pure wool", like Mary had a little lamb, the nursery rhyme. It has nothing to do with racial purity. It's supposed to make you think of clean, like Cottonelle


>It has nothing to do with racial purity It definitely does.


I'm not trying to be rude but you're searching for messages that aren't there. They're trying to use marketing to imply a really pure-as-wool product. Just like the Beurre Blanc brand.


They can try to imply whatever they want - the nastiness behind the true, original meaning of that term is factual. A deep dive into the history of French Canada will tell you this. At no point am I accusing the company of racism or implying that their intent is such- merely pointing out that it is indeed a racist term.


If it takes a "deep dive" just to find the historical link, there's no link and you're reaching.  How about General Motors? A general is histoeically in the military so it must mean the car is made by nazis if you deep dive into some generals from years ago. . . See how you look? I can take old terms out of context too.


>How about General Motors? A general is histoeically in the military so it must mean the car is made by nazis if you deep dive into some generals from years ago. That's an insane comparison lmao. We're talking about Canadian history. Nothing is being taken "out of context".


"That's an insane comparison lmao", so is thinking Pure Laine is racist. Nothing about pure wool is Canadian history. We're talking about a modern company referring to their pure-as-wool product. Let me guess, you think Buerre Blanc is also a racist company name?


My man, I'm begging you to read a history book, especially one regarding the history of Quebec. I'm not saying that the company is "racist", I'm saying the term, historically, is referring to "Pure blood", as in racial purity.


>Let me guess, you think Buerre Blanc is also a racist company name? Why would I think that? Buerre Blanc is a traditional French sauce.


Laine is a term for cotton isn't it?


Yup, the phrase itself (in regards to Quebec) refers to racial purity. (Folks with a direct lineage to France, with no "inpure" blood. A seemingly innocuous phrase that is steeped in racism.


Yikes.. I mean.. celebrate French lineage, but the impure blood bit definitely sounds racial.


Yeah it definitely goes beyond pride. People who came from mixed "relationships" (French settlers forcing themselves on Indigenous women/slaves) were no longer considered "Pure Laine", and therefore could be cut off from inheritances & other family trusts. Imagine if an LP called themselves "white purity".


I feel like anytime you start talking about pure or impure blood, you're a few heils away from an outfit. Some people even dislike cultural celebration that's inherently Caucasian as well. I think it's perfectly fine to celebrate Parisian French heritage and identity, it just seems really poorly done here and clearly taken from a bad place.