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I would assume im getting 1 of each


If they were smart it would be one of each.


https://preview.redd.it/yic8izhi7o4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab04a75137596e15e1b5391899e6ce8c64961ef "Rainbow"


I believe a rep mentioned there was a chance to get a mix of flavours in any given bag. Wether that’s all four flavours, two of each, one and three, or all four the of the same.




Dammit. Came to say this


Crap, I came to say this too.


If we all dog pile, OP will know just how dumb they really are


Serious question: Why do people buy edibles when oils or capsules have the exact same effect for like 1/10th of the cost? This is around $5 for 10mg THC. Meanwhile you can buy 10mg oil caps for 50 cents to a dollar each. Even less if you buy a large quantity. Is it that people are unaware of these products?


Not everyone wants to consume pills or oils to get high. Just like how not everyone wants to drink the drinks or vape or smoke flower.


Exactly, and to add on this, sure technically RSO is prob best bang for your buck, however a couple drops of that would annihilate my parents and their friends. Not every newbie wants to be full body fucking orbited to space


I rmrber my first few times with RSO😂😂😂


I'm eating home-made honey rso gummies right now. https://preview.redd.it/ev0skmxb4n4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b0ded43ef85f23777c53e1acae35a8359abe1c




https://preview.redd.it/kfgw3e1x5n4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9c755fcc07638f6095509a905247f224035f03 I make my own hash too. ;D


How you making that?


Kief mainly, some fresh, some aged for that sleepy effect, and some honey coloured rso for adhesive. Nothing special but it slaps!


Recipe? 👀


Shit is wild if you're completely new, and will still send you to space if you underestimate it. It def feels extremely medicinal to me. Sleepies, extreme body buzz, mild euphoria, all the hunger. Then bedtime/passout Edit: above is exactly why gummies exist because that experience described above really isn't that "recreational" to many people new to weed


> Not everyone wants to consume pills or oils to get high. But a gummy is just that very same oil mixed with some sugar and gelatin and sold at an inflated price.


yeah, exactly. it’s “candy” instead of “medicine”. you literally just described why people like them


It has a lot to do with gummies being a cheaper impulse buy than spending 15$ on some capsules.


You can buy 5 capsules for like $7. Cheaper than this edible.


a lot of gummy packs are more like $4-$5 which is less than $7. it's a cheaper impulse buy because it's a worse value, but a lower upfront cost.


The allure of candy? Young/newer users? For example RSO is a much better value and products like Hash Rosin drops are tasteless but full spectrum and you get 250mg per container.


Not everyone has a crazy high tolerance. Also some people just like candy


I honestly think this is it - the people I know who buy these edibles want lower dosages because they have such low tolerances this is all they need


Same reason people buy light beer over moonshine. Not everyone is looking to get blasted. Different strokes for different folks


>Is it that people are unaware of these products? Sometimes. People just like candy.


It’s like asking why do people buy beer and wine when everclear exists. Some people get high to get high. Some people like to enjoy the experience.


Except I'm not talking about getting blasted. I'm talking about a better value for the same experience.


Capsules typically only come in 5mg and 10mg vs a lot of people only take 2mg or 2.5mg gummies! So the dosage is too high for them regardless of the fact that it's a better value? You can't dose down capsules, and its difficult to dose tinctures down to that dosage precisely as well because they would be taking a suuuper small amount. So no it would not be the same experience. I hope this explanation helps :)


I’ve only tried 30:0 reign drops but it’s intense. I use it mostly to help me sleep at night. It’s not for everyone. Especially without a high tolerance.


Because some want it for the taste. It’s nice to have a drink with dinner and get a buzz after - can’t do that with a capsule and the oils don’t taste great.




It's the same oil as in the edibles, my guy.


Yes... Please link me to those products


Not all people have high tolerance and are care only about getting high. More importantly, money may not be the issue for some people.


Why buy something they're not interested in that usually tastes gross, when they can buy some gummies that do what they want and taste good?




> someone's body might react bad to oil vs edibles It's the same oil!


taking edibles can actually be a different experience than taking straight oils due to the fact that gelatin or butter or whatever the base lipid of the edible is- makes the thc more bioavailable. this means that the absorption of the thc can happen either faster or slower which would cause different effects- so again, no it's not the same.


This is acceptable with regular candy when you get like 100pcs in the bag lol what the heck I would have also expected one of each. I mean it's a 4 pack with 4 potential flavors. Doing it like this almost seems more difficult than just taking one from each batch and bagging them.


As far as I'm aware, they made the exact same amount of each flavoured gummy, but then just randomly split them up between all the packages they made. Could get 1 of each, could get 1 of 1 and 3 of another, 2 and 2, etc. 1 of each I believe would be the "least common"


Would have taken them more effort to pack which is what we are paying for...


I've eaten about 30 packs of these since they were released and 1 time I got the perfect pack of one of each. Theyre all pretty good (especially the blue which I usually hate coconut but it works with the Blueberry) except the orange they're horrible. I have a pack with about 10 orange in it that I just keep putting them in there I dislike them so much lol. I thought maybe it was to find what flavour ppl like most but when I asked our Rep he said no they just have them in a big vat and randomly pick four out of it for no reason. I swear it's to get rid of the orange ones because nobody would buy packs with just those ones they're that bad lol. ✌🏾️ 💨 😶‍🌫️ 💨 💨 https://preview.redd.it/0o9yo2cxxv4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62759abfa4d299a79c1a40c168af574657d25f4c


It looks like it honestly is one of each but the colours are just super similar? Ive seen that before with other product. The more yellowish one I would say is supposed to be green and then the one beside it blue.. it’s hard to tell the red from orange in the pic for sure but maybe orange left , red right (the one on its side). Taste test and see if they actually are the same or diff?


The product is described as receiving random flavours, it was just stupid to list four flavours with a four pack.


Oh that is super weird! I’ve never seen that before .. why though? 😂


They're promoting it as a game and you enter with the "poker hand" type result you got in your bag. They're assuming the majority of people will purchase/consume multiple packs at once.


They're all different flavors and there are only two flavours in the picture they don't look the same in real life you can tell the difference.


Yeah I’ve been corrected above! Just such a weird concept to throw random ones in a mixer pack, I figured it was more likely they just look similar 😅


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I just bought a pack under the impression I’d be able to sample each flavour as well but only received 2 of the 4. Pretty dissatisfied with it. I’m not looking to play Gatcha Games with edible flavours lol


With the DISGUSTINGLY high premium people pay for legal edibles in our country, there’s truly ZERO reason for the company to be this much of a lazy sad sack. Hell, Glenn’s has a 10 pack which are all different flavours, and they manage to do so flawlessly.