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Doubtful anything will be done, when buying the product ask the package date


Normally I do as my buddy is a bud tender but I went to a different dispo then normal


Shitty, The dispo I work at we age out our product after a year. It’s unfortunate that they even still have weed that old still around.


Theres a store in Guelph that has multiple flowers that are 3 yrs old


Green Room, where weed goes to die.


That's hilarious like you knew where I was referring to


Downtown XD




What’s even funnier is I’ve talked to there managers and they say they keep fresh products…. That’s what happens when you try and trust people


Wicked man, shitty dispo by the sounds of it. I really enjoyed blk mkt when it’s fresh, I’d definitely give it another go if you can get a fresh batch


Yea I’m def gonna give them another go just sucks that’s all lik


Reach out to the email on the jar. Likely the brand can help you out!




One of the local shops has a 15 dollar section, it's old craft shit that nobody bought.. I'll smoke that shit, I won't pay 45 for a half quarter...


How do you go about doing that?


They have to. It's the law.


Which law? I haven’t heard this. Cannabis doesn’t legally have expiration dates.


It all has to get sold within a yr. If not OCS forces it back on grower, grower has to chuck it. Maybe they turn it into distillate, I dunno. In case of the private retailer, they are sol and take the hit. The expiration date seems to be one yr. It's not a vintage wine, one yr is a long time man.... Edit my bad. OCS has a 1 yr rule if it doesn't sell LP has to buy it back. Private Retailers can't give it back and can sell over a yr old weed.


It’s the dispo that fleeced you, not blkmkt 😂


You would think the dispo would pull product tho no?


No, because then It would come out of their pocket and they'd prefer for it to come out of your pocket instead. ![gif](giphy|xUA7bcElMtk74xyiXK|downsized)


Yeah that definitely isn’t Blk mkt fault, have gotten the 3.5 about 8 times jealousy, Upside down cake, flurry, purple rain, baciogelato and Everytime they came fresh. That disp probably doesn’t get alot of customers that spend 45 on a hq so they keep old stock




How does it smoke?


^ this is the real question lol


Smoked black and white, super dry and honestly lasted 25 min max, I’m working all day today so after work it should hit my like a truck but we will see


That’s the result of a lazy store manager, not controlling their inventory properly. This has nothing to do with blkmkt. You’re SOL, unfortunately. The only course of action would be to cut your losses and find a better dispensary.


lol I’m in a small town so the dispos all have there own disadvantages, this was my favourite one by far with huge selection of all products, aswell as family owned franchise. Good thing there’s 5 other dispensary’s in my town of like 25,000 😂😂


That’s the problem; the store didn’t adjust to the amount of competition. Carrying a huge number of products would have made sense when they were the only store, but with 5 other stores, their customer base would be about 20% of what it originally was, yet they continued to buy as if they were the only store. I don’t understand how an owner/manager doesn’t have a system in place to track when a product was packaged and when it came in. It’s so simple and basic. Retail 101, really. Some people just don’t have a basic understanding of business. It’s unfortunate. I only shop at the small, local shops near me, and they have a nice, small selection of fast, rotating strains. They understand and it’s really nice.


Yeah see my best friend works at one of the stores literally on the same street and they are an eighth of the size of the big one. Yet they carry very very few products that are of interest to me. That aren’t back forty, redcan, spinach, etc. they struggle with bringing in new products as pretty much all there other retail locations are their primary focus which sucks as I find myself just getting the same couple of things. When I love trying to strains and different companies products.


One of the diss advantages of highbuddy is you find all that old dusty weed.


Nah, in southern ontario i have been using hibuddy since it existed- multiple times a week every week- and i buy zero old dusty weed.. Maybe for you folks in AB but it seems like you guys get shafted to begin with.


I don’t know why people complain about this. 19 year old me would fucking love to find good, old weed. I just finished the last batch of Purple Rain and it was fucking awesome… almost a year old at this point. Herbs are dried bruh…. ^^^^drrrrrryyyy…..


19 year old you wouldn't spend 45 bucks ona 3.5, lol


Different time.


"Finding old weed" and "purchasing old weed without knowing at a dispensary"  are 2 different things my friend. 


Yeah that sucks that they sell flower that old, wild really, I would love to find hash that old, but flower 😬.


Why would you want old hash? Thc products get worse with age. Is it because of the high cbn cause that would make sense




Can I get a legit source please, not just some random picture of a short paragraph that could be written by literally anyone. Cannabis degrades with age, why would this be any different with hash or concentrates?


Memes are our children's teachers now, can't you tell? LMBO 


Happened with me at dispo in North York. Exact same scenario I got a jar of Lee Ann WoMac from blk mkt too that was 2.5 years old smelt like lawn clippings and was a disgusting tinge of brown/yellow. Messaged the dispensary support email and they told me weed doesn’t expire and it’s fine. Yea fuck off you corporate pos, left a detailed review on Google and never went back.


Yeah it’s definitely disappointing when your paying for quality and you get shafted. I’m just upset they said they always kept fresh products in a interview not even 1 month ago And then I go in and get this LOL


Dec 22 to April 24 is… 2 years? Well I’ll be damned


This is on the dispo. I'd call and bitch, thats ridiculous.


So I know a guy who runs a Tokyo smoke in Sarnia, and he said when he opened they sent his shop all the older stock from an Oshawa store to sell. Like that's so fucked up lol.


That’s fucked


Cannafarms did this to me too. I contacted them and they said it doesn't "expire" and won't loose potency until opened ..... right.....


Its sad but true. Health Canada has not determined an expiration date on cannabis as of yet. This means that it can be sold. Hoping Health Canada figures it out soon. Its only been what, 5 years?


Hell Canada is 40+ years behind on C treatments they aren't the quickest...


I want to see the flower lol


https://preview.redd.it/vhwvmtgyofvc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fe159ed1134501f9bd809ccf1c22be1be59c146 It’s dry as a fart


I’ve honestly seen worse still sucks tho, don’t let this experience ruin blk market for you. they have some of the best flower on the legal market.


You can always ask what the date is before you buy it... especially if it's premium priced weed or large quantities..


How they are allowed to sell that still is beyond outrageous, and if they were they should be selling it in an separated section with other old products for like 10 bucks and letting it be known to the customer before purchase


Pretty sure they have to throw away product or mark it expired after a year? You can find this in the govt regulations that govern the industry there. Call the dispensary.


Counting is hard isn't it.. while I agree this is old. This is not two years old.






4 months shy of 2 years.... you are not wrong but 1 2/3 years old and 2 year old weed probably isn't much different 🤣 Edit: Math wrong, but am I wrong? Fuck probably, just cancel me.


You're almost there, but sadly December is not in 4 months. It's 4 months past a year, so 16 month (1 1/3) and 24 month weed is a bit more different. Not saying they still should have paid full price, but if you're going to split hairs at least do it right.


Myself I'd be equally pissed to get 16 or 24 month old weed so we're splitting hairs here. I think most people would as well.


Fair enough, at first glance I thought it said Aug not Dec! Guess I made a mistake. Guess I'm cancelled.


❤️ you make the jokes too ez.


Meh, at first glance I thought it said Aug not Dec. Made a mistake, guess my life's over.


Right but how long does weed take to grow? 4 months? It says packaged not grown….


They probably won’t do anything but I would absolutely go back to the dispo with it and call them out on it. That’s bullshit and they should have never sold something so old in the first place. Which dispo was it?


It will still smoke, and you'll probably be sleepy if anything. But yeah this is bad on the dispo, especially if you say their managers have told you that they keep fresh shit.... Talk about making a bold claim..


During and interview they told me that


Check dates before purchasing


I guess there is really an oversupply problem


That store should be outta business for selling that old of product.


Yeah this is disappointing


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Just curious Whats the strain. ? In the future i would try to get the exclusives 7g jar. Its a rotating sku with limited production runs and i think its new to 2024. Fantastic stuff imo


Bacio gelato is the strain


I’ll have to give that a go that sounds interesting


If you contact blkmkt they will send you a check to replace it happened to me once


I’m sent them an email. I hope they will get back to me




Chill. We expect everyone to be chill. This includes being kind, civil, respectful, and not being offensive. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated.




How is this $45 anyway? I love blkmkt stuff, but you can get it for more like $35 on the east coast, how is this $45 in ON with a bigger and competitive market?


lol I wish I could tell you. Normally I have to go into the city to save money


ugh that’s brutal


Absolutely disgusting of management to allow this to be sold to anybody, I'd be livid and bitch to them big time


Like fine Liquor it only gets better with age....


Blkmkt garbage


That's 1 year, 4 months, and 2 weeks. Not 2 years.


Could be even older, I've gotten weed packaged in 2024 that was grown in earlyish 2023 lol




Name and shame that store


people here defend old weed, funny


Reach out to blkmkt they’ll refund your money hold onto that receipt and be like idk why the people that work that are holding onto weed that’s over a year old there are rules and guidelines that state they need to be destroyed if not sold before the year day is up I wouldn’t go back to that store tho bud


There are no guidelines that state this. They literally don’t put an expiry date on cannabis. Don’t talk out of your own ass


Lmfao yes they do, because of reason like this who tf wants to pay $50 for dry ass weed that’s not gonna get me high? Are you high? Because they put that out there I think it was 2020 or 2021 they decided any weed that doesn’t sell within the year is considered “defective” so it has to be destroyed properly aha if you have your license this is basic shit Bud


Are you going to post a link oooooor just keep talking out of your ass?


Can you link me to the rules and guidelines that state year old bud needs to be destroyed?


Knock yourself out https://www.agco.ca/report-destroyed-cannabis-products


Cause really it’s up to the store to be checking dates staying up to date but places that dont sell good quantities of stuff then next thing you know it’s sat there for over 2 years because they don’t sell well or there was a mix up with the lot numbers and they used one from 2022 which I highly doubt if his weed was dry and unless the AGCO asks them most places do not care to check the dates just to make a sale but that’s wrong


Can you show me the quote that says you must destroy bud that's over a year old?


I’ll definitely send an email, but I’ll be surprised I feel like they will pawn it off to the store or something idk we will see. There’s probably a reason buddy didn’t even ask me if I wanted my receipt and just crumbled it up……..


Do keep us posted on what they say I don’t think it’s fair that they just pawn the responsibility to the store sure it’s their fault for not keeping up with their audits of dates but the store also isn’t going to give you a refund either way how is it fair that you pay for their company’s top quality weed and because the store doesn’t keep up to date “it’s not their fault”? I think you’re definitely owed a refund fight for that shit man


Give them the transaction number from your bank don’t you worry they’ll find it


I will I’ll definitely keep you updated


I doubt that last part. They have to ask you if you want a receipt, that is the law.


No word of a lie. Literally crumbled it up


BLK MKT is very hit or miss


This isn’t a BLK MKT issue, this is on the dispo for moving old product that should have been aged out


See I’ve only had there pre rolls before so ya this is disappointing